module WildBind.X11.EmulateSpec ( main , spec ) where import Control.Exception (bracket) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT) import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Data.Text (unpack) import qualified Graphics.X11.Xlib as Xlib import Test.Hspec import WildBind (FrontEvent (..), frontNextEvent) import qualified WildBind.Description as WBD import WildBind.X11 (KeyEventType (..), XKeyEvent (..), XMod (..), alt, ctrl, defaultRootWindow, makeFrontEnd, press, release, shift, super, withX11Front) import WildBind.X11.Emulate (sendKeyTo) import WildBind.X11.Internal.Key (KeyMaskMap, getKeyMaskMap, xKeyEventToXKeyInput) import WildBind.X11.Internal.Window (fromWinID) import WildBind.X11.TestUtil (checkIfX11Available) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = checkIfX11Available $ describe "sendKeyTo" $ do let inputs = [ alt $ super Xlib.xK_r, release Xlib.xK_w, press Xlib.xK_Right, release $ ctrl $ shift Xlib.xK_F12, ctrl $ alt Xlib.xK_3 -- ctrl $ shift Xlib.xK_bracketleft ---- "Shift" modifier is tricky, because it affects ---- the keysym depending on the keyboard and key map ---- setting. E.g., with a typical Japanese keyboard, ---- bracketleft "[" and braceleft "{" share the same ---- key, and we use Shift to input the braceleft ---- "{". So, if you use Shift modifier, you have to ---- use xK_braceleft keysym. ] forM_ inputs $ \input -> specify (unpack $ WBD.describe input) $ withX11Front $ \x11 -> do bracket (Xlib.openDisplay "") Xlib.closeDisplay $ \disp -> do kmmap <- getKeyMaskMap disp win <- makeWindow disp -- putStrLn ("Window created: " ++ show win) Xlib.sync disp False -- putStrLn ("Do send input: " ++ show input) sendKeyTo x11 (fromWinID win) input -- putStrLn ("Receiving..") (nextKey kmmap disp) `shouldReturn` input -- We have to create a dedicated window to receive events sent by -- 'sendKeyTo', because XSendEvent ignores key grabs (so X11Front -- cannot get the sent event.) -- -- By the way, key events by XTEST extension emulate the real key -- events from a real keyboard, so they are caught by key grabs. -- -- c.f. makeWindow :: Xlib.Display -> IO Xlib.Window makeWindow disp = do win <- Xlib.createSimpleWindow disp root x y w h border_width border_pixel bg_pixel -- Xlib.storeName disp win "test window" -- Xlib.mapWindow disp win Xlib.selectInput disp win select_mask Xlib.flush disp return win where root = Xlib.defaultRootWindow disp x = 0 y = 0 w = 50 h = 50 border_width = 1 border_pixel = Xlib.blackPixel disp 0 bg_pixel = Xlib.whitePixel disp 0 select_mask = Xlib.keyPressMask .|. Xlib.keyReleaseMask nextKey :: KeyMaskMap -> Xlib.Display -> IO XKeyEvent nextKey kmmap disp = Xlib.allocaXEvent $ \xev -> do Xlib.nextEvent disp xev xtype <- Xlib.get_EventType xev -- putStrLn ("Got event type: " ++ show xtype) case toKeyType xtype of Nothing -> error ("Unknown event type: " ++ show xtype) Just key_type -> do -- putStrLn ("KeyEventType = " ++ show key_type) ret <- fmap unwrapMaybe $ runMaybeT $ xKeyEventToXKeyInput kmmap key_type $ Xlib.asKeyEvent xev -- putStrLn ("Converted: " ++ show ret) return ret where toKeyType xtype | xtype == Xlib.keyPress = Just KeyPress | xtype == Xlib.keyRelease = Just KeyRelease | otherwise = Nothing error_convert = error "Cannot convert the XEvent to XKeyEvent." unwrapMaybe = maybe error_convert id