{-| Author : Luc Taesch 2003 Portability : portable ? (tested on XP) Illustrate more controls from wxHaskell, Hacked from Controls.hs ( Daan Leijen 2003) namely bitmapButtons, righ click menus, vertical labels on notebooks, usage of tooltips -} module Main where import Graphics.UI.WX import Graphics.UI.WXCore main :: IO () main = start gui gui :: IO () gui = do -- main gui elements: frame, panel, text control, and the notebook f <- frame [text := "Controls" ] p <- panel f [] -- use text control as logger textlog <- textCtrl p [wrap := WrapLine, enabled := False] textCtrlMakeLogActiveTarget textlog logMessage "logging enabled" -- menu file <- menuPane [text := "&File"] aRightClick <- menuItem file [text := "Say Something\tCtrl+Q", help := "An interesting Message"] -- button page nb <- notebookRight p [] p1 <- panel nb [] ok <- bitmapButton p1 [picture := "../bitmaps/wxwin16.png", text := "Ok", on command := logMessage "bitmap button pressed", tooltip := "tooltip", on clickRight := (\pt -> menuPopup file pt p)] -- specify layout set f [menuBar := [file] ,layout := container p $ column 0 [ tabs nb [tab "buttons" (container p1 $ margin 10 $ floatCentre $ row 5 $ [widget ok]) ] , hfill $ widget textlog ] , on (menu aRightClick) := infoDialog f "Say.." "Something" , clientSize := sz 400 300 ] return () where logSelect labels w = do i <- get w selection s <- get w (item i) logMessage ("selected index: " ++ show i ++ ": " ++ s) -- like notebook, with labels created on the side ( rather than on top): wxNB_RIGHT notebookRight parent props = do nb <- notebookCreate parent idAny rectNull ( wxCLIP_CHILDREN + wxNB_RIGHT) set nb props return nb