{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Tree
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC

module Wumpus.Tree
  -- * The type of rendered trees
  , DTreeDrawing        -- re-export.

  , ScaleFactors
  , uniformScaling
  , scaleFactors

  , drawScaledTree
  , drawScaledFamilyTree

  -- * Drawing nodes
  , charNode
  , textNode
  , circleNode
  , diskNode


import Wumpus.Tree.Base
import Wumpus.Tree.Design
import Wumpus.Tree.Draw

import Wumpus.Basic.Dots.AnchorDots             -- package: wumpus-basic
import Wumpus.Basic.Graphic

import Wumpus.Core                              -- package: wumpus-core

import Data.VectorSpace                         -- package: vector-space

import Data.Tree hiding ( drawTree )

-- | Customize the size of the printed tree.
-- A tree is /designed/ with a height of 1 unit between 
-- parent and child nodes.
-- The y-scaling factor multiplies the unit height, a scaling 
-- factor of 30 represents 30 /points/.
-- In the horizontal, 1 unit is the smallest possible distance 
-- between child nodes.
type ScaleFactors u = ScalingContext u Int u

type instance DUnit (ScaleFactors u) = u

-- | Build uniform x- and y-scaling factors, i.e. @ x == y @.
uniformScaling :: Num u => u -> ScaleFactors u
uniformScaling u = ScalingContext (\x -> u * x)
                                  (\y -> u * fromIntegral y) 

scaleFactors :: Num u => u -> u -> ScaleFactors u
scaleFactors sx sy = ScalingContext (\x -> sx * x)
                                    (\y -> sy * fromIntegral y)	

-- | 'drawTreePicture' : @ draw_fun * attr * scale_factors * tree -> TreePicture @
-- The rendering function.
-- @draw_fun@ renders the individual nodes. Usually 'charNode', 
-- 'circleNode'
-- @attr@ is the font size (translates to node size), stroke 
-- colour, fill colour.
-- @scale_factors@ scales the distances between parent and child 
-- (y-scale) and sibling nodes (x-scale).
-- @tree@ is the input tree to be rendered.
drawScaledTree :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u, InnerSpace (Vec2 u)) 
                => (a -> TreeNode u) 
                -> ScaleFactors u
                -> Tree a 
                -> TreeDrawing u
drawScaledTree drawF scale_f tree = drawTree drawF $ design scale_f tree

drawScaledFamilyTree :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u, InnerSpace (Vec2 u)) 
                     => (a -> TreeNode u) 
                     -> ScaleFactors u
                     -> Tree a 
                     -> TreeDrawing u
drawScaledFamilyTree drawF scale_f tree = 
    drawFamilyTree drawF $ design scale_f tree

-- Drawing functions

-- | Render tree nodes with a single character.
--  Useful for rendering @ Data.Tree Char @.
charNode :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
         => Char -> TreeNode u
charNode = dotChar

-- | Tree nodes with a text label.
-- Useful for rendering @ Data.Tree String @.
-- Note the width of the label is not accounted for in the 
-- /design/ of the tree. Labels with long texts may overlap.
-- Also, only a single line of text is printed - any text after 
-- the first newline character will be dropped.
textNode :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
         => String -> TreeNode u
textNode = dotText . uptoNewline
    uptoNewline = takeWhile (/='\n')

-- | Tree nodes with a stroked circle.
-- Suitable for printing the shape of a tree, ignoring the data.
circleNode :: (Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
           => RGBi -> (a -> TreeNode u)
circleNode rgb = \_ -> localize (strokeColour rgb) dotCircle

-- | Tree nodes with a filled circle.
-- Suitable for printing the shape of a tree, ignoring the data.
diskNode :: (Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
         => RGBi -> (a -> TreeNode u)
diskNode rgb = \_ -> localize (fillColour rgb) dotDisk