{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Base.UpdateDC
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010-2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Customize drawing attributes. The functions here are 
-- @DrawingContext@ modifiers to be run within a the scope of a 
-- @localize@ block (cf. @local@ of the Reader monad).
-- By convention, underscore-separated names are used for 
-- DrawingContext modifiers in this module. This is because the 
-- modifiers defined here are expected to be used mostly as static 
-- \"properties\" resembling constants in drawings.

module Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Base.UpdateDC

  -- * Globals

  -- * Line widths
  , set_line_width

  , line_default
  , line_thin
  , line_thick
  , line_ultra_thick
  , contextual_line_width
  , relative_line_width

  -- * Line cap
  , cap_default
  , cap_butt
  , cap_round
  , cap_square

  -- * Line join
  , join_default
  , join_miter
  , join_round
  , join_bevel

  -- * Dash pattern
  , set_dash_pattern

  , solid_line
  , dotted_line
  , packed_dotted
  , loose_dotted
  , dashed_line
  , packed_dashed
  , loose_dashed
  -- * Font properties
  , font_attr
  , set_font
  , set_font_size
  , scale_point_size

  , double_point_size
  , half_point_size

  -- * Text margins
  , text_margin
  , text_margin_none
  , text_margin_tight
  , text_margin_default
  , text_margin_loose

  -- * Colour
  , stroke_colour
  , fill_colour 
  , text_colour
  , single_colour

  , swap_colours
  , fill_use_stroke_colour
  , stroke_use_fill_colour

  , fill_use_text_colour
  , stroke_use_text_colour

  , text_use_stroke_colour
  , text_use_fill_colour

  ) where

import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Base.DrawingContext
import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Base.FontSupport
import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Base.Units

import Wumpus.Core                              -- package: wumpus-core

import Control.Applicative

-- helpers 

updateStrokeProps :: (StrokeAttr -> StrokeAttr) -> DrawingContextF
updateStrokeProps fn = 
    (\s i -> s { dc_stroke_props = fn i }) <*> dc_stroke_props

withFontSize :: (FontSize -> DrawingContextF) -> DrawingContextF
withFontSize fn = (\s i -> fn i s) <*> dc_font_size


-- | 'snap_grid_factors' : @ x_unit * y_unit -> DrawingContextF @
-- Set the @snap grid factors@ - a snap grid is an alternative 
-- coordinate space, it can be convenient for drawing 
-- \"box and arrow\" diagrams.
snap_grid_factors   :: Double -> Double -> DrawingContextF
snap_grid_factors xu yu = \s -> s { dc_snap_grid_factors = (xu, yu) }

-- line widths

-- | set_line_width : @ width_in_points -> DrawingContextF @
-- Set the line_width to the supplied point size.
-- Initially the line width is 1.0.
-- /Constant/ variations of the function maybe be more 
-- convenient:
-- > line_default, line_thin, line_thick, line_ultra_thick
set_line_width      :: Double -> DrawingContextF
set_line_width d    = updateStrokeProps (\s -> s { line_width = d })

-- | Set the line_width to @default@ - 1.0.
line_default        :: DrawingContextF
line_default        = set_line_width 1.0

-- | Set the line_width to @thin@ - 0.5.
line_thin           :: DrawingContextF
line_thin           = set_line_width 0.5

-- | Set the line_width to @thick@ - 2.0.
line_thick          :: DrawingContextF
line_thick          = set_line_width 2.0

-- | Set the line_width to @ultra_thick@ - 4.0.
line_ultra_thick    :: DrawingContextF
line_ultra_thick    = set_line_width 4.0

-- | Scale the line width respective to its current value. 
-- The size is calculated with the supplied function.
relative_line_width :: (Double -> Double) -> DrawingContextF
relative_line_width fn = 
    updateStrokeProps (\s -> let lw = line_width s in s { line_width = fn lw })

-- | Set the line width to a size relative to the current font 
-- size. The size is calculated with the supplied function.
contextual_line_width :: (FontSize -> Double) -> DrawingContextF
contextual_line_width fn = 
    withFontSize $ \sz s -> set_line_width (fn sz) s

-- Line props

setLineCap          :: LineCap -> DrawingContextF
setLineCap d        = updateStrokeProps (\s -> s { line_cap = d })

setLineJoin         :: LineJoin -> DrawingContextF
setLineJoin d       = updateStrokeProps (\s -> s { line_join = d })

-- | Set the line_cap to the default which is @butt@.
-- This is a synonym for 'cap_butt'.
cap_default         :: DrawingContextF
cap_default         = cap_butt

-- | Set the line_cap to @butt@.
-- Butt chamfers off the stroke, flush to the end point.
-- This is the default.
-- >  .-------.
-- >  |=======|
-- >  '-------'
cap_butt            :: DrawingContextF
cap_butt            = setLineCap CapButt

-- | Set the line_cap to @round@.
-- This rounds the end of the stroke and the visually the 
-- rounding slightly extends the length of the line.
-- >  .-------.
-- > ( ======= )
-- >  '-------'
cap_round           :: DrawingContextF
cap_round           = setLineCap CapRound

-- | Set the line_cap to @square@.
-- This squares off the end of the stroke, but visual extends the 
-- stroke by half the line width.
-- >  .---------.
-- >  | ======= |
-- >  '---------'
cap_square          :: DrawingContextF
cap_square          = setLineCap CapSquare

-- | Set the line_join to the default which is @miter@.
-- This is a synonym for 'join_miter'.
join_default        :: DrawingContextF
join_default        = join_miter

-- | Set the line_join to @miter@.
-- This extends the joining line segments to form a sharp miter.
-- This is the default.
-- >      /\
-- >     /..\ 
-- >    /./\.\
-- >   /./  \.\
-- >  /./    \.\
join_miter          :: DrawingContextF
join_miter          = setLineJoin JoinMiter

-- | Set the line_join to @round@.
-- This rounds off the corner of the joined line segments.
-- >  \.\  
-- >   \.\ 
-- >    ,.)
-- >   /./
-- >  /./
join_round          :: DrawingContextF
join_round          = setLineJoin JoinRound

-- | Set the line_join to @round@.
-- This bevels off the corner of the joined line segments with a 
-- notch.
-- >      __
-- >     /..\ 
-- >    /./\.\
-- >   /./  \.\
-- >  /./    \.\
join_bevel          :: DrawingContextF
join_bevel          = setLineJoin JoinBevel


-- | Set the dash pattern.
-- Initially the dash pattern is 'Solid'.
set_dash_pattern    :: DashPattern -> DrawingContextF
set_dash_pattern d  = updateStrokeProps (\s -> s { dash_pattern = d })        

-- | Set the dash_pattern to @solid@ - i.e. no dash pattern.
-- This is the default.
solid_line          :: DrawingContextF 
solid_line          = set_dash_pattern Solid

-- | Set the dash pattern to draw a dotted line.
-- A dot is actually a square - side length is equal to the line 
-- width.
-- The spacing between dots is 2 times the dot width.
dotted_line         :: DrawingContextF 
dotted_line         = set_dash_pattern $ Dash 0 [(1,2)]

-- | Set the dash pattern to draw a tightly packed dotted line.
-- A dot is actually a square - side length is equal to the line 
-- width.
-- The spacing between dots is equal to the dot width.
packed_dotted       :: DrawingContextF 
packed_dotted       = set_dash_pattern $ Dash 0 [(1,1)]

-- | Set the dash pattern to draw a loosely dotted line.
-- A dot is actually a square - side length is equal to the line 
-- width.
-- The spacing between dots is 4 times the dot width.
loose_dotted        :: DrawingContextF 
loose_dotted        = set_dash_pattern $ Dash 0 [(1,4)]

-- | Set the dash pattern to draw a dashed line.
-- The dash length is 3 times the line width, the spacing is 2
-- times the line width.
dashed_line        :: DrawingContextF
dashed_line        = set_dash_pattern $ Dash 0 [(3,2)]

-- | Set the dash pattern to draw a tightly packed, dashed line.
-- The dash length is 3 times the line width, the spacing is 
-- equal to the line width.
packed_dashed      :: DrawingContextF
packed_dashed      = set_dash_pattern $ Dash 0 [(3,1)]

-- | Set the dash pattern to draw a loosely dashed line.
-- The dash length is 3 times the line width, the spacing is 4
-- times the line width.
loose_dashed      :: DrawingContextF
loose_dashed      = set_dash_pattern $ Dash 0 [(3,4)]


-- | Set the font attributes, point size and font face.
font_attr               :: FontDef -> Int -> DrawingContextF
font_attr ft sz         = \s -> s { dc_font_size = sz
                                  , dc_font_face = font_def_face ft }

-- | Set the font face.
set_font                :: FontDef -> DrawingContextF
set_font ft             = \s -> s { dc_font_face = font_def_face ft }

-- | Set the point size.
-- This controls the drawing size of both 
-- text labels and marks (e.g. dots and arrowheads).
set_font_size           :: Int -> DrawingContextF
set_font_size sz        = \s -> s { dc_font_size = sz }

-- | Scale the current point size by the supplied ratio.
-- Note - as fonts can only be drawn at integral sizes this 
-- operation is not exact - for instance scaling 15pt by (1%2) 
-- results in 7pt.
scale_point_size    :: Double -> DrawingContextF
scale_point_size a  = (\s sz -> set_font_size (floor $ a * fromIntegral sz) s) 
                         <*> dc_font_size

-- | Set the point size (font and mark size) to double the current 
-- size.
double_point_size   :: DrawingContextF
double_point_size   = scale_point_size 2 

-- | Set the point size to half the current size, note the point
-- size also controls the size of dots, arrowsheads etc.
-- Note - as fonts can only be drawn at integral sizes this 
-- operation is not exact - half size of 15pt type is 7pt.
half_point_size     :: DrawingContextF
half_point_size     = scale_point_size 0.5

-- | 'text_margin' : @ x_sep * y_sep -> DrawingContextF @
-- Note - this is in @Em@ units.
text_margin   :: Em -> Em -> DrawingContextF
text_margin xsep ysep = \s -> 
    s { dc_text_margin = TextMargin xsep ysep }

-- | Set the text margin to (0,0).
-- This produces a tight box around the text vertically measured 
-- to the cap-height and descender. Therefore some characters may 
-- extend outside the margin (e.g. accented capitals like 
-- A-grave).
text_margin_none    :: DrawingContextF
text_margin_none    = text_margin 0 0 

-- | Set the text margin to (0.25 em, 0.25 em).
text_margin_tight       :: DrawingContextF
text_margin_tight       = text_margin 0.25 0.25

-- | Set the text margin to (0.5 em, 0.5 em).
text_margin_default :: DrawingContextF
text_margin_default = text_margin 0.5 0.5

-- | Set the text margin to (1.0 em, 1.0 em).
text_margin_loose   :: DrawingContextF
text_margin_loose = text_margin 1.0 1.0


-- | Set the stroke colour.
stroke_colour :: RGBi -> DrawingContextF
stroke_colour rgb = \s -> s { dc_stroke_colour = rgb } 

-- | Set the fill colour.
fill_colour :: RGBi -> DrawingContextF
fill_colour rgb = \s -> s { dc_fill_colour = rgb } 

-- | Set the text colour.
text_colour          :: RGBi -> DrawingContextF
text_colour rgb      = (\s -> s { dc_text_colour = rgb})

-- | Set the stroke, fill and text colours to a single colour.
single_colour :: RGBi -> DrawingContextF
single_colour rgb = stroke_colour rgb . fill_colour rgb . text_colour rgb

-- | Swap the stroke colour and fill colours.
swap_colours :: DrawingContextF
swap_colours = 
    (\s a b -> s { dc_stroke_colour = b, dc_fill_colour = a })
        <*> dc_stroke_colour <*> dc_fill_colour

-- | Set the fill colour to use the current stroke colour.
fill_use_stroke_colour :: DrawingContextF
fill_use_stroke_colour = 
    (\s a -> s { dc_fill_colour = a }) <*> dc_stroke_colour

-- | Set the stroke colour to use the current fill colour.
stroke_use_fill_colour :: DrawingContextF
stroke_use_fill_colour = 
    (\s a -> s { dc_stroke_colour = a }) <*> dc_fill_colour

-- | Set the fill colour to use the current text colour.
fill_use_text_colour :: DrawingContextF
fill_use_text_colour = 
    (\s a -> s { dc_fill_colour = a }) <*> dc_text_colour

-- | Set the stroke colour to use the current fill colour.
stroke_use_text_colour :: DrawingContextF
stroke_use_text_colour = 
    (\s a -> s { dc_stroke_colour = a }) <*> dc_text_colour

-- | Set the text colour to use the current stroke colour.
text_use_stroke_colour :: DrawingContextF
text_use_stroke_colour = 
    (\s a -> s { dc_text_colour = a }) <*> dc_stroke_colour

-- | Set the text colour to use the current fill colour.
text_use_fill_colour :: DrawingContextF
text_use_fill_colour = 
    (\s a -> s { dc_text_colour = a }) <*> dc_fill_colour