{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Core.FontSize
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2009-2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  stephen.tetley@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Approximate glyph size calculations for Label\'s and their 
-- bounding boxes.
-- Calculations are based on metrics derived from the Courier 
-- font. As Courier is a monospaced font, applying these metrics
-- to other font families will usually produce over-estimates
-- (bounding boxes will be longer than the true visual length
-- of the text). Furthermore, even italic or bold Courier will 
-- have different metrics.
-- This is a deficiency of Wumpus, and limits its text handling
-- capabilities - for example, text cannot be reliably centered 
-- or right aligned as its true length is not known. However, more 
-- powerful alternatives would need access to the metrics embedded 
-- within font files. This would require a font loader and add 
-- significant implementation complexity.

module Wumpus.Core.FontSize
  -- * Type synonyms
  , CharCount
  , PtScale
  , ptSizeScale

  -- * Scaling values derived from Courier
  , mono_width
  , mono_cap_height
  , mono_x_height
  , mono_descender
  , mono_ascender
  , mono_left_margin
  , mono_right_margin

  -- * Courier metrics
  , charWidth
  , textWidth
  , capHeight
  , xcharHeight
  , totalCharHeight
  , ascenderHeight
  , descenderDepth

  -- * Size calculation
  , textBounds
  , textBoundsEsc
  , charCount

  ) where

import Wumpus.Core.BoundingBox
import Wumpus.Core.Geometry
import Wumpus.Core.PtSize
import Wumpus.Core.Text.Base

type CharCount = Int
type FontSize = Int

-- | Wrapped Double representing 1\/1000 of the scale factor
-- (Point size) of a font. AFM files encode all measurements 
-- as these units. 
newtype PtScale = PtScale { getPtScale :: Double } 
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Num,Floating,Fractional,Real,RealFrac,RealFloat)

instance Show PtScale where
  showsPrec p d = showsPrec p (getPtScale d)

-- | 'ptSizeScale' : @ scale_factor -> pt_size -> PTSize @
-- Scale the point size by the scale factor.
ptSizeScale :: PtScale -> PtSize -> PtSize 
ptSizeScale sc sz = sz * realToFrac sc

-- NOTE - I\'ve largely tried to follow the terminoloy from 
-- Edward Tufte\'s /Visual Explantions/, page 99.

-- | The ratio of width to point size of a letter in Courier.
-- > mono_width = 0.6 
mono_width :: PtScale
mono_width = 0.600

-- | The ratio of cap height to point size of a letter in Courier.
-- > mono_cap_height = 0.562
mono_cap_height :: PtScale 
mono_cap_height = 0.562

-- | The ratio of x height to point size of a letter in Courier. 
-- This is also known as the \"body height\".
-- > mono_x_height = 0.426
mono_x_height :: PtScale
mono_x_height = 0.426

-- | The ratio of descender depth to point size of a letter in 
-- Courier.
-- > mono_descender = -0.157
mono_descender :: PtScale
mono_descender = (-0.157)

-- | The ratio of ascender to point size of a letter in Courier.
-- > mono_ascender = 0.629
mono_ascender :: PtScale
mono_ascender = 0.629

-- | The distance from baseline to max height as a ratio to point 
-- size for Courier.
-- > mono_max_height = 0.805
mono_max_height :: PtScale 
mono_max_height = 0.805

-- | The distance from baseline to max depth as a ratio to point 
-- size for Courier.
-- > max_depth = -0.250
mono_max_depth :: PtScale 
mono_max_depth = (-0.250)

-- | The left margin for the bounding box of printed text as a 
-- ratio to point size for Courier.
-- > mono_left_margin = -0.046
mono_left_margin :: PtScale 
mono_left_margin = (-0.046)

-- | The right margin for the bounding box of printed text as a 
-- ratio to point size for Courier.
-- > mono_right_margin = 0.050
mono_right_margin :: PtScale 
mono_right_margin = 0.050

-- | Approximate the width of a monospace character using 
-- metrics derived from the Courier font.
charWidth :: FontSize -> PtSize
charWidth = ptSizeScale mono_width . fromIntegral

-- | 'textWidth' : @ font_size * char_count -> PtSize @
-- Text width at the supplied font_size. It is expected that the
-- @char_ount@ has been calculated with the @charCount@ function.
-- NOTE - this does not account for any left and right margins 
-- around the printed text.
textWidth :: FontSize -> CharCount -> PtSize
textWidth _  n | n <= 0 = 0
textWidth sz n          = fromIntegral n * charWidth sz

-- | Height of capitals e.g. \'A\' using metrics derived 
-- the Courier monospaced font.
capHeight :: FontSize -> PtSize
capHeight = fromIntegral

-- | Height of the lower-case char \'x\' using metrics derived 
-- the Courier monospaced font.
xcharHeight :: FontSize -> PtSize
xcharHeight = ptSizeScale mono_x_height . fromIntegral

-- | The total height span of the glyph bounding box for the 
-- Courier monospaced font.
totalCharHeight :: FontSize -> PtSize
totalCharHeight sz = let sz' = fromIntegral sz in 
    ptSizeScale mono_max_height sz' + negate (ptSizeScale mono_max_depth sz')

-- | Ascender height for font size @sz@ using metrics from the 
-- Courier monospaced font.
ascenderHeight :: FontSize -> PtSize
ascenderHeight = ptSizeScale mono_ascender . fromIntegral 

-- | Descender depth for font size @sz@ using metrics from the 
-- Courier monospaced font.
descenderDepth :: FontSize -> PtSize
descenderDepth = ptSizeScale mono_descender . fromIntegral 

-- | 'textBounds' : @ font_size * baseline_left * text -> BBox @
-- Find the bounding box for the character count at the 
-- supplied font-size.
-- The supplied point represents the baseline left corner of the 
-- a regular upper-case letter (that is without descenders).
-- The bounding box adds a margin around all sides of the text.
-- The metrics used are derived from Courier - a monospaced font.
-- For proportional fonts the calculated bounding box will 
-- usually be too long.
textBounds :: (Num u, Ord u, FromPtSize u) 
           => FontSize -> Point2 u -> String -> BoundingBox u
textBounds sz pt ss = textBoundsBody sz pt (charCount ss) 

-- | 'textBoundsEsc' : @ font_size * baseline_left * escaped_text -> BBox @
--  Version of textBounds for already escaped text.
textBoundsEsc :: (Num u, Ord u, FromPtSize u) 
           => FontSize -> Point2 u -> EscapedText -> BoundingBox u
textBoundsEsc sz pt esc = textBoundsBody sz pt (textLength esc) 

textBoundsBody :: (Num u, Ord u, FromPtSize u) 
               => FontSize -> Point2 u -> Int -> BoundingBox u
textBoundsBody sz (P2 x y) len = boundingBox ll ur
    pt_sz       = fromIntegral sz
    w           = fromPtSize $ textWidth  sz len
    left_m      = fromPtSize $ ptSizeScale mono_left_margin  pt_sz
    right_m     = fromPtSize $ ptSizeScale mono_right_margin pt_sz
    max_depth   = fromPtSize $ ptSizeScale mono_max_depth  pt_sz
    max_height  = fromPtSize $ ptSizeScale mono_max_height pt_sz
    ll          = P2 (x + left_m)      (y + max_depth)
    ur          = P2 (x + w + right_m) (y + max_height)

-- | 'charCount' : @ string -> CharCount @
-- Count the characters in the supplied string, escaping the 
-- string as necessary.
-- Escapes count as one character - for instance, the length of 
-- this string:
-- > abcd&#egrave;f
-- ... is 6.
charCount :: String -> CharCount
charCount = outstep 0 
    outstep n ('&':'#':xs)  = instep n xs
    outstep n (_:xs)        = outstep (n+1) xs
    outstep n []            = n
    instep  n (';':xs)      = outstep (n+1) xs
    instep  n (_:xs)        = instep  n xs
    instep  n []            = n                

-- Note - the last case of instep indicates a malformed string, 
-- but there is nothing that can be done. Promoting to Maybe or 
-- Either would complicated the interface and doesn\'t seem worth
-- it.