name: wumpus-basic version: 0.10.0 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Stephen Tetley maintainer: Stephen Tetley homepage: category: Graphics synopsis: Common drawing utilities built on wumpus-core. description: . \*\* WARNING \*\* - this package is sub-alpha. It was released to Hackage prematurely - designing a higher-level drawing library turns out to be much more demanding than designing a low-level one (Wumpus-Core). . Some of the modules (SafeFonts, SVGColours, X11Colours) are relatively stable. The core modules of @Basic.Graphic@ (@Base@, @PrimGraphic@, @DrawingContext@) are quite weather-beaten if not exactly stable, although the newer modules (@ScalingContext@, @DirectionContext@) are still quite green. Other modules (Paths, Chains, Shapes) are essentially sketches and may be radically different in subsequent updates. . . Changelog: . 0.9.0 to 0.10.0: . * @Basic.Graphic.BaseClasses@ and @Basic.Graphic.BaseTypes@ merged into same module so they can depend on each other without orphans instances. . * @DrawingF@ renamed to @DrawingR@, the related type synonyms have also been changed, e.g. @LocDrawingF@ is now @LocDrawingR@. . * Method names in the @DrawingCtxM@ class changed - @askCtx@ is now @askDC@, @localCtx@ is now @localize@. Removed the functions @askDF@, @asksDF@, @pureDF@ that worked for @DrawingF@ (now @DrawingR@), @DrawingR@ now uses the Applicative\'s @pure@ and the @DrawingCtxM@ class for these functionalities. . * @Basic.Graphic.DrawingContext@ - renamed @primary_colour@ to @stroke_colour@ and @secondary_colour@ to @fill_colour@. The setter functions has been similarly renamed. . * Added the type synonym @DrawingContextF@ to @Basic.Graphic.DrawingContext@. Changed relevant function signatures to use it. . * Re-worked the Path modules - base types entirely different, connectors entirely different, monadic path construction largely the same. . * Initial work on round cornered paths. . * Removed the type class @TextAnchor@ from @Basic.Anchors@. This was a left-over from a previous implementation of Shapes and is not relevant to the current implementation. . * Added @DirectionContext@ to @Basic.Graphic@. . * @localLG@ removed it can be acheived with composition - @localize upd . loc_graphic_function@. @lgappend@ is also removed - it can be recreated applicatively. . . build-type: Simple stability: highly unstable cabal-version: >= 1.2 extra-source-files: CHANGES, LICENSE, demo/DotPic.hs, demo/ClipPic.hs, demo/ColourCharts.hs, demo/ColourDefns.hs, demo/FontPic.hs, demo/PetriNet.hs, demo/Picture.hs, demo/Shapes.hs, demo/Symbols.hs library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base < 5, containers >= 0.3 && <= 0.4, vector-space >= 0.6, wumpus-core == 0.35.0 exposed-modules: Wumpus.Basic.Anchors, Wumpus.Basic.Arrows, Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Tips, Wumpus.Basic.Chains, Wumpus.Basic.Chains.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Chains.Derived, Wumpus.Basic.Colour.SVGColours, Wumpus.Basic.Colour.X11Colours, Wumpus.Basic.Dots, Wumpus.Basic.Dots.Primitive, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.DirectionContext, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Drawing, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.DrawingContext, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.PrimGraphic, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Query, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.ScalingContext, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TurtleClass, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TurtleMonad, Wumpus.Basic.Paths, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Connectors, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Construction, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.RoundCorners, Wumpus.Basic.SafeFonts, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Derived, Wumpus.Basic.Text.LRSymbol, Wumpus.Basic.Text.LRText, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.HList, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.Intersection, Wumpus.Basic.VersionNumber, Wumpus.Basic.PictureLanguage other-modules: extensions: ghc-options: includes: