windowslive-0.2: Implements Windows Live Web Authentication and Delegated AuthenticationSource codeContentsIndex
data App
type AppID = String
appId :: App -> AppID
new :: MonadError e m => String -> String -> m App
decode :: MonadError e m => App -> String -> m URLEncoded
verifier :: App -> POSIXTime -> URLEncoded
data App Source
Visit to get your application's Application ID and Secret key
type AppID = StringSource
appId :: App -> AppIDSource
new :: MonadError e m => String -> String -> m AppSource
Create a new App, validating the Application ID and Secret key
decode :: MonadError e m => App -> String -> m URLEncodedSource
Decode, validate, and parse a String containing x-www-urlencoded |data encrypted with this application's secret
verifier :: App -> POSIXTime -> URLEncodedSource
Generate an application verifier to prove to the server that we know the secret and application ID
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