name: wumpus-basic version: 0.3.0 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Stephen Tetley maintainer: Stephen Tetley homepage: category: Graphics synopsis: Common drawing utilities built on wumpus-core. description: . \*\* WARNING \*\* - this package is sub-alpha. It is only on Hackage to support other packages (Wumpus-Tree, Wumpus-Microprint) that are slighly more stable. . A few of the modules (SafeFonts, SVGColours, X11Colours) are fairly stable others simply aren\'t and may even disappear in subsequent updates. . . Changelog: . 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 : . * Added the anchors, monads, drawingAttrs... . * Added the module @PictureLanguage@ from Wumpus-Core. It is located with the path prefix @Wumpus.Deprecated@. At some point it will be replaced... . * Basic.Graphic - rectangles and lines now take the supplied point to be the center rather than the bottom-left corner. Name changes - @circle@ changed to @disk@, @text@ changed to @textline@. . 0.1.1 to 0.2.0: . * Added the module @Wumpus.Basic.Graphic@. . * SafeFonts changed to be size neutral. PostScript\'s @scalefont@ command (which wumpus-core uses in the generated output) should be able to scale to any integer size. . * New demo @ColourCharts.hs@. . build-type: Simple stability: highly unstable cabal-version: >= 1.2 extra-source-files: CHANGES, LICENSE, demo/DotPic.hs, demo/FontPic.hs, demo/ColourCharts.hs, demo/ColourDefns.hs, demo/Picture.hs library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base < 5, vector-space >= 0.6, monadLib >= 3.6, wumpus-core >= 0.21.0 exposed-modules: Wumpus.Basic.Anchors, Wumpus.Basic.AnchorDots, Wumpus.Basic.Dots, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.DrawingAttr, Wumpus.Basic.Graphic.PointSupply, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.ConsDrawing, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.Drawing, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.DrawingCtxClass, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.DrawingCtxMonad, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.STraceMonad, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.SnocDrawing, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TraceClass, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TraceMonad, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TurtleClass, Wumpus.Basic.Monads.TurtleMonad, Wumpus.Basic.SafeFonts, Wumpus.Basic.SVGColours, Wumpus.Basic.X11Colours, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.HList, Wumpus.Basic.Utils.Intersection, Wumpus.Basic.VersionNumber, Wumpus.Deprecated.PictureLanguage other-modules: extensions: ghc-options: includes: