module Data.Witness.WitnessDict where
	import Data.Witness.Any;
	import Data.Witness.SimpleWitness;
	import Control.Monad.State;
	import Data.Maybe;
	-- | A dictionary that is heterogenous up to its simple witness type @w@. 
	-- Witnesses are the keys of the dictionary, and the values they witness are the values of the dictionary.
	newtype WitnessDict w = MkWitnessDict [Any w];
	-- | An empty dictionary.
	emptyWitnessDict :: WitnessDict w;
	emptyWitnessDict = MkWitnessDict[];
	-- | Look up the first value in the dictionary that matches the given witness.
	witnessDictLookup :: (SimpleWitness w) => w a -> WitnessDict w -> Maybe a;
	witnessDictLookup wit (MkWitnessDict cells) = listToMaybe (mapMaybe (matchAny wit) cells);
	-- | Modify the first value in the dictionary that matches a particular witness.
	witnessDictModify :: (SimpleWitness w) => w a -> (a -> a) -> WitnessDict w -> WitnessDict w;
	witnessDictModify wit amap (MkWitnessDict cells) = MkWitnessDict 
		(replaceFirst ((fmap ((MkAny wit) . amap)) . (matchAny wit)) cells) where
		replaceFirst :: (a -> Maybe a) -> [a] -> [a];
		replaceFirst ama (a:aa) = case ama a of
			Just newa -> (newa:aa);
			_ -> a : (replaceFirst ama aa);
		replaceFirst _ _ = [];

	-- | Replace the first value in the dictionary that matches the witness
	witnessDictReplace :: (SimpleWitness w) => w a -> a -> WitnessDict w -> WitnessDict w;
	witnessDictReplace wit newa = witnessDictModify wit (const newa);
	-- | Add a witness and value as the first entry in the dictionary.
	witnessDictAdd :: w a -> a -> WitnessDict w -> WitnessDict w;
	witnessDictAdd wit a (MkWitnessDict cells) = MkWitnessDict ((MkAny wit a):cells);
	-- | Remove the first entry in the dictionary that matches the given witness.
	witnessDictRemove :: (SimpleWitness w) => w a -> WitnessDict w -> WitnessDict w;
	witnessDictRemove wit (MkWitnessDict cells) = MkWitnessDict 
		(removeFirst (\(MkAny cwit _) -> isJust (matchWitness wit cwit)) cells) where
		removeFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a];
		removeFirst p (a:as) | p a = as;
		removeFirst p (a:as) = a : (removeFirst p as);
		removeFirst _ _ = [];
	-- | Create a dictionary from a list of witness\/value pairs
	witnessDictFromList :: (SimpleWitness w) => [Any w] -> WitnessDict w;
	witnessDictFromList = MkWitnessDict;