Changelog for wumpus-basic-0.7.0

0.4.0 to 0.5.0: * Re-worked the PictureLanguage module. * SVGColours and X11Colours moved into @Wumpus.Basic.Colour@. Naming scheme for colours changed to use underscore between words rather than camelCase. * Updates to work with wumpus-core-0.30.0. 0.3.0 to 0.4.0: * Reworked the monads. Monads.DrawingMonad replaces Monads.Trace, Monads.DrawingCtx, Monads.ConsDrawing. The SnocDrawing monads have been removed as they were a design mistake. * Removed MGraphicF type, added AGraphic. * Initial work on arrow drawing and extended text drawing. 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 : * Added the anchors, monads, drawingAttrs... * Added the module @PictureLanguage@ from Wumpus-Core. It is located with the path prefix @Wumpus.Deprecated@. At some point it will be replaced... * Basic.Graphic - rectangles and lines now take the supplied point to be the center rather than the bottom-left corner. Name changes - @circle@ changed to @disk@, @text@ changed to @textline@. 0.1.1 to 0.2.0: * Added the module @Wumpus.Basic.Graphic@. * SafeFonts changed to be size neutral. PostScript\'s @scalefont@ command (which wumpus-core uses in the generated output) should be able to scale to any integer size. * New demo @ColourCharts.hs@. 0.1.0 to 0.1.1: * Added missing LICENSE file to the Cabal file. * Added this CHANGES file.