name: wumpus-basic version: 0.13.0 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Stephen Tetley maintainer: Stephen Tetley homepage: category: Graphics synopsis: Common drawing utilities built on wumpus-core. description: . \*\* WARNING \*\* - this package is sub-alpha, it was released to Hackage prematurely and while its capabilities have improved with subsequent updates it is arguably becoming even less stable and more experimental (unfortunately the only thing consistent about the API is that it consistently changes...). . Version 0.13.0 significantly differs form the previous release as font metrics support has been added and the core graphic types have been redesigned. With these re-workings some modules that were previously fairly stable have changed substantially or are likely to change soon (@Basic.PictureLanguage@ has become @Basic.DrawingComposition@; @Basic.SafeFonts@ no longer seems very /SVG safe/ so it is marked as pending change). . NOTE - many of the demos now use font metrics. Font metrics for the \"Core 14\" PostScript fonts are distributed as @*.afm@ files with GhostScript in the @fonts@ directory. Wumpus expects the GhostScript font metrics to be AFM version 2.0 files (this matches GhostScript 8.63). Alternatively, metrics for the Core 14 fonts are available from Adode (AFM version 4.1), see the links below. To run the demos properly you will need one of these sets of metrics. . Adobe Font techinal notes: . Core 14 AFM metrics: . WARNING - the font metrics parsing in version 0.13.0 is essentially a proof-of-concept and is not very robust. Generally, if a font cannot be parsed, fallback metrics will be used. At the moment there no error logging, so there is little indication of whether Wumpus has used the correct metrics or the fallback for a requested font. . Changelog: . 0.12.0 to 0.13.0: . * Major changes to @Basic.Graphic@ modules. @DrawingR@ is renamed @Drawing@ and is substantially re-worked. Graphic /functional/ types are now encapulated in the Drawing constructor @Drawing (ctx -> pt -> prim)@ rather than partially outside it @pt -> Drawing (ctx -> prim)@. @Drawing@ monad renamed @TraceDrawing@ and @DrawingT@ transformer renamed @TraceDrawingT@. . * Rudimentary font loading added, only AFM files are supported. . * @Basic.Shapes.Coordinate@ re-worked. The Coordinate type is now more like the Shapes types (excepting the intentional difference in drawing style). . * @Basic.Shapes.Plaintext@ removed. . * @Basic.Text.LRText@ completely redesigned. . . build-type: Simple stability: highly unstable cabal-version: >= 1.2 extra-source-files: CHANGES, LICENSE, demo/ArrowCircuit.hs, demo/Arrowheads.hs, demo/ClipPic.hs, demo/ColourCharts.hs, demo/ColourChartUtils.hs, demo/Connectors.hs demo/DotPic.hs, demo/DrawingCompo.hs, demo/FeatureModel.hs, demo/FontLoaderUtils.hs, demo/FontPic.hs, demo/LeftRightText.hs, demo/PetriNet.hs, demo/Symbols.hs library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base < 5, containers >= 0.3 && <= 0.4, directory >= 1.0 && < 2.0, filepath >= 1.1 && < 2.0, vector-space >= 0.6 && < 1.0, wumpus-core == 0.40.0 exposed-modules: Wumpus.Basic.Arrows, Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Connectors, Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Tips, Wumpus.Basic.Chains, Wumpus.Basic.Chains.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Chains.Derived, Wumpus.Basic.Colour.SVGColours, Wumpus.Basic.Colour.X11Colours, Wumpus.Basic.Dots.AnchorDots, Wumpus.Basic.Dots.Marks, Wumpus.Basic.DrawingComposition, Wumpus.Basic.FontLoader.AfmLoader, Wumpus.Basic.FontLoader.AfmParserBase, Wumpus.Basic.FontLoader.AfmV2Parser, Wumpus.Basic.FontLoader.AfmV4Dot1Parser, Wumpus.Basic.FontLoader.Base, Wumpus.Basic.FontLoader.GSFontMap, Wumpus.Basic.FontLoader.GSLoader, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Anchors, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.ContextFunction, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Drawing, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.DrawingContext, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.GlyphMetrics Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.GraphicOperations, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.GraphicTypes, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.Query, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.ScalingContext, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.TraceDrawing, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TurtleClass, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TurtleMonad, Wumpus.Basic.Paths, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Connectors, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.Construction, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.ControlPoints, Wumpus.Basic.Paths.RoundCorners, Wumpus.Basic.SafeFonts, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Base, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Coordinate, Wumpus.Basic.Shapes.Derived, Wumpus.Basic.Text.LRText, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.HList, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.FormatCombinators, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.Intersection, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.ParserCombinators, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.TokenParsers, Wumpus.Basic.VersionNumber other-modules: extensions: ghc-options: includes: