-- |
-- Copyright:  (c) 2017 Ertugrul Söylemez
-- License:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Ertugrul Söylemez <esz@posteo.de>
-- Stability:  experimental

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Control.Wire.Core
    ( -- * Wires

      -- * Events

      -- * Switching

      -- * Monad transformers

import Control.Wire.Internal

-- | Functions to be applied to the current set of wires managed by
-- 'manage'.

newtype Switch f m a b =
    Switch {
      fromSwitch :: forall s. (Wire m a b -> s) -> f s -> f s

-- | Map and filter event occurrences using the given function.

catMapE :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Event a -> Event b
catMapE f = event NotNow (maybe NotNow Now . f)

-- | Evaluate the input using the given strategy in every frame.  Valid
-- arguments include functions like `seq`.

evalWith :: (Applicative m) => (forall b. a -> b -> b) -> Wire m a a
evalWith strat = let w = Wire (\x -> x `strat` pure (x, w)) in w

-- | Map the underlying monad using the given function.

hoistW :: (Functor m) => (a -> a') -> (forall x. a -> m' x -> m x) -> Wire m' a' b -> Wire m a b
hoistW f trans = go
    go w' =
        Wire $ \x ->
            (\ ~(y, w) -> (y, go w))
            <$> trans x (stepWire w' (f x))

-- | Hold the latest occurrence of the given event starting with the
-- given initial value.  The value switch occurs in the next frame.

hold :: (Applicative m) => a -> Wire m (Event a) a
hold x' = delayW x' (hold' x')

-- | Hold the latest occurrence of the given event starting with the
-- given initial value.  The value switch occurs instantly.

hold' :: (Applicative m) => a -> Wire m (Event a) a
hold' x' = Wire $ (\x -> pure (x, hold' x)) . event x' id

-- | Run the given action once at the beginning.

initial :: (Applicative m) => Wire m (m a) a
initial = Wire $ fmap (\y -> (y, pure y))

-- | Sequence each of the given wires and collect their results.
-- Whenever the given event occurs its function is applied to the
-- current set of wires.  Changes are applied in the next frame.

    :: (Traversable f, Applicative m)
    => f (Wire m a b)
    -> Wire m (a, Event (Switch f m a b)) (f b)
manage ws' =
    Wire $ \ ~(x, mf) ->
        (\ys -> (fst <$> ys,
                 manage (event id (\(Switch f) -> f id) mf (snd <$> ys))))
        <$> traverse (`stepWire` x) ws'

-- | Sequence each of the given wires and collect their results.
-- Whenever the given event occurs its function is applied to the
-- current set of wires.  Changes are applied immediately.

    :: (Traversable f, Applicative m)
    => f (Wire m a b)
    -> Wire m (a, Event (Switch f m a b)) (f b)
manage' ws' =
    Wire $ \ ~(x, mf) ->
        (\ys -> (fst <$> ys,
                 manage' (snd <$> ys)))
        <$> traverse (`stepWire` x) (event id (\(Switch f) -> f id) mf ws')

-- | The event that never occurs.

never :: Event a
never = NotNow

-- | Sequence each of the given wires and collect their results.

sequenceW :: (Traversable f, Applicative m) => f (Wire m a b) -> Wire m a (f b)
sequenceW ws' =
    Wire $ \x ->
        (\ys -> (fst <$> ys,
                 sequenceW (snd <$> ys)))
        <$> traverse (\w' -> stepWire w' x) ws'

-- | Acts like the given wire until its event occurs, then switches to
-- the wire the occurrence contained.  The switch occurs in the next
-- frame.

switch :: (Functor m) => Wire m a (b, Event (Wire m a b)) -> Wire m a b
switch w' =
    Wire $ \x ->
        (\ ~(~(y, mw), w) -> (y, event (switch w) id mw))
        <$> stepWire w' x

-- | Acts like the given wire until its event occurs, then switches to
-- the wire the occurrence contained.  The switch occurs immediately.

switch' :: (Monad m) => Wire m a (b, Event (Wire m a b)) -> Wire m a b
switch' w' =
    Wire $ \x -> do
        ~(~(y, mw), w) <- stepWire w' x
        case mw of
          NotNow -> pure (y, switch' w)
          Now nw -> stepWire nw x

-- | Unfold the given event using the state transition functions it
-- carries.

unfoldE :: (Applicative m) => s -> Wire m (Event (s -> (a, s))) (Event a)
unfoldE s' =
    Wire $ \mf ->
        pure (case mf of
                NotNow -> (NotNow, unfoldE s')
                Now f  -> let (x, s) = f s' in (Now x, unfoldE s))

-- | Run the given action to initialise the given wire.  Example:
-- > withM (scan f) actionFromInitialInput

withM :: (Monad m) => (s -> Wire m a b) -> (a -> m s) -> Wire m a b
withM w f =
    Wire $ \x -> do
        s0 <- f x
        stepWire (w s0) x