module Data.Internal.Wkb.Geometry
  ( GeometryType (..)
  , CoordinateType (..)
  , WkbGeometryType (..)
  , geometryTypeWithCoords
  ) where

import qualified Control.Monad            as Monad
import qualified Data.Binary.Get          as BinaryGet
import qualified Data.Word                as Word

import qualified Data.Internal.Wkb.Endian as Endian

data GeometryType
  = Geometry
  | Point
  | LineString
  | Polygon
  | MultiPoint
  | MultiLineString
  | MultiPolygon
  | GeometryCollection deriving (Show, Eq)

data CoordinateType = TwoD | Z | M | ZM  deriving (Show, Eq)

data WkbGeometryType = WkbGeom GeometryType CoordinateType deriving (Show, Eq)

geometryTypeWithCoords :: Endian.EndianType -> BinaryGet.Get WkbGeometryType
geometryTypeWithCoords endianType = do
  fullGeometryType <- Endian.fourBytes endianType
  let geomType = intToGeometryType $ fullGeometryType `rem` 1000
      coordType = intToCoordinateType $ fullGeometryType `div` 1000
  case (geomType, coordType) of
    (Just g, Just c) -> pure $ WkbGeom g c
    _                -> $ "Invalid WkbGeometryType: " ++ show fullGeometryType

intToGeometryType :: Word.Word32 -> Maybe GeometryType
intToGeometryType int =
  case int of
    0 -> Just Geometry
    1 -> Just Point
    2 -> Just LineString
    3 -> Just Polygon
    4 -> Just MultiPoint
    5 -> Just MultiLineString
    6 -> Just MultiPolygon
    7 -> Just GeometryCollection
    _ -> Nothing

intToCoordinateType :: Word.Word32 -> Maybe CoordinateType
intToCoordinateType int =
  case int of
    0 -> Just TwoD
    1 -> Just Z
    2 -> Just M
    3 -> Just ZM
    _ -> Nothing