{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
Module      :  Window
Copyright   :  (c) Daan Leijen 2003
License     :  wxWindows

Maintainer  :  wxhaskell-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Stability   :  provisional
Portability :  portable

Exports default instances for generic windows.

* Instances: 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible',
             'Child', 'Sized', 'Parent', 'Help', 'Bordered',
             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.             
module Graphics.UI.WX.Window
        ( -- * Window
          Window, window, refit, refitMinimal, rootParent, frameParent, tabTraversal      
          -- * ScrolledWindow
        , ScrolledWindow, scrolledWindow, scrollRate
          -- * Internal
        , initialWindow, initialContainer
        , initialIdentity, initialStyle, initialText
        , initialFullRepaintOnResize, initialClipChildren
        ) where

import Graphics.UI.WXCore

import Graphics.UI.WX.Types
import Graphics.UI.WX.Attributes
import Graphics.UI.WX.Layout
import Graphics.UI.WX.Classes
import Graphics.UI.WX.Events

-- | A scrollable window. Use 'virtualSize' and 'scrollRate' to set the scrollbar
-- behaviour.
-- * Attributes: 'scrollRate'
-- * Instances: 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child', 
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
scrolledWindow :: Window a -> [Prop (ScrolledWindow ())] -> IO (ScrolledWindow ())
scrolledWindow parent props
  = feed2 props 0 $
    initialContainer $ \id rect -> \props style ->
    do sw <- scrolledWindowCreate parent id rect style
       set sw props
       return sw

-- | The horizontal and vertical scroll rate of scrolled window. Use @0@ to disable 
-- scrolling in that direction.
scrollRate :: Attr (ScrolledWindow a) Size
  = newAttr "scrollRate" getter setter
    getter sw
      = do p <- scrolledWindowGetScrollPixelsPerUnit sw
           return (sizeFromPoint p)
    setter sw size
      = scrolledWindowSetScrollRate sw (sizeW size) (sizeH size)

  Plain window
-- | Create a plain window. Can be used to define custom controls for example.
-- * Attributes: 'rootParent', 'frameParent', 'tabTraversal'
-- * Instances: 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child', 
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
window :: Window a -> [Prop (Window ())] -> IO (Window ())
window parent props
  = feed2 props 0 $
    initialWindow $ \id rect -> \props flags ->
    do w <- windowCreate parent id rect flags
       set w props
       return w

-- | Helper function that retrieves initial window settings, including
-- |identity|, |style|, and |area| (or |position| and |outerSize|).
initialWindow :: (Id -> Rect -> [Prop (Window w)] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop (Window w)] -> Style -> a
initialWindow cont 
  = initialIdentity $ \id ->
    initialArea     $ \rect ->
    initialStyle    $ 
    initialBorder   $
    cont id rect 

-- | Helper function that retrieves initial window settings, including |clipChildren|
-- and |fullRepaintOnResize|.
initialContainer :: (Id -> Rect -> [Prop (Window w)] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop (Window w)] -> Style -> a
initialContainer cont
  = initialWindow $ \id rect ->
    initialFullRepaintOnResize $ 
    initialClipChildren        $ 
    cont id rect 

instance Able (Window a) where
    = newAttr "enabled" windowIsEnabled setter
      setter w enable
        | enable    = unitIO $ windowEnable w
        | otherwise = unitIO $ windowDisable w

instance Textual (Window a) where
    = reflectiveAttr "text" getter setter
      getter w
        = fst (getset w)
      setter w x
        = snd (getset w) x

      getset w
        = ifInstanceOf w classComboBox
            (\cb -> (comboBoxGetValue cb, comboBoxSetValue cb)) $
          ifInstanceOf w classTextCtrl
            (\tc -> (textCtrlGetValue tc, \s -> do textCtrlChangeValue tc s)) $
            (windowGetLabel w,windowSetLabel w)

  appendText w s
    = ifInstanceOf w classComboBox
        (\cb -> comboBoxAppend cb s) $
      ifInstanceOf w classTextCtrl
        (\tc -> textCtrlAppendText tc s)
        (set w [text :~ (++s)])

-- | Retrieve the initial title from the |text| attribute.
initialText :: Textual w => (String -> [Prop w] -> a) -> [Prop w] -> a
initialText cont props 
  = withProperty text "" cont props

instance Dimensions (Window a) where
    = newAttr "size" windowGetSize setSize
      setSize w sz
        = windowSetSize w (rect (pt (-1) (-1)) sz) wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING

    = newAttr "area" windowGetRect setArea
      setArea w rect
        = windowSetSize w rect wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING

    = readAttr "bestSize" windowGetEffectiveMinSize

    = newAttr "position" windowGetPosition windowMove

    = newAttr "clientSize" windowGetClientSize windowSetClientSize

    = newAttr "virtualSize" windowGetVirtualSize windowSetVirtualSize

instance Sized (Window a) where
  size  = outerSize

-- | Retrieve the initial creation area from the |area|, or the |position| and
-- |outerSize| properties.
initialArea :: Dimensions w => (Rect -> [Prop w] -> a) -> [Prop w] -> a
initialArea cont props
  = case findProperty area rectNull props of
      Just (rect,props') -> cont rect props'
        -> case findProperty position pointNull props of
             Just (p,props') -> case findProperty outerSize sizeNull props of
                                  Just (sz,props'') -> cont (rect p sz) props''
                                  Nothing           -> cont (rect p sizeNull) props'
             Nothing         -> case findProperty outerSize sizeNull props of
                                  Just (sz,props')  -> cont (rect pointNull sz) props'
                                  Nothing           -> cont rectNull props

instance Colored (Window a) where
    = newAttr "bgcolor" windowGetBackgroundColour (\w x -> do{ windowSetBackgroundColour w x; return ()})

    = newAttr "color" windowGetForegroundColour (\w x -> do windowSetForegroundColour w x; return ())

instance Literate (Window a) where
    = newAttr "font" getter setter
      getter w
        = ifInstanceOf w classTextCtrl
           (\textCtrl -> bracket (textCtrlGetDefaultStyle textCtrl)
                                 (\attr -> do hasFont <- textAttrHasFont attr
                                              if (hasFont) 
                                                then getFont (textAttrGetFont attr) 
                                                else getFont (windowGetFont w)))
           (getFont (windowGetFont w))
          getFont io
            = bracket io fontDelete fontGetFontStyle 

      setter w info
        = ifInstanceOf w classTextCtrl
           (\textCtrl -> bracket (textAttrCreateDefault)
                                 (\attr -> withFontStyle info $ \fnt ->
                                           do textAttrSetFont attr fnt
                                              textCtrlSetDefaultStyle textCtrl attr
                                              return ()))
           (withFontStyle info $ \fnt ->
            do windowSetFont w fnt
               return ())

    = newAttr "textcolor" getter setter
      getter w
        = ifInstanceOf w classTextCtrl
           (\textCtrl -> bracket (textCtrlGetDefaultStyle textCtrl)
                                 (\attr -> do hasColor <- textAttrHasTextColour attr
                                              if (hasColor) then textAttrGetTextColour attr
                                                            else get w color))
           (get w color)

      setter w c
        = ifInstanceOf w classTextCtrl
           (\textCtrl -> bracket (textAttrCreateDefault)
                                 (\attr -> do textAttrSetTextColour attr c
                                              textCtrlSetDefaultStyle textCtrl attr
                                              return ()))
           (set w [color := c])

    = newAttr "textbgcolor" getter setter
      getter w
        = ifInstanceOf w classTextCtrl
           (\textCtrl -> bracket (textCtrlGetDefaultStyle textCtrl)
                                 (\attr -> do hasColor <- textAttrHasBackgroundColour attr
                                              if (hasColor) then textAttrGetBackgroundColour attr
                                                            else get w bgcolor))
           (get w bgcolor)

      setter w c
       = ifInstanceOf w classTextCtrl
           (\textCtrl -> bracket (textAttrCreateDefault)
                                 (\attr -> do textAttrSetBackgroundColour attr c
                                              textCtrlSetDefaultStyle textCtrl attr
                                              return ()))
           (set w [bgcolor := c])


instance Visible (Window a) where
    = newAttr "visible" windowIsShown setVisible
      setVisible w vis
        = if vis
           then do{ windowShow w; windowRaise w }
           else unitIO (windowHide w)

  refresh w
    = windowRefresh w True

    = reflectiveAttr "fullRepaintOnResize" getFlag setFlag
      getFlag w
        = do s <- get w style
             return (not (bitsSet wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE s))

      setFlag w repaint
        = set w [style :~ \stl -> if repaint 
                                   then stl .-. wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE 
                                   else stl .+. wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE]

instance Parent (Window a) where
    = readAttr "children" windowChildren

    = reflectiveAttr "clipChildren" getFlag setFlag
      getFlag w
        = do s <- get w style
             return (bitsSet wxCLIP_CHILDREN s)
      setFlag w clip
        = set w [style :~ \stl -> if clip
                                   then stl .+. wxCLIP_CHILDREN
                                   else stl .-. wxCLIP_CHILDREN]

-- | Helper function that transforms the style accordding
-- to the 'fullRepaintOnResize' flag in of the properties
initialFullRepaintOnResize :: Visible w => ([Prop w] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop w] -> Style -> a
  = withStylePropertyNot fullRepaintOnResize wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE

-- | Helper function that transforms the style accordding
-- to the 'clipChildren' flag out of the properties
initialClipChildren :: Parent w => ([Prop w] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop w] -> Style -> a
  = withStyleProperty clipChildren wxCLIP_CHILDREN

instance Child (Window a) where
    = readAttr "parent" windowGetParent

-- | Ensure that a widget is refitted inside a window when
-- its size changes, for example when the 'text' of a 
-- 'staticText' control changes. (Calls 'windowReFit')
refit :: Window a -> IO ()
refit w
  = windowReFit w

-- | Ensure that a widget is refitted inside a window when
-- its size changes, for example when the 'text' of a 
-- 'staticText' control changes. Always resizes the
-- window to its minimal acceptable size. (Calls 'windowReFitMinimal')
refitMinimal :: Window a -> IO ()
refitMinimal w
  = windowReFitMinimal w

-- | The ultimate root parent of the widget.
rootParent :: ReadAttr (Window a) (Window ())
  = readAttr "rootParent" windowGetRootParent 

-- | The parent frame or dialog of a widget.
frameParent :: ReadAttr (Window a) (Window ())
  = readAttr "frameParent" windowGetFrameParent 

-- | Enable (or disable) tab-traversal. (= wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)
tabTraversal :: Attr (Window a) Bool
  = newAttr "tabTraversal" getter setter
    getter w
      = do st <- get w style
           return (bitsSet wxTAB_TRAVERSAL st)
    setter w enable
      = set w [style :~ \stl -> if enable then stl .+. wxTAB_TRAVERSAL else stl .-. wxTAB_TRAVERSAL]

instance Identity (Window a) where
    = reflectiveAttr "identity" windowGetId windowSetId

-- | Helper function that retrieves the initial |identity|.
initialIdentity :: Identity w => (Id -> [Prop w] -> a) -> [Prop w] -> a
  = withProperty identity idAny

instance Styled (Window a) where
    = reflectiveAttr "style" windowGetWindowStyleFlag windowSetWindowStyleFlag

-- | Helper function that retrieves the initial |style|.
initialStyle :: Styled w => ([Prop w] -> Style -> a) -> [Prop w] -> Style -> a
initialStyle cont props stl
  = withProperty style stl (\stl' props' -> cont props' stl') props

instance Tipped (Window a) where
    = newAttr "tooltip" windowGetToolTip windowSetToolTip

instance Help (Window a) where
    = newAttr "help" windowSetHelpText windowGetHelpText

instance Bordered (Window a) where
    = reflectiveAttr "border" getter setter
      getter w
        = do st <- get w style
             return (fromBitMask st)
      setter w b
        = set w [style :~ \stl -> setBitMask b stl]

initialBorder cont props style
  = case filterProperty border props of
      (PropValue x, ps)  -> cont ps (setBitMask x style) 
      (PropModify f, ps) -> cont ps (setBitMask (f (fromBitMask style)) style)
      (PropNone, ps)     -> cont ps style

instance Reactive (Window a) where
  mouse     = newEvent "mouse" windowGetOnMouse (\w h -> windowOnMouse w True h)
  keyboard  = newEvent "keyboard" windowGetOnKeyChar (windowOnKeyChar)
  closing   = newEvent "closing" windowGetOnClose windowOnClose
  idle      = newEvent "idle" windowGetOnIdle windowOnIdle
  resize    = newEvent "resize" windowGetOnSize windowOnSize
  focus     = newEvent "focus" windowGetOnFocus windowOnFocus
  activate  = newEvent "activate" windowGetOnActivate windowOnActivate

instance Paint (Window a) where
  paint     = newEvent "paint" windowGetOnPaint (\w h -> windowOnPaint w h)
  paintRaw  = newEvent "paintRaw" windowGetOnPaintRaw (\w h -> windowOnPaintRaw w h)
  paintGc   = newEvent "paintGc" windowGetOnPaintGc (\w h -> windowOnPaintGc w h)
  repaint w = windowRefresh w False