{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleContexts #-}
	Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of WeekDaze.

	WeekDaze is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	WeekDaze is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with WeekDaze.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward

 [@DESCRIPTION@]	Defines the names & attributes of all /location/s available to be booked in the /timetable/.


module WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
-- * Constants
-- * Functions
--	countDistinctCampuses,
-- ** Accessors
#ifdef USE_HDBC
-- ** Constructor
-- ** Predicates
) where

import qualified        Data.Foldable
import qualified        Data.Map
import qualified        Data.Set
import qualified        WeekDaze.Data.Location          as Data.Location
import qualified        WeekDaze.Data.Resource          as Data.Resource
import qualified        WeekDaze.Size                   as Size

#ifdef USE_HDBC
import qualified        Database.HDBC
import qualified        Data.Convertible
import qualified        Data.Default
import qualified        Data.IntMap
import qualified        Data.Maybe
import qualified        WeekDaze.Database.Selector      as Database.Selector
import qualified        WeekDaze.Temporal.Availability  as Temporal.Availability

{- |
	* Construct from the specified database-connection.

	* CAVEAT: though the database may not permit a null value for many fields (applying its own default value when the value is unspecified),
	default values are applied here should the SQL-query return one.
fromDatabase :: (
        Database.HDBC.IConnection               connection,
        Data.Convertible.Convertible            Database.HDBC.SqlValue campus,          -- Flexible context.
        Data.Convertible.Convertible            Database.HDBC.SqlValue locationId,      -- Flexible context.
        Data.Default.Default                    campus,
        Ord                                     locationId,
        Show                                    campus
        => connection                   -- ^ An abstract database-connection.
        -> Database.HDBC.SqlValue       -- ^ The project-id.
        -> IO (LocationCatalogue locationId campus)
fromDatabase connection projectIdSql    = let
        locationCatalogueIdColumnName :: Database.Selector.ColumnName
        locationCatalogueIdColumnName   = showString tag "Id";

        facilityTableName, locationCatalogueTableName :: Database.Selector.TableName
        facilityTableName               = showString Database.Selector.tablePrefix "facility"
        locationCatalogueTableName      = showString Database.Selector.tablePrefix tag
 in do
        facilityNameByFacilityTypeId                    <- Data.Location.findFacilityNameByFacilityTypeId connection projectIdSql

        selectFacilityTypeIdsForLocationCatalogueId     <- Database.Selector.prepare connection [Data.Location.facilityTypeIdTag] [facilityTableName] [locationCatalogueIdColumnName]   -- Select the facilityTypeIds at a locationId to be defined. CAVEAT: prepared statements don't seem to work reliably with HDBC-mysql.
        Database.Selector.select connection [
         ] [locationCatalogueTableName] [(Database.Selector.projectIdColumnName, projectIdSql)] >>= fmap Data.Map.fromList . mapM (
                \locationRow -> case locationRow of
                        [locationCatalogueIdSql, locationIdSql, availabilitySql, capacitySql, campusSql]        -> do
                                facilityNames   <- map (
                                        \locationCatalogueRow -> case locationCatalogueRow of
                                                [facilityTypeIdSql]     -> let
                                                        facilityTypeId  = Data.Maybe.fromMaybe (
                                                                error . showString "WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.fromDatabase:\tnull " $ shows Data.Location.facilityTypeIdTag "."
                                                         ) . either (
                                                                error . showString "WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.fromDatabase:\tfailed to parse the value for " . shows Data.Location.facilityTypeIdTag . showString " read from the database; " . show
                                                         ) id $ Database.HDBC.safeFromSql facilityTypeIdSql
                                                 in Data.Maybe.fromMaybe (
                                                        error . showString "WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.fromDatabase:\tunknown " . showString Data.Location.facilityTypeIdTag . showChar '=' $ shows facilityTypeId "."
                                                 ) $ Data.IntMap.lookup facilityTypeId facilityNameByFacilityTypeId
                                                _                       -> error . showString "WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.fromDatabase:\tunexpected number of columns=" . shows (length locationCatalogueRow) . showString" in row of table " $ shows facilityTableName "."
                                 ) `fmap` (
                                        Database.HDBC.execute selectFacilityTypeIdsForLocationCatalogueId [locationCatalogueIdSql] >> Database.HDBC.fetchAllRows' selectFacilityTypeIdsForLocationCatalogueId
                                 ) `fmap` Database.Selector.select connection [Data.Location.facilityTypeIdTag] [facilityTableName] [(locationCatalogueIdColumnName, locationCatalogueIdSql)]   -- Select the facilityTypeIds at this locationId.
                                return {-to IO-monad-} (
                                        Data.Maybe.fromMaybe (
                                                error . showString "WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.fromDatabase:\tnull " $ shows Database.Selector.locationIdColumnName "."
                                        ) $ Database.HDBC.fromSql locationIdSql,
                                        Data.Location.mkProfile (
                                                Data.Maybe.fromMaybe (
                                                        error . showString "WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.fromDatabase:\tnull " $ shows Data.Location.capacityTag "."
                                                ) . either (
                                                        error . showString "WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.fromDatabase:\tfailed to parse the value for " . shows Data.Location.capacityTag . showString " read from the database; " . show
                                                ) id $ Database.HDBC.safeFromSql capacitySql
                                        ) (
                                                Data.Set.fromList facilityNames
                                        ) (
                                                Data.Maybe.fromMaybe Data.Default.def $ Database.HDBC.fromSql availabilitySql
                                        ) . Data.Maybe.fromMaybe Data.Default.def $ Database.HDBC.fromSql campusSql
                                 ) -- Pair.
                        _                                                                                       -> error . showString "WeekDaze.Aggregate.LocationCatalogue.fromDatabase:\tunexpected number of columns=" . shows (length locationRow) . showString " in row of table " $ shows locationCatalogueTableName "."
#endif /* USE_HDBC */

-- | Used to qualify XML.
tag :: String
tag     = "locationCatalogue"

-- | The complete set of /location/s, indexed by their 'locationId'.
type LocationCatalogue locationId campus        = Data.Resource.ResourceMap locationId (Data.Location.Profile campus)

-- | Accessor.
getLocationIds :: LocationCatalogue locationId campus -> [locationId]
getLocationIds  = Data.Map.keys

-- | Count the total available /day/s, of those /location/s offering each type of /facility/.
countDaysByFacilityName :: LocationCatalogue locationId campus -> Data.Map.Map Data.Location.FacilityName Size.NDays
countDaysByFacilityName = Data.Map.foldr (
        \profile m      -> Data.Set.foldr (
                \facilityName -> Data.Map.insertWith (+) facilityName (Data.Resource.countDaysPerWeekAvailable profile)
        ) m $ Data.Location.getFacilityNames profile
 ) Data.Map.empty

-- | Count the number of distinct /campus/es which have been configured.
countDistinctCampuses :: Ord campus => LocationCatalogue locationId campus -> Int
countDistinctCampuses   = Data.Set.size . Data.Foldable.foldr (Data.Set.insert . Data.Location.getCampus) Data.Set.empty

-- | Whether all /location/s exist on the same /campus/.
isSingleCampus :: Ord campus => LocationCatalogue locationId campus -> Bool
isSingleCampus  = (== 1) . countDistinctCampuses

-- | Extracts the set of distinct /facilities/, from the catalogue.
extractDistinctFacilityNames :: LocationCatalogue locationId campus -> Data.Location.FacilityNames
extractDistinctFacilityNames    = Data.Map.foldr (Data.Set.union . Data.Location.getFacilityNames) Data.Set.empty

-- | Find those /locations/ which meet or exceed, the specified criteria.
        :: Size.NStudents
        -> Data.Location.FacilityNames
        -> LocationCatalogue locationId campus
        -> LocationCatalogue locationId campus
findSuitableLocations requiredCapacity requiredFacilityNames    = Data.Map.filter (Data.Location.isSuitable requiredCapacity requiredFacilityNames)

-- | True if any /location/ offers any /facilities/.
hasAnyFacilities :: LocationCatalogue locationId campus -> Bool
hasAnyFacilities        = Data.Foldable.any Data.Location.hasFacilities