{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Base
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Common core for shapes

module Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Base


  , drawShape

  -- * ShapeCTM 
  , ShapeCTM(..)
  , identityCTM

  , ctmDisplace
  , ctmCenter

  , ShapeLabel
  , runShapeLabel
  , nolabel
  , shapelabel

  ) where

import Wumpus.Basic.Graphic

import Wumpus.Core                              -- package: wumpus-core

import Data.AffineSpace                         -- package: vector-space

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid

-- | Note - this formulation prevents rounded corner shapes...
-- Currently shapes that aren\'t paths:
-- > Coordinate
-- > FreeLabel
-- Alternative 
-- > out_fun :: ShapeCTM u -> (Path u,sh)
-- All shapes expect FreeLabel are oblivious to the 
-- DrawingContext for the /shape/

data Shape u sh =  Shape 
      { src_ctm :: ShapeCTM u 
      , out_fun :: ShapeCTM u -> Image u sh

type instance DUnit (Shape u sh) = u

drawShape :: Shape u sh -> Image u sh
drawShape (Shape { src_ctm = ctm, out_fun = fn }) = fn ctm 

instance (Real u, Floating u) => Rotate (Shape u sh) where
  rotate r = updateCTM (rotateCTM r)

instance Num u => Scale (Shape u sh) where
  scale x y = updateCTM (scaleCTM x y)

instance Num u => Translate (Shape u sh) where
  translate x y = updateCTM (translateCTM x y)

updateCTM :: (ShapeCTM u -> ShapeCTM u) -> Shape u sh -> Shape u sh
updateCTM fn (Shape ctm out) = Shape (fn ctm) out

-- CTM

-- Note - all shapes need a location (usually/always the center)
-- so this needs to be stored in the CTM.

data ShapeCTM u = ShapeCTM 
      { ctm_trans_x             :: !u
      , ctm_trans_y             :: !u
      , ctm_scale_x             :: !u
      , ctm_scale_y             :: !u
      , ctm_rotation            :: Radian
  deriving (Eq,Show)

type instance DUnit (ShapeCTM u) = u

identityCTM :: Num u => ShapeCTM u
identityCTM = ShapeCTM { ctm_trans_x  = 0 
                       , ctm_trans_y  = 0 
                       , ctm_scale_x  = 1
                       , ctm_scale_y  = 1
                       , ctm_rotation = 0 }

scaleCTM :: Num u => u -> u -> ShapeCTM u -> ShapeCTM u
scaleCTM sx sy = 
    (\s x y -> s { ctm_scale_x = x*sx, ctm_scale_y = y*sy })
      <*> ctm_scale_x <*> ctm_scale_y

rotateCTM :: Radian -> ShapeCTM u -> ShapeCTM u
rotateCTM ang1 = 
    (\s ang -> s { ctm_rotation = circularModulo $ ang1+ang })
      <*> ctm_rotation

translateCTM :: Num u => u -> u -> ShapeCTM u -> ShapeCTM u
translateCTM dx dy = 
    (\s x y -> s { ctm_trans_x = x+dx, ctm_trans_y = y+dy })
      <*> ctm_trans_x <*> ctm_trans_y

ctmDisplace :: (Real u, Floating u) => Point2 u -> ShapeCTM u -> Point2 u
ctmDisplace (P2 x y) (ShapeCTM { ctm_trans_x  = dx, ctm_trans_y  = dy 
                               , ctm_scale_x  = sx, ctm_scale_y  = sy
                               , ctm_rotation = theta }) = 
    translate dx dy $ rotate theta $ P2 (sx*x) (sy*y)

ctmCenter :: (Real u, Floating u) => ShapeCTM u -> Point2 u
ctmCenter = ctmDisplace zeroPt

newtype ShapeLabel u = ShapeLabel { getShapeLabel :: ShapeCTM u -> Graphic u }

runShapeLabel :: ShapeCTM u -> ShapeLabel u -> Graphic u
runShapeLabel ctm sl = getShapeLabel sl ctm

nolabel :: ShapeLabel u
nolabel = ShapeLabel $ \_ -> mempty

-- | No scaling - change font size if needed.
shapelabel :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
             => String -> ShapeLabel u
shapelabel text = 
   ShapeLabel $ \(ShapeCTM { ctm_trans_x=dx, ctm_trans_y=dy
                           , ctm_rotation = ang }) ->
                   monoVecToCenter text >>= \v -> 
                   let ctr = P2 dx dy; bl = ctr .-^ v in 
                   rotTextline ang text (rotateAbout ang ctr bl)

rotTextline :: (Real u, Floating u) => Radian -> String -> LocGraphic u
rotTextline theta ss baseline_left = 
    withTextAttr $ \rgb attr -> 
        singleH $ rotatePrim theta $ textlabel rgb attr ss baseline_left