{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.TraceDrawing
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  stephen.tetley@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  GHC 
-- Drawing with /trace/ - a Writer like monad collecting 
-- intermediate graphics - and /drawing context/ - a reader monad
-- of attributes - font_face, fill_colour etc.

module Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.TraceDrawing

  , TraceDrawingT
  , runTraceDrawing
  , execTraceDrawing
  , evalTraceDrawing
  , runTraceDrawingT
  , execTraceDrawingT
  , evalTraceDrawingT

  , liftToPictureU
  , liftToPictureMb
  , mbPictureU

  , query
  , draw
  , xdraw
  , drawi
  , drawi_
  , xdrawi
  , xdrawi_

  , node
  , nodei

  ) where

import Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Base
import Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.ContextFunction
import Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.DrawingContext
import Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.GraphicTypes

import Wumpus.Core                              -- package: wumpus-core

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid

-- Note - TraceDrawing run \once\ - it is supplied with the starting
-- environment (DrawingContext) and returns a Picture.
-- Other Wumpus monads (e.g. Turtle) will typically be run inside
-- the TraceDrawing monad as a local effect, rather than built into a 
-- transformer stack.

newtype TraceDrawing u a   = TraceDrawing { 
          getTraceDrawing :: DrawingContext -> (a, HPrim u) }

newtype TraceDrawingT u m a = TraceDrawingT { 
          getTraceDrawingT :: DrawingContext -> m (a, HPrim u) }

type instance MonUnit (TraceDrawing u) = u
type instance MonUnit (TraceDrawingT u m) = u

-- Functor

instance Functor (TraceDrawing u) where
  fmap f ma = TraceDrawing $ \ctx -> 
                let (a,w) = getTraceDrawing ma ctx in (f a,w)

instance Monad m => Functor (TraceDrawingT u m) where
  fmap f ma = TraceDrawingT $ \ctx -> 
                getTraceDrawingT ma ctx >>= \(a,w) -> return (f a,w)

-- Applicative

instance Applicative (TraceDrawing u) where
  pure a    = TraceDrawing $ \_   -> (a, mempty)
  mf <*> ma = TraceDrawing $ \ctx -> 
                let (f,w1) = getTraceDrawing mf ctx
                    (a,w2) = getTraceDrawing ma ctx
                in (f a, w1 `mappend` w2)

instance Monad m => Applicative (TraceDrawingT u m) where
  pure a    = TraceDrawingT $ \_   -> return (a,mempty)
  mf <*> ma = TraceDrawingT $ \ctx -> 
                getTraceDrawingT mf ctx >>= \(f,w1) ->
                getTraceDrawingT ma ctx >>= \(a,w2) ->
                return (f a, w1 `mappend` w2)

-- Monad

instance Monad (TraceDrawing u) where
  return a  = TraceDrawing $ \_   -> (a, mempty)
  ma >>= k  = TraceDrawing $ \ctx -> 
                let (a,w1) = getTraceDrawing ma ctx
                    (b,w2) = (getTraceDrawing . k) a ctx
                in (b,w1 `mappend` w2)

instance Monad m => Monad (TraceDrawingT u m) where
  return a  = TraceDrawingT $ \_   -> return (a, mempty)
  ma >>= k  = TraceDrawingT $ \ctx -> 
                getTraceDrawingT ma ctx      >>= \(a,w1) ->
                (getTraceDrawingT . k) a ctx >>= \(b,w2) -> 
                return (b, w1 `mappend` w2)

-- TraceM 
-- Note -  @ state `mappend` a @ means the first expression in a 
-- monadic drawing is the first element in the output file. It is
-- also \*\* at the back \*\* in the the Z-Order.
-- Some control over the Z-Order, possibly by adding /layers/ to 
-- the drawing model would be valuable. 

instance TraceM (TraceDrawing u) where
  trace a = TraceDrawing $ \_ -> ((), a)

instance Monad m => TraceM (TraceDrawingT u m) where
  trace a = TraceDrawingT $ \_ -> return ((), a)

-- DrawingCtxM

instance DrawingCtxM (TraceDrawing u) where
  askDC           = TraceDrawing $ \ctx -> (ctx, mempty)
  localize upd ma = TraceDrawing $ \ctx -> getTraceDrawing ma (upd ctx)

instance Monad m => DrawingCtxM (TraceDrawingT u m) where
  askDC           = TraceDrawingT $ \ctx -> return (ctx,mempty)
  localize upd ma = TraceDrawingT $ \ctx -> getTraceDrawingT ma (upd ctx)

-- Note - the result type of runTraceDrawing and friends needs more 
-- thought and may change. 
-- Possibly a wrapped HPrim that only supports concat and safe
-- extraction is best.
-- Or it could generate a picture, but then separate drawings
-- need the picture combinators to put them together. 

runTraceDrawing :: DrawingContext -> TraceDrawing u a -> (a, HPrim u)
runTraceDrawing ctx ma = getTraceDrawing ma ctx

-- | Run the drawing returning only the output it produces, drop
-- any answer from the monadic computation.
execTraceDrawing :: DrawingContext -> TraceDrawing u a -> HPrim u
execTraceDrawing ctx ma = snd $ runTraceDrawing ctx ma

-- | Run the drawing ignoring the output it produces, return the 
-- answer from the monadic computation.
-- Note - this useful for testing, generally one would want the 
-- opposite behaviour (return the drawing, ignore than the 
-- answer).
evalTraceDrawing :: DrawingContext -> TraceDrawing u a -> a
evalTraceDrawing ctx ma = fst $ runTraceDrawing ctx ma

runTraceDrawingT :: Monad m 
                 => DrawingContext -> TraceDrawingT u m a -> m (a, HPrim u) 
runTraceDrawingT ctx ma = getTraceDrawingT ma ctx

execTraceDrawingT :: Monad m 
                  => DrawingContext -> TraceDrawingT u m a -> m (HPrim u)
execTraceDrawingT ctx ma = liftM snd $ runTraceDrawingT ctx ma

evalTraceDrawingT :: Monad m 
                  => DrawingContext -> TraceDrawingT u m a -> m a
evalTraceDrawingT ctx ma = liftM fst $ runTraceDrawingT ctx ma

-- | /Unsafe/ promotion of @HPrim@ to @Picture@.
-- If the HPrim is empty, a run-time error is thrown.
liftToPictureU :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) => HPrim u -> Picture u
liftToPictureU hf = 
    let prims = hprimToList hf in if null prims then errK else frame prims
    errK = error "toPictureU - empty prims list."

-- | /Safe/ promotion of @HPrim@ to @(Maybe Picture)@.
-- If the HPrim is empty, then @Nothing@ is returned.
liftToPictureMb :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
                => HPrim u -> Maybe (Picture u)
liftToPictureMb hf = let prims = hprimToList hf in 
    if null prims then Nothing else Just (frame prims)

-- | /Unsafe/ promotion of @(Maybe Picture)@ to @Picture@.
-- This is equivalent to:
-- > fromMaybe (error "empty") $ pic
-- This function is solely a convenience, using it saves one 
-- import and a few characters.
-- If the supplied value is @Nothing@ a run-time error is thrown.
mbPictureU :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
           => Maybe (Picture u) -> Picture u
mbPictureU Nothing  = error "mbPictureU - empty picture."
mbPictureU (Just a) = a

-- Note - need an equivalent to Parsec\`s parseTest that provides
-- a very simple way to run graphics without concern for return 
-- type or initial drawing context.


query :: DrawingCtxM m => CF a -> m a
query df = askDC >>= \ctx -> return $ runCF ctx df

-- | Draw a Graphic taking the drawing style from the 
-- /drawing context/. 
-- This operation is analogeous to @tell@ in a Writer monad.
draw :: (TraceM m, DrawingCtxM m, u ~ MonUnit m) => Graphic u -> m ()
draw gf = askDC >>= \ctx -> trace (collectH $ runGraphic ctx gf)

-- | Hyperlink version of 'draw'.
xdraw :: (TraceM m, DrawingCtxM m, u ~ MonUnit m) 
      => XLink -> Graphic u -> m ()
xdraw xl gf = draw (xlinkGraphic xl gf)

-- | Draw an Image taking the drawing style from the 
-- /drawing context/. 
-- The graphic representation of the Image is drawn in the Trace 
-- monad, and the result is returned.
drawi :: (TraceM m, DrawingCtxM m, u ~ MonUnit m) => Image u a -> m a
drawi img = askDC >>= \ctx -> 
            let (a,o) = runImage ctx img in trace (collectH o) >> return a

-- | Forgetful 'drawi'.
drawi_ ::  (TraceM m, DrawingCtxM m, u ~ MonUnit m) => Image u a -> m ()
drawi_ img = drawi img >> return ()

-- | Hyperlink version of 'drawi'.
xdrawi ::  (TraceM m, DrawingCtxM m, u ~ MonUnit m) 
       => XLink -> Image u a -> m a
xdrawi xl img = drawi (xlinkImage xl img)

-- | Forgetful 'xdrawi'.
xdrawi_ ::  (TraceM m, DrawingCtxM m, u ~ MonUnit m) 
        => XLink -> Image u a -> m ()
xdrawi_ xl img = xdrawi xl img >> return ()

node :: (TraceM m, DrawingCtxM m, PointSupplyM m, u ~ MonUnit m) 
     => LocGraphic u -> m ()
node gf = askDC    >>= \ctx -> 
          position >>= \pt  -> 
          let f    = runCF ctx gf in trace (collectH $ f pt)

nodei :: (TraceM m, DrawingCtxM m, PointSupplyM m, u ~ MonUnit m) 
     => LocImage u a -> m a
nodei imgL = askDC    >>= \ctx -> 
             position >>= \pt  -> 
             let (a,o) = runLocImage ctx pt imgL
             in trace (collectH o) >> return a