-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This module exposes connection internals and should only be used if you -- really know what you are doing. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.WebSockets.Connection ( PendingConnection (..) , AcceptRequest(..) , acceptRequest , acceptRequestWith , rejectRequest , Available (..) , Connection (..) , ConnectionOptions (..) , defaultConnectionOptions , receive , receiveDataMessage , receiveData , send , sendDataMessage , sendTextData , sendBinaryData , sendClose , sendCloseCode , sendPing , forkPingThread ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Builder import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Exception (AsyncException, fromException, handle, mask, onException, throwIO) import Control.Monad (unless) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import Data.List (find) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Word (Word16) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Network.WebSockets.Http import Network.WebSockets.Protocol import Network.WebSockets.Stream (Stream) import qualified Network.WebSockets.Stream as Stream import Network.WebSockets.Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A new client connected to the server. We haven't accepted the connection -- yet, though. data PendingConnection = PendingConnection { pendingOptions :: !ConnectionOptions -- ^ Options, passed as-is to the 'Connection' , pendingRequest :: !RequestHead -- ^ Useful for e.g. inspecting the request path. , pendingOnAccept :: !(Connection -> IO ()) -- ^ One-shot callback fired when a connection is accepted, i.e., *after* -- the accepting response is sent to the client. , pendingStream :: !Stream -- ^ Input/output stream } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data AcceptRequest = AcceptRequest { acceptSubprotocol :: !(Maybe B.ByteString) -- ^ The subprotocol to speak with the client. If 'pendingSubprotcols' is -- non-empty, 'acceptSubprotocol' must be one of the subprotocols from the -- list. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Utility sendResponse :: PendingConnection -> Response -> IO () sendResponse pc rsp = Stream.write (pendingStream pc) (Builder.toLazyByteString (encodeResponse rsp)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- acceptRequest :: PendingConnection -> IO Connection acceptRequest pc = acceptRequestWith pc $ AcceptRequest Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- acceptRequestWith :: PendingConnection -> AcceptRequest -> IO Connection acceptRequestWith pc ar = case find (flip compatible request) protocols of Nothing -> do sendResponse pc $ response400 versionHeader "" throwIO NotSupported Just protocol -> do let subproto = maybe [] (\p -> [("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", p)]) $ acceptSubprotocol ar response = finishRequest protocol request subproto sendResponse pc response parse <- decodeMessages protocol (pendingStream pc) write <- encodeMessages protocol ServerConnection (pendingStream pc) parseState <- newMVar (Available parse) writeState <- newMVar (Available write) sentRef <- newIORef False let connection = Connection { connectionOptions = pendingOptions pc , connectionType = ServerConnection , connectionProtocol = protocol , connectionParse = parseState , connectionWrite = writeState , connectionSentClose = sentRef } pendingOnAccept pc connection return connection where request = pendingRequest pc versionHeader = [("Sec-WebSocket-Version", B.intercalate ", " $ concatMap headerVersions protocols)] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rejectRequest :: PendingConnection -> B.ByteString -> IO () rejectRequest pc message = sendResponse pc $ response400 [] message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Type protecting the 'connectionParse' and 'connectionWrite' IO actions. By -- using this inside an 'MVar' we can protect from concurrent writes/reads, and -- writes/reads to closed channels. data Available a = Available !a | Unavailable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Connection = Connection { connectionOptions :: !ConnectionOptions , connectionType :: !ConnectionType , connectionProtocol :: !Protocol , connectionParse :: !(MVar (Available (IO (Maybe Message)))) , connectionWrite :: !(MVar (Available (Message -> IO ()))) , connectionSentClose :: !(IORef Bool) -- ^ According to the RFC, both the client and the server MUST send -- a close control message to each other. Either party can initiate -- the first close message but then the other party must respond. Finally, -- the server is in charge of closing the TCP connection. This IORef tracks -- if we have sent a close message and are waiting for the peer to respond. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Set options for a 'Connection'. data ConnectionOptions = ConnectionOptions { connectionOnPong :: !(IO ()) -- ^ Whenever a 'pong' is received, this IO action is executed. It can be -- used to tickle connections or fire missiles. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- defaultConnectionOptions :: ConnectionOptions defaultConnectionOptions = ConnectionOptions { connectionOnPong = return () } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- receive :: Connection -> IO Message receive conn = withMVarEx m Unavailable $ \state -> case state of Unavailable -> throwIO ConnectionClosed Available parse -> do mbMsg <- parse case mbMsg of Nothing -> throwIO ConnectionClosed Just msg -> return msg where m = connectionParse conn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Receive an application message. Automatically respond to control messages. -- -- When the peer sends a close control message, an exception of type 'CloseRequest' -- is thrown. The peer can send a close control message either to initiate a -- close or in response to a close message we have sent to the peer. In either -- case the 'CloseRequest' exception will be thrown. The RFC specifies that -- the server is responsible for closing the TCP connection, which should happen -- after receiving the 'CloseRequest' exception from this function. -- -- This will throw 'ConnectionClosed' if the TCP connection dies unexpectedly. receiveDataMessage :: Connection -> IO DataMessage receiveDataMessage conn = do msg <- receive conn case msg of DataMessage am -> return am ControlMessage cm -> case cm of Close i closeMsg -> do hasSentClose <- readIORef $ connectionSentClose conn unless hasSentClose $ send conn msg throwIO $ CloseRequest i closeMsg Pong _ -> do connectionOnPong (connectionOptions conn) receiveDataMessage conn Ping pl -> do send conn (ControlMessage (Pong pl)) receiveDataMessage conn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Receive a message, converting it to whatever format is needed. receiveData :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> IO a receiveData conn = do dm <- receiveDataMessage conn case dm of Text x -> return (fromLazyByteString x) Binary x -> return (fromLazyByteString x) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- send :: Connection -> Message -> IO () send conn msg = withMVarEx m Unavailable $ \state -> do case msg of (ControlMessage (Close _ _)) -> writeIORef (connectionSentClose conn) True _ -> return () case state of Unavailable -> throwIO ConnectionClosed Available write -> write msg where m = connectionWrite conn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a 'DataMessage' sendDataMessage :: Connection -> DataMessage -> IO () sendDataMessage conn = send conn . DataMessage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a message as text sendTextData :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> a -> IO () sendTextData conn = sendDataMessage conn . Text . toLazyByteString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a message as binary data sendBinaryData :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> a -> IO () sendBinaryData conn = sendDataMessage conn . Binary . toLazyByteString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a friendly close message. Note that after sending this message, -- you should still continue calling 'receiveDataMessage' to process any -- in-flight messages. The peer will eventually respond with a close control -- message of its own which will cause 'receiveDataMessage' to throw the -- 'CloseRequest' exception. This exception is when you can finally consider -- the connection closed. sendClose :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> a -> IO () sendClose conn = sendCloseCode conn 1000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a friendly close message and close code. Similar to 'sendClose', -- you should continue calling 'receiveDataMessage' until you receive a -- 'CloseRequest' exception. -- -- See for a list of close -- codes. sendCloseCode :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> Word16 -> a -> IO () sendCloseCode conn code = send conn . ControlMessage . Close code . toLazyByteString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Send a ping sendPing :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> a -> IO () sendPing conn = send conn . ControlMessage . Ping . toLazyByteString -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Forks a ping thread, sending a ping message every @n@ seconds over the -- connection. The thread dies silently if the connection crashes or is closed. forkPingThread :: Connection -> Int -> IO () forkPingThread conn n | n <= 0 = return () | otherwise = do _ <- forkIO (ignore `handle` go 1) return () where go :: Int -> IO () go i = do threadDelay (n * 1000 * 1000) sendPing conn (T.pack $ show i) go (i + 1) ignore e = case fromException e of Just async -> throwIO (async :: AsyncException) Nothing -> return () -- Like 'withMVar' but in case of exceptions it puts the given alternative -- value back into the MVar. withMVarEx :: MVar a -> a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b withMVarEx m x io = mask $ \restore -> do a <- takeMVar m b <- restore (io a) `onException` putMVar m x putMVar m a return b {-# INLINE withMVarEx #-}