#ifndef wxc_h #define wxc_h /* eiffel uses stdcall but we use __cdecl!! */ #ifdef _stdcall # undef _stdcall #endif #define _stdcall #define EXPORT /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard includes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "wxc_types.h" #include "wxc_glue.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modular extra exports -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "db.h" #include "dragimage.h" #include "graphicscontext.h" #include "glcanvas.h" #include "sound.h" #include "managed.h" #include "mediactrl.h" #include "previewframe.h" #include "printout.h" #include "textstream.h" #include "stc.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extra exports -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* wxClosure */ TClassDefExtend(wxClosure,wxObject) TClass(wxClosure) wxClosure_Create( TClosureFun _fun_CEvent, void* _data ); void* wxClosure_GetData( TSelf(wxClosure) _obj ); TClass(wxClosure) wxEvtHandler_GetClosure( TSelf(wxEvtHandler) _obj, int id, int type ); /** Get the client data in the form of a closure. Use 'closureGetData' to get to the actual data.*/ TClass(wxClosure) wxEvtHandler_GetClientClosure( TSelf(wxEvtHandler) _obj ); /** Set the client data as a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion. */ void wxEvtHandler_SetClientClosure( TSelf(wxEvtHandler) _obj, TClass(wxClosure) closure ); /** Get the reference data of an object as a closure: only works if properly initialized. Use 'closureGetData' to get to the actual data. */ TClass(wxClosure) wxObject_GetClientClosure( TSelf(wxObject) _obj ); /** Set the reference data of an object as a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion. Returns 'True' on success. Only works if the reference data is unused by wxWindows! */ void wxObject_SetClientClosure( TSelf(wxObject) _obj, TClass(wxClosure) closure ); /* extra class definitions for classInfo */ TClassDefExtend(wxGauge95,wxGauge) TClassDefExtend(wxGaugeMSW,wxGauge) TClassDefExtend(wxSlider95,wxSlider) TClassDefExtend(wxSliderMSW,wxSlider) /* Object */ void wxObject_Delete( TSelf(wxObject) obj ); /* Frame */ TClass(wxString) wxFrame_GetTitle( TSelf(wxFrame) _obj ); void wxFrame_SetTitle( TSelf(wxFrame) _frame, TClass(wxString) _txt ); TBool wxFrame_SetShape( TSelf(wxFrame) self, TClass(wxRegion) region); TBool wxFrame_ShowFullScreen( TSelf(wxFrame) self, TBool show, int style); TBool wxFrame_IsFullScreen( TSelf(wxFrame) self ); void wxFrame_Centre( TSelf(wxFrame) self, int orientation ); /* Create/Delete */ void wxCursor_Delete( TSelf(wxCursor) _obj ); void wxDateTime_Delete(TSelf(wxDateTime) _obj); /* wxMouseEvent */ int wxMouseEvent_GetWheelDelta( TSelf(wxMouseEvent) _obj ); int wxMouseEvent_GetWheelRotation( TSelf(wxMouseEvent) _obj ); int wxMouseEvent_GetButton( TSelf(wxMouseEvent) _obj ); int expEVT_MOUSEWHEEL( ); void wxcGetMousePosition( TPointOut(x,y) ); /* wxDC */ double wxDC_GetUserScaleX( TSelf(wxDC) dc ); double wxDC_GetUserScaleY( TSelf(wxDC) dc ); /* wxWindow */ void wxWindow_ConvertDialogToPixelsEx( TSelf(wxWindow) _obj, TPoint(x,y), TPointOut(_x,_y) ); void wxWindow_ConvertPixelsToDialogEx( TSelf(wxWindow) _obj, TPoint(x,y), TPointOut(_x,_y) ); void wxWindow_ScreenToClient2(TSelf(wxWindow) self, TPoint(x,y), TPointOut(cx,cy)); /* wxString helpers */ TClass(wxString) wxString_Create( TString buffer ); TClass(wxString) wxString_CreateLen( TString buffer, int len ); void wxString_Delete( TSelf(wxString) s ); TStringLen wxString_GetString( TSelf(wxString) s, TStringOut buffer ); size_t wxString_Length( TSelf(wxString) s ); /* menu */ TClass(wxMenuBar) wxMenu_GetMenuBar( TSelf(wxMenu) _obj ); TClass(wxFrame) wxMenuBar_GetFrame( TSelf(wxMenuBar) _obj ); /* listctrl */ int expEVT_SORT(); int expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT(); int expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK(); int expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG(); int expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING(); int expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG(); int wxListEvent_GetCacheFrom( TSelf(wxListEvent) _obj); int wxListEvent_GetCacheTo( TSelf(wxListEvent) _obj); void wxListCtrl_AssignImageList( TSelf(wxListCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxImageList) images, int which ); void wxListCtrl_GetColumn2( TSelf(wxListCtrl) _obj, int col, TClassRef(wxListItem) item); void wxListCtrl_GetItem2( TSelf(wxListCtrl) _obj, TClassRef(wxListItem) info); void wxListCtrl_GetItemPosition2( TSelf(wxListCtrl) _obj, int item, TPointOut(x,y)); /** Sort items in a list control. Takes a closure that is called with a 'CommandEvent' where the @Int@ is the item data of the first item and the @ExtraLong@ the item data of the second item. The event handler should set the @Int@ to 0 when the items are equal, -1 when the first is less, and 1 when the second is less. */ TBool wxListCtrl_SortItems2(TSelf(wxListCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxClosure) closure ); /* tree ctrl */ TClassDefExtend(wxcTreeItemData,wxTreeItemData) /** Create tree item data with a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion. */ TClass(wxcTreeItemData) wxcTreeItemData_Create( TClass(wxClosure) closure ); /** Get the client data in the form of a closure. Use 'closureGetData' to get to the actual data.*/ TClass(wxClosure) wxcTreeItemData_GetClientClosure( TSelf(wxcTreeItemData) self ); /** Set the tree item data with a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion. */ void wxcTreeItemData_SetClientClosure( TSelf(wxcTreeItemData) self, TClass(wxClosure) closure ); TClass(wxTreeItemId) wxTreeItemId_Clone( TSelf(wxTreeItemId) _obj); TClass(wxTreeItemId) wxTreeItemId_CreateFromValue(int value); int wxTreeItemId_GetValue( TSelf(wxTreeItemId) _obj); TClass(wxKeyEvent) wxTreeEvent_GetKeyEvent( TSelf(wxTreeEvent) _obj); int wxTreeEvent_IsEditCancelled( TSelf(wxTreeEvent) _obj); void wxTreeEvent_Allow( TSelf(wxTreeEvent) _obj); TClass(wxTreeCtrl) wxTreeCtrl_Create2( TClass(wxWindow) _prt, int _id, TRect(_lft,_top,_wdt,_hgt), int _stl ); void wxTreeCtrl_InsertItem2( TSelf(wxTreeCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxWindow) parent, TClass(wxTreeItemId) idPrevious, TClass(wxString) text, int image, int selectedImage, TClass(wxClosure) closure, TClassRef(wxTreeItemId) _item ); void wxTreeCtrl_InsertItemByIndex2( TSelf(wxTreeCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxWindow) parent, int index, TClass(wxString) text, int image, int selectedImage, TClass(wxClosure) closure, TClassRef(wxTreeItemId) _item ); TClass(wxClosure) wxTreeCtrl_GetItemClientClosure( TSelf(wxTreeCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxTreeItemId) item ); void wxTreeCtrl_SetItemClientClosure( TSelf(wxTreeCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxTreeItemId) item, TClass(wxClosure) closure ); void wxTreeCtrl_AssignImageList(TSelf(wxTreeCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxImageList) imageList ); void wxTreeCtrl_AssignStateImageList(TSelf(wxTreeCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxImageList) imageList ); /* dc */ /** Get the color of pixel. Note: this is not a portable method at the moment and its use is discouraged. */ void wxDC_GetPixel2( TSelf(wxDC) _obj, TPoint(x,y), TClassRef(wxColour) col); /* scrolledwindow */ void wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollRate( TSelf(wxScrolledWindow) _obj, int xstep, int ystep ); /* wxObject */ TClassDef(wxObject) TClass(wxClassInfo) wxObject_GetClassInfo( TSelf(wxObject) _obj ); TBool wxObject_IsKindOf( TSelf(wxObject) _obj, TClass(wxClassInfo) classInfo ); TBool wxObject_IsScrolledWindow( TSelf(wxObject) _obj ); /* wxClassInfo */ TClassDef(wxClassInfo) TClass(wxClassInfo) wxClassInfo_FindClass( TClass(wxString) _txt ); TClass(wxString) wxClassInfo_GetBaseClassName1( TSelf(wxClassInfo) _obj ); TClass(wxString) wxClassInfo_GetBaseClassName2( TSelf(wxClassInfo) _obj ); TClass(wxString) wxClassInfo_GetClassNameEx( TSelf(wxClassInfo) _obj ); int wxClassInfo_GetSize( TSelf(wxClassInfo) _obj ); TBool wxClassInfo_IsKindOfEx( TSelf(wxClassInfo) _obj, TClass(wxClassInfo) classInfo ); /* wxNotebook */ void wxNotebook_AssignImageList( TSelf(wxNotebook) _obj, TClass(wxImageList) imageList ); /* Timers */ TClassDefExtend(wxTimerEx,wxTimer) void wxTimerEx_Connect( TSelf(wxTimerEx) _obj, TClass(wxClosure) closure ); TClass(wxTimerEx) wxTimerEx_Create( ); TClass(wxClosure) wxTimerEx_GetClosure( TSelf(wxTimerEx) _obj ); /* Menu */ void wxMenu_AppendRadioItem( TSelf(wxMenu) self, int id, TClass(wxString) text, TClass(wxString) help); /* Menu Item */ TClass(wxMenuItem) wxMenuItem_CreateSeparator(); TClass(wxMenuItem) wxMenuItem_CreateEx(int id, TClass(wxString) label, TClass(wxString) help, int itemkind, TClass(wxMenu) submenu); /* Toolbar */ void wxToolBar_AddTool2( TSelf(wxToolBar) _obj, int toolId, TClass(wxString) label, TClass(wxBitmap) bmp, TClass(wxBitmap) bmpDisabled, int itemKind, TClass(wxString) shortHelp, TClass(wxString) longHelp ); /* Progress dialog */ TClass(wxProgressDialog) wxProgressDialog_Create( TClass(wxString) title, TClass(wxString) message, int max, TClass(wxWindow) parent, int style ); int wxProgressDialog_Update(TSelf(wxProgressDialog) obj, int value ); int wxProgressDialog_UpdateWithMessage( TSelf(wxProgressDialog) obj, int value, TClass(wxString) message ); void wxProgressDialog_Resume( TSelf(wxProgressDialog) obj ); /** Get the version number of wxWindows as a number composed of the major version times 1000, minor version times 100, and the release number. For example, release 2.1.15 becomes 2115. */ int wxVersionNumber(); /** Check if a preprocessor macro is defined. For example, @wxIsDefined("__WXGTK__")@ or @wxIsDefined("wxUSE_GIF")@. */ TBoolInt wxIsDefined( TString s ); /* new Events */ int expEVT_DELETE(); int expEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED(); int expEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER(); int expEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED(); int expEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE(); int expEVT_INPUT_SINK(); /* Input sink */ TClassDefExtend(wxInputSink,wxThread) /** Create an event driven input stream. It is unsafe to reference the original inputStream after this call! The last parameter @bufferLen@ gives the default input batch size. The sink is automatically destroyed whenever the input stream has no more input. */ TClass(wxInputSink) wxInputSink_Create( TClass(wxInputStream) input, TClass(wxEvtHandler) evtHandler, int bufferLen ); /** After creation, retrieve the @id@ of the sink to connect to @wxEVT_INPUT_SINK@ events. */ int wxInputSink_GetId( TSelf(wxInputSink) obj ); /** After event connection, start non-blocking reading of the inputstream. This will generate @inputSinkEvent@ events. */ void wxInputSink_Start( TSelf(wxInputSink) obj ); /* Input sink events */ TClassDefExtend(wxInputSinkEvent,wxEvent) /** Get the input status (@wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR@ is ok). */ int wxInputSinkEvent_LastError( TSelf(wxInputSinkEvent) obj ); /** The number of characters in the input buffer. */ int wxInputSinkEvent_LastRead( TSelf(wxInputSinkEvent) obj ); /** The input buffer. */ char* wxInputSinkEvent_LastInput( TSelf(wxInputSinkEvent) obj ); /* html events */ TClassDefExtend(wxcHtmlEvent,wxCommandEvent) TClass(wxMouseEvent) wxcHtmlEvent_GetMouseEvent( TSelf(wxcHtmlEvent) self ); TClass(wxHtmlCell) wxcHtmlEvent_GetHtmlCell( TSelf(wxcHtmlEvent) self ); /** Return the /id/ attribute of the associated html cell (if applicable) */ TClass(wxString) wxcHtmlEvent_GetHtmlCellId( TSelf(wxcHtmlEvent) self ); /** Return the /href/ attribute of the associated html anchor (if applicable) */ TClass(wxString) wxcHtmlEvent_GetHref( TSelf(wxcHtmlEvent) self ); TClass(wxString) wxcHtmlEvent_GetTarget( TSelf(wxcHtmlEvent) self ); void wxcHtmlEvent_GetLogicalPosition( TSelf(wxcHtmlEvent) self, TPointOut(x,y) ); /* html window */ TClassDefExtend(wxcHtmlWindow,wxHtmlWindow) TClass(wxcHtmlWindow) wxcHtmlWindow_Create( TClass(wxWindow) _prt, int _id, TRect(_lft,_top,_wdt,_hgt), int _stl, TClass(wxString) _txt ); TClass(wxHtmlWindow) wxHtmlWindow_Create( TClass(wxWindow) _prt, int _id, TRect(_lft,_top,_wdt,_hgt), int _stl, TClass(wxString) _txt ); TBool wxHtmlWindow_AppendToPage( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj, TClass(wxString) source ); TClass(wxHtmlContainerCell) wxHtmlWindow_GetInternalRepresentation( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj ); TClass(wxString) wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedAnchor( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj ) ; TClass(wxString) wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPage( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj ); TClass(wxString) wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPageTitle( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj ); TClass(wxFrame) wxHtmlWindow_GetRelatedFrame( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj ); TBool wxHtmlWindow_HistoryBack( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj); TBool wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanBack( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj ); TBool wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanForward( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj ); void wxHtmlWindow_HistoryClear( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj); TBool wxHtmlWindow_HistoryForward( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj ); TBool wxHtmlWindow_LoadPage( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj, TClass(wxString) location ); void wxHtmlWindow_ReadCustomization( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj, TClass(wxConfigBase) cfg, TClass(wxString) path); void wxHtmlWindow_SetBorders( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj, int b ); void wxHtmlWindow_SetFonts( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj, TClass(wxString) normal_face, TClass(wxString) fixed_face, int * sizes ); void wxHtmlWindow_SetPage( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj, TClass(wxString) source ); void wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedFrame( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj , TClass(wxFrame) frame, TClass(wxString) format ); void wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedStatusBar( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj, int bar); void wxHtmlWindow_WriteCustomization( TSelf(wxHtmlWindow) _obj, TClass(wxConfigBase) cfg, TClass(wxString) path ); /* wxGridCellTextEnterEditor */ TClassDefExtend(wxGridCellTextEnterEditor,wxGridCellTextEditor) TClass(wxGridCellTextEnterEditor) wxGridCellTextEnterEditor_Ctor(); /* logger */ TClass(wxLogStderr) wxLogStderr_Create(); TClass(wxLogStderr) wxLogStderr_CreateStdOut(); TClass(wxLogNull) wxLogNull_Create(); TClass(wxLogTextCtrl) wxLogTextCtrl_Create( TClass(wxTextCtrl) text ); TClass(wxLogWindow) wxLogWindow_Create( TClass(wxWindow) parent, TString title, TBoolInt showit, TBoolInt passthrough ); TClass(wxFrame) wxLogWindow_GetFrame( TSelf(wxLogWindow) obj ); void LogError(TClass(wxString) _msg); void LogFatalError(TClass(wxString) _msg); void LogWarning(TClass(wxString) _msg); void LogMessage(TClass(wxString) _msg); void LogVerbose(TClass(wxString) _msg); void LogStatus(TClass(wxString) _msg); void LogSysError(TClass(wxString) _msg); void LogDebug(TClass(wxString) _msg); void LogTrace(TClass(wxString) mask, TClass(wxString) _msg); void wxLog_AddTraceMask( TSelf(wxLog) _obj, TClass(wxString) str ); void wxLog_Delete( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); void wxLog_DontCreateOnDemand( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); void wxLog_Flush( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); void wxLog_FlushActive( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); TClass(wxLog) wxLog_GetActiveTarget( ); char* wxLog_GetTimestamp( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); int wxLog_GetTraceMask( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); int wxLog_GetVerbose( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); TBool wxLog_HasPendingMessages( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); TBool wxLog_IsAllowedTraceMask( TSelf(wxLog) _obj, TClass(wxMask) mask ); void wxLog_OnLog( TSelf(wxLog) _obj, int level, TStringVoid szString, int t ); void wxLog_RemoveTraceMask( TSelf(wxLog) _obj, TClass(wxString) str ); void wxLog_Resume( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); TClass(wxLog) wxLog_SetActiveTarget( TSelf(wxLog) pLogger ); void wxLog_SetTimestamp( TSelf(wxLog) _obj, TStringVoid ts ); void wxLog_SetTraceMask( TSelf(wxLog) _obj, int ulMask ); void wxLog_SetVerbose( TSelf(wxLog) _obj, TBoolInt bVerbose ); void wxLog_Suspend( TSelf(wxLog) _obj ); /* process */ TClass(wxProcess) wxProcess_Open( TClass(wxString) cmd, int flags ); TBool wxProcess_IsErrorAvailable( TSelf(wxProcess) _obj ); TBool wxProcess_IsInputAvailable( TSelf(wxProcess) _obj ); TBool wxProcess_IsInputOpened( TSelf(wxProcess) _obj ); int wxKill( int pid, int signal ); void wxStreamBase_Delete( TSelf(wxStreamBase) obj); /* Dialogs */ void wxGetColourFromUser(TClass(wxWindow) parent, TClass(wxColour) colInit, TClassRef(wxColour) colour ); void wxGetFontFromUser(TClass(wxWindow) parent, TClass(wxFont) fontInit, TClassRef(wxFont) font ); TStringLen wxGetPasswordFromUser(TString message, TString caption, TString defaultText, TClass(wxWindow) parent, TStringOut _buf ); TStringLen wxGetTextFromUser(TString message, TString caption, TString defaultText, TClass(wxWindow) parent, TPoint(x,y), TBool center, TStringOut _buf ); long wxGetNumberFromUser( TClass(wxString) message, TClass(wxString) prompt, TClass(wxString) caption, long value, long min, long max, TClass(wxWindow) parent, TPoint(x,y) ); void wxcBell(); void wxcBeginBusyCursor(); void wxcEndBusyCursor(); void wxcIsBusy(); /* text ctrl */ TBool wxTextCtrl_EmulateKeyPress( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxKeyEvent) keyevent); TClass (wxTextAttr) wxTextCtrl_GetDefaultStyle( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj ); TClass(wxString) wxTextCtrl_GetRange( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj, long from, long to ); TClass(wxString) wxTextCtrl_GetStringSelection( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj ); TBool wxTextCtrl_IsMultiLine( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj ); TBool wxTextCtrl_IsSingleLine( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj ); TBool wxTextCtrl_SetDefaultStyle( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj, TClass(wxTextAttr) style); void wxTextCtrl_SetMaxLength( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj, long len ); TBool wxTextCtrl_SetStyle( TSelf(wxTextCtrl) _obj, long start, long end, TClass(wxTextAttr) style ); /* text attributes */ TClass(wxTextAttr) wxTextAttr_Create(TClass(wxColour) colText, TClass(wxColour) colBack, TClass(wxFont) font); TClass(wxTextAttr) wxTextAttr_CreateDefault(); void wxTextAttr_Delete( TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj ); void wxTextAttr_GetBackgroundColour( TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj, TClassRef(wxColour) colour ); void wxTextAttr_GetFont( TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj, TClassRef(wxFont) font ); void wxTextAttr_GetTextColour( TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj, TClassRef(wxColour) colour ); TBool wxTextAttr_HasBackgroundColour( TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj ); TBool wxTextAttr_HasFont( TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj ); TBool wxTextAttr_HasTextColour( TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj ); TBool wxTextAttr_IsDefault( TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj ); void wxTextAttr_SetTextColour(TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj, TClass(wxColour) colour ); void wxTextAttr_SetBackgroundColour(TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj, TClass(wxColour) colour ); void wxTextAttr_SetFont(TSelf(wxTextAttr) _obj, TClass(wxFont) font ); /* ConfigBase */ TClassDefExtend(wxFileConfig,wxConfigBase) TClass(wxConfigBase) wxConfigBase_Get(); void wxConfigBase_Set( TClass(wxConfigBase) self ); TClass(wxFileConfig) wxFileConfig_Create( TClass(wxInputStream) inp ); /* Image.cpp */ TClass(wxBitmap) wxBitmap_CreateFromImage( TClass(wxImage) image, int depth ); TClass(wxImage) wxImage_CreateFromDataEx( TSize(width,height), void* data, TBoolInt isStaticData); void wxImage_Delete( TSelf(wxImage) image ); /** Create from rgb int. */ TClass(wxColour) wxColour_CreateFromInt(int rgb); /** Return colors as an rgb int. */ int wxColour_GetInt( TSelf(wxColour) colour); /** Create from rgba unsigned int. */ TClass(wxColour) wxColour_CreateFromUnsignedInt(TUInt rgba); /** Return colors as an rgba unsigned int. */ TUInt wxColour_GetUnsignedInt( TSelf(wxColour) colour); /** Create from system colour. */ TClass(wxColour) wxcSystemSettingsGetColour( int systemColour ); /* basic pixel manipulation */ void wxcSetPixelRGB( TUInt8* buffer, int width, TPoint(x,y), int rgb ); int wxcGetPixelRGB( TUInt8* buffer, int width, TPoint(x,y) ); void wxcSetPixelRowRGB( TUInt8* buffer, int width, TPoint(x,y), int rgbStart, int rgbEnd, int count ); void wxcInitPixelsRGB( TUInt8* buffer, TSize(width,height), int rgba ); void wxcSetPixelRGBA( TUInt8* buffer, int width, TPoint(x,y), TUInt rgba ); TUInt wxcGetPixelRGBA( TUInt8* buffer, int width, TPoint(x,y) ); void wxcSetPixelRowRGBA( TUInt8* buffer, int width, TPoint(x,y), int rgbaStart, int rgbEnd, TUInt count ); void wxcInitPixelsRGBA( TUInt8* buffer, TSize(width,height), TUInt rgba ); /* malloc/free */ void* wxcMalloc(int size ); void wxcFree( void* p ); /* wakeup idle */ void wxcWakeUpIdle(); /* application directory */ /** Return the directory of the application. On unix systems (except MacOS X), it is not always possible to determine this correctly. Therefore, the APPDIR environment variable is returned first if it is defined. */ TClass(wxString) wxGetApplicationDir(); /** Return the full path of the application. On unix systems (except MacOS X), it is not always possible to determine this correctly. */ TClass(wxString) wxGetApplicationPath(); /* ELJApp */ void ELJApp_InitializeC( TClass(wxClosure) closure, int _argc, TChar** _argv ); int ELJApp_GetIdleInterval(); void ELJApp_SetIdleInterval( int interval ); #endif /* wxc_h */