{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Drawing.Connectors.Base
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Connectors...

module Wumpus.Drawing.Connectors.Base

  , ArrowConnector
  , ArrowTip
  , makeArrowTip

  , leftArrow
  , rightArrow  
  , leftRightArrow
  , uniformArrow  
  , promoteConn

  ) where

import Wumpus.Drawing.Paths.Absolute

import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel                      -- package: wumpus-basic

import Wumpus.Core                              -- package: wumpus-core

import Data.AffineSpace                         -- package: vector-space

import Control.Applicative

-- | The type of Connectors - a query from start and end point to 
-- a Path.
type Connector u = ConnectorQuery u (AbsPath u)

type ArrowConnector u = ConnectorImage u (AbsPath u)

type TipDraw = Point2 En -> Radian -> GraphicAns En

-- | TipAns - retract_distance * tip length * TipDraw
type TipAns u = (u, u, TipDraw)

data ArrowTip u = ArrowTip { getArrowTip :: CF (TipAns u) }

-- | Connector with an arrow tip at the start point (i.e left).
leftArrow :: (Real u, Floating u, InterpretUnit u) 
          => ArrowTip u -> Connector u -> ArrowConnector u
leftArrow tipl conn = promoteR2 $ \p0 p1 ->
    apply2R2 conn p0 p1 >>= \full_path -> 
    getArrowTip tipl    >>= \(dxl,wl,mkl) -> 
    uconvertCtxF p0     >>= \emp0     ->       
    let angl            = tipDirectionL wl full_path
        short_path      = shortenL dxl full_path
        deco            = convertTipAns $ mkl emp0 angl
    in fmap (replaceAns full_path) $ 
         decorateR0 deco $ toPrimPath short_path >>= openStroke

-- | Connector with an arrow tip at the end point (i.e right).
rightArrow :: (Real u, Floating u, InterpretUnit u) 
           => ArrowTip u -> Connector u -> ArrowConnector u
rightArrow tipr conn = promoteR2 $ \p0 p1 ->
    apply2R2 conn p0 p1 >>= \full_path -> 
    getArrowTip tipr    >>= \(dxr,wr,mkl) -> 
    uconvertCtxF p1     >>= \emp1     ->       
    let angr            = tipDirectionR wr full_path
        short_path      = shortenR dxr full_path
        deco            = convertTipAns $ mkl emp1 angr
    in fmap (replaceAns full_path) $ 
         decorateR0 deco $ toPrimPath short_path >>= openStroke

-- | Connector with two arrow tips, possibly different.
leftRightArrow :: (Real u, Floating u, InterpretUnit u) 
               => ArrowTip u -> ArrowTip u -> Connector u 
               -> ArrowConnector u
leftRightArrow tipl tipr conn = promoteR2 $ \p0 p1 ->
    apply2R2 conn p0 p1 >>= \full_path -> 
    getArrowTip tipl    >>= \(dxl,wl,mkl) -> 
    getArrowTip tipr    >>= \(dxr,wr,mkr) -> 
    uconvertCtxF p0     >>= \emp0     ->       
    uconvertCtxF p1     >>= \emp1     ->       
    let angl            = tipDirectionL wl full_path
        angr            = tipDirectionR wr full_path
        short_path      = shortenPath dxl dxr full_path
        deco            = convertTipAns $ mkl emp0 angl `oplus`  mkr emp1 angr  
    in fmap (replaceAns full_path) $ 
         decorateR0 deco $ toPrimPath short_path >>= openStroke

-- | Connector with the same arrow tip at both ends.
uniformArrow :: (Real u, Floating u, InterpretUnit u) 
             => ArrowTip u -> Connector u -> ArrowConnector u
uniformArrow utip conn = leftRightArrow utip utip conn

convertTipAns :: InterpretUnit u => GraphicAns En -> Graphic u
convertTipAns = uconvImageF . pure 

-- | Helper - direction looks best at half the retract distance.
tipDirectionL :: (Real u, Floating u) => u -> AbsPath u -> Radian
tipDirectionL u absp | u <= 0   = directionL absp
                     |otherwise = directionL $ shortenL (0.5*u) absp
tipDirectionR :: (Real u, Floating u) => u -> AbsPath u -> Radian
tipDirectionR u absp | u <= 0   = directionR absp
                     |otherwise = directionR $ shortenR (0.5*u) absp

makeArrowTip :: Query u -> Query u -> LocThetaGraphic En -> ArrowTip u
makeArrowTip retractq lengthq gf = ArrowTip body
    body = drawingCtx >>= \ctx -> 
           let rdist = runCF ctx retractq
               tlen  = runCF ctx lengthq
               drawf = runCF ctx gf
           in return (rdist,tlen,drawf)

-- | Promote a function from source and dest points to a connector 
-- function accounting for the separator values in the 
-- DrawingContext.
-- This should be used instead of @promoteR2@ for functions 
-- building connectors.
promoteConn :: (Real u, Floating u, InterpretUnit u) 
            => (Point2 u -> Point2 u -> CF a) 
            -> CF (Point2 u -> Point2 u -> a)
promoteConn fn = promoteR2 $ \p0 p1 -> 
    connectorSrcSpace  >>= \sep0 ->
    connectorDstSpace  >>= \sep1 ->
    connectorSrcOffset >>= \off0 ->
    connectorDstOffset >>= \off1 ->
    let ang = vdirection $ pvec p0 p1
    in fn (displacePerpendicular off0 ang $ p0 .+^ avec ang sep0) 
          (displacePerpendicular off1 ang $ p1 .-^ avec ang sep1)
-- CAUTION - promoteConn projects the spacers along the (straight)
-- connector line. This might not be what is wanted for jointed
-- connectors.