Changelog for Weeder 0.1.7 #21, detect dependencies that are only required transitively #13, respect the STACK_YAML environment variable #20, add verbosity messages in a lot of places #15, tone down unused import if exporting a cross-package type #11, optimise execution speed (~3x faster) 0.1.6 #10, find files generated by alex/happy 0.1.5 If --yaml and no hints give no output 0.1.4 #9, allow --dist-dir to set the stack dist-dir Deal with operators including | in them Allow arrays of arrays of strings in the .weeder.yaml 0.1.3 #5, document how to install weeder #8, detect unused imports, even import Foo() #7, don't say modules with only instances are always redundant #6, don't give partial pattern matches when reading .weeder.yaml 0.1.2 #3, deal with space-separated hs-source-dirs 0.1.1 #2, use "stack query" rather than parsing stack.yaml 0.1 Initial version