name: wumpus-basic version: 0.12.0 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Stephen Tetley maintainer: Stephen Tetley homepage: category: Graphics synopsis: Common drawing utilities built on wumpus-core. description: . \*\* WARNING \*\* - this package is sub-alpha. It was released to Hackage prematurely - designing a higher-level drawing library turns out to be much more demanding than designing a low-level one (Wumpus-Core). . Some of the modules (SafeFonts, SVGColours, X11Colours) are relatively stable. The core modules of @Basic.Graphic@ (@Base@, @PrimGraphic@, @DrawingContext@) seem to support a good set primitive functions, but the exact types of drawing objects do not feel right at the moment. Other modules (Paths, Chains, Shapes) are still being worked out and may be substantially revised in subsequent updates. . Version 0.12.0 extends the sets of arrowheads and connectors. Unfortunately Shapes are still undercooked. . Changelog: . 0.11.0 to 0.12.0: . * Changes Base types in @Basic.Graphic@. The @Graphic@ and @Image@ types now produce (wrapped) @Primitives@, rather than Hughes lists of @Primitives@. This means they can now be transformed with the affine transformations. Removed the function @ati@, it is replaced by @at@. . * Added @Basic.Utils.Combinators@. . * Arrowheads and Connectors reworked - Arrowheads are now a functional type, Connectors use new Image combining operations from @Basic.Graphic.Base@. . * Path connectors re-worked and renamed. . * Dot hierarchy changed - @Basic.Dots@ becomes @Basic.Dots.AnchorDots@; @Basic.Dots.Primitive@ becomes @Basic.Dots.Marks@. . * @Basic.Shapes@ - internals reworked. . 0.10.0 to 0.11.0: . * Reworked arrowheads and connectors - connectors are now configurable: there are functions to make connectors with a left arrowhead, right arrowhead, none or both. . * Reworked shapes - internally shapes now create a @Path@ rather than a @Graphic@ this means the path can be manipulated (e.g. round cornered rectangles, diamonds... can be constructed). @Coordinate@ is no longer a @Shape@ - it is now similar object but of a different type. Likewise, @FreeLabel@ has been replaced by @Plaintext@ which is not a @Shape@, but has some similar properties. Unfortunately, the Shape types are still difficult to work with and a larger reworking is still necessary. . * @Basic.Paths.Base@ - @Path@ type changed, @PathEmpty@ constructor removed so empty paths cannot be created. This allows a better API for taking points on a path. It also means @Path@ is no longer an instance of Monoid. Type changes to various functions (e.g. @tipR@, @tipL@) reflecting that as paths cannot now be empty, functions on them can generally be total. @toPrimPathU@ removed as converting to a PrimPath as now always /safe/. @tracePoints@ renamed @traceLinePoints@, @tracePointsCurve@ renamed @traceCurvePoints@, @midpoint@ renamed @midway@. . * @Basic.Graphic@ - the types @ConnDrawingR@, @ConnGraphic@ etc. have had their names expanded to @ConnectorDrawingR@, @ConnectorGraphic@... . * @Basic.SafeFont@ - font names changed to use underscore separators rather than camelCase. Wumpus generally uses underscored names for /constants/. . * Removed @conn@ from @Basic.Graphic.Drawing@. Connectors should be used instead. . * The class @DrawingCtxM@ now has @Applicative@ as a superclass. . * @lineSpacing@ renamed @baselineSpacing@. . . build-type: Simple stability: highly unstable cabal-version: >= 1.2 extra-source-files: CHANGES, LICENSE, demo/ArrowCircuit.hs, demo/Arrowheads.hs, demo/ClipPic.hs, demo/ColourCharts.hs, demo/ColourDefns.hs, demo/Connectors.hs demo/DotPic.hs, demo/FontPic.hs, demo/PetriNet.hs, demo/Picture.hs, demo/Symbols.hs library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base < 5, containers >= 0.3 && <= 0.4, vector-space >= 0.6, wumpus-core == 0.36.0 exposed-modules: Wumpus.Basic.Anchors, Wumpus.Basic.Arrows, Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Connectors, Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Tips, Wumpus.Basic.Chains, Wumpus.Basic.Chains.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Chains.Derived, Wumpus.Basic.Colour.SVGColours, Wumpus.Basic.Colour.X11Colours, Wumpus.Basic.Dots.AnchorDots, Wumpus.Basic.Dots.Marks, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Drawing, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.DrawingContext, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.PrimGraphic, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Query, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.ScalingContext, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TurtleClass, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TurtleMonad, Wumpus.Basic.Paths, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Connectors, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Construction, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.ControlPoints, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.RoundCorners, Wumpus.Basic.SafeFonts, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Coordinate, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Derived, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Plaintext, Wumpus.Basic.Text.LRSymbol, Wumpus.Basic.Text.LRText, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.Combinators, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.HList, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.Intersection, Wumpus.Basic.VersionNumber, Wumpus.Basic.PictureLanguage other-modules: extensions: ghc-options: includes: