name: witness version: 0.1 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Ashley Yakeley maintainer: Ashley Yakeley build-depends: base>=2.0, mtl>=1.1 category: Data synopsis: values that witness types description: A witness is a value that /witnesses/ some sort of constraint on some list of type variables. This library provides support for simple witnesses, that constrain a type variable to a single type, and equality witnesses, that constrain two type variables to be the same type. It also provides classes for representatives, which are values that represent types. See the paper /Witnesses and Open Witnesses/ (). extensions: RankNTypes MultiParamTypeClasses FlexibleInstances FlexibleContexts GADTs KindSignatures build-type: Simple exposed-modules: Control.Category Data.Witness Data.Witness.WitnessDict Data.Witness.Representative Data.Witness.List Data.Witness.Any Data.Witness.Type Data.Witness.SimpleWitness Data.Witness.EqualType