{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-|	Module      :  WxcClassesAL
	Copyright   :  Copyright (c) Daan Leijen 2003, 2004
	License     :  wxWidgets

	Maintainer  :  wxhaskell-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
	Stability   :  provisional
	Portability :  portable

Haskell class definitions for the wxWidgets C library (@wxc.dll@).

Do not edit this file manually!
This file was automatically generated by wxDirect.

From the files:

  * @C:\Users\-\AppData\Roaming\cabal\x86_64-windows-ghc-7.10.2\wxc-\include\wxc.h@

And contains 1987 methods for 147 classes.
module Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassesAL
    ( -- * Global
     -- ** Misc.
      -- * Classes
     -- ** AcceleratorEntry
     -- ** AcceleratorTable
     -- ** ActivateEvent
     -- ** AuiDefaultTabArt
     -- ** AuiDefaultToolBarArt
     -- ** AuiDockArt
     -- ** AuiManager
     -- ** AuiManagerEvent
     -- ** AuiNotebook
     -- ** AuiNotebookEvent
     -- ** AuiNotebookPage
     -- ** AuiNotebookPageArray
     -- ** AuiPaneInfo
     -- ** AuiPaneInfoArray
     -- ** AuiSimpleTabArt
     -- ** AuiTabArt
     -- ** AuiTabContainer
     -- ** AuiTabContainerButton
     -- ** AuiTabCtrl
     -- ** AuiToolBar
     -- ** AuiToolBarArt
     -- ** AuiToolBarEvent
     -- ** AuiToolBarItem
     -- ** AuiToolBarItemArray
     -- ** AutoBufferedPaintDC
     -- ** Bitmap
     -- ** BitmapButton
     -- ** BitmapToggleButton
     -- ** BookCtrlBase
     -- ** BookCtrlEvent
     -- ** BoolProperty
     -- ** BoxSizer
     -- ** Brush
     -- ** BufferedDC
     -- ** BufferedPaintDC
     -- ** BusyCursor
     -- ** BusyInfo
     -- ** Button
     -- ** CalculateLayoutEvent
     -- ** CalendarCtrl
     -- ** CalendarDateAttr
     -- ** CalendarEvent
     -- ** Caret
     -- ** CheckBox
     -- ** CheckListBox
     -- ** Choice
     -- ** ClassInfo
     -- ** ClientDC
     -- ** Clipboard
     -- ** CloseEvent
     -- ** Closure
     -- ** ComboBox
     -- ** CommandEvent
     -- ** ConfigBase
     -- ** ContextHelp
     -- ** ContextHelpButton
     -- ** Control
     -- ** Cursor
     -- ** DC
     -- ** DataFormat
     -- ** DataObjectComposite
     -- ** DateProperty
     -- ** DateTime
     -- ** Dialog
     -- ** DirDialog
     -- ** DragImage
     -- ** DrawControl
     -- ** DrawWindow
     -- ** DropTarget
     -- ** EncodingConverter
     -- ** EraseEvent
     -- ** Event
     -- ** EvtHandler
     -- ** FileConfig
     -- ** FileDialog
     -- ** FileHistory
     -- ** FileProperty
     -- ** FileType
     -- ** FindDialogEvent
     -- ** FindReplaceData
     -- ** FindReplaceDialog
     -- ** FlexGridSizer
     -- ** FloatProperty
     -- ** Font
     -- ** FontData
     -- ** FontDialog
     -- ** FontEnumerator
     -- ** FontMapper
     -- ** Frame
     -- ** GLCanvas
     -- ** GLContext
     -- ** Gauge
     -- ** GenericDragImage
     -- ** GraphicsBrush
     -- ** GraphicsContext
     -- ** GraphicsFont
     -- ** GraphicsMatrix
     -- ** GraphicsObject
     -- ** GraphicsPath
     -- ** GraphicsPen
     -- ** GraphicsRenderer
     -- ** Grid
     -- ** GridCellAttr
     -- ** GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer
     -- ** GridCellBoolEditor
     -- ** GridCellChoiceEditor
     -- ** GridCellCoordsArray
     -- ** GridCellEditor
     -- ** GridCellFloatEditor
     -- ** GridCellNumberEditor
     -- ** GridCellNumberRenderer
     -- ** GridCellTextEditor
     -- ** GridCellTextEnterEditor
     -- ** GridEditorCreatedEvent
     -- ** GridEvent
     -- ** GridRangeSelectEvent
     -- ** GridSizeEvent
     -- ** GridSizer
     -- ** HelpControllerHelpProvider
     -- ** HelpEvent
     -- ** HelpProvider
     -- ** HtmlHelpController
     -- ** HtmlWindow
     -- ** Icon
     -- ** IconBundle
     -- ** IdleEvent
     -- ** Image
     -- ** ImageList
     -- ** IndividualLayoutConstraint
     -- ** InputSink
     -- ** InputSinkEvent
     -- ** InputStream
     -- ** IntProperty
     -- ** KeyEvent
     -- ** LayoutAlgorithm
     -- ** LayoutConstraints
     -- ** ListBox
     -- ** ListCtrl
     -- ** ListEvent
     -- ** ListItem
     -- ** Locale
     -- ** Log
     -- ** LogChain
     -- ** LogNull
     -- ** LogStderr
     -- ** LogTextCtrl
     -- ** LogWindow
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, useAsCStringLen)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB (ByteString, length, unpack)
import System.IO.Unsafe( unsafePerformIO )
import Foreign.C.Types(CInt(..), CWchar(..), CChar(..), CDouble(..))
import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcTypes
import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassTypes

-- | usage: (@acceleratorEntryCreate flags keyCode cmd@).
acceleratorEntryCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO (AcceleratorEntry  ())
acceleratorEntryCreate flags keyCode cmd 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxAcceleratorEntry_Create (toCInt flags)  (toCInt keyCode)  (toCInt cmd)  
foreign import ccall "wxAcceleratorEntry_Create" wxAcceleratorEntry_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAcceleratorEntry ()))

-- | usage: (@acceleratorEntryDelete obj@).
acceleratorEntryDelete :: AcceleratorEntry  a ->  IO ()
acceleratorEntryDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "acceleratorEntryDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAcceleratorEntry_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAcceleratorEntry_Delete" wxAcceleratorEntry_Delete :: Ptr (TAcceleratorEntry a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@acceleratorEntryGetCommand obj@).
acceleratorEntryGetCommand :: AcceleratorEntry  a ->  IO Int
acceleratorEntryGetCommand _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "acceleratorEntryGetCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAcceleratorEntry_GetCommand cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAcceleratorEntry_GetCommand" wxAcceleratorEntry_GetCommand :: Ptr (TAcceleratorEntry a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@acceleratorEntryGetFlags obj@).
acceleratorEntryGetFlags :: AcceleratorEntry  a ->  IO Int
acceleratorEntryGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "acceleratorEntryGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAcceleratorEntry_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAcceleratorEntry_GetFlags" wxAcceleratorEntry_GetFlags :: Ptr (TAcceleratorEntry a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@acceleratorEntryGetKeyCode obj@).
acceleratorEntryGetKeyCode :: AcceleratorEntry  a ->  IO Int
acceleratorEntryGetKeyCode _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "acceleratorEntryGetKeyCode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAcceleratorEntry_GetKeyCode cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAcceleratorEntry_GetKeyCode" wxAcceleratorEntry_GetKeyCode :: Ptr (TAcceleratorEntry a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@acceleratorEntrySet obj flags keyCode cmd@).
acceleratorEntrySet :: AcceleratorEntry  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
acceleratorEntrySet _obj flags keyCode cmd 
  = withObjectRef "acceleratorEntrySet" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAcceleratorEntry_Set cobj__obj  (toCInt flags)  (toCInt keyCode)  (toCInt cmd)  
foreign import ccall "wxAcceleratorEntry_Set" wxAcceleratorEntry_Set :: Ptr (TAcceleratorEntry a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@acceleratorTableCreate n entries@).
acceleratorTableCreate :: Int -> Ptr  b ->  IO (AcceleratorTable  ())
acceleratorTableCreate n entries 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxAcceleratorTable_Create (toCInt n)  entries  
foreign import ccall "wxAcceleratorTable_Create" wxAcceleratorTable_Create :: CInt -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr (TAcceleratorTable ()))

-- | usage: (@acceleratorTableDelete obj@).
acceleratorTableDelete :: AcceleratorTable  a ->  IO ()
acceleratorTableDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "acceleratorTableDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAcceleratorTable_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAcceleratorTable_Delete" wxAcceleratorTable_Delete :: Ptr (TAcceleratorTable a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@activateEventCopyObject obj obj@).
activateEventCopyObject :: ActivateEvent  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
activateEventCopyObject _obj obj 
  = withObjectRef "activateEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxActivateEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj  obj  
foreign import ccall "wxActivateEvent_CopyObject" wxActivateEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TActivateEvent a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@activateEventGetActive obj@).
activateEventGetActive :: ActivateEvent  a ->  IO Bool
activateEventGetActive _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "activateEventGetActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxActivateEvent_GetActive cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxActivateEvent_GetActive" wxActivateEvent_GetActive :: Ptr (TActivateEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtClone obj@).
auiDefaultTabArtClone :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a ->  IO (AuiTabArt  ())
auiDefaultTabArtClone _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtClone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_Clone cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_Clone" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_Clone :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiTabArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtCreate@).
auiDefaultTabArtCreate ::  IO (AuiDefaultTabArt  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_Create" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_Create :: IO (Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect@).
auiDefaultTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtDrawBackground _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtDrawBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawBackground cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawBackground" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawBackground :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtDrawButton obj dc wnd inRect bitmapId buttonState orientation outRect@).
auiDefaultTabArtDrawButton :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtDrawButton _obj _dc _wnd _inRect bitmapId buttonState orientation _outRect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtDrawButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _inRect $ \cobj__inRect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outRect $ \cobj__outRect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__inRect  (toCInt bitmapId)  (toCInt buttonState)  (toCInt orientation)  cobj__outRect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawButton" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawButton :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect h) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtDrawTab obj dc wnd pane inRect closeButtonState outTabRect outButtonRect xExtent@).
auiDefaultTabArtDrawTab :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiNotebookPage  d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtDrawTab _obj _dc _wnd _pane _inRect closeButtonState _outTabRect _outButtonRect xExtent 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtDrawTab" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    withWxRectPtr _inRect $ \cobj__inRect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outTabRect $ \cobj__outTabRect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outButtonRect $ \cobj__outButtonRect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawTab cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__pane  cobj__inRect  (toCInt closeButtonState)  cobj__outTabRect  cobj__outButtonRect  xExtent  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawTab" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_DrawTab :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect g) -> Ptr (TWxRect h) -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize obj wnd pages widthheight@).
auiDefaultTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPageArray  c -> Size ->  IO Int
auiDefaultTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize _obj _wnd _pages _widthheight 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _pages $ \cobj__pages -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize cobj__obj  cobj__wnd  cobj__pages  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray c) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtGetIndentSize obj@).
auiDefaultTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a ->  IO Int
auiDefaultTabArtGetIndentSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtGetIndentSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetIndentSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetIndentSize" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetIndentSize :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtGetTabSize obj dc wnd caption bitmap active closeButtonState xExtent@).
auiDefaultTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> String -> Bitmap  e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt ->  IO (Size)
auiDefaultTabArtGetTabSize _obj _dc _wnd _caption _bitmap active closeButtonState xExtent 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtGetTabSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withStringPtr _caption $ \cobj__caption -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetTabSize cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__caption  cobj__bitmap  (toCBool active)  (toCInt closeButtonState)  xExtent  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetTabSize" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_GetTabSize :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> CBool -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtSetActiveColour obj colour@).
auiDefaultTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtSetActiveColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtSetActiveColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetActiveColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetActiveColour" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetActiveColour :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtSetColour obj colour@).
auiDefaultTabArtSetColour :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtSetColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetColour" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetColour :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtSetFlags obj flags@).
auiDefaultTabArtSetFlags :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtSetFlags _obj _flags 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetFlags" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtSetMeasuringFont obj font@).
auiDefaultTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtSetMeasuringFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtSetMeasuringFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetMeasuringFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetMeasuringFont" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetMeasuringFont :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtSetNormalFont obj font@).
auiDefaultTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtSetNormalFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtSetNormalFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetNormalFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetNormalFont" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetNormalFont :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtSetSelectedFont obj font@).
auiDefaultTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtSetSelectedFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtSetSelectedFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetSelectedFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetSelectedFont" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetSelectedFont :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtSetSizingInfo obj widthheight tabCount@).
auiDefaultTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Size -> Int ->  IO ()
auiDefaultTabArtSetSizingInfo _obj _widthheight tabCount 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtSetSizingInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetSizingInfo cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt tabCount)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetSizingInfo" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_SetSizingInfo :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultTabArtShowDropDown obj wnd items activeIdx@).
auiDefaultTabArtShowDropDown :: AuiDefaultTabArt  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPageArray  c -> Int ->  IO Int
auiDefaultTabArtShowDropDown _obj _wnd _items activeIdx 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultTabArtShowDropDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _items $ \cobj__items -> 
    wxAuiDefaultTabArt_ShowDropDown cobj__obj  cobj__wnd  cobj__items  (toCInt activeIdx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultTabArt_ShowDropDown" wxAuiDefaultTabArt_ShowDropDown :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultTabArt a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray c) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtClone obj@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtClone :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a ->  IO (AuiToolBarArt  ())
auiDefaultToolBarArtClone _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtClone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_Clone cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_Clone" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_Clone :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtCreate@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtCreate ::  IO (AuiDefaultToolBarArt  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_Create" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_Create :: IO (Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawBackground :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawBackground _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawBackground cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawBackground" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawBackground :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawButton obj dc wnd item rect@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawButton _obj _dc _wnd _item _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawButton" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawButton :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawControlLabel obj dc wnd item rect@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawControlLabel :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawControlLabel _obj _dc _wnd _item _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawControlLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawControlLabel cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawControlLabel" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawControlLabel :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton obj dc wnd item rect@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton _obj _dc _wnd _item _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawDropDownButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawDropDownButton" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawDropDownButton :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawGripper obj dc wnd rect@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawGripper :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawGripper _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawGripper" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawGripper cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawGripper" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawGripper :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawLabel obj dc wnd item rect@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawLabel :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawLabel _obj _dc _wnd _item _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawLabel cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawLabel" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawLabel :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton obj dc wnd rect state@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect -> Int ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton _obj _dc _wnd _rect state 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawOverflowButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  (toCInt state)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawOverflowButton" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawOverflowButton :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground obj dc wnd rect@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawPlainBackground cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawPlainBackground" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawPlainBackground :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawSeparator obj dc wnd rect@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawSeparator :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawSeparator _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtDrawSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawSeparator cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawSeparator" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_DrawSeparator :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtGetElementSize obj element@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetElementSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> Int ->  IO Int
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetElementSize _obj element 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtGetElementSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetElementSize cobj__obj  (toCInt element)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetElementSize" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetElementSize :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFlags obj@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFlags :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a ->  IO Int
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetFlags" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFont obj@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFont :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a ->  IO (Font  ())
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFont _obj 
  = withManagedFontResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetFont cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetFont" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetFont :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> IO (Ptr (TFont ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtGetLabelSize obj dc wnd item@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetLabelSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d ->  IO (Size)
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetLabelSize _obj _dc _wnd _item 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtGetLabelSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetLabelSize cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetLabelSize" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetLabelSize :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtGetTextOrientation obj@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetTextOrientation :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a ->  IO Int
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetTextOrientation _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtGetTextOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetTextOrientation cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetTextOrientation" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetTextOrientation :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtGetToolSize obj dc wnd item@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetToolSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d ->  IO (Size)
auiDefaultToolBarArtGetToolSize _obj _dc _wnd _item 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtGetToolSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetToolSize cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetToolSize" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_GetToolSize :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtSetElementSize obj elementid size@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetElementSize :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetElementSize _obj elementid size 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtSetElementSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetElementSize cobj__obj  (toCInt elementid)  (toCInt size)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetElementSize" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetElementSize :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFlags obj flags@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFlags :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFlags _obj _flags 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetFlags" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFont obj font@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFont :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetFont" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetFont :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtSetTextOrientation obj orientation@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetTextOrientation :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiDefaultToolBarArtSetTextOrientation _obj orientation 
  = withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtSetTextOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetTextOrientation cobj__obj  (toCInt orientation)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetTextOrientation" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_SetTextOrientation :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDefaultToolBarArtShowDropDown obj wnd items@).
auiDefaultToolBarArtShowDropDown :: AuiDefaultToolBarArt  a -> Window  b -> AuiToolBarItemArray  c ->  IO Int
auiDefaultToolBarArtShowDropDown _obj _wnd _items 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDefaultToolBarArtShowDropDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _items $ \cobj__items -> 
    wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_ShowDropDown cobj__obj  cobj__wnd  cobj__items  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_ShowDropDown" wxAuiDefaultToolBarArt_ShowDropDown :: Ptr (TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItemArray c) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtDrawBackground obj dc window orientation rect@).
auiDockArtDrawBackground :: AuiDockArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Int -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDockArtDrawBackground _obj _dc _window orientation _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtDrawBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_DrawBackground cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__window  (toCInt orientation)  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_DrawBackground" wxAuiDockArt_DrawBackground :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtDrawBorder obj dc window rect pane@).
auiDockArtDrawBorder :: AuiDockArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo  e ->  IO ()
auiDockArtDrawBorder _obj _dc _window _rect _pane 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtDrawBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_DrawBorder cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__window  cobj__rect  cobj__pane  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_DrawBorder" wxAuiDockArt_DrawBorder :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtDrawCaption obj dc window text rect pane@).
auiDockArtDrawCaption :: AuiDockArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> String -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo  f ->  IO ()
auiDockArtDrawCaption _obj _dc _window _text _rect _pane 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtDrawCaption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withStringPtr _text $ \cobj__text -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_DrawCaption cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__window  cobj__text  cobj__rect  cobj__pane  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_DrawCaption" wxAuiDockArt_DrawCaption :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo f) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtDrawGripper obj dc window rect pane@).
auiDockArtDrawGripper :: AuiDockArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo  e ->  IO ()
auiDockArtDrawGripper _obj _dc _window _rect _pane 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtDrawGripper" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_DrawGripper cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__window  cobj__rect  cobj__pane  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_DrawGripper" wxAuiDockArt_DrawGripper :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtDrawPaneButton obj dc window button buttonstate rect pane@).
auiDockArtDrawPaneButton :: AuiDockArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> AuiPaneInfo  g ->  IO ()
auiDockArtDrawPaneButton _obj _dc _window button buttonstate _rect _pane 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtDrawPaneButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_DrawPaneButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__window  (toCInt button)  (toCInt buttonstate)  cobj__rect  cobj__pane  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_DrawPaneButton" wxAuiDockArt_DrawPaneButton :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect f) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo g) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtDrawSash obj dc window orientation rect@).
auiDockArtDrawSash :: AuiDockArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Int -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiDockArtDrawSash _obj _dc _window orientation _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtDrawSash" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_DrawSash cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__window  (toCInt orientation)  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_DrawSash" wxAuiDockArt_DrawSash :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtGetColour obj id@).
auiDockArtGetColour :: AuiDockArt  a -> Id ->  IO (Color)
auiDockArtGetColour _obj id 
  = withManagedColourResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDockArtGetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_GetColour cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_GetColour" wxAuiDockArt_GetColour :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TColour ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtGetFont obj id@).
auiDockArtGetFont :: AuiDockArt  a -> Id ->  IO (Font  ())
auiDockArtGetFont _obj id 
  = withManagedFontResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDockArtGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_GetFont cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_GetFont" wxAuiDockArt_GetFont :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFont ()))

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtGetMetric obj id@).
auiDockArtGetMetric :: AuiDockArt  a -> Id ->  IO Int
auiDockArtGetMetric _obj id 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiDockArtGetMetric" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_GetMetric cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_GetMetric" wxAuiDockArt_GetMetric :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtSetColour obj id colour@).
auiDockArtSetColour :: AuiDockArt  a -> Id -> Color ->  IO ()
auiDockArtSetColour _obj id _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_SetColour cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_SetColour" wxAuiDockArt_SetColour :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TColour c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtSetFont obj id font@).
auiDockArtSetFont :: AuiDockArt  a -> Id -> Font  c ->  IO ()
auiDockArtSetFont _obj id _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_SetFont cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_SetFont" wxAuiDockArt_SetFont :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TFont c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiDockArtSetMetric obj id newval@).
auiDockArtSetMetric :: AuiDockArt  a -> Id -> Int ->  IO ()
auiDockArtSetMetric _obj id newval 
  = withObjectRef "auiDockArtSetMetric" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiDockArt_SetMetric cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  (toCInt newval)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiDockArt_SetMetric" wxAuiDockArt_SetMetric :: Ptr (TAuiDockArt a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerAddPane obj window direction caption@).
auiManagerAddPane :: AuiManager  a -> Window  b -> Int -> String ->  IO Bool
auiManagerAddPane _obj _window _direction _caption 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerAddPane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withStringPtr _caption $ \cobj__caption -> 
    wxAuiManager_AddPane cobj__obj  cobj__window  (toCInt _direction)  cobj__caption  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_AddPane" wxAuiManager_AddPane :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfo obj window paneinfo@).
auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfo :: AuiManager  a -> Window  b -> AuiPaneInfo  c ->  IO Bool
auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfo _obj _window _paneinfo 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withObjectPtr _paneinfo $ \cobj__paneinfo -> 
    wxAuiManager_AddPaneByPaneInfo cobj__obj  cobj__window  cobj__paneinfo  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_AddPaneByPaneInfo" wxAuiManager_AddPaneByPaneInfo :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition obj window paneinfo xy@).
auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition :: AuiManager  a -> Window  b -> AuiPaneInfo  c -> Point ->  IO Bool
auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition _obj _window _paneinfo xy 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerAddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withObjectPtr _paneinfo $ \cobj__paneinfo -> 
    wxAuiManager_AddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition cobj__obj  cobj__window  cobj__paneinfo  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_AddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition" wxAuiManager_AddPaneByPaneInfoAndDropPosition :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo c) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiManagerCreate managedwnd flags@).
auiManagerCreate :: Window  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiManager  ())
auiManagerCreate _managedwnd _flags 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _managedwnd $ \cobj__managedwnd -> 
    wxAuiManager_Create cobj__managedwnd  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_Create" wxAuiManager_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiManager ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerDelete obj@).
auiManagerDelete :: AuiManager  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@auiManagerDetachPane obj window@).
auiManagerDetachPane :: AuiManager  a -> Window  b ->  IO Bool
auiManagerDetachPane _obj _window 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerDetachPane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    wxAuiManager_DetachPane cobj__obj  cobj__window  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_DetachPane" wxAuiManager_DetachPane :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventCanVeto obj@).
auiManagerEventCanVeto :: AuiManagerEvent  a ->  IO Bool
auiManagerEventCanVeto _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerEventCanVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_CanVeto cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_CanVeto" wxAuiManagerEvent_CanVeto :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventCreate wxtype@).
auiManagerEventCreate :: Int ->  IO (AuiManagerEvent  ())
auiManagerEventCreate wxtype 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxAuiManagerEvent_Create (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_Create" wxAuiManagerEvent_Create :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventGetButton obj@).
auiManagerEventGetButton :: AuiManagerEvent  a ->  IO Int
auiManagerEventGetButton _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerEventGetButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_GetButton cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_GetButton" wxAuiManagerEvent_GetButton :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventGetDC obj@).
auiManagerEventGetDC :: AuiManagerEvent  a ->  IO (DC  ())
auiManagerEventGetDC _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerEventGetDC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_GetDC cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_GetDC" wxAuiManagerEvent_GetDC :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TDC ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventGetManager obj@).
auiManagerEventGetManager :: AuiManagerEvent  a ->  IO (AuiManager  ())
auiManagerEventGetManager _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerEventGetManager" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_GetManager cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_GetManager" wxAuiManagerEvent_GetManager :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiManager ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventGetPane obj@).
auiManagerEventGetPane :: AuiManagerEvent  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiManagerEventGetPane _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerEventGetPane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_GetPane cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_GetPane" wxAuiManagerEvent_GetPane :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventGetVeto obj@).
auiManagerEventGetVeto :: AuiManagerEvent  a ->  IO Bool
auiManagerEventGetVeto _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerEventGetVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_GetVeto cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_GetVeto" wxAuiManagerEvent_GetVeto :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventSetButton obj button@).
auiManagerEventSetButton :: AuiManagerEvent  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiManagerEventSetButton _obj button 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerEventSetButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_SetButton cobj__obj  (toCInt button)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_SetButton" wxAuiManagerEvent_SetButton :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventSetCanVeto obj canveto@).
auiManagerEventSetCanVeto :: AuiManagerEvent  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiManagerEventSetCanVeto _obj canveto 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerEventSetCanVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_SetCanVeto cobj__obj  (toCBool canveto)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_SetCanVeto" wxAuiManagerEvent_SetCanVeto :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventSetDC obj pdc@).
auiManagerEventSetDC :: AuiManagerEvent  a -> DC  b ->  IO ()
auiManagerEventSetDC _obj _pdc 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerEventSetDC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _pdc $ \cobj__pdc -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_SetDC cobj__obj  cobj__pdc  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_SetDC" wxAuiManagerEvent_SetDC :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventSetManager obj manager@).
auiManagerEventSetManager :: AuiManagerEvent  a -> AuiManager  b ->  IO ()
auiManagerEventSetManager _obj _manager 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerEventSetManager" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _manager $ \cobj__manager -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_SetManager cobj__obj  cobj__manager  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_SetManager" wxAuiManagerEvent_SetManager :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> Ptr (TAuiManager b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventSetPane obj pane@).
auiManagerEventSetPane :: AuiManagerEvent  a -> AuiPaneInfo  b ->  IO ()
auiManagerEventSetPane _obj _pane 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerEventSetPane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_SetPane cobj__obj  cobj__pane  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_SetPane" wxAuiManagerEvent_SetPane :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerEventVeto obj veto@).
auiManagerEventVeto :: AuiManagerEvent  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiManagerEventVeto _obj veto 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerEventVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManagerEvent_Veto cobj__obj  (toCBool veto)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManagerEvent_Veto" wxAuiManagerEvent_Veto :: Ptr (TAuiManagerEvent a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerGetAllPanes obj@).
auiManagerGetAllPanes :: AuiManager  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfoArray  ())
auiManagerGetAllPanes _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerGetAllPanes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_GetAllPanes cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_GetAllPanes" wxAuiManager_GetAllPanes :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfoArray ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerGetArtProvider obj@).
auiManagerGetArtProvider :: AuiManager  a ->  IO (AuiDockArt  ())
auiManagerGetArtProvider _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerGetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_GetArtProvider cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_GetArtProvider" wxAuiManager_GetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiDockArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerGetDockSizeConstraint obj widthpct heightpct@).
auiManagerGetDockSizeConstraint :: AuiManager  a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double ->  IO ()
auiManagerGetDockSizeConstraint _obj _widthpct _heightpct 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerGetDockSizeConstraint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_GetDockSizeConstraint cobj__obj  _widthpct  _heightpct  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_GetDockSizeConstraint" wxAuiManager_GetDockSizeConstraint :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerGetFlags obj@).
auiManagerGetFlags :: AuiManager  a ->  IO Int
auiManagerGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_GetFlags" wxAuiManager_GetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiManagerGetManagedWindow obj@).
auiManagerGetManagedWindow :: AuiManager  a ->  IO (Window  ())
auiManagerGetManagedWindow _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerGetManagedWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_GetManagedWindow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_GetManagedWindow" wxAuiManager_GetManagedWindow :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerGetManager window@).
auiManagerGetManager :: Window  a ->  IO (AuiManager  ())
auiManagerGetManager _window 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    wxAuiManager_GetManager cobj__window  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_GetManager" wxAuiManager_GetManager :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiManager ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerGetPaneByName obj name@).
auiManagerGetPaneByName :: AuiManager  a -> String ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiManagerGetPaneByName _obj _name 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerGetPaneByName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _name $ \cobj__name -> 
    wxAuiManager_GetPaneByName cobj__obj  cobj__name  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_GetPaneByName" wxAuiManager_GetPaneByName :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerGetPaneByWindow obj window@).
auiManagerGetPaneByWindow :: AuiManager  a -> Window  b ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiManagerGetPaneByWindow _obj _window 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerGetPaneByWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    wxAuiManager_GetPaneByWindow cobj__obj  cobj__window  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_GetPaneByWindow" wxAuiManager_GetPaneByWindow :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerHideHint obj@).
auiManagerHideHint :: AuiManager  a ->  IO ()
auiManagerHideHint _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerHideHint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_HideHint cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_HideHint" wxAuiManager_HideHint :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerInsertPane obj window insertlocation insertlevel@).
auiManagerInsertPane :: AuiManager  a -> Window  b -> AuiPaneInfo  c -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiManagerInsertPane _obj _window _insertlocation _insertlevel 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerInsertPane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _window $ \cobj__window -> 
    withObjectPtr _insertlocation $ \cobj__insertlocation -> 
    wxAuiManager_InsertPane cobj__obj  cobj__window  cobj__insertlocation  (toCInt _insertlevel)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_InsertPane" wxAuiManager_InsertPane :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo c) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiManagerLoadPaneInfo obj panepart pane@).
auiManagerLoadPaneInfo :: AuiManager  a -> String -> AuiPaneInfo  c ->  IO ()
auiManagerLoadPaneInfo _obj _panepart _pane 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerLoadPaneInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _panepart $ \cobj__panepart -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    wxAuiManager_LoadPaneInfo cobj__obj  cobj__panepart  cobj__pane  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_LoadPaneInfo" wxAuiManager_LoadPaneInfo :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerLoadPerspective obj perspective update@).
auiManagerLoadPerspective :: AuiManager  a -> String -> Bool ->  IO Bool
auiManagerLoadPerspective _obj _perspective update 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerLoadPerspective" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _perspective $ \cobj__perspective -> 
    wxAuiManager_LoadPerspective cobj__obj  cobj__perspective  (toCBool update)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_LoadPerspective" wxAuiManager_LoadPerspective :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiManagerSavePaneInfo obj pane@).
auiManagerSavePaneInfo :: AuiManager  a -> AuiPaneInfo  b ->  IO (String)
auiManagerSavePaneInfo _obj _pane 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerSavePaneInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    wxAuiManager_SavePaneInfo cobj__obj  cobj__pane  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_SavePaneInfo" wxAuiManager_SavePaneInfo :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo b) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerSavePerspective obj@).
auiManagerSavePerspective :: AuiManager  a ->  IO (String)
auiManagerSavePerspective _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiManagerSavePerspective" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_SavePerspective cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_SavePerspective" wxAuiManager_SavePerspective :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiManagerSetArtProvider obj artprovider@).
auiManagerSetArtProvider :: AuiManager  a -> AuiDockArt  b ->  IO ()
auiManagerSetArtProvider _obj _artprovider 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerSetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _artprovider $ \cobj__artprovider -> 
    wxAuiManager_SetArtProvider cobj__obj  cobj__artprovider  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_SetArtProvider" wxAuiManager_SetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TAuiDockArt b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerSetDockSizeConstraint obj widthpct heightpct@).
auiManagerSetDockSizeConstraint :: AuiManager  a -> Double -> Double ->  IO ()
auiManagerSetDockSizeConstraint _obj widthpct heightpct 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerSetDockSizeConstraint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_SetDockSizeConstraint cobj__obj  widthpct  heightpct  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_SetDockSizeConstraint" wxAuiManager_SetDockSizeConstraint :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Double -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerSetFlags obj flags@).
auiManagerSetFlags :: AuiManager  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiManagerSetFlags _obj flags 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_SetFlags" wxAuiManager_SetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerSetManagedWindow obj managedwnd@).
auiManagerSetManagedWindow :: AuiManager  a -> Window  b ->  IO ()
auiManagerSetManagedWindow _obj _managedwnd 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerSetManagedWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _managedwnd $ \cobj__managedwnd -> 
    wxAuiManager_SetManagedWindow cobj__obj  cobj__managedwnd  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_SetManagedWindow" wxAuiManager_SetManagedWindow :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerShowHint obj rect@).
auiManagerShowHint :: AuiManager  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiManagerShowHint _obj _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerShowHint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiManager_ShowHint cobj__obj  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_ShowHint" wxAuiManager_ShowHint :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> Ptr (TWxRect b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerUnInit obj@).
auiManagerUnInit :: AuiManager  a ->  IO ()
auiManagerUnInit _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerUnInit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_UnInit cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_UnInit" wxAuiManager_UnInit :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiManagerUpdate obj@).
auiManagerUpdate :: AuiManager  a ->  IO ()
auiManagerUpdate _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiManagerUpdate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiManager_Update cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiManager_Update" wxAuiManager_Update :: Ptr (TAuiManager a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookAddPage obj page text select imageId@).
auiNotebookAddPage :: AuiNotebook  a -> Window  b -> String -> Bool -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookAddPage _obj _page _text select imageId 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookAddPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withStringPtr _text $ \cobj__text -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_AddPage cobj__obj  cobj__page  cobj__text  (toCBool select)  (toCInt imageId)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_AddPage" wxAuiNotebook_AddPage :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CBool -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookAddPageWithBitmap obj page caption select bitmap@).
auiNotebookAddPageWithBitmap :: AuiNotebook  a -> Window  b -> String -> Bool -> Bitmap  e ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookAddPageWithBitmap _obj _page _caption select _bitmap 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookAddPageWithBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withStringPtr _caption $ \cobj__caption -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_AddPageWithBitmap cobj__obj  cobj__page  cobj__caption  (toCBool select)  cobj__bitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_AddPageWithBitmap" wxAuiNotebook_AddPageWithBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CBool -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookAdvanceSelection obj forward@).
auiNotebookAdvanceSelection :: AuiNotebook  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiNotebookAdvanceSelection _obj forward 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookAdvanceSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_AdvanceSelection cobj__obj  (toCBool forward)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_AdvanceSelection" wxAuiNotebook_AdvanceSelection :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookChangeSelection obj n@).
auiNotebookChangeSelection :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO Int
auiNotebookChangeSelection _obj n 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookChangeSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_ChangeSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_ChangeSelection" wxAuiNotebook_ChangeSelection :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookCreate parent id xy widthheight style@).
auiNotebookCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int ->  IO (AuiNotebook  ())
auiNotebookCreate _parent id xy _widthheight style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _parent $ \cobj__parent -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_Create cobj__parent  (toCInt id)  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_Create" wxAuiNotebook_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebook ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookCreateDefault@).
auiNotebookCreateDefault ::  IO (AuiNotebook  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_CreateDefault" wxAuiNotebook_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebook ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookCreateFromDefault obj parent id xy widthheight style@).
auiNotebookCreateFromDefault :: AuiNotebook  a -> Window  b -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookCreateFromDefault _obj _parent id xy _widthheight style 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookCreateFromDefault" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _parent $ \cobj__parent -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_CreateFromDefault cobj__obj  cobj__parent  (toCInt id)  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_CreateFromDefault" wxAuiNotebook_CreateFromDefault :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookDeleteAllPages obj@).
auiNotebookDeleteAllPages :: AuiNotebook  a ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookDeleteAllPages _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookDeleteAllPages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_DeleteAllPages cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_DeleteAllPages" wxAuiNotebook_DeleteAllPages :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookDeletePage obj page@).
auiNotebookDeletePage :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookDeletePage _obj page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookDeletePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_DeletePage cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_DeletePage" wxAuiNotebook_DeletePage :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookEventCreate commandtype winid@).
auiNotebookEventCreate :: Int -> Int ->  IO (AuiNotebookEvent  ())
auiNotebookEventCreate commandtype winid 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxAuiNotebookEvent_Create (toCInt commandtype)  (toCInt winid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookEvent_Create" wxAuiNotebookEvent_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebookEvent ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookEventGetDragSource obj@).
auiNotebookEventGetDragSource :: AuiNotebookEvent  a ->  IO (AuiNotebook  ())
auiNotebookEventGetDragSource _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookEventGetDragSource" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookEvent_GetDragSource cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookEvent_GetDragSource" wxAuiNotebookEvent_GetDragSource :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebook ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetArtProvider obj@).
auiNotebookGetArtProvider :: AuiNotebook  a ->  IO (AuiTabArt  ())
auiNotebookGetArtProvider _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetArtProvider cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetArtProvider" wxAuiNotebook_GetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiTabArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetCurrentPage obj@).
auiNotebookGetCurrentPage :: AuiNotebook  a ->  IO (Window  ())
auiNotebookGetCurrentPage _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetCurrentPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetCurrentPage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetCurrentPage" wxAuiNotebook_GetCurrentPage :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetHeightForPageHeight obj pageHeight@).
auiNotebookGetHeightForPageHeight :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO Int
auiNotebookGetHeightForPageHeight _obj pageHeight 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetHeightForPageHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetHeightForPageHeight cobj__obj  (toCInt pageHeight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetHeightForPageHeight" wxAuiNotebook_GetHeightForPageHeight :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetPage obj pageidx@).
auiNotebookGetPage :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO (Window  ())
auiNotebookGetPage _obj pageidx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetPage cobj__obj  (toCInt pageidx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetPage" wxAuiNotebook_GetPage :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetPageBitmap obj page@).
auiNotebookGetPageBitmap :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
auiNotebookGetPageBitmap _obj page 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetPageBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetPageBitmap cobj__obj  (toCInt page)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetPageBitmap" wxAuiNotebook_GetPageBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetPageCount obj@).
auiNotebookGetPageCount :: AuiNotebook  a ->  IO Int
auiNotebookGetPageCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetPageCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetPageCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetPageCount" wxAuiNotebook_GetPageCount :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetPageIndex obj pagewnd@).
auiNotebookGetPageIndex :: AuiNotebook  a -> Window  b ->  IO Int
auiNotebookGetPageIndex _obj _pagewnd 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetPageIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _pagewnd $ \cobj__pagewnd -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetPageIndex cobj__obj  cobj__pagewnd  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetPageIndex" wxAuiNotebook_GetPageIndex :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetPageText obj page@).
auiNotebookGetPageText :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
auiNotebookGetPageText _obj page 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetPageText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetPageText cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetPageText" wxAuiNotebook_GetPageText :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetPageToolTip obj pageIdx@).
auiNotebookGetPageToolTip :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
auiNotebookGetPageToolTip _obj pageIdx 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetPageToolTip" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetPageToolTip cobj__obj  (toCInt pageIdx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetPageToolTip" wxAuiNotebook_GetPageToolTip :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetSelection obj@).
auiNotebookGetSelection :: AuiNotebook  a ->  IO Int
auiNotebookGetSelection _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetSelection" wxAuiNotebook_GetSelection :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookGetTabCtrlHeight obj@).
auiNotebookGetTabCtrlHeight :: AuiNotebook  a ->  IO Int
auiNotebookGetTabCtrlHeight _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookGetTabCtrlHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_GetTabCtrlHeight cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_GetTabCtrlHeight" wxAuiNotebook_GetTabCtrlHeight :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookInsertPage obj index page text select imageId@).
auiNotebookInsertPage :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int -> Window  c -> String -> Bool -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookInsertPage _obj index _page _text select imageId 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookInsertPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withStringPtr _text $ \cobj__text -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_InsertPage cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  cobj__page  cobj__text  (toCBool select)  (toCInt imageId)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_InsertPage" wxAuiNotebook_InsertPage :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> CBool -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookInsertPageWithBitmap obj pageidx page caption select bitmap@).
auiNotebookInsertPageWithBitmap :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int -> Window  c -> String -> Bool -> Bitmap  f ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookInsertPageWithBitmap _obj pageidx _page _caption select _bitmap 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookInsertPageWithBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withStringPtr _caption $ \cobj__caption -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_InsertPageWithBitmap cobj__obj  (toCInt pageidx)  cobj__page  cobj__caption  (toCBool select)  cobj__bitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_InsertPageWithBitmap" wxAuiNotebook_InsertPageWithBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> CBool -> Ptr (TBitmap f) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageActive obj@).
auiNotebookPageActive :: AuiNotebookPage  a ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookPageActive _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPage_Active cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPage_Active" wxAuiNotebookPage_Active :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageArrayCreate@).
auiNotebookPageArrayCreate ::  IO (AuiNotebookPageArray  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPageArray_Create" wxAuiNotebookPageArray_Create :: IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageArrayDelete obj@).
auiNotebookPageArrayDelete :: AuiNotebookPageArray  a ->  IO ()
auiNotebookPageArrayDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageArrayDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPageArray_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPageArray_Delete" wxAuiNotebookPageArray_Delete :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageArrayGetCount obj@).
auiNotebookPageArrayGetCount :: AuiNotebookPageArray  a ->  IO Int
auiNotebookPageArrayGetCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageArrayGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPageArray_GetCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPageArray_GetCount" wxAuiNotebookPageArray_GetCount :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageArrayItem obj idx@).
auiNotebookPageArrayItem :: AuiNotebookPageArray  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiNotebookPage  ())
auiNotebookPageArrayItem _obj _idx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageArrayItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPageArray_Item cobj__obj  (toCInt _idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPageArray_Item" wxAuiNotebookPageArray_Item :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageBitmap obj@).
auiNotebookPageBitmap :: AuiNotebookPage  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
auiNotebookPageBitmap _obj 
  = withManagedBitmapResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPage_Bitmap cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPage_Bitmap" wxAuiNotebookPage_Bitmap :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage a) -> IO (Ptr (TBitmap ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageCaption obj@).
auiNotebookPageCaption :: AuiNotebookPage  a ->  IO (String)
auiNotebookPageCaption _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageCaption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPage_Caption cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPage_Caption" wxAuiNotebookPage_Caption :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageRect obj@).
auiNotebookPageRect :: AuiNotebookPage  a ->  IO (Rect)
auiNotebookPageRect _obj 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPage_Rect cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPage_Rect" wxAuiNotebookPage_Rect :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageTooltip obj@).
auiNotebookPageTooltip :: AuiNotebookPage  a ->  IO (String)
auiNotebookPageTooltip _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageTooltip" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPage_Tooltip cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPage_Tooltip" wxAuiNotebookPage_Tooltip :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookPageWindow obj@).
auiNotebookPageWindow :: AuiNotebookPage  a ->  IO (Window  ())
auiNotebookPageWindow _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookPageWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebookPage_Window cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebookPage_Window" wxAuiNotebookPage_Window :: Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookRemovePage obj page@).
auiNotebookRemovePage :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookRemovePage _obj page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookRemovePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_RemovePage cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_RemovePage" wxAuiNotebook_RemovePage :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetArtProvider obj art@).
auiNotebookSetArtProvider :: AuiNotebook  a -> AuiTabArt  b ->  IO ()
auiNotebookSetArtProvider _obj _art 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _art $ \cobj__art -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetArtProvider cobj__obj  cobj__art  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetArtProvider" wxAuiNotebook_SetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TAuiTabArt b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetFont obj font@).
auiNotebookSetFont :: AuiNotebook  a -> Font  b ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookSetFont _obj _font 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetFont" wxAuiNotebook_SetFont :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetMeasuringFont obj font@).
auiNotebookSetMeasuringFont :: AuiNotebook  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiNotebookSetMeasuringFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetMeasuringFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetMeasuringFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetMeasuringFont" wxAuiNotebook_SetMeasuringFont :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetNormalFont obj font@).
auiNotebookSetNormalFont :: AuiNotebook  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiNotebookSetNormalFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetNormalFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetNormalFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetNormalFont" wxAuiNotebook_SetNormalFont :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetPageBitmap obj page bitmap@).
auiNotebookSetPageBitmap :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int -> Bitmap  c ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookSetPageBitmap _obj page _bitmap 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetPageBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetPageBitmap cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  cobj__bitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetPageBitmap" wxAuiNotebook_SetPageBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetPageImage obj n imageId@).
auiNotebookSetPageImage :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookSetPageImage _obj n imageId 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetPageImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetPageImage cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  (toCInt imageId)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetPageImage" wxAuiNotebook_SetPageImage :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetPageText obj page text@).
auiNotebookSetPageText :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int -> String ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookSetPageText _obj page _text 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetPageText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _text $ \cobj__text -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetPageText cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  cobj__text  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetPageText" wxAuiNotebook_SetPageText :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetPageToolTip obj page text@).
auiNotebookSetPageToolTip :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int -> String ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookSetPageToolTip _obj page _text 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetPageToolTip" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _text $ \cobj__text -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetPageToolTip cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  cobj__text  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetPageToolTip" wxAuiNotebook_SetPageToolTip :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetSelectedFont obj font@).
auiNotebookSetSelectedFont :: AuiNotebook  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiNotebookSetSelectedFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetSelectedFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetSelectedFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetSelectedFont" wxAuiNotebook_SetSelectedFont :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetSelection obj newpage@).
auiNotebookSetSelection :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO Int
auiNotebookSetSelection _obj newpage 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt newpage)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetSelection" wxAuiNotebook_SetSelection :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetTabCtrlHeight obj height@).
auiNotebookSetTabCtrlHeight :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiNotebookSetTabCtrlHeight _obj height 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetTabCtrlHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetTabCtrlHeight cobj__obj  (toCInt height)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetTabCtrlHeight" wxAuiNotebook_SetTabCtrlHeight :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSetUniformBitmapSize obj widthheight@).
auiNotebookSetUniformBitmapSize :: AuiNotebook  a -> Size ->  IO ()
auiNotebookSetUniformBitmapSize _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookSetUniformBitmapSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_SetUniformBitmapSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_SetUniformBitmapSize" wxAuiNotebook_SetUniformBitmapSize :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookShowWindowMenu obj@).
auiNotebookShowWindowMenu :: AuiNotebook  a ->  IO Bool
auiNotebookShowWindowMenu _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiNotebookShowWindowMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_ShowWindowMenu cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_ShowWindowMenu" wxAuiNotebook_ShowWindowMenu :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiNotebookSplit obj page direction@).
auiNotebookSplit :: AuiNotebook  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
auiNotebookSplit _obj page direction 
  = withObjectRef "auiNotebookSplit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiNotebook_Split cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  (toCInt direction)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiNotebook_Split" wxAuiNotebook_Split :: Ptr (TAuiNotebook a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoArrayCreate@).
auiPaneInfoArrayCreate ::  IO (AuiPaneInfoArray  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfoArray_Create" wxAuiPaneInfoArray_Create :: IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfoArray ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoArrayDelete obj@).
auiPaneInfoArrayDelete :: AuiPaneInfoArray  a ->  IO ()
auiPaneInfoArrayDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoArrayDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfoArray_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfoArray_Delete" wxAuiPaneInfoArray_Delete :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfoArray a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoArrayGetCount obj@).
auiPaneInfoArrayGetCount :: AuiPaneInfoArray  a ->  IO Int
auiPaneInfoArrayGetCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoArrayGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfoArray_GetCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfoArray_GetCount" wxAuiPaneInfoArray_GetCount :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfoArray a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoArrayItem obj idx@).
auiPaneInfoArrayItem :: AuiPaneInfoArray  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoArrayItem _obj _idx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoArrayItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfoArray_Item cobj__obj  (toCInt _idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfoArray_Item" wxAuiPaneInfoArray_Item :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfoArray a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoBestSize obj widthheight@).
auiPaneInfoBestSize :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Size ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoBestSize _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoBestSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_BestSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_BestSize" wxAuiPaneInfo_BestSize :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoBestSizeXY obj xy@).
auiPaneInfoBestSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Point ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoBestSizeXY _obj xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoBestSizeXY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_BestSizeXY cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_BestSizeXY" wxAuiPaneInfo_BestSizeXY :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoBottom obj@).
auiPaneInfoBottom :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoBottom _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoBottom" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Bottom cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Bottom" wxAuiPaneInfo_Bottom :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoBottomDockable obj b@).
auiPaneInfoBottomDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoBottomDockable _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoBottomDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_BottomDockable cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_BottomDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_BottomDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCaption obj c@).
auiPaneInfoCaption :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> String ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCaption _obj _c 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoCaption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _c $ \cobj__c -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Caption cobj__obj  cobj__c  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Caption" wxAuiPaneInfo_Caption :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCaptionVisible obj visible@).
auiPaneInfoCaptionVisible :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCaptionVisible _obj visible 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoCaptionVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_CaptionVisible cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_CaptionVisible" wxAuiPaneInfo_CaptionVisible :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCenter obj@).
auiPaneInfoCenter :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCenter _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoCenter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Center cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Center" wxAuiPaneInfo_Center :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCenterPane obj@).
auiPaneInfoCenterPane :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCenterPane _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoCenterPane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_CenterPane cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_CenterPane" wxAuiPaneInfo_CenterPane :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCentre obj@).
auiPaneInfoCentre :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCentre _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoCentre" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Centre cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Centre" wxAuiPaneInfo_Centre :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCentrePane obj@).
auiPaneInfoCentrePane :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCentrePane _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoCentrePane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_CentrePane cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_CentrePane" wxAuiPaneInfo_CentrePane :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCloseButton obj visible@).
auiPaneInfoCloseButton :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCloseButton _obj visible 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoCloseButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_CloseButton cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_CloseButton" wxAuiPaneInfo_CloseButton :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCopy obj c@).
auiPaneInfoCopy :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> AuiPaneInfo  b ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCopy _obj _c 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoCopy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _c $ \cobj__c -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Copy cobj__obj  cobj__c  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Copy" wxAuiPaneInfo_Copy :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo b) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCreate c@).
auiPaneInfoCreate :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoCreate _c 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _c $ \cobj__c -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Create cobj__c  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Create" wxAuiPaneInfo_Create :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoCreateDefault@).
auiPaneInfoCreateDefault ::  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_CreateDefault" wxAuiPaneInfo_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoDefaultPane obj@).
auiPaneInfoDefaultPane :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoDefaultPane _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoDefaultPane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_DefaultPane cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_DefaultPane" wxAuiPaneInfo_DefaultPane :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoDestroyOnClose obj b@).
auiPaneInfoDestroyOnClose :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoDestroyOnClose _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoDestroyOnClose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_DestroyOnClose cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_DestroyOnClose" wxAuiPaneInfo_DestroyOnClose :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoDirection obj direction@).
auiPaneInfoDirection :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoDirection _obj direction 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoDirection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Direction cobj__obj  (toCInt direction)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Direction" wxAuiPaneInfo_Direction :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoDock obj@).
auiPaneInfoDock :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoDock _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoDock" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Dock cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Dock" wxAuiPaneInfo_Dock :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoDockFixed obj b@).
auiPaneInfoDockFixed :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoDockFixed _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoDockFixed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_DockFixed cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_DockFixed" wxAuiPaneInfo_DockFixed :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoDockable obj b@).
auiPaneInfoDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoDockable _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Dockable cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Dockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_Dockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoFixed obj@).
auiPaneInfoFixed :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoFixed _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoFixed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Fixed cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Fixed" wxAuiPaneInfo_Fixed :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoFloat obj@).
auiPaneInfoFloat :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoFloat _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoFloat" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Float cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Float" wxAuiPaneInfo_Float :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoFloatable obj b@).
auiPaneInfoFloatable :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoFloatable _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoFloatable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Floatable cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Floatable" wxAuiPaneInfo_Floatable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoFloatingPosition obj xy@).
auiPaneInfoFloatingPosition :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Point ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoFloatingPosition _obj xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoFloatingPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingPosition cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingPosition" wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingPosition :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoFloatingPositionXY obj xy@).
auiPaneInfoFloatingPositionXY :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Point ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoFloatingPositionXY _obj xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoFloatingPositionXY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingPositionXY cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingPositionXY" wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingPositionXY :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoFloatingSize obj widthheight@).
auiPaneInfoFloatingSize :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Size ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoFloatingSize _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoFloatingSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingSize" wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingSize :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoFloatingSizeXY obj xy@).
auiPaneInfoFloatingSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Point ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoFloatingSizeXY _obj xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoFloatingSizeXY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingSizeXY cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingSizeXY" wxAuiPaneInfo_FloatingSizeXY :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoGripper obj visible@).
auiPaneInfoGripper :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoGripper _obj visible 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoGripper" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Gripper cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Gripper" wxAuiPaneInfo_Gripper :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoGripperTop obj attop@).
auiPaneInfoGripperTop :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoGripperTop _obj attop 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoGripperTop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_GripperTop cobj__obj  (toCBool attop)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_GripperTop" wxAuiPaneInfo_GripperTop :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasBorder obj@).
auiPaneInfoHasBorder :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasBorder _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasBorder cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasBorder" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasBorder :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasCaption obj@).
auiPaneInfoHasCaption :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasCaption _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasCaption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasCaption cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasCaption" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasCaption :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasCloseButton obj@).
auiPaneInfoHasCloseButton :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasCloseButton _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasCloseButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasCloseButton cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasCloseButton" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasCloseButton :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasFlag obj flag@).
auiPaneInfoHasFlag :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasFlag _obj flag 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasFlag cobj__obj  (toCInt flag)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasFlag" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasFlag :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasGripper obj@).
auiPaneInfoHasGripper :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasGripper _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasGripper" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasGripper cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasGripper" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasGripper :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasGripperTop obj@).
auiPaneInfoHasGripperTop :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasGripperTop _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasGripperTop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasGripperTop cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasGripperTop" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasGripperTop :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasMaximizeButton obj@).
auiPaneInfoHasMaximizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasMaximizeButton _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasMaximizeButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasMaximizeButton cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasMaximizeButton" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasMaximizeButton :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasMinimizeButton obj@).
auiPaneInfoHasMinimizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasMinimizeButton _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasMinimizeButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasMinimizeButton cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasMinimizeButton" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasMinimizeButton :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHasPinButton obj@).
auiPaneInfoHasPinButton :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoHasPinButton _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHasPinButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_HasPinButton cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_HasPinButton" wxAuiPaneInfo_HasPinButton :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoHide obj@).
auiPaneInfoHide :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoHide _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoHide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Hide cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Hide" wxAuiPaneInfo_Hide :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIcon obj b@).
auiPaneInfoIcon :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoIcon _obj _b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _b $ \cobj__b -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Icon cobj__obj  cobj__b  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Icon" wxAuiPaneInfo_Icon :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsBottomDockable obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsBottomDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsBottomDockable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsBottomDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsBottomDockable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsBottomDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsBottomDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsDockable obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsDockable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsDockable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsDocked obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsDocked :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsDocked _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsDocked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsDocked cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsDocked" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsDocked :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsFixed obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsFixed :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsFixed _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsFixed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFixed cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFixed" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFixed :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsFloatable obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsFloatable :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsFloatable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsFloatable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFloatable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFloatable" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFloatable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsFloating obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsFloating :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsFloating _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsFloating" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFloating cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFloating" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsFloating :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsLeftDockable obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsLeftDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsLeftDockable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsLeftDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsLeftDockable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsLeftDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsLeftDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsMovable obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsMovable :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsMovable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsMovable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsMovable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsMovable" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsMovable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsOk obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsOk :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsOk" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsOk :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsResizable obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsResizable :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsResizable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsResizable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsResizable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsResizable" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsResizable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsRightDockable obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsRightDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsRightDockable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsRightDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsRightDockable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsRightDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsRightDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsShown obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsShown :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsShown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsShown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsShown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsShown" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsShown :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsToolbar obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsToolbar :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsToolbar _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsToolbar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsToolbar cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsToolbar" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsToolbar :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoIsTopDockable obj@).
auiPaneInfoIsTopDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO Bool
auiPaneInfoIsTopDockable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoIsTopDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_IsTopDockable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_IsTopDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_IsTopDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoLayer obj layer@).
auiPaneInfoLayer :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoLayer _obj layer 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoLayer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Layer cobj__obj  (toCInt layer)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Layer" wxAuiPaneInfo_Layer :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoLeft obj@).
auiPaneInfoLeft :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoLeft _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Left cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Left" wxAuiPaneInfo_Left :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoLeftDockable obj b@).
auiPaneInfoLeftDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoLeftDockable _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoLeftDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_LeftDockable cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_LeftDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_LeftDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoMaxSize obj widthheight@).
auiPaneInfoMaxSize :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Size ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoMaxSize _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoMaxSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_MaxSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_MaxSize" wxAuiPaneInfo_MaxSize :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoMaxSizeXY obj xy@).
auiPaneInfoMaxSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Point ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoMaxSizeXY _obj xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoMaxSizeXY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_MaxSizeXY cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_MaxSizeXY" wxAuiPaneInfo_MaxSizeXY :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoMaximizeButton obj visible@).
auiPaneInfoMaximizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoMaximizeButton _obj visible 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoMaximizeButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_MaximizeButton cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_MaximizeButton" wxAuiPaneInfo_MaximizeButton :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoMinSize obj widthheight@).
auiPaneInfoMinSize :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Size ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoMinSize _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoMinSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_MinSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_MinSize" wxAuiPaneInfo_MinSize :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoMinSizeXY obj xy@).
auiPaneInfoMinSizeXY :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Point ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoMinSizeXY _obj xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoMinSizeXY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_MinSizeXY cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_MinSizeXY" wxAuiPaneInfo_MinSizeXY :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoMinimizeButton obj visible@).
auiPaneInfoMinimizeButton :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoMinimizeButton _obj visible 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoMinimizeButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_MinimizeButton cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_MinimizeButton" wxAuiPaneInfo_MinimizeButton :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoMovable obj b@).
auiPaneInfoMovable :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoMovable _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoMovable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Movable cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Movable" wxAuiPaneInfo_Movable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoName obj n@).
auiPaneInfoName :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> String ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoName _obj _n 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _n $ \cobj__n -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Name cobj__obj  cobj__n  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Name" wxAuiPaneInfo_Name :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoPaneBorder obj visible@).
auiPaneInfoPaneBorder :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoPaneBorder _obj visible 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoPaneBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_PaneBorder cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_PaneBorder" wxAuiPaneInfo_PaneBorder :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoPinButton obj visible@).
auiPaneInfoPinButton :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoPinButton _obj visible 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoPinButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_PinButton cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_PinButton" wxAuiPaneInfo_PinButton :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoPosition obj pos@).
auiPaneInfoPosition :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoPosition _obj pos 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Position cobj__obj  (toCInt pos)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Position" wxAuiPaneInfo_Position :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoResizable obj resizable@).
auiPaneInfoResizable :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoResizable _obj resizable 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoResizable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Resizable cobj__obj  (toCBool resizable)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Resizable" wxAuiPaneInfo_Resizable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoRight obj@).
auiPaneInfoRight :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoRight _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Right cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Right" wxAuiPaneInfo_Right :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoRightDockable obj b@).
auiPaneInfoRightDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoRightDockable _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoRightDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_RightDockable cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_RightDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_RightDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoRow obj row@).
auiPaneInfoRow :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoRow _obj row 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Row cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Row" wxAuiPaneInfo_Row :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoSafeSet obj source@).
auiPaneInfoSafeSet :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> AuiPaneInfo  b ->  IO ()
auiPaneInfoSafeSet _obj source 
  = withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoSafeSet" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr source $ \cobj_source -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_SafeSet cobj__obj  cobj_source  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_SafeSet" wxAuiPaneInfo_SafeSet :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoSetFlag obj flag optionstate@).
auiPaneInfoSetFlag :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoSetFlag _obj flag optionstate 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoSetFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_SetFlag cobj__obj  (toCInt flag)  (toCBool optionstate)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_SetFlag" wxAuiPaneInfo_SetFlag :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoShow obj show@).
auiPaneInfoShow :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoShow _obj show 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Show cobj__obj  (toCBool show)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Show" wxAuiPaneInfo_Show :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoToolbarPane obj@).
auiPaneInfoToolbarPane :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoToolbarPane _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoToolbarPane" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_ToolbarPane cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_ToolbarPane" wxAuiPaneInfo_ToolbarPane :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoTop obj@).
auiPaneInfoTop :: AuiPaneInfo  a ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoTop _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoTop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Top cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Top" wxAuiPaneInfo_Top :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoTopDockable obj b@).
auiPaneInfoTopDockable :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Bool ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoTopDockable _obj b 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoTopDockable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_TopDockable cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_TopDockable" wxAuiPaneInfo_TopDockable :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiPaneInfoWindow obj w@).
auiPaneInfoWindow :: AuiPaneInfo  a -> Window  b ->  IO (AuiPaneInfo  ())
auiPaneInfoWindow _obj _w 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiPaneInfoWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _w $ \cobj__w -> 
    wxAuiPaneInfo_Window cobj__obj  cobj__w  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiPaneInfo_Window" wxAuiPaneInfo_Window :: Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtClone obj@).
auiSimpleTabArtClone :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a ->  IO (AuiTabArt  ())
auiSimpleTabArtClone _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtClone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_Clone cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_Clone" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_Clone :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiTabArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtCreate@).
auiSimpleTabArtCreate ::  IO (AuiSimpleTabArt  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_Create" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_Create :: IO (Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect@).
auiSimpleTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtDrawBackground _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtDrawBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawBackground cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawBackground" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawBackground :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtDrawButton obj dc wnd inRect bitmapId buttonState orientation outRect@).
auiSimpleTabArtDrawButton :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtDrawButton _obj _dc _wnd _inRect bitmapId buttonState orientation _outRect 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtDrawButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _inRect $ \cobj__inRect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outRect $ \cobj__outRect -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__inRect  (toCInt bitmapId)  (toCInt buttonState)  (toCInt orientation)  cobj__outRect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawButton" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawButton :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect h) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtDrawTab obj dc wnd pane inRect closeButtonState outTabRect outButtonRect xExtent@).
auiSimpleTabArtDrawTab :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiNotebookPage  d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtDrawTab _obj _dc _wnd _pane _inRect closeButtonState _outTabRect _outButtonRect xExtent 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtDrawTab" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    withWxRectPtr _inRect $ \cobj__inRect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outTabRect $ \cobj__outTabRect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outButtonRect $ \cobj__outButtonRect -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawTab cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__pane  cobj__inRect  (toCInt closeButtonState)  cobj__outTabRect  cobj__outButtonRect  xExtent  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawTab" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_DrawTab :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect g) -> Ptr (TWxRect h) -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize obj wnd pages widthheight@).
auiSimpleTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPageArray  c -> Size ->  IO Int
auiSimpleTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize _obj _wnd _pages _widthheight 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _pages $ \cobj__pages -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize cobj__obj  cobj__wnd  cobj__pages  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray c) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtGetIndentSize obj@).
auiSimpleTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a ->  IO Int
auiSimpleTabArtGetIndentSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtGetIndentSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetIndentSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetIndentSize" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetIndentSize :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtGetTabSize obj dc wnd caption bitmap active closeButtonState xExtent@).
auiSimpleTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> String -> Bitmap  e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt ->  IO (Size)
auiSimpleTabArtGetTabSize _obj _dc _wnd _caption _bitmap active closeButtonState xExtent 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtGetTabSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withStringPtr _caption $ \cobj__caption -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetTabSize cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__caption  cobj__bitmap  (toCBool active)  (toCInt closeButtonState)  xExtent  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetTabSize" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_GetTabSize :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> CBool -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtSetActiveColour obj colour@).
auiSimpleTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtSetActiveColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtSetActiveColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetActiveColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetActiveColour" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetActiveColour :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtSetColour obj colour@).
auiSimpleTabArtSetColour :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtSetColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetColour" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetColour :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtSetFlags obj flags@).
auiSimpleTabArtSetFlags :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtSetFlags _obj _flags 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetFlags" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtSetMeasuringFont obj font@).
auiSimpleTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtSetMeasuringFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtSetMeasuringFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetMeasuringFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetMeasuringFont" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetMeasuringFont :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtSetNormalFont obj font@).
auiSimpleTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtSetNormalFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtSetNormalFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetNormalFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetNormalFont" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetNormalFont :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtSetSelectedFont obj font@).
auiSimpleTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtSetSelectedFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtSetSelectedFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetSelectedFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetSelectedFont" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetSelectedFont :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtSetSizingInfo obj widthheight tabCount@).
auiSimpleTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Size -> Int ->  IO ()
auiSimpleTabArtSetSizingInfo _obj _widthheight tabCount 
  = withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtSetSizingInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetSizingInfo cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt tabCount)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetSizingInfo" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_SetSizingInfo :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiSimpleTabArtShowDropDown obj wnd items activeIdx@).
auiSimpleTabArtShowDropDown :: AuiSimpleTabArt  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPageArray  c -> Int ->  IO Int
auiSimpleTabArtShowDropDown _obj _wnd _items activeIdx 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiSimpleTabArtShowDropDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _items $ \cobj__items -> 
    wxAuiSimpleTabArt_ShowDropDown cobj__obj  cobj__wnd  cobj__items  (toCInt activeIdx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiSimpleTabArt_ShowDropDown" wxAuiSimpleTabArt_ShowDropDown :: Ptr (TAuiSimpleTabArt a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray c) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtClone obj@).
auiTabArtClone :: AuiTabArt  a ->  IO (AuiTabArt  ())
auiTabArtClone _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabArtClone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_Clone cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_Clone" wxAuiTabArt_Clone :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiTabArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect@).
auiTabArtDrawBackground :: AuiTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiTabArtDrawBackground _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtDrawBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_DrawBackground cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_DrawBackground" wxAuiTabArt_DrawBackground :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtDrawButton obj dc wnd inrect bitmapid buttonstate orientation outrect@).
auiTabArtDrawButton :: AuiTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiTabArtDrawButton _obj _dc _wnd _inrect bitmapid buttonstate orientation _outrect 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtDrawButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _inrect $ \cobj__inrect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outrect $ \cobj__outrect -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_DrawButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__inrect  (toCInt bitmapid)  (toCInt buttonstate)  (toCInt orientation)  cobj__outrect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_DrawButton" wxAuiTabArt_DrawButton :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect h) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtDrawTab obj dc wnd page rect closebuttonstate outtabrect outbuttonrect xextent@).
auiTabArtDrawTab :: AuiTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiNotebookPage  d -> Rect -> Int -> Rect -> Rect -> Ptr CInt ->  IO ()
auiTabArtDrawTab _obj _dc _wnd _page _rect closebuttonstate _outtabrect _outbuttonrect xextent 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtDrawTab" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outtabrect $ \cobj__outtabrect -> 
    withWxRectPtr _outbuttonrect $ \cobj__outbuttonrect -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_DrawTab cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__page  cobj__rect  (toCInt closebuttonstate)  cobj__outtabrect  cobj__outbuttonrect  xextent  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_DrawTab" wxAuiTabArt_DrawTab :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxRect g) -> Ptr (TWxRect h) -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize obj wnd pages widthheight@).
auiTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize :: AuiTabArt  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPageArray  c -> Size ->  IO Int
auiTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize _obj _wnd _pages _widthheight 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabArtGetBestTabCtrlSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _pages $ \cobj__pages -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize cobj__obj  cobj__wnd  cobj__pages  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize" wxAuiTabArt_GetBestTabCtrlSize :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray c) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtGetIndentSize obj@).
auiTabArtGetIndentSize :: AuiTabArt  a ->  IO Int
auiTabArtGetIndentSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabArtGetIndentSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_GetIndentSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_GetIndentSize" wxAuiTabArt_GetIndentSize :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtGetTabSize obj dc wnd caption bitmap active closebuttonstate xextent@).
auiTabArtGetTabSize :: AuiTabArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> String -> Bitmap  e -> Bool -> Int -> Ptr CInt ->  IO (Size)
auiTabArtGetTabSize _obj _dc _wnd _caption _bitmap active closebuttonstate xextent 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabArtGetTabSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withStringPtr _caption $ \cobj__caption -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_GetTabSize cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__caption  cobj__bitmap  (toCBool active)  (toCInt closebuttonstate)  xextent  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_GetTabSize" wxAuiTabArt_GetTabSize :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> CBool -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtSetActiveColour obj colour@).
auiTabArtSetActiveColour :: AuiTabArt  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiTabArtSetActiveColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtSetActiveColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_SetActiveColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_SetActiveColour" wxAuiTabArt_SetActiveColour :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtSetColour obj colour@).
auiTabArtSetColour :: AuiTabArt  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiTabArtSetColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_SetColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_SetColour" wxAuiTabArt_SetColour :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtSetFlags obj flags@).
auiTabArtSetFlags :: AuiTabArt  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiTabArtSetFlags _obj _flags 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_SetFlags" wxAuiTabArt_SetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtSetMeasuringFont obj font@).
auiTabArtSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabArtSetMeasuringFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtSetMeasuringFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_SetMeasuringFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_SetMeasuringFont" wxAuiTabArt_SetMeasuringFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtSetNormalFont obj font@).
auiTabArtSetNormalFont :: AuiTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabArtSetNormalFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtSetNormalFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_SetNormalFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_SetNormalFont" wxAuiTabArt_SetNormalFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtSetSelectedFont obj font@).
auiTabArtSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabArtSetSelectedFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtSetSelectedFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_SetSelectedFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_SetSelectedFont" wxAuiTabArt_SetSelectedFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabArtSetSizingInfo obj widthheight tabcount@).
auiTabArtSetSizingInfo :: AuiTabArt  a -> Size -> Int ->  IO ()
auiTabArtSetSizingInfo _obj _widthheight tabcount 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabArtSetSizingInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabArt_SetSizingInfo cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt tabcount)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabArt_SetSizingInfo" wxAuiTabArt_SetSizingInfo :: Ptr (TAuiTabArt a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerAddButton obj id location normalBitmap disabledBitmap@).
auiTabContainerAddButton :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Id -> Int -> Bitmap  d -> Bitmap  e ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerAddButton _obj id location _normalBitmap _disabledBitmap 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerAddButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _normalBitmap $ \cobj__normalBitmap -> 
    withObjectPtr _disabledBitmap $ \cobj__disabledBitmap -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_AddButton cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  (toCInt location)  cobj__normalBitmap  cobj__disabledBitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_AddButton" wxAuiTabContainer_AddButton :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerAddPage obj page info@).
auiTabContainerAddPage :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPage  c ->  IO Bool
auiTabContainerAddPage _obj _page _info 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerAddPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withObjectPtr _info $ \cobj__info -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_AddPage cobj__obj  cobj__page  cobj__info  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_AddPage" wxAuiTabContainer_AddPage :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerButtonBitmap obj@).
auiTabContainerButtonBitmap :: AuiTabContainerButton  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
auiTabContainerButtonBitmap _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerButtonBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainerButton_Bitmap cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainerButton_Bitmap" wxAuiTabContainerButton_Bitmap :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainerButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerButtonCurState obj@).
auiTabContainerButtonCurState :: AuiTabContainerButton  a ->  IO Int
auiTabContainerButtonCurState _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerButtonCurState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainerButton_CurState cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainerButton_CurState" wxAuiTabContainerButton_CurState :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainerButton a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerButtonDisBitmap obj@).
auiTabContainerButtonDisBitmap :: AuiTabContainerButton  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
auiTabContainerButtonDisBitmap _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerButtonDisBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainerButton_DisBitmap cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainerButton_DisBitmap" wxAuiTabContainerButton_DisBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainerButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerButtonId obj@).
auiTabContainerButtonId :: AuiTabContainerButton  a ->  IO Int
auiTabContainerButtonId _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerButtonId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainerButton_Id cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainerButton_Id" wxAuiTabContainerButton_Id :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainerButton a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerButtonLocation obj@).
auiTabContainerButtonLocation :: AuiTabContainerButton  a ->  IO Int
auiTabContainerButtonLocation _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerButtonLocation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainerButton_Location cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainerButton_Location" wxAuiTabContainerButton_Location :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainerButton a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerButtonRect obj@).
auiTabContainerButtonRect :: AuiTabContainerButton  a ->  IO (Rect)
auiTabContainerButtonRect _obj 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerButtonRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainerButton_Rect cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainerButton_Rect" wxAuiTabContainerButton_Rect :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainerButton a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerCreate@).
auiTabContainerCreate ::  IO (AuiTabContainer  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_Create" wxAuiTabContainer_Create :: IO (Ptr (TAuiTabContainer ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerDoShowHide obj@).
auiTabContainerDoShowHide :: AuiTabContainer  a ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerDoShowHide _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerDoShowHide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_DoShowHide cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_DoShowHide" wxAuiTabContainer_DoShowHide :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetActivePage obj@).
auiTabContainerGetActivePage :: AuiTabContainer  a ->  IO Int
auiTabContainerGetActivePage _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetActivePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetActivePage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetActivePage" wxAuiTabContainer_GetActivePage :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetArtProvider obj@).
auiTabContainerGetArtProvider :: AuiTabContainer  a ->  IO (AuiTabArt  ())
auiTabContainerGetArtProvider _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetArtProvider cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetArtProvider" wxAuiTabContainer_GetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiTabArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetFlags obj@).
auiTabContainerGetFlags :: AuiTabContainer  a ->  IO Int
auiTabContainerGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetFlags" wxAuiTabContainer_GetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetIdxFromWindow obj page@).
auiTabContainerGetIdxFromWindow :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Window  b ->  IO Int
auiTabContainerGetIdxFromWindow _obj _page 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetIdxFromWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetIdxFromWindow cobj__obj  cobj__page  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetIdxFromWindow" wxAuiTabContainer_GetIdxFromWindow :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetPage obj idx@).
auiTabContainerGetPage :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiNotebookPage  ())
auiTabContainerGetPage _obj idx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetPage cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetPage" wxAuiTabContainer_GetPage :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetPageCount obj@).
auiTabContainerGetPageCount :: AuiTabContainer  a ->  IO Int
auiTabContainerGetPageCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetPageCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetPageCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetPageCount" wxAuiTabContainer_GetPageCount :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetPages obj@).
auiTabContainerGetPages :: AuiTabContainer  a ->  IO (AuiNotebookPageArray  ())
auiTabContainerGetPages _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetPages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetPages cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetPages" wxAuiTabContainer_GetPages :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetTabOffset obj@).
auiTabContainerGetTabOffset :: AuiTabContainer  a ->  IO Int
auiTabContainerGetTabOffset _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetTabOffset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetTabOffset cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetTabOffset" wxAuiTabContainer_GetTabOffset :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerGetWindowFromIdx obj idx@).
auiTabContainerGetWindowFromIdx :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Int ->  IO (Window  ())
auiTabContainerGetWindowFromIdx _obj idx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerGetWindowFromIdx" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_GetWindowFromIdx cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_GetWindowFromIdx" wxAuiTabContainer_GetWindowFromIdx :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerInsertPage obj page info idx@).
auiTabContainerInsertPage :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPage  c -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiTabContainerInsertPage _obj _page _info idx 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerInsertPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withObjectPtr _info $ \cobj__info -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_InsertPage cobj__obj  cobj__page  cobj__info  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_InsertPage" wxAuiTabContainer_InsertPage :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage c) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerIsTabVisible obj tabPage tabOffset dc wnd@).
auiTabContainerIsTabVisible :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Int -> Int -> DC  d -> Window  e ->  IO Bool
auiTabContainerIsTabVisible _obj tabPage tabOffset _dc _wnd 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerIsTabVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_IsTabVisible cobj__obj  (toCInt tabPage)  (toCInt tabOffset)  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_IsTabVisible" wxAuiTabContainer_IsTabVisible :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDC d) -> Ptr (TWindow e) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerMakeTabVisible obj tabPage win@).
auiTabContainerMakeTabVisible :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Int -> Window  c ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerMakeTabVisible _obj tabPage _win 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerMakeTabVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _win $ \cobj__win -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_MakeTabVisible cobj__obj  (toCInt tabPage)  cobj__win  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_MakeTabVisible" wxAuiTabContainer_MakeTabVisible :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerMovePage obj page newIdx@).
auiTabContainerMovePage :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Window  b -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiTabContainerMovePage _obj _page newIdx 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerMovePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_MovePage cobj__obj  cobj__page  (toCInt newIdx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_MovePage" wxAuiTabContainer_MovePage :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerRemoveButton obj id@).
auiTabContainerRemoveButton :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Id ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerRemoveButton _obj id 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerRemoveButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_RemoveButton cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_RemoveButton" wxAuiTabContainer_RemoveButton :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerRemovePage obj page@).
auiTabContainerRemovePage :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Window  b ->  IO Bool
auiTabContainerRemovePage _obj _page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerRemovePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_RemovePage cobj__obj  cobj__page  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_RemovePage" wxAuiTabContainer_RemovePage :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetActiveColour obj colour@).
auiTabContainerSetActiveColour :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetActiveColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetActiveColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetActiveColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetActiveColour" wxAuiTabContainer_SetActiveColour :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetActivePage obj page@).
auiTabContainerSetActivePage :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiTabContainerSetActivePage _obj page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetActivePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetActivePage cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetActivePage" wxAuiTabContainer_SetActivePage :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetActivePageByWindow obj page@).
auiTabContainerSetActivePageByWindow :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Window  b ->  IO Bool
auiTabContainerSetActivePageByWindow _obj _page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetActivePageByWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetActivePageByWindow cobj__obj  cobj__page  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetActivePageByWindow" wxAuiTabContainer_SetActivePageByWindow :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetArtProvider obj art@).
auiTabContainerSetArtProvider :: AuiTabContainer  a -> AuiTabArt  b ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetArtProvider _obj _art 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _art $ \cobj__art -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetArtProvider cobj__obj  cobj__art  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetArtProvider" wxAuiTabContainer_SetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TAuiTabArt b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetColour obj colour@).
auiTabContainerSetColour :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetColour" wxAuiTabContainer_SetColour :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetFlags obj flags@).
auiTabContainerSetFlags :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetFlags _obj _flags 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetFlags" wxAuiTabContainer_SetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetMeasuringFont obj measuringFont@).
auiTabContainerSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetMeasuringFont _obj _measuringFont 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetMeasuringFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _measuringFont $ \cobj__measuringFont -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetMeasuringFont cobj__obj  cobj__measuringFont  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetMeasuringFont" wxAuiTabContainer_SetMeasuringFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetNoneActive obj@).
auiTabContainerSetNoneActive :: AuiTabContainer  a ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetNoneActive _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetNoneActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetNoneActive cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetNoneActive" wxAuiTabContainer_SetNoneActive :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetNormalFont obj normalFont@).
auiTabContainerSetNormalFont :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetNormalFont _obj _normalFont 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetNormalFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _normalFont $ \cobj__normalFont -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetNormalFont cobj__obj  cobj__normalFont  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetNormalFont" wxAuiTabContainer_SetNormalFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetRect obj rect@).
auiTabContainerSetRect :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetRect _obj _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetRect cobj__obj  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetRect" wxAuiTabContainer_SetRect :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TWxRect b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetSelectedFont obj selectedFont@).
auiTabContainerSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetSelectedFont _obj _selectedFont 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetSelectedFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _selectedFont $ \cobj__selectedFont -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetSelectedFont cobj__obj  cobj__selectedFont  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetSelectedFont" wxAuiTabContainer_SetSelectedFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabContainerSetTabOffset obj offset@).
auiTabContainerSetTabOffset :: AuiTabContainer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiTabContainerSetTabOffset _obj offset 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabContainerSetTabOffset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabContainer_SetTabOffset cobj__obj  (toCInt offset)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabContainer_SetTabOffset" wxAuiTabContainer_SetTabOffset :: Ptr (TAuiTabContainer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlAddButton obj id location normalBitmap disabledBitmap@).
auiTabCtrlAddButton :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Id -> Int -> Bitmap  d -> Bitmap  e ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlAddButton _obj id location _normalBitmap _disabledBitmap 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlAddButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _normalBitmap $ \cobj__normalBitmap -> 
    withObjectPtr _disabledBitmap $ \cobj__disabledBitmap -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_AddButton cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  (toCInt location)  cobj__normalBitmap  cobj__disabledBitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_AddButton" wxAuiTabCtrl_AddButton :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlAddPage obj page info@).
auiTabCtrlAddPage :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPage  c ->  IO Bool
auiTabCtrlAddPage _obj _page _info 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlAddPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withObjectPtr _info $ \cobj__info -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_AddPage cobj__obj  cobj__page  cobj__info  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_AddPage" wxAuiTabCtrl_AddPage :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlDoShowHide obj@).
auiTabCtrlDoShowHide :: AuiTabCtrl  a ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlDoShowHide _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlDoShowHide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_DoShowHide cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_DoShowHide" wxAuiTabCtrl_DoShowHide :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetActivePage obj@).
auiTabCtrlGetActivePage :: AuiTabCtrl  a ->  IO Int
auiTabCtrlGetActivePage _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetActivePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetActivePage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetActivePage" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetActivePage :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetArtProvider obj@).
auiTabCtrlGetArtProvider :: AuiTabCtrl  a ->  IO (AuiTabArt  ())
auiTabCtrlGetArtProvider _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetArtProvider cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetArtProvider" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiTabArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetFlags obj@).
auiTabCtrlGetFlags :: AuiTabCtrl  a ->  IO Int
auiTabCtrlGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetFlags" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetIdxFromWindow obj page@).
auiTabCtrlGetIdxFromWindow :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Window  b ->  IO Int
auiTabCtrlGetIdxFromWindow _obj _page 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetIdxFromWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetIdxFromWindow cobj__obj  cobj__page  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetIdxFromWindow" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetIdxFromWindow :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetPage obj idx@).
auiTabCtrlGetPage :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiNotebookPage  ())
auiTabCtrlGetPage _obj idx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPage cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPage" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPage :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetPageCount obj@).
auiTabCtrlGetPageCount :: AuiTabCtrl  a ->  IO Int
auiTabCtrlGetPageCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetPageCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPageCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPageCount" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPageCount :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetPages obj@).
auiTabCtrlGetPages :: AuiTabCtrl  a ->  IO (AuiNotebookPageArray  ())
auiTabCtrlGetPages _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetPages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPages cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPages" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetPages :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiNotebookPageArray ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetTabOffset obj@).
auiTabCtrlGetTabOffset :: AuiTabCtrl  a ->  IO Int
auiTabCtrlGetTabOffset _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetTabOffset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetTabOffset cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetTabOffset" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetTabOffset :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlGetWindowFromIdx obj idx@).
auiTabCtrlGetWindowFromIdx :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (Window  ())
auiTabCtrlGetWindowFromIdx _obj idx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlGetWindowFromIdx" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_GetWindowFromIdx cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_GetWindowFromIdx" wxAuiTabCtrl_GetWindowFromIdx :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlInsertPage obj page info idx@).
auiTabCtrlInsertPage :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Window  b -> AuiNotebookPage  c -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiTabCtrlInsertPage _obj _page _info idx 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlInsertPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withObjectPtr _info $ \cobj__info -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_InsertPage cobj__obj  cobj__page  cobj__info  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_InsertPage" wxAuiTabCtrl_InsertPage :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiNotebookPage c) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlIsTabVisible obj tabPage tabOffset dc wnd@).
auiTabCtrlIsTabVisible :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Int -> Int -> DC  d -> Window  e ->  IO Bool
auiTabCtrlIsTabVisible _obj tabPage tabOffset _dc _wnd 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlIsTabVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_IsTabVisible cobj__obj  (toCInt tabPage)  (toCInt tabOffset)  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_IsTabVisible" wxAuiTabCtrl_IsTabVisible :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDC d) -> Ptr (TWindow e) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlMakeTabVisible obj tabPage win@).
auiTabCtrlMakeTabVisible :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Int -> Window  c ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlMakeTabVisible _obj tabPage _win 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlMakeTabVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _win $ \cobj__win -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_MakeTabVisible cobj__obj  (toCInt tabPage)  cobj__win  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_MakeTabVisible" wxAuiTabCtrl_MakeTabVisible :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlMovePage obj page newIdx@).
auiTabCtrlMovePage :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Window  b -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiTabCtrlMovePage _obj _page newIdx 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlMovePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_MovePage cobj__obj  cobj__page  (toCInt newIdx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_MovePage" wxAuiTabCtrl_MovePage :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlRemoveButton obj id@).
auiTabCtrlRemoveButton :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Id ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlRemoveButton _obj id 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlRemoveButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_RemoveButton cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_RemoveButton" wxAuiTabCtrl_RemoveButton :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlRemovePage obj page@).
auiTabCtrlRemovePage :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Window  b ->  IO Bool
auiTabCtrlRemovePage _obj _page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlRemovePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_RemovePage cobj__obj  cobj__page  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_RemovePage" wxAuiTabCtrl_RemovePage :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetActiveColour obj colour@).
auiTabCtrlSetActiveColour :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetActiveColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetActiveColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActiveColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActiveColour" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActiveColour :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetActivePage obj page@).
auiTabCtrlSetActivePage :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiTabCtrlSetActivePage _obj page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetActivePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActivePage cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActivePage" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActivePage :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetActivePageByWindow obj page@).
auiTabCtrlSetActivePageByWindow :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Window  b ->  IO Bool
auiTabCtrlSetActivePageByWindow _obj _page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetActivePageByWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActivePageByWindow cobj__obj  cobj__page  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActivePageByWindow" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetActivePageByWindow :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetArtProvider obj art@).
auiTabCtrlSetArtProvider :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> AuiTabArt  b ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetArtProvider _obj _art 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _art $ \cobj__art -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetArtProvider cobj__obj  cobj__art  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetArtProvider" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TAuiTabArt b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetColour obj colour@).
auiTabCtrlSetColour :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Color ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetColour _obj _colour 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr _colour $ \cobj__colour -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetColour cobj__obj  cobj__colour  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetColour" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetColour :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetFlags obj flags@).
auiTabCtrlSetFlags :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetFlags _obj _flags 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetFlags" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetMeasuringFont obj measuringFont@).
auiTabCtrlSetMeasuringFont :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetMeasuringFont _obj _measuringFont 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetMeasuringFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _measuringFont $ \cobj__measuringFont -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetMeasuringFont cobj__obj  cobj__measuringFont  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetMeasuringFont" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetMeasuringFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetNoneActive obj@).
auiTabCtrlSetNoneActive :: AuiTabCtrl  a ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetNoneActive _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetNoneActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetNoneActive cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetNoneActive" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetNoneActive :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetNormalFont obj normalFont@).
auiTabCtrlSetNormalFont :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetNormalFont _obj _normalFont 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetNormalFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _normalFont $ \cobj__normalFont -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetNormalFont cobj__obj  cobj__normalFont  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetNormalFont" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetNormalFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetRect obj rect@).
auiTabCtrlSetRect :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetRect _obj _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetRect cobj__obj  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetRect" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetRect :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWxRect b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetSelectedFont obj selectedFont@).
auiTabCtrlSetSelectedFont :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetSelectedFont _obj _selectedFont 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetSelectedFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _selectedFont $ \cobj__selectedFont -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetSelectedFont cobj__obj  cobj__selectedFont  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetSelectedFont" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetSelectedFont :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiTabCtrlSetTabOffset obj offset@).
auiTabCtrlSetTabOffset :: AuiTabCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiTabCtrlSetTabOffset _obj offset 
  = withObjectRef "auiTabCtrlSetTabOffset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiTabCtrl_SetTabOffset cobj__obj  (toCInt offset)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiTabCtrl_SetTabOffset" wxAuiTabCtrl_SetTabOffset :: Ptr (TAuiTabCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarAddControl obj control label@).
auiToolBarAddControl :: AuiToolBar  a -> Control  b -> String ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarAddControl _obj _control _label 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarAddControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _control $ \cobj__control -> 
    withStringPtr _label $ \cobj__label -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_AddControl cobj__obj  cobj__control  cobj__label  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_AddControl" wxAuiToolBar_AddControl :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> Ptr (TControl b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarAddLabel obj toolid label width@).
auiToolBarAddLabel :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> String -> Int ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarAddLabel _obj toolid _label width 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarAddLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _label $ \cobj__label -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_AddLabel cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  cobj__label  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_AddLabel" wxAuiToolBar_AddLabel :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarAddSeparator obj@).
auiToolBarAddSeparator :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarAddSeparator _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarAddSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_AddSeparator cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_AddSeparator" wxAuiToolBar_AddSeparator :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarAddSpacer obj pixels@).
auiToolBarAddSpacer :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarAddSpacer _obj pixels 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarAddSpacer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_AddSpacer cobj__obj  (toCInt pixels)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_AddSpacer" wxAuiToolBar_AddSpacer :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarAddStretchSpacer obj proportion@).
auiToolBarAddStretchSpacer :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarAddStretchSpacer _obj proportion 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarAddStretchSpacer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_AddStretchSpacer cobj__obj  (toCInt proportion)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_AddStretchSpacer" wxAuiToolBar_AddStretchSpacer :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarAddTool obj toolid label bitmap disabledbitmap kind shorthelpstring longhelpstring clientdata@).
auiToolBarAddTool :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> String -> Bitmap  d -> Bitmap  e -> Int -> String -> String -> WxObject  i ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarAddTool _obj toolid _label _bitmap _disabledbitmap kind _shorthelpstring _longhelpstring _clientdata 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarAddTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _label $ \cobj__label -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    withObjectPtr _disabledbitmap $ \cobj__disabledbitmap -> 
    withStringPtr _shorthelpstring $ \cobj__shorthelpstring -> 
    withStringPtr _longhelpstring $ \cobj__longhelpstring -> 
    withObjectPtr _clientdata $ \cobj__clientdata -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_AddTool cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  cobj__label  cobj__bitmap  cobj__disabledbitmap  (toCInt kind)  cobj__shorthelpstring  cobj__longhelpstring  cobj__clientdata  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_AddTool" wxAuiToolBar_AddTool :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString g) -> Ptr (TWxString h) -> Ptr (TWxObject i) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarAddToolByBitmap obj toolid bitmap disabledbitmap toggle clientdata shorthelpstring longhelpstring@).
auiToolBarAddToolByBitmap :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> Bitmap  c -> Bitmap  d -> Bool -> WxObject  f -> String -> String ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarAddToolByBitmap _obj toolid _bitmap _disabledbitmap toggle _clientdata _shorthelpstring _longhelpstring 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarAddToolByBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    withObjectPtr _disabledbitmap $ \cobj__disabledbitmap -> 
    withObjectPtr _clientdata $ \cobj__clientdata -> 
    withStringPtr _shorthelpstring $ \cobj__shorthelpstring -> 
    withStringPtr _longhelpstring $ \cobj__longhelpstring -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_AddToolByBitmap cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  cobj__bitmap  cobj__disabledbitmap  (toCBool toggle)  cobj__clientdata  cobj__shorthelpstring  cobj__longhelpstring  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_AddToolByBitmap" wxAuiToolBar_AddToolByBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> CBool -> Ptr (TWxObject f) -> Ptr (TWxString g) -> Ptr (TWxString h) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarAddToolByLabel obj toolid label bitmap shorthelpstring kind@).
auiToolBarAddToolByLabel :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> String -> Bitmap  d -> String -> Int ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarAddToolByLabel _obj toolid _label _bitmap _shorthelpstring kind 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarAddToolByLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _label $ \cobj__label -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    withStringPtr _shorthelpstring $ \cobj__shorthelpstring -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_AddToolByLabel cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  cobj__label  cobj__bitmap  cobj__shorthelpstring  (toCInt kind)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_AddToolByLabel" wxAuiToolBar_AddToolByLabel :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> Ptr (TWxString e) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtClone obj@).
auiToolBarArtClone :: AuiToolBarArt  a ->  IO (AuiToolBarArt  ())
auiToolBarArtClone _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtClone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_Clone cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_Clone" wxAuiToolBarArt_Clone :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawBackground obj dc wnd rect@).
auiToolBarArtDrawBackground :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawBackground _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawBackground cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawBackground" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawBackground :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawButton obj dc wnd item rect@).
auiToolBarArtDrawButton :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawButton _obj _dc _wnd _item _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawButton" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawButton :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawControlLabel obj dc wnd item rect@).
auiToolBarArtDrawControlLabel :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawControlLabel _obj _dc _wnd _item _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawControlLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawControlLabel cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawControlLabel" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawControlLabel :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton obj dc wnd item rect@).
auiToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton _obj _dc _wnd _item _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawDropDownButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawDropDownButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawDropDownButton" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawDropDownButton :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawGripper obj dc wnd rect@).
auiToolBarArtDrawGripper :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawGripper _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawGripper" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawGripper cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawGripper" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawGripper :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawLabel obj dc wnd item rect@).
auiToolBarArtDrawLabel :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawLabel _obj _dc _wnd _item _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawLabel cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawLabel" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawLabel :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton obj dc wnd rect state@).
auiToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton _obj _dc _wnd _rect state 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawOverflowButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawOverflowButton cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  (toCInt state)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawOverflowButton" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawOverflowButton :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground obj dc wnd rect@).
auiToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawPlainBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawPlainBackground cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawPlainBackground" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawPlainBackground :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtDrawSeparator obj dc wnd rect@).
auiToolBarArtDrawSeparator :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> Rect ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtDrawSeparator _obj _dc _wnd _rect 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtDrawSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withWxRectPtr _rect $ \cobj__rect -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawSeparator cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__rect  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawSeparator" wxAuiToolBarArt_DrawSeparator :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxRect d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtGetElementSize obj elementid@).
auiToolBarArtGetElementSize :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> Int ->  IO Int
auiToolBarArtGetElementSize _obj elementid 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtGetElementSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_GetElementSize cobj__obj  (toCInt elementid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_GetElementSize" wxAuiToolBarArt_GetElementSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtGetFlags obj@).
auiToolBarArtGetFlags :: AuiToolBarArt  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarArtGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_GetFlags" wxAuiToolBarArt_GetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtGetFont obj@).
auiToolBarArtGetFont :: AuiToolBarArt  a ->  IO (Font  ())
auiToolBarArtGetFont _obj 
  = withManagedFontResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_GetFont cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_GetFont" wxAuiToolBarArt_GetFont :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> IO (Ptr (TFont ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtGetLabelSize obj dc wnd item@).
auiToolBarArtGetLabelSize :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d ->  IO (Size)
auiToolBarArtGetLabelSize _obj _dc _wnd _item 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtGetLabelSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_GetLabelSize cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_GetLabelSize" wxAuiToolBarArt_GetLabelSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtGetTextOrientation obj@).
auiToolBarArtGetTextOrientation :: AuiToolBarArt  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarArtGetTextOrientation _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtGetTextOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_GetTextOrientation cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_GetTextOrientation" wxAuiToolBarArt_GetTextOrientation :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtGetToolSize obj dc wnd item@).
auiToolBarArtGetToolSize :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> DC  b -> Window  c -> AuiToolBarItem  d ->  IO (Size)
auiToolBarArtGetToolSize _obj _dc _wnd _item 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtGetToolSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _item $ \cobj__item -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_GetToolSize cobj__obj  cobj__dc  cobj__wnd  cobj__item  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_GetToolSize" wxAuiToolBarArt_GetToolSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem d) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtSetElementSize obj elementid size@).
auiToolBarArtSetElementSize :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtSetElementSize _obj elementid size 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtSetElementSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_SetElementSize cobj__obj  (toCInt elementid)  (toCInt size)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_SetElementSize" wxAuiToolBarArt_SetElementSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtSetFlags obj flags@).
auiToolBarArtSetFlags :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtSetFlags _obj _flags 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_SetFlags" wxAuiToolBarArt_SetFlags :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtSetFont obj font@).
auiToolBarArtSetFont :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtSetFont _obj _font 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_SetFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_SetFont" wxAuiToolBarArt_SetFont :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtSetTextOrientation obj orientation@).
auiToolBarArtSetTextOrientation :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarArtSetTextOrientation _obj orientation 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtSetTextOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_SetTextOrientation cobj__obj  (toCInt orientation)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_SetTextOrientation" wxAuiToolBarArt_SetTextOrientation :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarArtShowDropDown obj wnd items@).
auiToolBarArtShowDropDown :: AuiToolBarArt  a -> Window  b -> AuiToolBarItemArray  c ->  IO Int
auiToolBarArtShowDropDown _obj _wnd _items 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarArtShowDropDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    withObjectPtr _items $ \cobj__items -> 
    wxAuiToolBarArt_ShowDropDown cobj__obj  cobj__wnd  cobj__items  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarArt_ShowDropDown" wxAuiToolBarArt_ShowDropDown :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItemArray c) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarClear obj@).
auiToolBarClear :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO ()
auiToolBarClear _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_Clear cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_Clear" wxAuiToolBar_Clear :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarClearTools obj@).
auiToolBarClearTools :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO ()
auiToolBarClearTools _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarClearTools" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_ClearTools cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_ClearTools" wxAuiToolBar_ClearTools :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarCreate parent id xy widthheight style@).
auiToolBarCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int ->  IO (AuiToolBar  ())
auiToolBarCreate _parent id xy _widthheight style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _parent $ \cobj__parent -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_Create cobj__parent  (toCInt id)  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_Create" wxAuiToolBar_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBar ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarCreateDefault@).
auiToolBarCreateDefault ::  IO (AuiToolBar  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_CreateDefault" wxAuiToolBar_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBar ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarCreateFromDefault obj parent id xy widthheight style@).
auiToolBarCreateFromDefault :: AuiToolBar  a -> Window  b -> Id -> Point -> Size -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarCreateFromDefault _obj _parent id xy _widthheight style 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarCreateFromDefault" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _parent $ \cobj__parent -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_CreateFromDefault cobj__obj  cobj__parent  (toCInt id)  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_CreateFromDefault" wxAuiToolBar_CreateFromDefault :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarDelete obj@).
auiToolBarDelete :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarDeleteByIndex obj toolid@).
auiToolBarDeleteByIndex :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarDeleteByIndex _obj toolid 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarDeleteByIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_DeleteByIndex cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_DeleteByIndex" wxAuiToolBar_DeleteByIndex :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarDeleteTool obj toolid@).
auiToolBarDeleteTool :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarDeleteTool _obj toolid 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarDeleteTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_DeleteTool cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_DeleteTool" wxAuiToolBar_DeleteTool :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarEnableTool obj toolid state@).
auiToolBarEnableTool :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarEnableTool _obj toolid state 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarEnableTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_EnableTool cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  (toCBool state)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_EnableTool" wxAuiToolBar_EnableTool :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarEventGetClickPoint obj@).
auiToolBarEventGetClickPoint :: AuiToolBarEvent  a ->  IO (Point)
auiToolBarEventGetClickPoint _obj 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarEventGetClickPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetClickPoint cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetClickPoint" wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetClickPoint :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarEventGetItemRect obj@).
auiToolBarEventGetItemRect :: AuiToolBarEvent  a ->  IO (Rect)
auiToolBarEventGetItemRect _obj 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarEventGetItemRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetItemRect cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetItemRect" wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetItemRect :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarEventGetToolId obj@).
auiToolBarEventGetToolId :: AuiToolBarEvent  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarEventGetToolId _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarEventGetToolId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetToolId cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetToolId" wxAuiToolBarEvent_GetToolId :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarEventIsDropDownClicked obj@).
auiToolBarEventIsDropDownClicked :: AuiToolBarEvent  a ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarEventIsDropDownClicked _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarEventIsDropDownClicked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarEvent_IsDropDownClicked cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarEvent_IsDropDownClicked" wxAuiToolBarEvent_IsDropDownClicked :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarFindControl obj windowid@).
auiToolBarFindControl :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (Control  ())
auiToolBarFindControl _obj windowid 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarFindControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_FindControl cobj__obj  (toCInt windowid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_FindControl" wxAuiToolBar_FindControl :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TControl ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarFindTool obj toolid@).
auiToolBarFindTool :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarFindTool _obj toolid 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarFindTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_FindTool cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_FindTool" wxAuiToolBar_FindTool :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarFindToolByIndex obj idx@).
auiToolBarFindToolByIndex :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarFindToolByIndex _obj idx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarFindToolByIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_FindToolByIndex cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_FindToolByIndex" wxAuiToolBar_FindToolByIndex :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarFindToolByPosition obj xy@).
auiToolBarFindToolByPosition :: AuiToolBar  a -> Point ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarFindToolByPosition _obj xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarFindToolByPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_FindToolByPosition cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_FindToolByPosition" wxAuiToolBar_FindToolByPosition :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetArtProvider obj@).
auiToolBarGetArtProvider :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO (AuiToolBarArt  ())
auiToolBarGetArtProvider _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetArtProvider cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetArtProvider" wxAuiToolBar_GetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetGripperVisible obj@).
auiToolBarGetGripperVisible :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetGripperVisible _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetGripperVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetGripperVisible cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetGripperVisible" wxAuiToolBar_GetGripperVisible :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetHintSize obj dockdirection@).
auiToolBarGetHintSize :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (Size)
auiToolBarGetHintSize _obj dockdirection 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetHintSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetHintSize cobj__obj  (toCInt dockdirection)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetHintSize" wxAuiToolBar_GetHintSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetOverflowVisible obj@).
auiToolBarGetOverflowVisible :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetOverflowVisible _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetOverflowVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetOverflowVisible cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetOverflowVisible" wxAuiToolBar_GetOverflowVisible :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolBarFits obj@).
auiToolBarGetToolBarFits :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetToolBarFits _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolBarFits" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBarFits cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBarFits" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBarFits :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolBitmap obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolBitmap :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
auiToolBarGetToolBitmap _obj toolid 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBitmap cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBitmap" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolBitmapSize obj@).
auiToolBarGetToolBitmapSize :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO (Size)
auiToolBarGetToolBitmapSize _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolBitmapSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBitmapSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBitmapSize" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBitmapSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolBorderPadding obj@).
auiToolBarGetToolBorderPadding :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetToolBorderPadding _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolBorderPadding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBorderPadding cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBorderPadding" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolBorderPadding :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolCount obj@).
auiToolBarGetToolCount :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetToolCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolCount" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolCount :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolDropDown obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolDropDown :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetToolDropDown _obj toolid 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolDropDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolDropDown cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolDropDown" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolDropDown :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolEnabled obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolEnabled :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetToolEnabled _obj toolid 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolEnabled cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolEnabled" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolEnabled :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolFits obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolFits :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetToolFits _obj toolid 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolFits" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolFits cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolFits" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolFits :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolFitsByIndex obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolFitsByIndex :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetToolFitsByIndex _obj toolid 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolFitsByIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolFitsByIndex cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolFitsByIndex" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolFitsByIndex :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolIndex obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolIndex :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetToolIndex _obj toolid 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolIndex cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolIndex" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolIndex :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolLabel obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolLabel :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
auiToolBarGetToolLabel _obj toolid 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolLabel cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolLabel" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolLabel :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolLongHelp obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolLongHelp :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
auiToolBarGetToolLongHelp _obj toolid 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolLongHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolLongHelp cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolLongHelp" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolLongHelp :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolPacking obj@).
auiToolBarGetToolPacking :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetToolPacking _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolPacking" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolPacking cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolPacking" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolPacking :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolPos obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolPos :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetToolPos _obj toolid 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolPos" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolPos cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolPos" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolPos :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolProportion obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolProportion :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetToolProportion _obj toolid 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolProportion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolProportion cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolProportion" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolProportion :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolRect obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolRect :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (Rect)
auiToolBarGetToolRect _obj toolid 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolRect cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolRect" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolRect :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolSeparation obj@).
auiToolBarGetToolSeparation :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetToolSeparation _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolSeparation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolSeparation cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolSeparation" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolSeparation :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolShortHelp obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolShortHelp :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
auiToolBarGetToolShortHelp _obj toolid 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolShortHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolShortHelp cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolShortHelp" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolShortHelp :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolSticky obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolSticky :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetToolSticky _obj toolid 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolSticky" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolSticky cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolSticky" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolSticky :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolTextOrientation obj@).
auiToolBarGetToolTextOrientation :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetToolTextOrientation _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolTextOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolTextOrientation cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolTextOrientation" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolTextOrientation :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetToolToggled obj toolid@).
auiToolBarGetToolToggled :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarGetToolToggled _obj toolid 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetToolToggled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetToolToggled cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetToolToggled" wxAuiToolBar_GetToolToggled :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarGetWindowStyleFlag obj@).
auiToolBarGetWindowStyleFlag :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarGetWindowStyleFlag _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarGetWindowStyleFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_GetWindowStyleFlag cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_GetWindowStyleFlag" wxAuiToolBar_GetWindowStyleFlag :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarIsPaneValid obj pane@).
auiToolBarIsPaneValid :: AuiToolBar  a -> AuiPaneInfo  b ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarIsPaneValid _obj _pane 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarIsPaneValid" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _pane $ \cobj__pane -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_IsPaneValid cobj__obj  cobj__pane  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_IsPaneValid" wxAuiToolBar_IsPaneValid :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> Ptr (TAuiPaneInfo b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemArrayCreate@).
auiToolBarItemArrayCreate ::  IO (AuiToolBarItemArray  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItemArray_Create" wxAuiToolBarItemArray_Create :: IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItemArray ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemArrayDelete obj@).
auiToolBarItemArrayDelete :: AuiToolBarItemArray  a ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemArrayDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemArrayDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItemArray_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItemArray_Delete" wxAuiToolBarItemArray_Delete :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItemArray a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemArrayGetCount obj@).
auiToolBarItemArrayGetCount :: AuiToolBarItemArray  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarItemArrayGetCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemArrayGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItemArray_GetCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItemArray_GetCount" wxAuiToolBarItemArray_GetCount :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItemArray a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemArrayItem obj idx@).
auiToolBarItemArrayItem :: AuiToolBarItemArray  a -> Int ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarItemArrayItem _obj _idx 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemArrayItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItemArray_Item cobj__obj  (toCInt _idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItemArray_Item" wxAuiToolBarItemArray_Item :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItemArray a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemAssign obj c@).
auiToolBarItemAssign :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> AuiToolBarItem  b ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemAssign _obj _c 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _c $ \cobj__c -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_Assign cobj__obj  cobj__c  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_Assign" wxAuiToolBarItem_Assign :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemCopy obj c@).
auiToolBarItemCopy :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> AuiToolBarItem  b ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarItemCopy _obj _c 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemCopy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _c $ \cobj__c -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_Copy cobj__obj  cobj__c  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_Copy" wxAuiToolBarItem_Copy :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem b) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemCreate c@).
auiToolBarItemCreate :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
auiToolBarItemCreate _c 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _c $ \cobj__c -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_Create cobj__c  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_Create" wxAuiToolBarItem_Create :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemCreateDefault@).
auiToolBarItemCreateDefault ::  IO (AuiToolBarItem  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_CreateDefault" wxAuiToolBarItem_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetAlignment obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetAlignment :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarItemGetAlignment _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetAlignment cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetAlignment" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetAlignment :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetBitmap obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
auiToolBarItemGetBitmap _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetBitmap cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetBitmap" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetDisabledBitmap obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetDisabledBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
auiToolBarItemGetDisabledBitmap _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetDisabledBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetDisabledBitmap cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetDisabledBitmap" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetDisabledBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetHoverBitmap obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetHoverBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
auiToolBarItemGetHoverBitmap _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetHoverBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetHoverBitmap cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetHoverBitmap" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetHoverBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetId obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetId :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarItemGetId _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetId cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetId" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetId :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetKind obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetKind :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarItemGetKind _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetKind" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetKind cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetKind" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetKind :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetLabel obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetLabel :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (String)
auiToolBarItemGetLabel _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetLabel cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetLabel" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetLabel :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetLongHelp obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetLongHelp :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (String)
auiToolBarItemGetLongHelp _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetLongHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetLongHelp cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetLongHelp" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetLongHelp :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetMinSize obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetMinSize :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (Size)
auiToolBarItemGetMinSize _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetMinSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetMinSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetMinSize" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetMinSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetProportion obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetProportion :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarItemGetProportion _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetProportion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetProportion cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetProportion" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetProportion :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetShortHelp obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetShortHelp :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (String)
auiToolBarItemGetShortHelp _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetShortHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetShortHelp cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetShortHelp" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetShortHelp :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetSizerItem obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetSizerItem :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (SizerItem  ())
auiToolBarItemGetSizerItem _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetSizerItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetSizerItem cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetSizerItem" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetSizerItem :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TSizerItem ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetSpacerPixels obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetSpacerPixels :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarItemGetSpacerPixels _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetSpacerPixels" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetSpacerPixels cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetSpacerPixels" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetSpacerPixels :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetState obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetState :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarItemGetState _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetState cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetState" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetState :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetUserData obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetUserData :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Int
auiToolBarItemGetUserData _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetUserData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetUserData cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetUserData" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetUserData :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemGetWindow obj@).
auiToolBarItemGetWindow :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO (Window  ())
auiToolBarItemGetWindow _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemGetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_GetWindow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_GetWindow" wxAuiToolBarItem_GetWindow :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemHasDropDown obj@).
auiToolBarItemHasDropDown :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarItemHasDropDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemHasDropDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_HasDropDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_HasDropDown" wxAuiToolBarItem_HasDropDown :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemIsActive obj@).
auiToolBarItemIsActive :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarItemIsActive _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemIsActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_IsActive cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_IsActive" wxAuiToolBarItem_IsActive :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemIsSticky obj@).
auiToolBarItemIsSticky :: AuiToolBarItem  a ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarItemIsSticky _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemIsSticky" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_IsSticky cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_IsSticky" wxAuiToolBarItem_IsSticky :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetActive obj b@).
auiToolBarItemSetActive :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetActive _obj b 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetActive cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetActive" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetActive :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetAlignment obj l@).
auiToolBarItemSetAlignment :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetAlignment _obj l 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetAlignment cobj__obj  (toCInt l)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetAlignment" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetAlignment :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetBitmap obj bmp@).
auiToolBarItemSetBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetBitmap _obj _bmp 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetBitmap cobj__obj  cobj__bmp  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetBitmap" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetDisabledBitmap obj bmp@).
auiToolBarItemSetDisabledBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetDisabledBitmap _obj _bmp 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetDisabledBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetDisabledBitmap cobj__obj  cobj__bmp  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetDisabledBitmap" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetDisabledBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetHasDropDown obj b@).
auiToolBarItemSetHasDropDown :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetHasDropDown _obj b 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetHasDropDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetHasDropDown cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetHasDropDown" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetHasDropDown :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetHoverBitmap obj bmp@).
auiToolBarItemSetHoverBitmap :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetHoverBitmap _obj _bmp 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetHoverBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetHoverBitmap cobj__obj  cobj__bmp  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetHoverBitmap" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetHoverBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetId obj newid@).
auiToolBarItemSetId :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetId _obj newid 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetId cobj__obj  (toCInt newid)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetId" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetId :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetKind obj newkind@).
auiToolBarItemSetKind :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetKind _obj newkind 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetKind" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetKind cobj__obj  (toCInt newkind)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetKind" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetKind :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetLabel obj s@).
auiToolBarItemSetLabel :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> String ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetLabel _obj _s 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _s $ \cobj__s -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetLabel cobj__obj  cobj__s  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetLabel" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetLabel :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetLongHelp obj s@).
auiToolBarItemSetLongHelp :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> String ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetLongHelp _obj _s 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetLongHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _s $ \cobj__s -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetLongHelp cobj__obj  cobj__s  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetLongHelp" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetLongHelp :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetMinSize obj widthheight@).
auiToolBarItemSetMinSize :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Size ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetMinSize _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetMinSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetMinSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetMinSize" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetMinSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetProportion obj p@).
auiToolBarItemSetProportion :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetProportion _obj p 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetProportion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetProportion cobj__obj  (toCInt p)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetProportion" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetProportion :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetShortHelp obj s@).
auiToolBarItemSetShortHelp :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> String ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetShortHelp _obj _s 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetShortHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _s $ \cobj__s -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetShortHelp cobj__obj  cobj__s  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetShortHelp" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetShortHelp :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetSizerItem obj s@).
auiToolBarItemSetSizerItem :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> SizerItem  b ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetSizerItem _obj _s 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetSizerItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _s $ \cobj__s -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSizerItem cobj__obj  cobj__s  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSizerItem" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSizerItem :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TSizerItem b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetSpacerPixels obj s@).
auiToolBarItemSetSpacerPixels :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetSpacerPixels _obj s 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetSpacerPixels" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSpacerPixels cobj__obj  (toCInt s)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSpacerPixels" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSpacerPixels :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetState obj newstate@).
auiToolBarItemSetState :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetState _obj newstate 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetState cobj__obj  (toCInt newstate)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetState" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetState :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetSticky obj b@).
auiToolBarItemSetSticky :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetSticky _obj b 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetSticky" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSticky cobj__obj  (toCBool b)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSticky" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetSticky :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetUserData obj l@).
auiToolBarItemSetUserData :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetUserData _obj l 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetUserData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetUserData cobj__obj  (toCInt l)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetUserData" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetUserData :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarItemSetWindow obj w@).
auiToolBarItemSetWindow :: AuiToolBarItem  a -> Window  b ->  IO ()
auiToolBarItemSetWindow _obj _w 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarItemSetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _w $ \cobj__w -> 
    wxAuiToolBarItem_SetWindow cobj__obj  cobj__w  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBarItem_SetWindow" wxAuiToolBarItem_SetWindow :: Ptr (TAuiToolBarItem a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarRealize obj@).
auiToolBarRealize :: AuiToolBar  a ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarRealize _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarRealize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_Realize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_Realize" wxAuiToolBar_Realize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetArtProvider obj art@).
auiToolBarSetArtProvider :: AuiToolBar  a -> AuiToolBarArt  b ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetArtProvider _obj _art 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetArtProvider" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _art $ \cobj__art -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetArtProvider cobj__obj  cobj__art  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetArtProvider" wxAuiToolBar_SetArtProvider :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarArt b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetCustomOverflowItems obj prepend append@).
auiToolBarSetCustomOverflowItems :: AuiToolBar  a -> AuiToolBarItemArray  b -> AuiToolBarItemArray  c ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetCustomOverflowItems _obj _prepend _append 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetCustomOverflowItems" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _prepend $ \cobj__prepend -> 
    withObjectPtr _append $ \cobj__append -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetCustomOverflowItems cobj__obj  cobj__prepend  cobj__append  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetCustomOverflowItems" wxAuiToolBar_SetCustomOverflowItems :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItemArray b) -> Ptr (TAuiToolBarItemArray c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetFont obj font@).
auiToolBarSetFont :: AuiToolBar  a -> Font  b ->  IO Bool
auiToolBarSetFont _obj _font 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _font $ \cobj__font -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetFont cobj__obj  cobj__font  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetFont" wxAuiToolBar_SetFont :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetGripperVisible obj visible@).
auiToolBarSetGripperVisible :: AuiToolBar  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetGripperVisible _obj visible 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetGripperVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetGripperVisible cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetGripperVisible" wxAuiToolBar_SetGripperVisible :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetMargins obj widthheight@).
auiToolBarSetMargins :: AuiToolBar  a -> Size ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetMargins _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetMargins cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetMargins" wxAuiToolBar_SetMargins :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetMarginsDetailed obj left right top bottom@).
auiToolBarSetMarginsDetailed :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetMarginsDetailed _obj left right top bottom 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetMarginsDetailed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetMarginsDetailed cobj__obj  (toCInt left)  (toCInt right)  (toCInt top)  (toCInt bottom)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetMarginsDetailed" wxAuiToolBar_SetMarginsDetailed :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetMarginsXY obj xy@).
auiToolBarSetMarginsXY :: AuiToolBar  a -> Point ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetMarginsXY _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetMarginsXY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetMarginsXY cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetMarginsXY" wxAuiToolBar_SetMarginsXY :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetOverflowVisible obj visible@).
auiToolBarSetOverflowVisible :: AuiToolBar  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetOverflowVisible _obj visible 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetOverflowVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetOverflowVisible cobj__obj  (toCBool visible)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetOverflowVisible" wxAuiToolBar_SetOverflowVisible :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolBitmap obj toolid bitmap@).
auiToolBarSetToolBitmap :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> Bitmap  c ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolBitmap _obj toolid _bitmap 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _bitmap $ \cobj__bitmap -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBitmap cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  cobj__bitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBitmap" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBitmap :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolBitmapSize obj widthheight@).
auiToolBarSetToolBitmapSize :: AuiToolBar  a -> Size ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolBitmapSize _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolBitmapSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBitmapSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBitmapSize" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBitmapSize :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolBorderPadding obj padding@).
auiToolBarSetToolBorderPadding :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolBorderPadding _obj padding 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolBorderPadding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBorderPadding cobj__obj  (toCInt padding)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBorderPadding" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolBorderPadding :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolDropDown obj toolid dropdown@).
auiToolBarSetToolDropDown :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolDropDown _obj toolid dropdown 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolDropDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolDropDown cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  (toCBool dropdown)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolDropDown" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolDropDown :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolLabel obj toolid label@).
auiToolBarSetToolLabel :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolLabel _obj toolid _label 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _label $ \cobj__label -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolLabel cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  cobj__label  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolLabel" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolLabel :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolLongHelp obj toolid helpstring@).
auiToolBarSetToolLongHelp :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolLongHelp _obj toolid _helpstring 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolLongHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _helpstring $ \cobj__helpstring -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolLongHelp cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  cobj__helpstring  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolLongHelp" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolLongHelp :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolPacking obj packing@).
auiToolBarSetToolPacking :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolPacking _obj packing 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolPacking" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolPacking cobj__obj  (toCInt packing)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolPacking" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolPacking :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolProportion obj toolid proportion@).
auiToolBarSetToolProportion :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolProportion _obj toolid proportion 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolProportion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolProportion cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  (toCInt proportion)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolProportion" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolProportion :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolSeparation obj separation@).
auiToolBarSetToolSeparation :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolSeparation _obj separation 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolSeparation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolSeparation cobj__obj  (toCInt separation)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolSeparation" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolSeparation :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolShortHelp obj toolid helpstring@).
auiToolBarSetToolShortHelp :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolShortHelp _obj toolid _helpstring 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolShortHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _helpstring $ \cobj__helpstring -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolShortHelp cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  cobj__helpstring  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolShortHelp" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolShortHelp :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolSticky obj toolid sticky@).
auiToolBarSetToolSticky :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolSticky _obj toolid sticky 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolSticky" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolSticky cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  (toCBool sticky)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolSticky" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolSticky :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetToolTextOrientation obj orientation@).
auiToolBarSetToolTextOrientation :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetToolTextOrientation _obj orientation 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetToolTextOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetToolTextOrientation cobj__obj  (toCInt orientation)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetToolTextOrientation" wxAuiToolBar_SetToolTextOrientation :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarSetWindowStyleFlag obj style@).
auiToolBarSetWindowStyleFlag :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int ->  IO ()
auiToolBarSetWindowStyleFlag _obj style 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarSetWindowStyleFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_SetWindowStyleFlag cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_SetWindowStyleFlag" wxAuiToolBar_SetWindowStyleFlag :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@auiToolBarToggleTool obj toolid state@).
auiToolBarToggleTool :: AuiToolBar  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
auiToolBarToggleTool _obj toolid state 
  = withObjectRef "auiToolBarToggleTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxAuiToolBar_ToggleTool cobj__obj  (toCInt toolid)  (toCBool state)  
foreign import ccall "wxAuiToolBar_ToggleTool" wxAuiToolBar_ToggleTool :: Ptr (TAuiToolBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@autoBufferedPaintDCCreate window@).
autoBufferedPaintDCCreate :: Window  a ->  IO (AutoBufferedPaintDC  ())
autoBufferedPaintDCCreate window 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxAutoBufferedPaintDC_Create cobj_window  
foreign import ccall "wxAutoBufferedPaintDC_Create" wxAutoBufferedPaintDC_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TAutoBufferedPaintDC ()))

-- | usage: (@autoBufferedPaintDCDelete self@).
autoBufferedPaintDCDelete :: AutoBufferedPaintDC  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@bitmapAddHandler handler@).
bitmapAddHandler :: EvtHandler  a ->  IO ()
bitmapAddHandler handler 
  = withObjectPtr handler $ \cobj_handler -> 
    wxBitmap_AddHandler cobj_handler  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_AddHandler" wxBitmap_AddHandler :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonCreate prt id bmp lfttopwdthgt stl@).
bitmapButtonCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Bitmap  c -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (BitmapButton  ())
bitmapButtonCreate _prt _id _bmp _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> 
    wxBitmapButton_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  cobj__bmp  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_Create" wxBitmapButton_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBitmapButton ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonGetBitmapDisabled obj@).
bitmapButtonGetBitmapDisabled :: BitmapButton  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapButtonGetBitmapDisabled _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "bitmapButtonGetBitmapDisabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapDisabled cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapDisabled" wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapDisabled :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonGetBitmapFocus obj@).
bitmapButtonGetBitmapFocus :: BitmapButton  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapButtonGetBitmapFocus _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "bitmapButtonGetBitmapFocus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapFocus cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapFocus" wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapFocus :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonGetBitmapLabel obj@).
bitmapButtonGetBitmapLabel :: BitmapButton  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapButtonGetBitmapLabel _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "bitmapButtonGetBitmapLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapLabel cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapLabel" wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapLabel :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonGetBitmapSelected obj@).
bitmapButtonGetBitmapSelected :: BitmapButton  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapButtonGetBitmapSelected _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "bitmapButtonGetBitmapSelected" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapSelected cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapSelected" wxBitmapButton_GetBitmapSelected :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonGetMarginX obj@).
bitmapButtonGetMarginX :: BitmapButton  a ->  IO Int
bitmapButtonGetMarginX _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapButtonGetMarginX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapButton_GetMarginX cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_GetMarginX" wxBitmapButton_GetMarginX :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonGetMarginY obj@).
bitmapButtonGetMarginY :: BitmapButton  a ->  IO Int
bitmapButtonGetMarginY _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapButtonGetMarginY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapButton_GetMarginY cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_GetMarginY" wxBitmapButton_GetMarginY :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonSetBitmapDisabled obj disabled@).
bitmapButtonSetBitmapDisabled :: BitmapButton  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
bitmapButtonSetBitmapDisabled _obj disabled 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapButtonSetBitmapDisabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr disabled $ \cobj_disabled -> 
    wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapDisabled cobj__obj  cobj_disabled  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapDisabled" wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapDisabled :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonSetBitmapFocus obj focus@).
bitmapButtonSetBitmapFocus :: BitmapButton  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
bitmapButtonSetBitmapFocus _obj focus 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapButtonSetBitmapFocus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr focus $ \cobj_focus -> 
    wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapFocus cobj__obj  cobj_focus  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapFocus" wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapFocus :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonSetBitmapLabel obj bitmap@).
bitmapButtonSetBitmapLabel :: BitmapButton  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
bitmapButtonSetBitmapLabel _obj bitmap 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapButtonSetBitmapLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> 
    wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapLabel cobj__obj  cobj_bitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapLabel" wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapLabel :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonSetBitmapSelected obj sel@).
bitmapButtonSetBitmapSelected :: BitmapButton  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
bitmapButtonSetBitmapSelected _obj sel 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapButtonSetBitmapSelected" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr sel $ \cobj_sel -> 
    wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapSelected cobj__obj  cobj_sel  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapSelected" wxBitmapButton_SetBitmapSelected :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapButtonSetMargins obj xy@).
bitmapButtonSetMargins :: BitmapButton  a -> Point ->  IO ()
bitmapButtonSetMargins _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapButtonSetMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapButton_SetMargins cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapButton_SetMargins" wxBitmapButton_SetMargins :: Ptr (TBitmapButton a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapCleanUpHandlers@).
bitmapCleanUpHandlers ::  IO ()
  = wxBitmap_CleanUpHandlers 
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_CleanUpHandlers" wxBitmap_CleanUpHandlers :: IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapCreate wxdata wxtype widthheight depth@).
bitmapCreate :: Ptr  a -> Int -> Size -> Int ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapCreate _data _type _widthheight _depth 
  = withManagedBitmapResult $
    wxBitmap_Create _data  (toCInt _type)  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt _depth)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_Create" wxBitmap_Create :: Ptr  a -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBitmap ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapCreateDefault@).
bitmapCreateDefault ::  IO (Bitmap  ())
  = withManagedBitmapResult $
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_CreateDefault" wxBitmap_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TBitmap ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapCreateEmpty widthheight depth@).
bitmapCreateEmpty :: Size -> Int ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapCreateEmpty _widthheight _depth 
  = withManagedBitmapResult $
    wxBitmap_CreateEmpty (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt _depth)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_CreateEmpty" wxBitmap_CreateEmpty :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBitmap ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapCreateFromImage image depth@).
bitmapCreateFromImage :: Image  a -> Int ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapCreateFromImage image depth 
  = withManagedBitmapResult $
    withObjectPtr image $ \cobj_image -> 
    wxBitmap_CreateFromImage cobj_image  (toCInt depth)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_CreateFromImage" wxBitmap_CreateFromImage :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBitmap ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapCreateFromXPM wxdata@).
bitmapCreateFromXPM :: Bitmap  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapCreateFromXPM wxdata 
  = withManagedBitmapResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapCreateFromXPM" wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    wxBitmap_CreateFromXPM cobj_wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_CreateFromXPM" wxBitmap_CreateFromXPM :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO (Ptr (TBitmap ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapCreateLoad name wxtype@).
bitmapCreateLoad :: String -> Int ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapCreateLoad name wxtype 
  = withManagedBitmapResult $
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxBitmap_CreateLoad cobj_name  (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_CreateLoad" wxBitmap_CreateLoad :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBitmap ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapDataObjectCreate bmp@).
bitmapDataObjectCreate :: Bitmap  a ->  IO (BitmapDataObject  ())
bitmapDataObjectCreate _bmp 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> 
    wx_BitmapDataObject_Create cobj__bmp  
foreign import ccall "BitmapDataObject_Create" wx_BitmapDataObject_Create :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO (Ptr (TBitmapDataObject ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapDataObjectCreateEmpty@).
bitmapDataObjectCreateEmpty ::  IO (BitmapDataObject  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "BitmapDataObject_CreateEmpty" wx_BitmapDataObject_CreateEmpty :: IO (Ptr (TBitmapDataObject ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapDataObjectDelete obj@).
bitmapDataObjectDelete :: BitmapDataObject  a ->  IO ()
bitmapDataObjectDelete _obj 
  = withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wx_BitmapDataObject_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "BitmapDataObject_Delete" wx_BitmapDataObject_Delete :: Ptr (TBitmapDataObject a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapDataObjectGetBitmap obj@).
bitmapDataObjectGetBitmap :: BitmapDataObject  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapDataObjectGetBitmap _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wx_BitmapDataObject_GetBitmap cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "BitmapDataObject_GetBitmap" wx_BitmapDataObject_GetBitmap :: Ptr (TBitmapDataObject a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapDataObjectSetBitmap obj bmp@).
bitmapDataObjectSetBitmap :: BitmapDataObject  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
bitmapDataObjectSetBitmap _obj _bmp 
  = withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> 
    wx_BitmapDataObject_SetBitmap cobj__obj  cobj__bmp  
foreign import ccall "BitmapDataObject_SetBitmap" wx_BitmapDataObject_SetBitmap :: Ptr (TBitmapDataObject a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapDelete obj@).
bitmapDelete :: Bitmap  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@bitmapFindHandlerByExtension extension wxtype@).
bitmapFindHandlerByExtension :: Bitmap  a -> Int ->  IO (Ptr  ())
bitmapFindHandlerByExtension extension wxtype 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapFindHandlerByExtension" extension $ \cobj_extension -> 
    wxBitmap_FindHandlerByExtension cobj_extension  (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_FindHandlerByExtension" wxBitmap_FindHandlerByExtension :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@bitmapFindHandlerByName name@).
bitmapFindHandlerByName :: String ->  IO (Ptr  ())
bitmapFindHandlerByName name 
  = withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxBitmap_FindHandlerByName cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_FindHandlerByName" wxBitmap_FindHandlerByName :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@bitmapFindHandlerByType wxtype@).
bitmapFindHandlerByType :: Int ->  IO (Ptr  ())
bitmapFindHandlerByType wxtype 
  = wxBitmap_FindHandlerByType (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_FindHandlerByType" wxBitmap_FindHandlerByType :: CInt -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@bitmapGetDepth obj@).
bitmapGetDepth :: Bitmap  a ->  IO Int
bitmapGetDepth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapGetDepth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_GetDepth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_GetDepth" wxBitmap_GetDepth :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bitmapGetHeight obj@).
bitmapGetHeight :: Bitmap  a ->  IO Int
bitmapGetHeight _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapGetHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_GetHeight cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_GetHeight" wxBitmap_GetHeight :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bitmapGetMask obj@).
bitmapGetMask :: Bitmap  a ->  IO (Mask  ())
bitmapGetMask _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapGetMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_GetMask cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_GetMask" wxBitmap_GetMask :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO (Ptr (TMask ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapGetSubBitmap obj xywh@).
bitmapGetSubBitmap :: Bitmap  a -> Rect ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
bitmapGetSubBitmap _obj xywh 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "bitmapGetSubBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_GetSubBitmap cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_GetSubBitmap" wxBitmap_GetSubBitmap :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapGetWidth obj@).
bitmapGetWidth :: Bitmap  a ->  IO Int
bitmapGetWidth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapGetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_GetWidth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_GetWidth" wxBitmap_GetWidth :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bitmapInitStandardHandlers@).
bitmapInitStandardHandlers ::  IO ()
  = wxBitmap_InitStandardHandlers 
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_InitStandardHandlers" wxBitmap_InitStandardHandlers :: IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapInsertHandler handler@).
bitmapInsertHandler :: EvtHandler  a ->  IO ()
bitmapInsertHandler handler 
  = withObjectPtr handler $ \cobj_handler -> 
    wxBitmap_InsertHandler cobj_handler  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_InsertHandler" wxBitmap_InsertHandler :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapIsOk obj@).
bitmapIsOk :: Bitmap  a ->  IO Bool
bitmapIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_IsOk" wxBitmap_IsOk :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bitmapIsStatic self@).
bitmapIsStatic :: Bitmap  a ->  IO Bool
bitmapIsStatic self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxBitmap_IsStatic cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_IsStatic" wxBitmap_IsStatic :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bitmapLoadFile obj name wxtype@).
bitmapLoadFile :: Bitmap  a -> String -> Int ->  IO Int
bitmapLoadFile _obj name wxtype 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapLoadFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxBitmap_LoadFile cobj__obj  cobj_name  (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_LoadFile" wxBitmap_LoadFile :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bitmapRemoveHandler name@).
bitmapRemoveHandler :: String ->  IO Bool
bitmapRemoveHandler name 
  = withBoolResult $
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxBitmap_RemoveHandler cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_RemoveHandler" wxBitmap_RemoveHandler :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bitmapSafeDelete self@).
bitmapSafeDelete :: Bitmap  a ->  IO ()
bitmapSafeDelete self 
  = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxBitmap_SafeDelete cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_SafeDelete" wxBitmap_SafeDelete :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapSaveFile obj name wxtype cmap@).
bitmapSaveFile :: Bitmap  a -> String -> Int -> Palette  d ->  IO Int
bitmapSaveFile _obj name wxtype cmap 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapSaveFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    withObjectPtr cmap $ \cobj_cmap -> 
    wxBitmap_SaveFile cobj__obj  cobj_name  (toCInt wxtype)  cobj_cmap  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_SaveFile" wxBitmap_SaveFile :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> Ptr (TPalette d) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bitmapSetDepth obj d@).
bitmapSetDepth :: Bitmap  a -> Int ->  IO ()
bitmapSetDepth _obj d 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapSetDepth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_SetDepth cobj__obj  (toCInt d)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_SetDepth" wxBitmap_SetDepth :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapSetHeight obj h@).
bitmapSetHeight :: Bitmap  a -> Int ->  IO ()
bitmapSetHeight _obj h 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapSetHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_SetHeight cobj__obj  (toCInt h)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_SetHeight" wxBitmap_SetHeight :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapSetMask obj mask@).
bitmapSetMask :: Bitmap  a -> Mask  b ->  IO ()
bitmapSetMask _obj mask 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapSetMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr mask $ \cobj_mask -> 
    wxBitmap_SetMask cobj__obj  cobj_mask  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_SetMask" wxBitmap_SetMask :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> Ptr (TMask b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapSetWidth obj w@).
bitmapSetWidth :: Bitmap  a -> Int ->  IO ()
bitmapSetWidth _obj w 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapSetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmap_SetWidth cobj__obj  (toCInt w)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmap_SetWidth" wxBitmap_SetWidth :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapToggleButtonCreate parent id bmp xywh style@).
bitmapToggleButtonCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Bitmap  c -> Rect -> Int ->  IO (BitmapToggleButton  ())
bitmapToggleButtonCreate parent id _bmp xywh style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> 
    wxBitmapToggleButton_Create cobj_parent  (toCInt id)  cobj__bmp  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapToggleButton_Create" wxBitmapToggleButton_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBitmapToggleButton ()))

-- | usage: (@bitmapToggleButtonEnable obj enable@).
bitmapToggleButtonEnable :: BitmapToggleButton  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
bitmapToggleButtonEnable _obj enable 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapToggleButtonEnable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapToggleButton_Enable cobj__obj  (toCBool enable)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapToggleButton_Enable" wxBitmapToggleButton_Enable :: Ptr (TBitmapToggleButton a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bitmapToggleButtonGetValue obj@).
bitmapToggleButtonGetValue :: BitmapToggleButton  a ->  IO Bool
bitmapToggleButtonGetValue _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bitmapToggleButtonGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapToggleButton_GetValue cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapToggleButton_GetValue" wxBitmapToggleButton_GetValue :: Ptr (TBitmapToggleButton a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bitmapToggleButtonSetBitmapLabel obj bmp@).
bitmapToggleButtonSetBitmapLabel :: BitmapToggleButton  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
bitmapToggleButtonSetBitmapLabel _obj _bmp 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapToggleButtonSetBitmapLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> 
    wxBitmapToggleButton_SetBitmapLabel cobj__obj  cobj__bmp  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapToggleButton_SetBitmapLabel" wxBitmapToggleButton_SetBitmapLabel :: Ptr (TBitmapToggleButton a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bitmapToggleButtonSetValue obj state@).
bitmapToggleButtonSetValue :: BitmapToggleButton  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
bitmapToggleButtonSetValue _obj state 
  = withObjectRef "bitmapToggleButtonSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBitmapToggleButton_SetValue cobj__obj  (toCBool state)  
foreign import ccall "wxBitmapToggleButton_SetValue" wxBitmapToggleButton_SetValue :: Ptr (TBitmapToggleButton a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseAddPage obj page text select imageId@).
bookCtrlBaseAddPage :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Window  b -> String -> Bool -> Int ->  IO Bool
bookCtrlBaseAddPage _obj _page _text select imageId 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseAddPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withStringPtr _text $ \cobj__text -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_AddPage cobj__obj  cobj__page  cobj__text  (toCBool select)  (toCInt imageId)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_AddPage" wxBookCtrlBase_AddPage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CBool -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseAdvanceSelection obj forward@).
bookCtrlBaseAdvanceSelection :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
bookCtrlBaseAdvanceSelection _obj forward 
  = withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseAdvanceSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_AdvanceSelection cobj__obj  (toCBool forward)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_AdvanceSelection" wxBookCtrlBase_AdvanceSelection :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseAssignImageList obj imageList@).
bookCtrlBaseAssignImageList :: BookCtrlBase  a -> ImageList  b ->  IO ()
bookCtrlBaseAssignImageList _obj imageList 
  = withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseAssignImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_AssignImageList cobj__obj  cobj_imageList  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_AssignImageList" wxBookCtrlBase_AssignImageList :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseChangeSelection obj page@).
bookCtrlBaseChangeSelection :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int ->  IO Int
bookCtrlBaseChangeSelection _obj page 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseChangeSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_ChangeSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_ChangeSelection" wxBookCtrlBase_ChangeSelection :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseCreateFromDefault obj parent winid xy widthheight style name@).
bookCtrlBaseCreateFromDefault :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Window  b -> Int -> Point -> Size -> Int -> String ->  IO Bool
bookCtrlBaseCreateFromDefault _obj _parent winid xy _widthheight style _name 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseCreateFromDefault" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _parent $ \cobj__parent -> 
    withStringPtr _name $ \cobj__name -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_CreateFromDefault cobj__obj  cobj__parent  (toCInt winid)  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  (toCInt style)  cobj__name  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_CreateFromDefault" wxBookCtrlBase_CreateFromDefault :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString g) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseDeleteAllPages obj@).
bookCtrlBaseDeleteAllPages :: BookCtrlBase  a ->  IO Bool
bookCtrlBaseDeleteAllPages _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseDeleteAllPages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_DeleteAllPages cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_DeleteAllPages" wxBookCtrlBase_DeleteAllPages :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseDeletePage obj page@).
bookCtrlBaseDeletePage :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
bookCtrlBaseDeletePage _obj page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseDeletePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_DeletePage cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_DeletePage" wxBookCtrlBase_DeletePage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseFindPage obj page@).
bookCtrlBaseFindPage :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Window  b ->  IO Int
bookCtrlBaseFindPage _obj _page 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseFindPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_FindPage cobj__obj  cobj__page  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_FindPage" wxBookCtrlBase_FindPage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseGetCurrentPage obj@).
bookCtrlBaseGetCurrentPage :: BookCtrlBase  a ->  IO (Window  ())
bookCtrlBaseGetCurrentPage _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseGetCurrentPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_GetCurrentPage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_GetCurrentPage" wxBookCtrlBase_GetCurrentPage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseGetImageList obj@).
bookCtrlBaseGetImageList :: BookCtrlBase  a ->  IO (ImageList  ())
bookCtrlBaseGetImageList _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseGetImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_GetImageList cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_GetImageList" wxBookCtrlBase_GetImageList :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> IO (Ptr (TImageList ()))

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseGetPage obj page@).
bookCtrlBaseGetPage :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int ->  IO (Window  ())
bookCtrlBaseGetPage _obj page 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseGetPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_GetPage cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_GetPage" wxBookCtrlBase_GetPage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseGetPageCount obj@).
bookCtrlBaseGetPageCount :: BookCtrlBase  a ->  IO Int
bookCtrlBaseGetPageCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseGetPageCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageCount" wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageCount :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseGetPageImage obj nPage@).
bookCtrlBaseGetPageImage :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int ->  IO Int
bookCtrlBaseGetPageImage _obj nPage 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseGetPageImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageImage cobj__obj  (toCInt nPage)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageImage" wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageImage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseGetPageText obj nPage@).
bookCtrlBaseGetPageText :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
bookCtrlBaseGetPageText _obj nPage 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseGetPageText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageText cobj__obj  (toCInt nPage)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageText" wxBookCtrlBase_GetPageText :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseGetSelection obj@).
bookCtrlBaseGetSelection :: BookCtrlBase  a ->  IO Int
bookCtrlBaseGetSelection _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_GetSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_GetSelection" wxBookCtrlBase_GetSelection :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseHitTest obj xy flags@).
bookCtrlBaseHitTest :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Point -> Ptr CInt ->  IO Int
bookCtrlBaseHitTest _obj xy flags 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseHitTest" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_HitTest cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  flags  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_HitTest" wxBookCtrlBase_HitTest :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseInsertPage obj index page text select imageId@).
bookCtrlBaseInsertPage :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int -> Window  c -> String -> Bool -> Int ->  IO Bool
bookCtrlBaseInsertPage _obj index _page _text select imageId 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseInsertPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _page $ \cobj__page -> 
    withStringPtr _text $ \cobj__text -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_InsertPage cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  cobj__page  cobj__text  (toCBool select)  (toCInt imageId)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_InsertPage" wxBookCtrlBase_InsertPage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> CBool -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseRemovePage obj page@).
bookCtrlBaseRemovePage :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
bookCtrlBaseRemovePage _obj page 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseRemovePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_RemovePage cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_RemovePage" wxBookCtrlBase_RemovePage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseSetImageList obj imageList@).
bookCtrlBaseSetImageList :: BookCtrlBase  a -> ImageList  b ->  IO ()
bookCtrlBaseSetImageList _obj imageList 
  = withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseSetImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_SetImageList cobj__obj  cobj_imageList  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_SetImageList" wxBookCtrlBase_SetImageList :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseSetPageImage obj page image@).
bookCtrlBaseSetPageImage :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
bookCtrlBaseSetPageImage _obj page image 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseSetPageImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageImage cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  (toCInt image)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageImage" wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageImage :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseSetPageSize obj widthheight@).
bookCtrlBaseSetPageSize :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Size ->  IO ()
bookCtrlBaseSetPageSize _obj _widthheight 
  = withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseSetPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW _widthheight) (toCIntSizeH _widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageSize" wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageSize :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseSetPageText obj page text@).
bookCtrlBaseSetPageText :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int -> String ->  IO Bool
bookCtrlBaseSetPageText _obj page _text 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseSetPageText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _text $ \cobj__text -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageText cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  cobj__text  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageText" wxBookCtrlBase_SetPageText :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlBaseSetSelection obj page@).
bookCtrlBaseSetSelection :: BookCtrlBase  a -> Int ->  IO Int
bookCtrlBaseSetSelection _obj page 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlBaseSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlBase_SetSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt page)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlBase_SetSelection" wxBookCtrlBase_SetSelection :: Ptr (TBookCtrlBase a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlEventCreate commandType winid nSel nOldSel@).
bookCtrlEventCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO (BookCtrlEvent  ())
bookCtrlEventCreate commandType winid nSel nOldSel 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxBookCtrlEvent_Create (toCInt commandType)  (toCInt winid)  (toCInt nSel)  (toCInt nOldSel)  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlEvent_Create" wxBookCtrlEvent_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBookCtrlEvent ()))

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlEventGetOldSelection obj@).
bookCtrlEventGetOldSelection :: BookCtrlEvent  a ->  IO Int
bookCtrlEventGetOldSelection _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlEventGetOldSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlEvent_GetOldSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlEvent_GetOldSelection" wxBookCtrlEvent_GetOldSelection :: Ptr (TBookCtrlEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@bookCtrlEventGetSelection obj@).
bookCtrlEventGetSelection :: BookCtrlEvent  a ->  IO Int
bookCtrlEventGetSelection _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "bookCtrlEventGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBookCtrlEvent_GetSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBookCtrlEvent_GetSelection" wxBookCtrlEvent_GetSelection :: Ptr (TBookCtrlEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@boolPropertyCreate label name value@).
boolPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Bool ->  IO (BoolProperty  ())
boolPropertyCreate label name value 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxBoolProperty_Create cobj_label  cobj_name  (toCBool value)  
foreign import ccall "wxBoolProperty_Create" wxBoolProperty_Create :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TBoolProperty ()))

-- | usage: (@boxSizerCalcMin obj@).
boxSizerCalcMin :: BoxSizer  a ->  IO (Size)
boxSizerCalcMin _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "boxSizerCalcMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBoxSizer_CalcMin cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBoxSizer_CalcMin" wxBoxSizer_CalcMin :: Ptr (TBoxSizer a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@boxSizerCreate orient@).
boxSizerCreate :: Int ->  IO (BoxSizer  ())
boxSizerCreate orient 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxBoxSizer_Create (toCInt orient)  
foreign import ccall "wxBoxSizer_Create" wxBoxSizer_Create :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBoxSizer ()))

-- | usage: (@boxSizerGetOrientation obj@).
boxSizerGetOrientation :: BoxSizer  a ->  IO Int
boxSizerGetOrientation _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "boxSizerGetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBoxSizer_GetOrientation cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBoxSizer_GetOrientation" wxBoxSizer_GetOrientation :: Ptr (TBoxSizer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@boxSizerRecalcSizes obj@).
boxSizerRecalcSizes :: BoxSizer  a ->  IO ()
boxSizerRecalcSizes _obj 
  = withObjectRef "boxSizerRecalcSizes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBoxSizer_RecalcSizes cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBoxSizer_RecalcSizes" wxBoxSizer_RecalcSizes :: Ptr (TBoxSizer a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@brushAssign obj brush@).
brushAssign :: Brush  a -> Brush  b ->  IO ()
brushAssign _obj brush 
  = withObjectRef "brushAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr brush $ \cobj_brush -> 
    wxBrush_Assign cobj__obj  cobj_brush  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_Assign" wxBrush_Assign :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> Ptr (TBrush b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@brushCreateDefault@).
brushCreateDefault ::  IO (Brush  ())
  = withManagedBrushResult $
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_CreateDefault" wxBrush_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TBrush ()))

-- | usage: (@brushCreateFromBitmap bitmap@).
brushCreateFromBitmap :: Bitmap  a ->  IO (Brush  ())
brushCreateFromBitmap bitmap 
  = withManagedBrushResult $
    withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> 
    wxBrush_CreateFromBitmap cobj_bitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_CreateFromBitmap" wxBrush_CreateFromBitmap :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO (Ptr (TBrush ()))

-- | usage: (@brushCreateFromColour col style@).
brushCreateFromColour :: Color -> Int ->  IO (Brush  ())
brushCreateFromColour col style 
  = withManagedBrushResult $
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxBrush_CreateFromColour cobj_col  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_CreateFromColour" wxBrush_CreateFromColour :: Ptr (TColour a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBrush ()))

-- | usage: (@brushCreateFromStock id@).
brushCreateFromStock :: Id ->  IO (Brush  ())
brushCreateFromStock id 
  = withManagedBrushResult $
    wxBrush_CreateFromStock (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_CreateFromStock" wxBrush_CreateFromStock :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBrush ()))

-- | usage: (@brushDelete obj@).
brushDelete :: Brush  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@brushGetColour obj@).
brushGetColour :: Brush  a ->  IO (Color)
brushGetColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "brushGetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBrush_GetColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_GetColour" wxBrush_GetColour :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@brushGetStipple obj@).
brushGetStipple :: Brush  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
brushGetStipple _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "brushGetStipple" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBrush_GetStipple cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_GetStipple" wxBrush_GetStipple :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@brushGetStyle obj@).
brushGetStyle :: Brush  a ->  IO Int
brushGetStyle _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "brushGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBrush_GetStyle cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_GetStyle" wxBrush_GetStyle :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@brushIsEqual obj brush@).
brushIsEqual :: Brush  a -> Brush  b ->  IO Bool
brushIsEqual _obj brush 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "brushIsEqual" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr brush $ \cobj_brush -> 
    wxBrush_IsEqual cobj__obj  cobj_brush  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_IsEqual" wxBrush_IsEqual :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> Ptr (TBrush b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@brushIsOk obj@).
brushIsOk :: Brush  a ->  IO Bool
brushIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "brushIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBrush_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_IsOk" wxBrush_IsOk :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@brushIsStatic self@).
brushIsStatic :: Brush  a ->  IO Bool
brushIsStatic self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxBrush_IsStatic cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_IsStatic" wxBrush_IsStatic :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@brushSafeDelete self@).
brushSafeDelete :: Brush  a ->  IO ()
brushSafeDelete self 
  = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxBrush_SafeDelete cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_SafeDelete" wxBrush_SafeDelete :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@brushSetColour obj col@).
brushSetColour :: Brush  a -> Color ->  IO ()
brushSetColour _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "brushSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxBrush_SetColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_SetColour" wxBrush_SetColour :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@brushSetColourSingle obj r g b@).
brushSetColourSingle :: Brush  a -> Char -> Char -> Char ->  IO ()
brushSetColourSingle _obj r g b 
  = withObjectRef "brushSetColourSingle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBrush_SetColourSingle cobj__obj  (toCWchar r)  (toCWchar g)  (toCWchar b)  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_SetColourSingle" wxBrush_SetColourSingle :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> CWchar -> CWchar -> CWchar -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@brushSetStipple obj stipple@).
brushSetStipple :: Brush  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
brushSetStipple _obj stipple 
  = withObjectRef "brushSetStipple" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr stipple $ \cobj_stipple -> 
    wxBrush_SetStipple cobj__obj  cobj_stipple  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_SetStipple" wxBrush_SetStipple :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@brushSetStyle obj style@).
brushSetStyle :: Brush  a -> Int ->  IO ()
brushSetStyle _obj style 
  = withObjectRef "brushSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBrush_SetStyle cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxBrush_SetStyle" wxBrush_SetStyle :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@bufferedDCCreateByDCAndBitmap dc bitmap style@).
bufferedDCCreateByDCAndBitmap :: DC  a -> Bitmap  b -> Int ->  IO (BufferedDC  ())
bufferedDCCreateByDCAndBitmap dc bitmap style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> 
    wxBufferedDC_CreateByDCAndBitmap cobj_dc  cobj_bitmap  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxBufferedDC_CreateByDCAndBitmap" wxBufferedDC_CreateByDCAndBitmap :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBufferedDC ()))

-- | usage: (@bufferedDCCreateByDCAndSize dc widthhight style@).
bufferedDCCreateByDCAndSize :: DC  a -> Size -> Int ->  IO (BufferedDC  ())
bufferedDCCreateByDCAndSize dc widthhight style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxBufferedDC_CreateByDCAndSize cobj_dc  (toCIntSizeW widthhight) (toCIntSizeH widthhight)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxBufferedDC_CreateByDCAndSize" wxBufferedDC_CreateByDCAndSize :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBufferedDC ()))

-- | usage: (@bufferedDCDelete self@).
bufferedDCDelete :: BufferedDC  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@bufferedPaintDCCreate window style@).
bufferedPaintDCCreate :: Window  a -> Int ->  IO (BufferedPaintDC  ())
bufferedPaintDCCreate window style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxBufferedPaintDC_Create cobj_window  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxBufferedPaintDC_Create" wxBufferedPaintDC_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBufferedPaintDC ()))

-- | usage: (@bufferedPaintDCCreateWithBitmap window bitmap style@).
bufferedPaintDCCreateWithBitmap :: Window  a -> Bitmap  b -> Int ->  IO (BufferedPaintDC  ())
bufferedPaintDCCreateWithBitmap window bitmap style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> 
    wxBufferedPaintDC_CreateWithBitmap cobj_window  cobj_bitmap  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxBufferedPaintDC_CreateWithBitmap" wxBufferedPaintDC_CreateWithBitmap :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TBufferedPaintDC ()))

-- | usage: (@bufferedPaintDCDelete self@).
bufferedPaintDCDelete :: BufferedPaintDC  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@busyCursorCreate@).
busyCursorCreate ::  IO (BusyCursor  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxBusyCursor_Create" wxBusyCursor_Create :: IO (Ptr (TBusyCursor ()))

-- | usage: (@busyCursorCreateWithCursor cur@).
busyCursorCreateWithCursor :: BusyCursor  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
busyCursorCreateWithCursor _cur 
  = withObjectRef "busyCursorCreateWithCursor" _cur $ \cobj__cur -> 
    wxBusyCursor_CreateWithCursor cobj__cur  
foreign import ccall "wxBusyCursor_CreateWithCursor" wxBusyCursor_CreateWithCursor :: Ptr (TBusyCursor a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@busyCursorDelete obj@).
busyCursorDelete :: BusyCursor  a ->  IO ()
busyCursorDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "busyCursorDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBusyCursor_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBusyCursor_Delete" wxBusyCursor_Delete :: Ptr (TBusyCursor a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@busyInfoCreate txt@).
busyInfoCreate :: String ->  IO (BusyInfo  ())
busyInfoCreate _txt 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxBusyInfo_Create cobj__txt  
foreign import ccall "wxBusyInfo_Create" wxBusyInfo_Create :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO (Ptr (TBusyInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@busyInfoDelete obj@).
busyInfoDelete :: BusyInfo  a ->  IO ()
busyInfoDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "busyInfoDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxBusyInfo_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxBusyInfo_Delete" wxBusyInfo_Delete :: Ptr (TBusyInfo a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@buttonCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@).
buttonCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (Button  ())
buttonCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxButton_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  cobj__txt  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxButton_Create" wxButton_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TButton ()))

-- | usage: (@buttonSetBackgroundColour obj colour@).
buttonSetBackgroundColour :: Button  a -> Color ->  IO Int
buttonSetBackgroundColour _obj colour 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "buttonSetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxButton_SetBackgroundColour cobj__obj  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxButton_SetBackgroundColour" wxButton_SetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TButton a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@buttonSetDefault obj@).
buttonSetDefault :: Button  a ->  IO ()
buttonSetDefault _obj 
  = withObjectRef "buttonSetDefault" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxButton_SetDefault cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxButton_SetDefault" wxButton_SetDefault :: Ptr (TButton a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@cFree ptr@).
cFree :: Ptr  a ->  IO ()
cFree _ptr 
  = wx_wxCFree _ptr  
foreign import ccall "wxCFree" wx_wxCFree :: Ptr  a -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calculateLayoutEventCreate id@).
calculateLayoutEventCreate :: Id ->  IO (CalculateLayoutEvent  ())
calculateLayoutEventCreate id 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxCalculateLayoutEvent_Create (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalculateLayoutEvent_Create" wxCalculateLayoutEvent_Create :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCalculateLayoutEvent ()))

-- | usage: (@calculateLayoutEventGetFlags obj@).
calculateLayoutEventGetFlags :: CalculateLayoutEvent  a ->  IO Int
calculateLayoutEventGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "calculateLayoutEventGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalculateLayoutEvent_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalculateLayoutEvent_GetFlags" wxCalculateLayoutEvent_GetFlags :: Ptr (TCalculateLayoutEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@calculateLayoutEventGetRect obj@).
calculateLayoutEventGetRect :: CalculateLayoutEvent  a ->  IO (Rect)
calculateLayoutEventGetRect _obj 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "calculateLayoutEventGetRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalculateLayoutEvent_GetRect cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalculateLayoutEvent_GetRect" wxCalculateLayoutEvent_GetRect :: Ptr (TCalculateLayoutEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@calculateLayoutEventSetFlags obj flags@).
calculateLayoutEventSetFlags :: CalculateLayoutEvent  a -> Int ->  IO ()
calculateLayoutEventSetFlags _obj flags 
  = withObjectRef "calculateLayoutEventSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalculateLayoutEvent_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalculateLayoutEvent_SetFlags" wxCalculateLayoutEvent_SetFlags :: Ptr (TCalculateLayoutEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calculateLayoutEventSetRect obj xywh@).
calculateLayoutEventSetRect :: CalculateLayoutEvent  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
calculateLayoutEventSetRect _obj xywh 
  = withObjectRef "calculateLayoutEventSetRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalculateLayoutEvent_SetRect cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalculateLayoutEvent_SetRect" wxCalculateLayoutEvent_SetRect :: Ptr (TCalculateLayoutEvent a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlCreate prt id dat lfttopwdthgt stl@).
calendarCtrlCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> DateTime  c -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (CalendarCtrl  ())
calendarCtrlCreate _prt _id _dat _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withObjectPtr _dat $ \cobj__dat -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  cobj__dat  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_Create" wxCalendarCtrl_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCalendarCtrl ()))

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlEnableHolidayDisplay obj display@).
calendarCtrlEnableHolidayDisplay :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlEnableHolidayDisplay _obj display 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlEnableHolidayDisplay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_EnableHolidayDisplay cobj__obj  (toCInt display)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_EnableHolidayDisplay" wxCalendarCtrl_EnableHolidayDisplay :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlEnableMonthChange obj enable@).
calendarCtrlEnableMonthChange :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlEnableMonthChange _obj enable 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlEnableMonthChange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_EnableMonthChange cobj__obj  (toCBool enable)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_EnableMonthChange" wxCalendarCtrl_EnableMonthChange :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlGetAttr obj day@).
calendarCtrlGetAttr :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (Ptr  ())
calendarCtrlGetAttr _obj day 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlGetAttr" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_GetAttr cobj__obj  (toCInt day)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_GetAttr" wxCalendarCtrl_GetAttr :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlGetDate obj date@).
calendarCtrlGetDate :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlGetDate _obj date 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlGetDate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_GetDate cobj__obj  date  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_GetDate" wxCalendarCtrl_GetDate :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourBg obj@).
calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourBg :: CalendarCtrl  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourBg _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourBg" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_GetHeaderColourBg cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_GetHeaderColourBg" wxCalendarCtrl_GetHeaderColourBg :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourFg obj@).
calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourFg :: CalendarCtrl  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourFg _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarCtrlGetHeaderColourFg" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_GetHeaderColourFg cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_GetHeaderColourFg" wxCalendarCtrl_GetHeaderColourFg :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourBg obj@).
calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourBg :: CalendarCtrl  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourBg _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourBg" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_GetHighlightColourBg cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_GetHighlightColourBg" wxCalendarCtrl_GetHighlightColourBg :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourFg obj@).
calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourFg :: CalendarCtrl  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourFg _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarCtrlGetHighlightColourFg" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_GetHighlightColourFg cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_GetHighlightColourFg" wxCalendarCtrl_GetHighlightColourFg :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourBg obj@).
calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourBg :: CalendarCtrl  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourBg _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourBg" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_GetHolidayColourBg cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_GetHolidayColourBg" wxCalendarCtrl_GetHolidayColourBg :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourFg obj@).
calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourFg :: CalendarCtrl  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourFg _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarCtrlGetHolidayColourFg" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_GetHolidayColourFg cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_GetHolidayColourFg" wxCalendarCtrl_GetHolidayColourFg :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlHitTest obj xy date wd@).
calendarCtrlHitTest :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Point -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d ->  IO Int
calendarCtrlHitTest _obj xy date wd 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarCtrlHitTest" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_HitTest cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  date  wd  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_HitTest" wxCalendarCtrl_HitTest :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlResetAttr obj day@).
calendarCtrlResetAttr :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlResetAttr _obj day 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlResetAttr" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_ResetAttr cobj__obj  (toCInt day)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_ResetAttr" wxCalendarCtrl_ResetAttr :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlSetAttr obj day attr@).
calendarCtrlSetAttr :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Int -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlSetAttr _obj day attr 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlSetAttr" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_SetAttr cobj__obj  (toCInt day)  attr  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_SetAttr" wxCalendarCtrl_SetAttr :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlSetDate obj date@).
calendarCtrlSetDate :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlSetDate _obj date 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlSetDate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_SetDate cobj__obj  date  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_SetDate" wxCalendarCtrl_SetDate :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlSetHeaderColours obj colFg colBg@).
calendarCtrlSetHeaderColours :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlSetHeaderColours _obj colFg colBg 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlSetHeaderColours" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_SetHeaderColours cobj__obj  colFg  colBg  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_SetHeaderColours" wxCalendarCtrl_SetHeaderColours :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlSetHighlightColours obj colFg colBg@).
calendarCtrlSetHighlightColours :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlSetHighlightColours _obj colFg colBg 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlSetHighlightColours" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_SetHighlightColours cobj__obj  colFg  colBg  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_SetHighlightColours" wxCalendarCtrl_SetHighlightColours :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlSetHoliday obj day@).
calendarCtrlSetHoliday :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlSetHoliday _obj day 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlSetHoliday" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_SetHoliday cobj__obj  (toCInt day)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_SetHoliday" wxCalendarCtrl_SetHoliday :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarCtrlSetHolidayColours obj colFg colBg@).
calendarCtrlSetHolidayColours :: CalendarCtrl  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
calendarCtrlSetHolidayColours _obj colFg colBg 
  = withObjectRef "calendarCtrlSetHolidayColours" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarCtrl_SetHolidayColours cobj__obj  colFg  colBg  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarCtrl_SetHolidayColours" wxCalendarCtrl_SetHolidayColours :: Ptr (TCalendarCtrl a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrCreate ctxt cbck cbrd fnt brd@).
calendarDateAttrCreate :: Ptr  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Int ->  IO (CalendarDateAttr  ())
calendarDateAttrCreate _ctxt _cbck _cbrd _fnt _brd 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxCalendarDateAttr_Create _ctxt  _cbck  _cbrd  _fnt  (toCInt _brd)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_Create" wxCalendarDateAttr_Create :: Ptr  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr ()))

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrCreateDefault@).
calendarDateAttrCreateDefault ::  IO (CalendarDateAttr  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_CreateDefault" wxCalendarDateAttr_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr ()))

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrDelete obj@).
calendarDateAttrDelete :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO ()
calendarDateAttrDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_Delete" wxCalendarDateAttr_Delete :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrGetBackgroundColour obj@).
calendarDateAttrGetBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarDateAttrGetBackgroundColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrGetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBackgroundColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBackgroundColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrGetBorder obj@).
calendarDateAttrGetBorder :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO Int
calendarDateAttrGetBorder _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrGetBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBorder cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBorder" wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBorder :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrGetBorderColour obj@).
calendarDateAttrGetBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarDateAttrGetBorderColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrGetBorderColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBorderColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBorderColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_GetBorderColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrGetFont obj@).
calendarDateAttrGetFont :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO (Font  ())
calendarDateAttrGetFont _obj 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_GetFont cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_GetFont" wxCalendarDateAttr_GetFont :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrGetTextColour obj@).
calendarDateAttrGetTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO (Color)
calendarDateAttrGetTextColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrGetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_GetTextColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_GetTextColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_GetTextColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrHasBackgroundColour obj@).
calendarDateAttrHasBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO Bool
calendarDateAttrHasBackgroundColour _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrHasBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBackgroundColour cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBackgroundColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrHasBorder obj@).
calendarDateAttrHasBorder :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO Bool
calendarDateAttrHasBorder _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrHasBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBorder cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBorder" wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBorder :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrHasBorderColour obj@).
calendarDateAttrHasBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO Bool
calendarDateAttrHasBorderColour _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrHasBorderColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBorderColour cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBorderColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_HasBorderColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrHasFont obj@).
calendarDateAttrHasFont :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO Bool
calendarDateAttrHasFont _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrHasFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_HasFont cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_HasFont" wxCalendarDateAttr_HasFont :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrHasTextColour obj@).
calendarDateAttrHasTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO Bool
calendarDateAttrHasTextColour _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrHasTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_HasTextColour cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_HasTextColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_HasTextColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrIsHoliday obj@).
calendarDateAttrIsHoliday :: CalendarDateAttr  a ->  IO Bool
calendarDateAttrIsHoliday _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrIsHoliday" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_IsHoliday cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_IsHoliday" wxCalendarDateAttr_IsHoliday :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrSetBackgroundColour obj col@).
calendarDateAttrSetBackgroundColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a -> Color ->  IO ()
calendarDateAttrSetBackgroundColour _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrSetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBackgroundColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBackgroundColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrSetBorder obj border@).
calendarDateAttrSetBorder :: CalendarDateAttr  a -> Int ->  IO ()
calendarDateAttrSetBorder _obj border 
  = withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrSetBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBorder cobj__obj  (toCInt border)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBorder" wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBorder :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrSetBorderColour obj col@).
calendarDateAttrSetBorderColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a -> Color ->  IO ()
calendarDateAttrSetBorderColour _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrSetBorderColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBorderColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBorderColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_SetBorderColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrSetFont obj font@).
calendarDateAttrSetFont :: CalendarDateAttr  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
calendarDateAttrSetFont _obj font 
  = withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_SetFont cobj__obj  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_SetFont" wxCalendarDateAttr_SetFont :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrSetHoliday obj holiday@).
calendarDateAttrSetHoliday :: CalendarDateAttr  a -> Int ->  IO ()
calendarDateAttrSetHoliday _obj holiday 
  = withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrSetHoliday" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_SetHoliday cobj__obj  (toCInt holiday)  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_SetHoliday" wxCalendarDateAttr_SetHoliday :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarDateAttrSetTextColour obj col@).
calendarDateAttrSetTextColour :: CalendarDateAttr  a -> Color ->  IO ()
calendarDateAttrSetTextColour _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "calendarDateAttrSetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxCalendarDateAttr_SetTextColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarDateAttr_SetTextColour" wxCalendarDateAttr_SetTextColour :: Ptr (TCalendarDateAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarEventGetDate obj dte@).
calendarEventGetDate :: CalendarEvent  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
calendarEventGetDate _obj _dte 
  = withObjectRef "calendarEventGetDate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarEvent_GetDate cobj__obj  _dte  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarEvent_GetDate" wxCalendarEvent_GetDate :: Ptr (TCalendarEvent a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@calendarEventGetWeekDay obj@).
calendarEventGetWeekDay :: CalendarEvent  a ->  IO Int
calendarEventGetWeekDay _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "calendarEventGetWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCalendarEvent_GetWeekDay cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCalendarEvent_GetWeekDay" wxCalendarEvent_GetWeekDay :: Ptr (TCalendarEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@caretCreate wnd wth hgt@).
caretCreate :: Window  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (Caret  ())
caretCreate _wnd _wth _hgt 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> 
    wxCaret_Create cobj__wnd  (toCInt _wth)  (toCInt _hgt)  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_Create" wxCaret_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCaret ()))

-- | usage: (@caretGetBlinkTime@).
caretGetBlinkTime ::  IO Int
  = withIntResult $
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_GetBlinkTime" wxCaret_GetBlinkTime :: IO CInt

-- | usage: (@caretGetPosition obj@).
caretGetPosition :: Caret  a ->  IO (Point)
caretGetPosition _obj 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "caretGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_GetPosition cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_GetPosition" wxCaret_GetPosition :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@caretGetSize obj@).
caretGetSize :: Caret  a ->  IO (Size)
caretGetSize _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "caretGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_GetSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_GetSize" wxCaret_GetSize :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@caretGetWindow obj@).
caretGetWindow :: Caret  a ->  IO (Window  ())
caretGetWindow _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "caretGetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_GetWindow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_GetWindow" wxCaret_GetWindow :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@caretHide obj@).
caretHide :: Caret  a ->  IO ()
caretHide _obj 
  = withObjectRef "caretHide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_Hide cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_Hide" wxCaret_Hide :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@caretIsOk obj@).
caretIsOk :: Caret  a ->  IO Bool
caretIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "caretIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_IsOk" wxCaret_IsOk :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@caretIsVisible obj@).
caretIsVisible :: Caret  a ->  IO Bool
caretIsVisible _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "caretIsVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_IsVisible cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_IsVisible" wxCaret_IsVisible :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@caretMove obj xy@).
caretMove :: Caret  a -> Point ->  IO ()
caretMove _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "caretMove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_Move cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_Move" wxCaret_Move :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@caretSetBlinkTime milliseconds@).
caretSetBlinkTime :: Int ->  IO ()
caretSetBlinkTime milliseconds 
  = wxCaret_SetBlinkTime (toCInt milliseconds)  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_SetBlinkTime" wxCaret_SetBlinkTime :: CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@caretSetSize obj widthheight@).
caretSetSize :: Caret  a -> Size ->  IO ()
caretSetSize _obj widthheight 
  = withObjectRef "caretSetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_SetSize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_SetSize" wxCaret_SetSize :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@caretShow obj@).
caretShow :: Caret  a ->  IO ()
caretShow _obj 
  = withObjectRef "caretShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCaret_Show cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCaret_Show" wxCaret_Show :: Ptr (TCaret a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@checkBoxCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@).
checkBoxCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (CheckBox  ())
checkBoxCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxCheckBox_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  cobj__txt  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxCheckBox_Create" wxCheckBox_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCheckBox ()))

-- | usage: (@checkBoxDelete obj@).
checkBoxDelete :: CheckBox  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@checkBoxGetValue obj@).
checkBoxGetValue :: CheckBox  a ->  IO Bool
checkBoxGetValue _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "checkBoxGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCheckBox_GetValue cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCheckBox_GetValue" wxCheckBox_GetValue :: Ptr (TCheckBox a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@checkBoxSetValue obj value@).
checkBoxSetValue :: CheckBox  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
checkBoxSetValue _obj value 
  = withObjectRef "checkBoxSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCheckBox_SetValue cobj__obj  (toCBool value)  
foreign import ccall "wxCheckBox_SetValue" wxCheckBox_SetValue :: Ptr (TCheckBox a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@checkListBoxCheck obj item check@).
checkListBoxCheck :: CheckListBox  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
checkListBoxCheck _obj item check 
  = withObjectRef "checkListBoxCheck" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCheckListBox_Check cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  (toCBool check)  
foreign import ccall "wxCheckListBox_Check" wxCheckListBox_Check :: Ptr (TCheckListBox a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@checkListBoxCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt nstr stl@).
checkListBoxCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style ->  IO (CheckListBox  ())
checkListBoxCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt nstr _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withArrayWString nstr $ \carrlen_nstr carr_nstr -> 
    wxCheckListBox_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  carrlen_nstr carr_nstr  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxCheckListBox_Create" wxCheckListBox_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCheckListBox ()))

-- | usage: (@checkListBoxDelete obj@).
checkListBoxDelete :: CheckListBox  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@checkListBoxIsChecked obj item@).
checkListBoxIsChecked :: CheckListBox  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
checkListBoxIsChecked _obj item 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "checkListBoxIsChecked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCheckListBox_IsChecked cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxCheckListBox_IsChecked" wxCheckListBox_IsChecked :: Ptr (TCheckListBox a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@choiceAppend obj item@).
choiceAppend :: Choice  a -> String ->  IO ()
choiceAppend _obj item 
  = withObjectRef "choiceAppend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr item $ \cobj_item -> 
    wxChoice_Append cobj__obj  cobj_item  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_Append" wxChoice_Append :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@choiceClear obj@).
choiceClear :: Choice  a ->  IO ()
choiceClear _obj 
  = withObjectRef "choiceClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxChoice_Clear cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_Clear" wxChoice_Clear :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@choiceCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt nstr stl@).
choiceCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style ->  IO (Choice  ())
choiceCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt nstr _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withArrayWString nstr $ \carrlen_nstr carr_nstr -> 
    wxChoice_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  carrlen_nstr carr_nstr  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_Create" wxChoice_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TChoice ()))

-- | usage: (@choiceDelete obj n@).
choiceDelete :: Choice  a -> Int ->  IO ()
choiceDelete _obj n 
  = withObjectRef "choiceDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxChoice_Delete cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_Delete" wxChoice_Delete :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@choiceFindString obj s@).
choiceFindString :: Choice  a -> String ->  IO Int
choiceFindString _obj s 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "choiceFindString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr s $ \cobj_s -> 
    wxChoice_FindString cobj__obj  cobj_s  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_FindString" wxChoice_FindString :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@choiceGetCount obj@).
choiceGetCount :: Choice  a ->  IO Int
choiceGetCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "choiceGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxChoice_GetCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_GetCount" wxChoice_GetCount :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@choiceGetSelection obj@).
choiceGetSelection :: Choice  a ->  IO Int
choiceGetSelection _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "choiceGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxChoice_GetSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_GetSelection" wxChoice_GetSelection :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@choiceGetString obj n@).
choiceGetString :: Choice  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
choiceGetString _obj n 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "choiceGetString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxChoice_GetString cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_GetString" wxChoice_GetString :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@choiceSetSelection obj n@).
choiceSetSelection :: Choice  a -> Int ->  IO ()
choiceSetSelection _obj n 
  = withObjectRef "choiceSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxChoice_SetSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_SetSelection" wxChoice_SetSelection :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@choiceSetString obj n s@).
choiceSetString :: Choice  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
choiceSetString _obj n s 
  = withObjectRef "choiceSetString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr s $ \cobj_s -> 
    wxChoice_SetString cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  cobj_s  
foreign import ccall "wxChoice_SetString" wxChoice_SetString :: Ptr (TChoice a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@classInfoCreateClassByName inf@).
classInfoCreateClassByName :: ClassInfo  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
classInfoCreateClassByName _inf 
  = withObjectRef "classInfoCreateClassByName" _inf $ \cobj__inf -> 
    wxClassInfo_CreateClassByName cobj__inf  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_CreateClassByName" wxClassInfo_CreateClassByName :: Ptr (TClassInfo a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@classInfoFindClass txt@).
classInfoFindClass :: String ->  IO (ClassInfo  ())
classInfoFindClass _txt 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxClassInfo_FindClass cobj__txt  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_FindClass" wxClassInfo_FindClass :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO (Ptr (TClassInfo ()))

-- | usage: (@classInfoGetBaseClassName1 obj@).
classInfoGetBaseClassName1 :: ClassInfo  a ->  IO (String)
classInfoGetBaseClassName1 _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "classInfoGetBaseClassName1" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClassInfo_GetBaseClassName1 cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_GetBaseClassName1" wxClassInfo_GetBaseClassName1 :: Ptr (TClassInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@classInfoGetBaseClassName2 obj@).
classInfoGetBaseClassName2 :: ClassInfo  a ->  IO (String)
classInfoGetBaseClassName2 _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "classInfoGetBaseClassName2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClassInfo_GetBaseClassName2 cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_GetBaseClassName2" wxClassInfo_GetBaseClassName2 :: Ptr (TClassInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@classInfoGetClassName inf@).
classInfoGetClassName :: ClassInfo  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
classInfoGetClassName _inf 
  = withObjectRef "classInfoGetClassName" _inf $ \cobj__inf -> 
    wxClassInfo_GetClassName cobj__inf  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_GetClassName" wxClassInfo_GetClassName :: Ptr (TClassInfo a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@classInfoGetClassNameEx obj@).
classInfoGetClassNameEx :: ClassInfo  a ->  IO (String)
classInfoGetClassNameEx _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "classInfoGetClassNameEx" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClassInfo_GetClassNameEx cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_GetClassNameEx" wxClassInfo_GetClassNameEx :: Ptr (TClassInfo a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@classInfoGetSize obj@).
classInfoGetSize :: ClassInfo  a ->  IO Int
classInfoGetSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "classInfoGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClassInfo_GetSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_GetSize" wxClassInfo_GetSize :: Ptr (TClassInfo a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@classInfoIsKindOf obj name@).
classInfoIsKindOf :: ClassInfo  a -> String ->  IO Bool
classInfoIsKindOf _obj _name 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "classInfoIsKindOf" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _name $ \cobj__name -> 
    wxClassInfo_IsKindOf cobj__obj  cobj__name  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_IsKindOf" wxClassInfo_IsKindOf :: Ptr (TClassInfo a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@classInfoIsKindOfEx obj classInfo@).
classInfoIsKindOfEx :: ClassInfo  a -> ClassInfo  b ->  IO Bool
classInfoIsKindOfEx _obj classInfo 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "classInfoIsKindOfEx" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr classInfo $ \cobj_classInfo -> 
    wxClassInfo_IsKindOfEx cobj__obj  cobj_classInfo  
foreign import ccall "wxClassInfo_IsKindOfEx" wxClassInfo_IsKindOfEx :: Ptr (TClassInfo a) -> Ptr (TClassInfo b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@clientDCCreate win@).
clientDCCreate :: Window  a ->  IO (ClientDC  ())
clientDCCreate win 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> 
    wxClientDC_Create cobj_win  
foreign import ccall "wxClientDC_Create" wxClientDC_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TClientDC ()))

-- | usage: (@clientDCDelete obj@).
clientDCDelete :: ClientDC  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@clipboardAddData obj wxdata@).
clipboardAddData :: Clipboard  a -> DataObject  b ->  IO Bool
clipboardAddData _obj wxdata 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "clipboardAddData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    wxClipboard_AddData cobj__obj  cobj_wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_AddData" wxClipboard_AddData :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> Ptr (TDataObject b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@clipboardClear obj@).
clipboardClear :: Clipboard  a ->  IO ()
clipboardClear _obj 
  = withObjectRef "clipboardClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClipboard_Clear cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_Clear" wxClipboard_Clear :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@clipboardClose obj@).
clipboardClose :: Clipboard  a ->  IO ()
clipboardClose _obj 
  = withObjectRef "clipboardClose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClipboard_Close cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_Close" wxClipboard_Close :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@clipboardCreate@).
clipboardCreate ::  IO (Clipboard  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_Create" wxClipboard_Create :: IO (Ptr (TClipboard ()))

-- | usage: (@clipboardFlush obj@).
clipboardFlush :: Clipboard  a ->  IO Bool
clipboardFlush _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "clipboardFlush" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClipboard_Flush cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_Flush" wxClipboard_Flush :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@clipboardGetData obj wxdata@).
clipboardGetData :: Clipboard  a -> DataObject  b ->  IO Bool
clipboardGetData _obj wxdata 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "clipboardGetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    wxClipboard_GetData cobj__obj  cobj_wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_GetData" wxClipboard_GetData :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> Ptr (TDataObject b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@clipboardIsOpened obj@).
clipboardIsOpened :: Clipboard  a ->  IO Bool
clipboardIsOpened _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "clipboardIsOpened" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClipboard_IsOpened cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_IsOpened" wxClipboard_IsOpened :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@clipboardIsSupported obj format@).
clipboardIsSupported :: Clipboard  a -> DataFormat  b ->  IO Bool
clipboardIsSupported _obj format 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "clipboardIsSupported" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr format $ \cobj_format -> 
    wxClipboard_IsSupported cobj__obj  cobj_format  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_IsSupported" wxClipboard_IsSupported :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> Ptr (TDataFormat b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@clipboardOpen obj@).
clipboardOpen :: Clipboard  a ->  IO Bool
clipboardOpen _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "clipboardOpen" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClipboard_Open cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_Open" wxClipboard_Open :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@clipboardSetData obj wxdata@).
clipboardSetData :: Clipboard  a -> DataObject  b ->  IO Bool
clipboardSetData _obj wxdata 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "clipboardSetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    wxClipboard_SetData cobj__obj  cobj_wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_SetData" wxClipboard_SetData :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> Ptr (TDataObject b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@clipboardUsePrimarySelection obj primary@).
clipboardUsePrimarySelection :: Clipboard  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
clipboardUsePrimarySelection _obj primary 
  = withObjectRef "clipboardUsePrimarySelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClipboard_UsePrimarySelection cobj__obj  (toCBool primary)  
foreign import ccall "wxClipboard_UsePrimarySelection" wxClipboard_UsePrimarySelection :: Ptr (TClipboard a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@closeEventCanVeto obj@).
closeEventCanVeto :: CloseEvent  a ->  IO Bool
closeEventCanVeto _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "closeEventCanVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCloseEvent_CanVeto cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCloseEvent_CanVeto" wxCloseEvent_CanVeto :: Ptr (TCloseEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@closeEventCopyObject obj obj@).
closeEventCopyObject :: CloseEvent  a -> WxObject  b ->  IO ()
closeEventCopyObject _obj obj 
  = withObjectRef "closeEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxCloseEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj  cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCloseEvent_CopyObject" wxCloseEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TCloseEvent a) -> Ptr (TWxObject b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@closeEventGetLoggingOff obj@).
closeEventGetLoggingOff :: CloseEvent  a ->  IO Bool
closeEventGetLoggingOff _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "closeEventGetLoggingOff" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCloseEvent_GetLoggingOff cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCloseEvent_GetLoggingOff" wxCloseEvent_GetLoggingOff :: Ptr (TCloseEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@closeEventGetVeto obj@).
closeEventGetVeto :: CloseEvent  a ->  IO Bool
closeEventGetVeto _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "closeEventGetVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCloseEvent_GetVeto cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCloseEvent_GetVeto" wxCloseEvent_GetVeto :: Ptr (TCloseEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@closeEventSetCanVeto obj canVeto@).
closeEventSetCanVeto :: CloseEvent  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
closeEventSetCanVeto _obj canVeto 
  = withObjectRef "closeEventSetCanVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCloseEvent_SetCanVeto cobj__obj  (toCBool canVeto)  
foreign import ccall "wxCloseEvent_SetCanVeto" wxCloseEvent_SetCanVeto :: Ptr (TCloseEvent a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@closeEventSetLoggingOff obj logOff@).
closeEventSetLoggingOff :: CloseEvent  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
closeEventSetLoggingOff _obj logOff 
  = withObjectRef "closeEventSetLoggingOff" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCloseEvent_SetLoggingOff cobj__obj  (toCBool logOff)  
foreign import ccall "wxCloseEvent_SetLoggingOff" wxCloseEvent_SetLoggingOff :: Ptr (TCloseEvent a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@closeEventVeto obj veto@).
closeEventVeto :: CloseEvent  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
closeEventVeto _obj veto 
  = withObjectRef "closeEventVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCloseEvent_Veto cobj__obj  (toCBool veto)  
foreign import ccall "wxCloseEvent_Veto" wxCloseEvent_Veto :: Ptr (TCloseEvent a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@closureCreate funCEvent wxdata@).
closureCreate :: FunPtr (Ptr fun -> Ptr state -> Ptr (TEvent evt) -> IO ()) -> Ptr  b ->  IO (Closure  ())
closureCreate _funCEvent _data 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxClosure_Create (toCFunPtr _funCEvent)  _data  
foreign import ccall "wxClosure_Create" wxClosure_Create :: Ptr (Ptr fun -> Ptr state -> Ptr (TEvent evt) -> IO ()) -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr (TClosure ()))

-- | usage: (@closureGetData obj@).
closureGetData :: Closure  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
closureGetData _obj 
  = withObjectRef "closureGetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxClosure_GetData cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxClosure_GetData" wxClosure_GetData :: Ptr (TClosure a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@comboBoxAppend obj item@).
comboBoxAppend :: ComboBox  a -> String ->  IO ()
comboBoxAppend _obj item 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxAppend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr item $ \cobj_item -> 
    wxComboBox_Append cobj__obj  cobj_item  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Append" wxComboBox_Append :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxAppendData obj item d@).
comboBoxAppendData :: ComboBox  a -> String -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
comboBoxAppendData _obj item d 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxAppendData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr item $ \cobj_item -> 
    wxComboBox_AppendData cobj__obj  cobj_item  d  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_AppendData" wxComboBox_AppendData :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxClear obj@).
comboBoxClear :: ComboBox  a ->  IO ()
comboBoxClear _obj 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_Clear cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Clear" wxComboBox_Clear :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxCopy obj@).
comboBoxCopy :: ComboBox  a ->  IO ()
comboBoxCopy _obj 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxCopy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_Copy cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Copy" wxComboBox_Copy :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt nstr stl@).
comboBoxCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> [String] -> Style ->  IO (ComboBox  ())
comboBoxCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt nstr _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    withArrayWString nstr $ \carrlen_nstr carr_nstr -> 
    wxComboBox_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  cobj__txt  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  carrlen_nstr carr_nstr  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Create" wxComboBox_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TComboBox ()))

-- | usage: (@comboBoxCut obj@).
comboBoxCut :: ComboBox  a ->  IO ()
comboBoxCut _obj 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxCut" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_Cut cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Cut" wxComboBox_Cut :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxDelete obj n@).
comboBoxDelete :: ComboBox  a -> Int ->  IO ()
comboBoxDelete _obj n 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_Delete cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Delete" wxComboBox_Delete :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxFindString obj s@).
comboBoxFindString :: ComboBox  a -> String ->  IO Int
comboBoxFindString _obj s 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxFindString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr s $ \cobj_s -> 
    wxComboBox_FindString cobj__obj  cobj_s  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_FindString" wxComboBox_FindString :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@comboBoxGetClientData obj n@).
comboBoxGetClientData :: ComboBox  a -> Int ->  IO (ClientData  ())
comboBoxGetClientData _obj n 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxGetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_GetClientData cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_GetClientData" wxComboBox_GetClientData :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TClientData ()))

-- | usage: (@comboBoxGetCount obj@).
comboBoxGetCount :: ComboBox  a ->  IO Int
comboBoxGetCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_GetCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_GetCount" wxComboBox_GetCount :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@comboBoxGetInsertionPoint obj@).
comboBoxGetInsertionPoint :: ComboBox  a ->  IO Int
comboBoxGetInsertionPoint _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxGetInsertionPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_GetInsertionPoint cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_GetInsertionPoint" wxComboBox_GetInsertionPoint :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@comboBoxGetLastPosition obj@).
comboBoxGetLastPosition :: ComboBox  a ->  IO Int
comboBoxGetLastPosition _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxGetLastPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_GetLastPosition cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_GetLastPosition" wxComboBox_GetLastPosition :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@comboBoxGetSelection obj@).
comboBoxGetSelection :: ComboBox  a ->  IO Int
comboBoxGetSelection _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_GetSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_GetSelection" wxComboBox_GetSelection :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@comboBoxGetString obj n@).
comboBoxGetString :: ComboBox  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
comboBoxGetString _obj n 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxGetString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_GetString cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_GetString" wxComboBox_GetString :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@comboBoxGetStringSelection obj@).
comboBoxGetStringSelection :: ComboBox  a ->  IO (String)
comboBoxGetStringSelection _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxGetStringSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_GetStringSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_GetStringSelection" wxComboBox_GetStringSelection :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@comboBoxGetValue obj@).
comboBoxGetValue :: ComboBox  a ->  IO (String)
comboBoxGetValue _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "comboBoxGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_GetValue cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_GetValue" wxComboBox_GetValue :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@comboBoxPaste obj@).
comboBoxPaste :: ComboBox  a ->  IO ()
comboBoxPaste _obj 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxPaste" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_Paste cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Paste" wxComboBox_Paste :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxRemove obj from to@).
comboBoxRemove :: ComboBox  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
comboBoxRemove _obj from to 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxRemove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_Remove cobj__obj  (toCInt from)  (toCInt to)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Remove" wxComboBox_Remove :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxReplace obj from to value@).
comboBoxReplace :: ComboBox  a -> Int -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
comboBoxReplace _obj from to value 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxReplace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr value $ \cobj_value -> 
    wxComboBox_Replace cobj__obj  (toCInt from)  (toCInt to)  cobj_value  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_Replace" wxComboBox_Replace :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxSetClientData obj n clientData@).
comboBoxSetClientData :: ComboBox  a -> Int -> ClientData  c ->  IO ()
comboBoxSetClientData _obj n clientData 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxSetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr clientData $ \cobj_clientData -> 
    wxComboBox_SetClientData cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  cobj_clientData  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_SetClientData" wxComboBox_SetClientData :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TClientData c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxSetEditable obj editable@).
comboBoxSetEditable :: ComboBox  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
comboBoxSetEditable _obj editable 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxSetEditable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_SetEditable cobj__obj  (toCBool editable)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_SetEditable" wxComboBox_SetEditable :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxSetInsertionPoint obj pos@).
comboBoxSetInsertionPoint :: ComboBox  a -> Int ->  IO ()
comboBoxSetInsertionPoint _obj pos 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxSetInsertionPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_SetInsertionPoint cobj__obj  (toCInt pos)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_SetInsertionPoint" wxComboBox_SetInsertionPoint :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxSetInsertionPointEnd obj@).
comboBoxSetInsertionPointEnd :: ComboBox  a ->  IO ()
comboBoxSetInsertionPointEnd _obj 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxSetInsertionPointEnd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_SetInsertionPointEnd cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_SetInsertionPointEnd" wxComboBox_SetInsertionPointEnd :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxSetSelection obj n@).
comboBoxSetSelection :: ComboBox  a -> Int ->  IO ()
comboBoxSetSelection _obj n 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_SetSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_SetSelection" wxComboBox_SetSelection :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@comboBoxSetTextSelection obj from to@).
comboBoxSetTextSelection :: ComboBox  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
comboBoxSetTextSelection _obj from to 
  = withObjectRef "comboBoxSetTextSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxComboBox_SetTextSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt from)  (toCInt to)  
foreign import ccall "wxComboBox_SetTextSelection" wxComboBox_SetTextSelection :: Ptr (TComboBox a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@commandEventCopyObject obj objectdest@).
commandEventCopyObject :: CommandEvent  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
commandEventCopyObject _obj objectdest 
  = withObjectRef "commandEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj  objectdest  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_CopyObject" wxCommandEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@commandEventCreate typ id@).
commandEventCreate :: Int -> Id ->  IO (CommandEvent  ())
commandEventCreate _typ _id 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxCommandEvent_Create (toCInt _typ)  (toCInt _id)  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_Create" wxCommandEvent_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCommandEvent ()))

-- | usage: (@commandEventDelete obj@).
commandEventDelete :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@commandEventGetClientData obj@).
commandEventGetClientData :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO (ClientData  ())
commandEventGetClientData _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "commandEventGetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_GetClientData cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_GetClientData" wxCommandEvent_GetClientData :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TClientData ()))

-- | usage: (@commandEventGetClientObject obj@).
commandEventGetClientObject :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO (ClientData  ())
commandEventGetClientObject _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "commandEventGetClientObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_GetClientObject cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_GetClientObject" wxCommandEvent_GetClientObject :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TClientData ()))

-- | usage: (@commandEventGetExtraLong obj@).
commandEventGetExtraLong :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO Int
commandEventGetExtraLong _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "commandEventGetExtraLong" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_GetExtraLong cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_GetExtraLong" wxCommandEvent_GetExtraLong :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@commandEventGetInt obj@).
commandEventGetInt :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO Int
commandEventGetInt _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "commandEventGetInt" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_GetInt cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_GetInt" wxCommandEvent_GetInt :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@commandEventGetSelection obj@).
commandEventGetSelection :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO Int
commandEventGetSelection _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "commandEventGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_GetSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_GetSelection" wxCommandEvent_GetSelection :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@commandEventGetString obj@).
commandEventGetString :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO (String)
commandEventGetString _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "commandEventGetString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_GetString cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_GetString" wxCommandEvent_GetString :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@commandEventIsChecked obj@).
commandEventIsChecked :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO Bool
commandEventIsChecked _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "commandEventIsChecked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_IsChecked cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_IsChecked" wxCommandEvent_IsChecked :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@commandEventIsSelection obj@).
commandEventIsSelection :: CommandEvent  a ->  IO Bool
commandEventIsSelection _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "commandEventIsSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_IsSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_IsSelection" wxCommandEvent_IsSelection :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@commandEventSetClientData obj clientData@).
commandEventSetClientData :: CommandEvent  a -> ClientData  b ->  IO ()
commandEventSetClientData _obj clientData 
  = withObjectRef "commandEventSetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr clientData $ \cobj_clientData -> 
    wxCommandEvent_SetClientData cobj__obj  cobj_clientData  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_SetClientData" wxCommandEvent_SetClientData :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> Ptr (TClientData b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@commandEventSetClientObject obj clientObject@).
commandEventSetClientObject :: CommandEvent  a -> ClientData  b ->  IO ()
commandEventSetClientObject _obj clientObject 
  = withObjectRef "commandEventSetClientObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr clientObject $ \cobj_clientObject -> 
    wxCommandEvent_SetClientObject cobj__obj  cobj_clientObject  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_SetClientObject" wxCommandEvent_SetClientObject :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> Ptr (TClientData b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@commandEventSetExtraLong obj extraLong@).
commandEventSetExtraLong :: CommandEvent  a -> Int ->  IO ()
commandEventSetExtraLong _obj extraLong 
  = withObjectRef "commandEventSetExtraLong" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_SetExtraLong cobj__obj  (toCInt extraLong)  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_SetExtraLong" wxCommandEvent_SetExtraLong :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@commandEventSetInt obj i@).
commandEventSetInt :: CommandEvent  a -> Int ->  IO ()
commandEventSetInt _obj i 
  = withObjectRef "commandEventSetInt" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxCommandEvent_SetInt cobj__obj  (toCInt i)  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_SetInt" wxCommandEvent_SetInt :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@commandEventSetString obj s@).
commandEventSetString :: CommandEvent  a -> String ->  IO ()
commandEventSetString _obj s 
  = withObjectRef "commandEventSetString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr s $ \cobj_s -> 
    wxCommandEvent_SetString cobj__obj  cobj_s  
foreign import ccall "wxCommandEvent_SetString" wxCommandEvent_SetString :: Ptr (TCommandEvent a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseCreate@).
configBaseCreate ::  IO (ConfigBase  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_Create" wxConfigBase_Create :: IO (Ptr (TConfigBase ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseDelete obj@).
configBaseDelete :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO ()
configBaseDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_Delete" wxConfigBase_Delete :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseDeleteAll obj@).
configBaseDeleteAll :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO Bool
configBaseDeleteAll _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseDeleteAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_DeleteAll cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_DeleteAll" wxConfigBase_DeleteAll :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseDeleteEntry obj key bDeleteGroupIfEmpty@).
configBaseDeleteEntry :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> Bool ->  IO Bool
configBaseDeleteEntry _obj key bDeleteGroupIfEmpty 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseDeleteEntry" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_DeleteEntry cobj__obj  cobj_key  (toCBool bDeleteGroupIfEmpty)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_DeleteEntry" wxConfigBase_DeleteEntry :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseDeleteGroup obj key@).
configBaseDeleteGroup :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO Bool
configBaseDeleteGroup _obj key 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseDeleteGroup" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_DeleteGroup cobj__obj  cobj_key  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_DeleteGroup" wxConfigBase_DeleteGroup :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseExists obj strName@).
configBaseExists :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO Bool
configBaseExists _obj strName 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseExists" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr strName $ \cobj_strName -> 
    wxConfigBase_Exists cobj__obj  cobj_strName  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_Exists" wxConfigBase_Exists :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseExpandEnvVars obj str@).
configBaseExpandEnvVars :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO (String)
configBaseExpandEnvVars _obj str 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseExpandEnvVars" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxConfigBase_ExpandEnvVars cobj__obj  cobj_str  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_ExpandEnvVars" wxConfigBase_ExpandEnvVars :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseFlush obj bCurrentOnly@).
configBaseFlush :: ConfigBase  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
configBaseFlush _obj bCurrentOnly 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseFlush" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_Flush cobj__obj  (toCBool bCurrentOnly)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_Flush" wxConfigBase_Flush :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseGet@).
configBaseGet ::  IO (ConfigBase  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_Get" wxConfigBase_Get :: IO (Ptr (TConfigBase ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetAppName obj@).
configBaseGetAppName :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO (String)
configBaseGetAppName _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetAppName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetAppName cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetAppName" wxConfigBase_GetAppName :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetEntryType obj name@).
configBaseGetEntryType :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO Int
configBaseGetEntryType _obj name 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetEntryType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetEntryType cobj__obj  cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetEntryType" wxConfigBase_GetEntryType :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetFirstEntry obj lIndex@).
configBaseGetFirstEntry :: ConfigBase  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (String)
configBaseGetFirstEntry _obj lIndex 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetFirstEntry" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetFirstEntry cobj__obj  lIndex  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetFirstEntry" wxConfigBase_GetFirstEntry :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetFirstGroup obj lIndex@).
configBaseGetFirstGroup :: ConfigBase  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (String)
configBaseGetFirstGroup _obj lIndex 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetFirstGroup" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetFirstGroup cobj__obj  lIndex  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetFirstGroup" wxConfigBase_GetFirstGroup :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetNextEntry obj lIndex@).
configBaseGetNextEntry :: ConfigBase  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (String)
configBaseGetNextEntry _obj lIndex 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetNextEntry" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetNextEntry cobj__obj  lIndex  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetNextEntry" wxConfigBase_GetNextEntry :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetNextGroup obj lIndex@).
configBaseGetNextGroup :: ConfigBase  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (String)
configBaseGetNextGroup _obj lIndex 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetNextGroup" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetNextGroup cobj__obj  lIndex  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetNextGroup" wxConfigBase_GetNextGroup :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetNumberOfEntries obj bRecursive@).
configBaseGetNumberOfEntries :: ConfigBase  a -> Bool ->  IO Int
configBaseGetNumberOfEntries _obj bRecursive 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetNumberOfEntries" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetNumberOfEntries cobj__obj  (toCBool bRecursive)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetNumberOfEntries" wxConfigBase_GetNumberOfEntries :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> CBool -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetNumberOfGroups obj bRecursive@).
configBaseGetNumberOfGroups :: ConfigBase  a -> Bool ->  IO Int
configBaseGetNumberOfGroups _obj bRecursive 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetNumberOfGroups" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetNumberOfGroups cobj__obj  (toCBool bRecursive)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetNumberOfGroups" wxConfigBase_GetNumberOfGroups :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> CBool -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetPath obj@).
configBaseGetPath :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO (String)
configBaseGetPath _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetPath" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetPath cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetPath" wxConfigBase_GetPath :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetStyle obj@).
configBaseGetStyle :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO Int
configBaseGetStyle _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetStyle cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetStyle" wxConfigBase_GetStyle :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@configBaseGetVendorName obj@).
configBaseGetVendorName :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO (String)
configBaseGetVendorName _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseGetVendorName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_GetVendorName cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_GetVendorName" wxConfigBase_GetVendorName :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseHasEntry obj strName@).
configBaseHasEntry :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO Bool
configBaseHasEntry _obj strName 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseHasEntry" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr strName $ \cobj_strName -> 
    wxConfigBase_HasEntry cobj__obj  cobj_strName  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_HasEntry" wxConfigBase_HasEntry :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseHasGroup obj strName@).
configBaseHasGroup :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO Bool
configBaseHasGroup _obj strName 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseHasGroup" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr strName $ \cobj_strName -> 
    wxConfigBase_HasGroup cobj__obj  cobj_strName  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_HasGroup" wxConfigBase_HasGroup :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseIsExpandingEnvVars obj@).
configBaseIsExpandingEnvVars :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO Bool
configBaseIsExpandingEnvVars _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseIsExpandingEnvVars" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_IsExpandingEnvVars cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_IsExpandingEnvVars" wxConfigBase_IsExpandingEnvVars :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseIsRecordingDefaults obj@).
configBaseIsRecordingDefaults :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO Bool
configBaseIsRecordingDefaults _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseIsRecordingDefaults" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_IsRecordingDefaults cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_IsRecordingDefaults" wxConfigBase_IsRecordingDefaults :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseReadBool obj key defVal@).
configBaseReadBool :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> Bool ->  IO Bool
configBaseReadBool _obj key defVal 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseReadBool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_ReadBool cobj__obj  cobj_key  (toCBool defVal)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_ReadBool" wxConfigBase_ReadBool :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseReadDouble obj key defVal@).
configBaseReadDouble :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> Double ->  IO Double
configBaseReadDouble _obj key defVal 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseReadDouble" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_ReadDouble cobj__obj  cobj_key  defVal  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_ReadDouble" wxConfigBase_ReadDouble :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Double -> IO Double

-- | usage: (@configBaseReadInteger obj key defVal@).
configBaseReadInteger :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> Int ->  IO Int
configBaseReadInteger _obj key defVal 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseReadInteger" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_ReadInteger cobj__obj  cobj_key  (toCInt defVal)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_ReadInteger" wxConfigBase_ReadInteger :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@configBaseReadString obj key defVal@).
configBaseReadString :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> String ->  IO (String)
configBaseReadString _obj key defVal 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseReadString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    withStringPtr defVal $ \cobj_defVal -> 
    wxConfigBase_ReadString cobj__obj  cobj_key  cobj_defVal  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_ReadString" wxConfigBase_ReadString :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@configBaseRenameEntry obj oldName newName@).
configBaseRenameEntry :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> String ->  IO Bool
configBaseRenameEntry _obj oldName newName 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseRenameEntry" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr oldName $ \cobj_oldName -> 
    withStringPtr newName $ \cobj_newName -> 
    wxConfigBase_RenameEntry cobj__obj  cobj_oldName  cobj_newName  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_RenameEntry" wxConfigBase_RenameEntry :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseRenameGroup obj oldName newName@).
configBaseRenameGroup :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> String ->  IO Bool
configBaseRenameGroup _obj oldName newName 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseRenameGroup" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr oldName $ \cobj_oldName -> 
    withStringPtr newName $ \cobj_newName -> 
    wxConfigBase_RenameGroup cobj__obj  cobj_oldName  cobj_newName  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_RenameGroup" wxConfigBase_RenameGroup :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseSet self@).
configBaseSet :: ConfigBase  a ->  IO ()
configBaseSet self 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseSet" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxConfigBase_Set cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_Set" wxConfigBase_Set :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseSetAppName obj appName@).
configBaseSetAppName :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO ()
configBaseSetAppName _obj appName 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseSetAppName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr appName $ \cobj_appName -> 
    wxConfigBase_SetAppName cobj__obj  cobj_appName  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_SetAppName" wxConfigBase_SetAppName :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseSetExpandEnvVars obj bDoIt@).
configBaseSetExpandEnvVars :: ConfigBase  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
configBaseSetExpandEnvVars _obj bDoIt 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseSetExpandEnvVars" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_SetExpandEnvVars cobj__obj  (toCBool bDoIt)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_SetExpandEnvVars" wxConfigBase_SetExpandEnvVars :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseSetPath obj strPath@).
configBaseSetPath :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO ()
configBaseSetPath _obj strPath 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseSetPath" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr strPath $ \cobj_strPath -> 
    wxConfigBase_SetPath cobj__obj  cobj_strPath  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_SetPath" wxConfigBase_SetPath :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseSetRecordDefaults obj bDoIt@).
configBaseSetRecordDefaults :: ConfigBase  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
configBaseSetRecordDefaults _obj bDoIt 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseSetRecordDefaults" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_SetRecordDefaults cobj__obj  (toCBool bDoIt)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_SetRecordDefaults" wxConfigBase_SetRecordDefaults :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseSetStyle obj style@).
configBaseSetStyle :: ConfigBase  a -> Int ->  IO ()
configBaseSetStyle _obj style 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxConfigBase_SetStyle cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_SetStyle" wxConfigBase_SetStyle :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseSetVendorName obj vendorName@).
configBaseSetVendorName :: ConfigBase  a -> String ->  IO ()
configBaseSetVendorName _obj vendorName 
  = withObjectRef "configBaseSetVendorName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr vendorName $ \cobj_vendorName -> 
    wxConfigBase_SetVendorName cobj__obj  cobj_vendorName  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_SetVendorName" wxConfigBase_SetVendorName :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@configBaseWriteBool obj key value@).
configBaseWriteBool :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> Bool ->  IO Bool
configBaseWriteBool _obj key value 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseWriteBool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_WriteBool cobj__obj  cobj_key  (toCBool value)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_WriteBool" wxConfigBase_WriteBool :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseWriteDouble obj key value@).
configBaseWriteDouble :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> Double ->  IO Bool
configBaseWriteDouble _obj key value 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseWriteDouble" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_WriteDouble cobj__obj  cobj_key  value  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_WriteDouble" wxConfigBase_WriteDouble :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Double -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseWriteInteger obj key value@).
configBaseWriteInteger :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> Int ->  IO Bool
configBaseWriteInteger _obj key value 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseWriteInteger" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_WriteInteger cobj__obj  cobj_key  (toCInt value)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_WriteInteger" wxConfigBase_WriteInteger :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseWriteLong obj key value@).
configBaseWriteLong :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> Int ->  IO Bool
configBaseWriteLong _obj key value 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseWriteLong" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    wxConfigBase_WriteLong cobj__obj  cobj_key  (toCInt value)  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_WriteLong" wxConfigBase_WriteLong :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@configBaseWriteString obj key value@).
configBaseWriteString :: ConfigBase  a -> String -> String ->  IO Bool
configBaseWriteString _obj key value 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "configBaseWriteString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr key $ \cobj_key -> 
    withStringPtr value $ \cobj_value -> 
    wxConfigBase_WriteString cobj__obj  cobj_key  cobj_value  
foreign import ccall "wxConfigBase_WriteString" wxConfigBase_WriteString :: Ptr (TConfigBase a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@contextHelpBeginContextHelp obj win@).
contextHelpBeginContextHelp :: ContextHelp  a -> Window  b ->  IO Bool
contextHelpBeginContextHelp _obj win 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "contextHelpBeginContextHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> 
    wxContextHelp_BeginContextHelp cobj__obj  cobj_win  
foreign import ccall "wxContextHelp_BeginContextHelp" wxContextHelp_BeginContextHelp :: Ptr (TContextHelp a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@contextHelpButtonCreate parent id xywh style@).
contextHelpButtonCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> Int ->  IO (ContextHelpButton  ())
contextHelpButtonCreate parent id xywh style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    wxContextHelpButton_Create cobj_parent  (toCInt id)  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxContextHelpButton_Create" wxContextHelpButton_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TContextHelpButton ()))

-- | usage: (@contextHelpCreate win beginHelp@).
contextHelpCreate :: Window  a -> Bool ->  IO (ContextHelp  ())
contextHelpCreate win beginHelp 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> 
    wxContextHelp_Create cobj_win  (toCBool beginHelp)  
foreign import ccall "wxContextHelp_Create" wxContextHelp_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TContextHelp ()))

-- | usage: (@contextHelpDelete obj@).
contextHelpDelete :: ContextHelp  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@contextHelpEndContextHelp obj@).
contextHelpEndContextHelp :: ContextHelp  a ->  IO Bool
contextHelpEndContextHelp _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "contextHelpEndContextHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxContextHelp_EndContextHelp cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxContextHelp_EndContextHelp" wxContextHelp_EndContextHelp :: Ptr (TContextHelp a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@controlCommand obj event@).
controlCommand :: Control  a -> Event  b ->  IO ()
controlCommand _obj event 
  = withObjectRef "controlCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr event $ \cobj_event -> 
    wxControl_Command cobj__obj  cobj_event  
foreign import ccall "wxControl_Command" wxControl_Command :: Ptr (TControl a) -> Ptr (TEvent b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@controlGetLabel obj@).
controlGetLabel :: Control  a ->  IO (String)
controlGetLabel _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "controlGetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxControl_GetLabel cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxControl_GetLabel" wxControl_GetLabel :: Ptr (TControl a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@controlSetLabel obj text@).
controlSetLabel :: Control  a -> String ->  IO ()
controlSetLabel _obj text 
  = withObjectRef "controlSetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxControl_SetLabel cobj__obj  cobj_text  
foreign import ccall "wxControl_SetLabel" wxControl_SetLabel :: Ptr (TControl a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@cursorCreateFromImage image@).
cursorCreateFromImage :: Image  a ->  IO (Cursor  ())
cursorCreateFromImage image 
  = withManagedCursorResult $
    withObjectPtr image $ \cobj_image -> 
    wx_Cursor_CreateFromImage cobj_image  
foreign import ccall "Cursor_CreateFromImage" wx_Cursor_CreateFromImage :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO (Ptr (TCursor ()))

-- | usage: (@cursorCreateFromStock id@).
cursorCreateFromStock :: Id ->  IO (Cursor  ())
cursorCreateFromStock _id 
  = withManagedCursorResult $
    wx_Cursor_CreateFromStock (toCInt _id)  
foreign import ccall "Cursor_CreateFromStock" wx_Cursor_CreateFromStock :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCursor ()))

-- | usage: (@cursorCreateLoad name wxtype widthheight@).
cursorCreateLoad :: String -> Int -> Size ->  IO (Cursor  ())
cursorCreateLoad name wxtype widthheight 
  = withManagedCursorResult $
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wx_Cursor_CreateLoad cobj_name  (toCInt wxtype)  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "Cursor_CreateLoad" wx_Cursor_CreateLoad :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TCursor ()))

-- | usage: (@cursorDelete obj@).
cursorDelete :: Cursor  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@cursorIsStatic self@).
cursorIsStatic :: Cursor  a ->  IO Bool
cursorIsStatic self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxCursor_IsStatic cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxCursor_IsStatic" wxCursor_IsStatic :: Ptr (TCursor a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@cursorSafeDelete self@).
cursorSafeDelete :: Cursor  a ->  IO ()
cursorSafeDelete self 
  = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxCursor_SafeDelete cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxCursor_SafeDelete" wxCursor_SafeDelete :: Ptr (TCursor a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dataFormatCreateFromId name@).
dataFormatCreateFromId :: String ->  IO (DataFormat  ())
dataFormatCreateFromId name 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxDataFormat_CreateFromId cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxDataFormat_CreateFromId" wxDataFormat_CreateFromId :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO (Ptr (TDataFormat ()))

-- | usage: (@dataFormatCreateFromType typ@).
dataFormatCreateFromType :: Int ->  IO (DataFormat  ())
dataFormatCreateFromType typ 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxDataFormat_CreateFromType (toCInt typ)  
foreign import ccall "wxDataFormat_CreateFromType" wxDataFormat_CreateFromType :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDataFormat ()))

-- | usage: (@dataFormatDelete obj@).
dataFormatDelete :: DataFormat  a ->  IO ()
dataFormatDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dataFormatDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDataFormat_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDataFormat_Delete" wxDataFormat_Delete :: Ptr (TDataFormat a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dataFormatGetId obj@).
dataFormatGetId :: DataFormat  a ->  IO (String)
dataFormatGetId _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "dataFormatGetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDataFormat_GetId cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDataFormat_GetId" wxDataFormat_GetId :: Ptr (TDataFormat a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dataFormatGetType obj@).
dataFormatGetType :: DataFormat  a ->  IO Int
dataFormatGetType _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dataFormatGetType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDataFormat_GetType cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDataFormat_GetType" wxDataFormat_GetType :: Ptr (TDataFormat a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dataFormatIsEqual obj other@).
dataFormatIsEqual :: DataFormat  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Bool
dataFormatIsEqual _obj other 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dataFormatIsEqual" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDataFormat_IsEqual cobj__obj  other  
foreign import ccall "wxDataFormat_IsEqual" wxDataFormat_IsEqual :: Ptr (TDataFormat a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dataFormatSetId obj id@).
dataFormatSetId :: DataFormat  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
dataFormatSetId _obj id 
  = withObjectRef "dataFormatSetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDataFormat_SetId cobj__obj  id  
foreign import ccall "wxDataFormat_SetId" wxDataFormat_SetId :: Ptr (TDataFormat a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dataFormatSetType obj typ@).
dataFormatSetType :: DataFormat  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dataFormatSetType _obj typ 
  = withObjectRef "dataFormatSetType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDataFormat_SetType cobj__obj  (toCInt typ)  
foreign import ccall "wxDataFormat_SetType" wxDataFormat_SetType :: Ptr (TDataFormat a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dataObjectCompositeAdd obj dat preferred@).
dataObjectCompositeAdd :: DataObjectComposite  a -> Ptr  b -> Int ->  IO ()
dataObjectCompositeAdd _obj _dat _preferred 
  = withObjectRef "dataObjectCompositeAdd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDataObjectComposite_Add cobj__obj  _dat  (toCInt _preferred)  
foreign import ccall "wxDataObjectComposite_Add" wxDataObjectComposite_Add :: Ptr (TDataObjectComposite a) -> Ptr  b -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dataObjectCompositeCreate@).
dataObjectCompositeCreate ::  IO (DataObjectComposite  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxDataObjectComposite_Create" wxDataObjectComposite_Create :: IO (Ptr (TDataObjectComposite ()))

-- | usage: (@dataObjectCompositeDelete obj@).
dataObjectCompositeDelete :: DataObjectComposite  a ->  IO ()
dataObjectCompositeDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dataObjectCompositeDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDataObjectComposite_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDataObjectComposite_Delete" wxDataObjectComposite_Delete :: Ptr (TDataObjectComposite a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@datePropertyCreate label name value@).
datePropertyCreate :: String -> String -> DateTime  c ->  IO (DateProperty  ())
datePropertyCreate label name value 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    withObjectPtr value $ \cobj_value -> 
    wxDateProperty_Create cobj_label  cobj_name  cobj_value  
foreign import ccall "wxDateProperty_Create" wxDateProperty_Create :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TDateTime c) -> IO (Ptr (TDateProperty ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeAddDate obj diff@).
dateTimeAddDate :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeAddDate _obj diff 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeAddDate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_AddDate cobj__obj  diff   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_AddDate" wxDateTime_AddDate :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeAddDateValues obj yrs mnt wek day@).
dateTimeAddDateValues :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeAddDateValues _obj _yrs _mnt _wek _day 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeAddDateValues" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_AddDateValues cobj__obj  (toCInt _yrs)  (toCInt _mnt)  (toCInt _wek)  (toCInt _day)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_AddDateValues" wxDateTime_AddDateValues :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeAddTime obj diff@).
dateTimeAddTime :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeAddTime _obj diff 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeAddTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_AddTime cobj__obj  diff   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_AddTime" wxDateTime_AddTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeAddTimeValues obj hrs min sec mls@).
dateTimeAddTimeValues :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeAddTimeValues _obj _hrs _min _sec _mls 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeAddTimeValues" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_AddTimeValues cobj__obj  (toCInt _hrs)  (toCInt _min)  (toCInt _sec)  (toCInt _mls)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_AddTimeValues" wxDateTime_AddTimeValues :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeConvertYearToBC year@).
dateTimeConvertYearToBC :: Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeConvertYearToBC year 
  = withIntResult $
    wxDateTime_ConvertYearToBC (toCInt year)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ConvertYearToBC" wxDateTime_ConvertYearToBC :: CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeCreate@).
dateTimeCreate ::  IO (DateTime  ())
  = withManagedDateTimeResult $
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_Create" wxDateTime_Create :: IO (Ptr (TDateTime ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeDelete obj@).
dateTimeDelete :: DateTime  a ->  IO ()
  = dateTimeDelete

-- | usage: (@dateTimeFormat obj format tz@).
dateTimeFormat :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b -> Int ->  IO (String)
dateTimeFormat _obj format tz 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeFormat" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_Format cobj__obj  format  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_Format" wxDateTime_Format :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeFormatDate obj@).
dateTimeFormatDate :: DateTime  a ->  IO (String)
dateTimeFormatDate _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeFormatDate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_FormatDate cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_FormatDate" wxDateTime_FormatDate :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeFormatISODate obj@).
dateTimeFormatISODate :: DateTime  a ->  IO (String)
dateTimeFormatISODate _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeFormatISODate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_FormatISODate cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_FormatISODate" wxDateTime_FormatISODate :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeFormatISOTime obj@).
dateTimeFormatISOTime :: DateTime  a ->  IO (String)
dateTimeFormatISOTime _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeFormatISOTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_FormatISOTime cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_FormatISOTime" wxDateTime_FormatISOTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeFormatTime obj@).
dateTimeFormatTime :: DateTime  a ->  IO (String)
dateTimeFormatTime _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeFormatTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_FormatTime cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_FormatTime" wxDateTime_FormatTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetAmString@).
dateTimeGetAmString ::  IO (String)
  = withManagedStringResult $
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetAmString" wxDateTime_GetAmString :: IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetBeginDST year country dt@).
dateTimeGetBeginDST :: Int -> Int -> DateTime  c ->  IO ()
dateTimeGetBeginDST year country dt 
  = withObjectPtr dt $ \cobj_dt -> 
    wxDateTime_GetBeginDST (toCInt year)  (toCInt country)  cobj_dt  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetBeginDST" wxDateTime_GetBeginDST :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetCentury year@).
dateTimeGetCentury :: Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetCentury year 
  = withIntResult $
    wxDateTime_GetCentury (toCInt year)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetCentury" wxDateTime_GetCentury :: CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetCountry@).
dateTimeGetCountry ::  IO Int
  = withIntResult $
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetCountry" wxDateTime_GetCountry :: IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetCurrentMonth cal@).
dateTimeGetCurrentMonth :: Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetCurrentMonth cal 
  = withIntResult $
    wxDateTime_GetCurrentMonth (toCInt cal)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetCurrentMonth" wxDateTime_GetCurrentMonth :: CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetCurrentYear cal@).
dateTimeGetCurrentYear :: Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetCurrentYear cal 
  = withIntResult $
    wxDateTime_GetCurrentYear (toCInt cal)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetCurrentYear" wxDateTime_GetCurrentYear :: CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetDay obj tz@).
dateTimeGetDay :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetDay _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetDay cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetDay" wxDateTime_GetDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetDayOfYear obj tz@).
dateTimeGetDayOfYear :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetDayOfYear _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetDayOfYear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetDayOfYear cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetDayOfYear" wxDateTime_GetDayOfYear :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetEndDST year country dt@).
dateTimeGetEndDST :: Int -> Int -> DateTime  c ->  IO ()
dateTimeGetEndDST year country dt 
  = withObjectPtr dt $ \cobj_dt -> 
    wxDateTime_GetEndDST (toCInt year)  (toCInt country)  cobj_dt  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetEndDST" wxDateTime_GetEndDST :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetHour obj tz@).
dateTimeGetHour :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetHour _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetHour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetHour cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetHour" wxDateTime_GetHour :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetLastMonthDay obj month year@).
dateTimeGetLastMonthDay :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeGetLastMonthDay _obj month year 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetLastMonthDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetLastMonthDay cobj__obj  (toCInt month)  (toCInt year)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetLastMonthDay" wxDateTime_GetLastMonthDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetLastWeekDay obj weekday month year@).
dateTimeGetLastWeekDay :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeGetLastWeekDay _obj weekday month year 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetLastWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetLastWeekDay cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)  (toCInt month)  (toCInt year)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetLastWeekDay" wxDateTime_GetLastWeekDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetMillisecond obj tz@).
dateTimeGetMillisecond :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetMillisecond _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetMillisecond" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetMillisecond cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetMillisecond" wxDateTime_GetMillisecond :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetMinute obj tz@).
dateTimeGetMinute :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetMinute _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetMinute" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetMinute cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetMinute" wxDateTime_GetMinute :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetMonth obj tz@).
dateTimeGetMonth :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetMonth _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetMonth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetMonth cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetMonth" wxDateTime_GetMonth :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetMonthName month flags@).
dateTimeGetMonthName :: Int -> Int ->  IO (String)
dateTimeGetMonthName month flags 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    wxDateTime_GetMonthName (toCInt month)  (toCInt flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetMonthName" wxDateTime_GetMonthName :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetNextWeekDay obj weekday@).
dateTimeGetNextWeekDay :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeGetNextWeekDay _obj weekday 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetNextWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetNextWeekDay cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetNextWeekDay" wxDateTime_GetNextWeekDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetNumberOfDays year cal@).
dateTimeGetNumberOfDays :: Int -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetNumberOfDays year cal 
  = withIntResult $
    wxDateTime_GetNumberOfDays (toCInt year)  (toCInt cal)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetNumberOfDays" wxDateTime_GetNumberOfDays :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetNumberOfDaysMonth month year cal@).
dateTimeGetNumberOfDaysMonth :: Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetNumberOfDaysMonth month year cal 
  = withIntResult $
    wxDateTime_GetNumberOfDaysMonth (toCInt month)  (toCInt year)  (toCInt cal)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetNumberOfDaysMonth" wxDateTime_GetNumberOfDaysMonth :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetPmString@).
dateTimeGetPmString ::  IO (String)
  = withManagedStringResult $
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetPmString" wxDateTime_GetPmString :: IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetPrevWeekDay obj weekday@).
dateTimeGetPrevWeekDay :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeGetPrevWeekDay _obj weekday 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetPrevWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetPrevWeekDay cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetPrevWeekDay" wxDateTime_GetPrevWeekDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetSecond obj tz@).
dateTimeGetSecond :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetSecond _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetSecond" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetSecond cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetSecond" wxDateTime_GetSecond :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetTicks obj@).
dateTimeGetTicks :: DateTime  a ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetTicks _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetTicks" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetTicks cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetTicks" wxDateTime_GetTicks :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetTimeNow@).
dateTimeGetTimeNow ::  IO Int
  = withIntResult $
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetTimeNow" wxDateTime_GetTimeNow :: IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetValue obj hilong lolong@).
dateTimeGetValue :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
dateTimeGetValue _obj hilong lolong 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetValue cobj__obj  hilong  lolong  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetValue" wxDateTime_GetValue :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetWeekDay obj weekday n month year@).
dateTimeGetWeekDay :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeGetWeekDay _obj weekday n month year 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetWeekDay cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)  (toCInt n)  (toCInt month)  (toCInt year)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetWeekDay" wxDateTime_GetWeekDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetWeekDayInSameWeek obj weekday@).
dateTimeGetWeekDayInSameWeek :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeGetWeekDayInSameWeek _obj weekday 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetWeekDayInSameWeek" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetWeekDayInSameWeek cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetWeekDayInSameWeek" wxDateTime_GetWeekDayInSameWeek :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetWeekDayName weekday flags@).
dateTimeGetWeekDayName :: Int -> Int ->  IO (String)
dateTimeGetWeekDayName weekday flags 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    wxDateTime_GetWeekDayName (toCInt weekday)  (toCInt flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetWeekDayName" wxDateTime_GetWeekDayName :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetWeekDayTZ obj tz@).
dateTimeGetWeekDayTZ :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetWeekDayTZ _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetWeekDayTZ" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetWeekDayTZ cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetWeekDayTZ" wxDateTime_GetWeekDayTZ :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetWeekOfMonth obj flags tz@).
dateTimeGetWeekOfMonth :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetWeekOfMonth _obj flags tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetWeekOfMonth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetWeekOfMonth cobj__obj  (toCInt flags)  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetWeekOfMonth" wxDateTime_GetWeekOfMonth :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetWeekOfYear obj flags tz@).
dateTimeGetWeekOfYear :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetWeekOfYear _obj flags tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetWeekOfYear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetWeekOfYear cobj__obj  (toCInt flags)  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetWeekOfYear" wxDateTime_GetWeekOfYear :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeGetYear obj tz@).
dateTimeGetYear :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dateTimeGetYear _obj tz 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeGetYear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_GetYear cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_GetYear" wxDateTime_GetYear :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsBetween obj t1 t2@).
dateTimeIsBetween :: DateTime  a -> DateTime  b -> DateTime  c ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsBetween _obj t1 t2 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsBetween" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr t1 $ \cobj_t1 -> 
    withObjectPtr t2 $ \cobj_t2 -> 
    wxDateTime_IsBetween cobj__obj  cobj_t1  cobj_t2  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsBetween" wxDateTime_IsBetween :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr (TDateTime b) -> Ptr (TDateTime c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsDST obj country@).
dateTimeIsDST :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsDST _obj country 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsDST" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_IsDST cobj__obj  (toCInt country)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsDST" wxDateTime_IsDST :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsDSTApplicable year country@).
dateTimeIsDSTApplicable :: Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsDSTApplicable year country 
  = withBoolResult $
    wxDateTime_IsDSTApplicable (toCInt year)  (toCInt country)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsDSTApplicable" wxDateTime_IsDSTApplicable :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsEarlierThan obj datetime@).
dateTimeIsEarlierThan :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsEarlierThan _obj datetime 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsEarlierThan" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_IsEarlierThan cobj__obj  datetime  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsEarlierThan" wxDateTime_IsEarlierThan :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsEqualTo obj datetime@).
dateTimeIsEqualTo :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsEqualTo _obj datetime 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsEqualTo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_IsEqualTo cobj__obj  datetime  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsEqualTo" wxDateTime_IsEqualTo :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsEqualUpTo obj dt ts@).
dateTimeIsEqualUpTo :: DateTime  a -> DateTime  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsEqualUpTo _obj dt ts 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsEqualUpTo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dt $ \cobj_dt -> 
    wxDateTime_IsEqualUpTo cobj__obj  cobj_dt  ts  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsEqualUpTo" wxDateTime_IsEqualUpTo :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr (TDateTime b) -> Ptr  c -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsLaterThan obj datetime@).
dateTimeIsLaterThan :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsLaterThan _obj datetime 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsLaterThan" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_IsLaterThan cobj__obj  datetime  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsLaterThan" wxDateTime_IsLaterThan :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsLeapYear year cal@).
dateTimeIsLeapYear :: Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsLeapYear year cal 
  = withBoolResult $
    wxDateTime_IsLeapYear (toCInt year)  (toCInt cal)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsLeapYear" wxDateTime_IsLeapYear :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsSameDate obj dt@).
dateTimeIsSameDate :: DateTime  a -> DateTime  b ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsSameDate _obj dt 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsSameDate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dt $ \cobj_dt -> 
    wxDateTime_IsSameDate cobj__obj  cobj_dt  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsSameDate" wxDateTime_IsSameDate :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr (TDateTime b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsSameTime obj dt@).
dateTimeIsSameTime :: DateTime  a -> DateTime  b ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsSameTime _obj dt 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsSameTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dt $ \cobj_dt -> 
    wxDateTime_IsSameTime cobj__obj  cobj_dt  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsSameTime" wxDateTime_IsSameTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr (TDateTime b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsStrictlyBetween obj t1 t2@).
dateTimeIsStrictlyBetween :: DateTime  a -> DateTime  b -> DateTime  c ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsStrictlyBetween _obj t1 t2 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsStrictlyBetween" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr t1 $ \cobj_t1 -> 
    withObjectPtr t2 $ \cobj_t2 -> 
    wxDateTime_IsStrictlyBetween cobj__obj  cobj_t1  cobj_t2  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsStrictlyBetween" wxDateTime_IsStrictlyBetween :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr (TDateTime b) -> Ptr (TDateTime c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsValid obj@).
dateTimeIsValid :: DateTime  a ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsValid _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsValid" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_IsValid cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsValid" wxDateTime_IsValid :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsWestEuropeanCountry country@).
dateTimeIsWestEuropeanCountry :: Int ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsWestEuropeanCountry country 
  = withBoolResult $
    wxDateTime_IsWestEuropeanCountry (toCInt country)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsWestEuropeanCountry" wxDateTime_IsWestEuropeanCountry :: CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeIsWorkDay obj country@).
dateTimeIsWorkDay :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
dateTimeIsWorkDay _obj country 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeIsWorkDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_IsWorkDay cobj__obj  (toCInt country)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_IsWorkDay" wxDateTime_IsWorkDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeMakeGMT obj noDST@).
dateTimeMakeGMT :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeMakeGMT _obj noDST 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeMakeGMT" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_MakeGMT cobj__obj  (toCInt noDST)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_MakeGMT" wxDateTime_MakeGMT :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeMakeTimezone obj tz noDST@).
dateTimeMakeTimezone :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeMakeTimezone _obj tz noDST 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeMakeTimezone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_MakeTimezone cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  (toCInt noDST)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_MakeTimezone" wxDateTime_MakeTimezone :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeNow dt@).
dateTimeNow :: DateTime  a ->  IO ()
dateTimeNow dt 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeNow" dt $ \cobj_dt -> 
    wxDateTime_Now cobj_dt  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_Now" wxDateTime_Now :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeParseDate obj date@).
dateTimeParseDate :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (Ptr  ())
dateTimeParseDate _obj date 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeParseDate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_ParseDate cobj__obj  date  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ParseDate" wxDateTime_ParseDate :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@dateTimeParseDateTime obj datetime@).
dateTimeParseDateTime :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (Ptr  ())
dateTimeParseDateTime _obj datetime 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeParseDateTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_ParseDateTime cobj__obj  datetime  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ParseDateTime" wxDateTime_ParseDateTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@dateTimeParseFormat obj date format dateDef@).
dateTimeParseFormat :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d ->  IO (Ptr  ())
dateTimeParseFormat _obj date format dateDef 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeParseFormat" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_ParseFormat cobj__obj  date  format  dateDef  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ParseFormat" wxDateTime_ParseFormat :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@dateTimeParseRfc822Date obj date@).
dateTimeParseRfc822Date :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (Ptr  ())
dateTimeParseRfc822Date _obj date 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeParseRfc822Date" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_ParseRfc822Date cobj__obj  date  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ParseRfc822Date" wxDateTime_ParseRfc822Date :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@dateTimeParseTime obj time@).
dateTimeParseTime :: DateTime  a -> Time  b ->  IO (Ptr  ())
dateTimeParseTime _obj time 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeParseTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr time $ \cobj_time -> 
    wxDateTime_ParseTime cobj__obj  cobj_time  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ParseTime" wxDateTime_ParseTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr (TTime b) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@dateTimeResetTime obj@).
dateTimeResetTime :: DateTime  a ->  IO ()
dateTimeResetTime _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeResetTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_ResetTime cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ResetTime" wxDateTime_ResetTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSet obj day month year hour minute second millisec@).
dateTimeSet :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSet _obj day month year hour minute second millisec 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSet" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_Set cobj__obj  (toCInt day)  (toCInt month)  (toCInt year)  (toCInt hour)  (toCInt minute)  (toCInt second)  (toCInt millisec)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_Set" wxDateTime_Set :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetCountry country@).
dateTimeSetCountry :: Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetCountry country 
  = wxDateTime_SetCountry (toCInt country)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetCountry" wxDateTime_SetCountry :: CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetDay obj day@).
dateTimeSetDay :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetDay _obj day 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetDay cobj__obj  (toCInt day)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetDay" wxDateTime_SetDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetHour obj hour@).
dateTimeSetHour :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetHour _obj hour 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetHour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetHour cobj__obj  (toCInt hour)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetHour" wxDateTime_SetHour :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetMillisecond obj millisecond@).
dateTimeSetMillisecond :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetMillisecond _obj millisecond 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetMillisecond" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetMillisecond cobj__obj  (toCInt millisecond)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetMillisecond" wxDateTime_SetMillisecond :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetMinute obj minute@).
dateTimeSetMinute :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetMinute _obj minute 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetMinute" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetMinute cobj__obj  (toCInt minute)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetMinute" wxDateTime_SetMinute :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetMonth obj month@).
dateTimeSetMonth :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetMonth _obj month 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetMonth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetMonth cobj__obj  (toCInt month)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetMonth" wxDateTime_SetMonth :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetSecond obj second@).
dateTimeSetSecond :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetSecond _obj second 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetSecond" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetSecond cobj__obj  (toCInt second)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetSecond" wxDateTime_SetSecond :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetTime obj hour minute second millisec@).
dateTimeSetTime :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetTime _obj hour minute second millisec 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetTime cobj__obj  (toCInt hour)  (toCInt minute)  (toCInt second)  (toCInt millisec)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetTime" wxDateTime_SetTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetToCurrent obj@).
dateTimeSetToCurrent :: DateTime  a ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetToCurrent _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetToCurrent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetToCurrent cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetToCurrent" wxDateTime_SetToCurrent :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetToLastMonthDay obj month year@).
dateTimeSetToLastMonthDay :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetToLastMonthDay _obj month year 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetToLastMonthDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetToLastMonthDay cobj__obj  (toCInt month)  (toCInt year)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetToLastMonthDay" wxDateTime_SetToLastMonthDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetToLastWeekDay obj weekday month year@).
dateTimeSetToLastWeekDay :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
dateTimeSetToLastWeekDay _obj weekday month year 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeSetToLastWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetToLastWeekDay cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)  (toCInt month)  (toCInt year)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetToLastWeekDay" wxDateTime_SetToLastWeekDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetToNextWeekDay obj weekday@).
dateTimeSetToNextWeekDay :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetToNextWeekDay _obj weekday 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetToNextWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetToNextWeekDay cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetToNextWeekDay" wxDateTime_SetToNextWeekDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetToPrevWeekDay obj weekday@).
dateTimeSetToPrevWeekDay :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetToPrevWeekDay _obj weekday 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetToPrevWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetToPrevWeekDay cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetToPrevWeekDay" wxDateTime_SetToPrevWeekDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetToWeekDay obj weekday n month year@).
dateTimeSetToWeekDay :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
dateTimeSetToWeekDay _obj weekday n month year 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dateTimeSetToWeekDay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetToWeekDay cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)  (toCInt n)  (toCInt month)  (toCInt year)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetToWeekDay" wxDateTime_SetToWeekDay :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetToWeekDayInSameWeek obj weekday@).
dateTimeSetToWeekDayInSameWeek :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetToWeekDayInSameWeek _obj weekday 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetToWeekDayInSameWeek" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetToWeekDayInSameWeek cobj__obj  (toCInt weekday)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetToWeekDayInSameWeek" wxDateTime_SetToWeekDayInSameWeek :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSetYear obj year@).
dateTimeSetYear :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeSetYear _obj year 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeSetYear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SetYear cobj__obj  (toCInt year)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SetYear" wxDateTime_SetYear :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSubtractDate obj diff@).
dateTimeSubtractDate :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeSubtractDate _obj diff 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeSubtractDate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SubtractDate cobj__obj  diff   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SubtractDate" wxDateTime_SubtractDate :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeSubtractTime obj diff@).
dateTimeSubtractTime :: DateTime  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (DateTime  ())
dateTimeSubtractTime _obj diff 
  = withRefDateTime $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dateTimeSubtractTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_SubtractTime cobj__obj  diff   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_SubtractTime" wxDateTime_SubtractTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr (TDateTime ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeToGMT obj noDST@).
dateTimeToGMT :: DateTime  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeToGMT _obj noDST 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeToGMT" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_ToGMT cobj__obj  (toCInt noDST)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ToGMT" wxDateTime_ToGMT :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeToTimezone obj tz noDST@).
dateTimeToTimezone :: DateTime  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
dateTimeToTimezone _obj tz noDST 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeToTimezone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDateTime_ToTimezone cobj__obj  (toCInt tz)  (toCInt noDST)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_ToTimezone" wxDateTime_ToTimezone :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeToday dt@).
dateTimeToday :: DateTime  a ->  IO ()
dateTimeToday dt 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeToday" dt $ \cobj_dt -> 
    wxDateTime_Today cobj_dt  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_Today" wxDateTime_Today :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimeUNow dt@).
dateTimeUNow :: DateTime  a ->  IO ()
dateTimeUNow dt 
  = withObjectRef "dateTimeUNow" dt $ \cobj_dt -> 
    wxDateTime_UNow cobj_dt  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_UNow" wxDateTime_UNow :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dateTimewxDateTime hilong lolong@).
dateTimewxDateTime :: Int -> Int ->  IO (Ptr  ())
dateTimewxDateTime hilong lolong 
  = wxDateTime_wxDateTime (toCInt hilong)  (toCInt lolong)  
foreign import ccall "wxDateTime_wxDateTime" wxDateTime_wxDateTime :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@dcBlit obj xdestydestwidthheight source xsrcysrc rop useMask@).
dcBlit :: DC  a -> Rect -> DC  c -> Point -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
dcBlit _obj xdestydestwidthheight source xsrcysrc rop useMask 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dcBlit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr source $ \cobj_source -> 
    wxDC_Blit cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xdestydestwidthheight) (toCIntRectY xdestydestwidthheight)(toCIntRectW xdestydestwidthheight) (toCIntRectH xdestydestwidthheight)  cobj_source  (toCIntPointX xsrcysrc) (toCIntPointY xsrcysrc)  (toCInt rop)  (toCBool useMask)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_Blit" wxDC_Blit :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDC c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dcCalcBoundingBox obj xy@).
dcCalcBoundingBox :: DC  a -> Point ->  IO ()
dcCalcBoundingBox _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "dcCalcBoundingBox" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_CalcBoundingBox cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_CalcBoundingBox" wxDC_CalcBoundingBox :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcCanDrawBitmap obj@).
dcCanDrawBitmap :: DC  a ->  IO Bool
dcCanDrawBitmap _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dcCanDrawBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_CanDrawBitmap cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_CanDrawBitmap" wxDC_CanDrawBitmap :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dcCanGetTextExtent obj@).
dcCanGetTextExtent :: DC  a ->  IO Bool
dcCanGetTextExtent _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dcCanGetTextExtent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_CanGetTextExtent cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_CanGetTextExtent" wxDC_CanGetTextExtent :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dcClear obj@).
dcClear :: DC  a ->  IO ()
dcClear _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dcClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_Clear cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_Clear" wxDC_Clear :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcComputeScaleAndOrigin obj@).
dcComputeScaleAndOrigin :: DC  a ->  IO ()
dcComputeScaleAndOrigin obj 
  = withObjectRef "dcComputeScaleAndOrigin" obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxDC_ComputeScaleAndOrigin cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_ComputeScaleAndOrigin" wxDC_ComputeScaleAndOrigin :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcCrossHair obj xy@).
dcCrossHair :: DC  a -> Point ->  IO ()
dcCrossHair _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "dcCrossHair" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_CrossHair cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_CrossHair" wxDC_CrossHair :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDelete obj@).
dcDelete :: DC  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@dcDestroyClippingRegion obj@).
dcDestroyClippingRegion :: DC  a ->  IO ()
dcDestroyClippingRegion _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dcDestroyClippingRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DestroyClippingRegion cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DestroyClippingRegion" wxDC_DestroyClippingRegion :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDeviceToLogicalX obj x@).
dcDeviceToLogicalX :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dcDeviceToLogicalX _obj x 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcDeviceToLogicalX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DeviceToLogicalX cobj__obj  (toCInt x)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DeviceToLogicalX" wxDC_DeviceToLogicalX :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcDeviceToLogicalXRel obj x@).
dcDeviceToLogicalXRel :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dcDeviceToLogicalXRel _obj x 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcDeviceToLogicalXRel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DeviceToLogicalXRel cobj__obj  (toCInt x)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DeviceToLogicalXRel" wxDC_DeviceToLogicalXRel :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcDeviceToLogicalY obj y@).
dcDeviceToLogicalY :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dcDeviceToLogicalY _obj y 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcDeviceToLogicalY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DeviceToLogicalY cobj__obj  (toCInt y)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DeviceToLogicalY" wxDC_DeviceToLogicalY :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcDeviceToLogicalYRel obj y@).
dcDeviceToLogicalYRel :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dcDeviceToLogicalYRel _obj y 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcDeviceToLogicalYRel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DeviceToLogicalYRel cobj__obj  (toCInt y)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DeviceToLogicalYRel" wxDC_DeviceToLogicalYRel :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcDrawArc obj x1y1 x2y2 xcyc@).
dcDrawArc :: DC  a -> Point -> Point -> Point ->  IO ()
dcDrawArc _obj x1y1 x2y2 xcyc 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawArc" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawArc cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX x1y1) (toCIntPointY x1y1)  (toCIntPointX x2y2) (toCIntPointY x2y2)  (toCIntPointX xcyc) (toCIntPointY xcyc)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawArc" wxDC_DrawArc :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawBitmap obj bmp xy useMask@).
dcDrawBitmap :: DC  a -> Bitmap  b -> Point -> Bool ->  IO ()
dcDrawBitmap _obj bmp xy useMask 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr bmp $ \cobj_bmp -> 
    wxDC_DrawBitmap cobj__obj  cobj_bmp  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCBool useMask)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawBitmap" wxDC_DrawBitmap :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawCheckMark obj xywidthheight@).
dcDrawCheckMark :: DC  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
dcDrawCheckMark _obj xywidthheight 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawCheckMark" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawCheckMark cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawCheckMark" wxDC_DrawCheckMark :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawCircle obj xy radius@).
dcDrawCircle :: DC  a -> Point -> Int ->  IO ()
dcDrawCircle _obj xy radius 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawCircle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawCircle cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCInt radius)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawCircle" wxDC_DrawCircle :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawEllipse obj xywidthheight@).
dcDrawEllipse :: DC  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
dcDrawEllipse _obj xywidthheight 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawEllipse" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawEllipse cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawEllipse" wxDC_DrawEllipse :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawEllipticArc obj xywh sa ea@).
dcDrawEllipticArc :: DC  a -> Rect -> Double -> Double ->  IO ()
dcDrawEllipticArc _obj xywh sa ea 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawEllipticArc" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawEllipticArc cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  sa  ea  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawEllipticArc" wxDC_DrawEllipticArc :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Double -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawIcon obj icon xy@).
dcDrawIcon :: DC  a -> Icon  b -> Point ->  IO ()
dcDrawIcon _obj icon xy 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wxDC_DrawIcon cobj__obj  cobj_icon  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawIcon" wxDC_DrawIcon :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TIcon b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawLabel obj str xywh align indexAccel@).
dcDrawLabel :: DC  a -> String -> Rect -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
dcDrawLabel _obj str xywh align indexAccel 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxDC_DrawLabel cobj__obj  cobj_str  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  (toCInt align)  (toCInt indexAccel)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawLabel" wxDC_DrawLabel :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawLabelBitmap obj str bmp xywh align indexAccel@).
dcDrawLabelBitmap :: DC  a -> String -> Bitmap  c -> Rect -> Int -> Int ->  IO (Rect)
dcDrawLabelBitmap _obj str bmp xywh align indexAccel 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "dcDrawLabelBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    withObjectPtr bmp $ \cobj_bmp -> 
    wxDC_DrawLabelBitmap cobj__obj  cobj_str  cobj_bmp  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  (toCInt align)  (toCInt indexAccel)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawLabelBitmap" wxDC_DrawLabelBitmap :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@dcDrawLine obj x1y1 x2y2@).
dcDrawLine :: DC  a -> Point -> Point ->  IO ()
dcDrawLine _obj x1y1 x2y2 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawLine cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX x1y1) (toCIntPointY x1y1)  (toCIntPointX x2y2) (toCIntPointY x2y2)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawLine" wxDC_DrawLine :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawLines obj n x y xoffsetyoffset@).
dcDrawLines :: DC  a -> Int -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Point ->  IO ()
dcDrawLines _obj n x y xoffsetyoffset 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawLines" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawLines cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  x  y  (toCIntPointX xoffsetyoffset) (toCIntPointY xoffsetyoffset)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawLines" wxDC_DrawLines :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawPoint obj xy@).
dcDrawPoint :: DC  a -> Point ->  IO ()
dcDrawPoint _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawPoint cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawPoint" wxDC_DrawPoint :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawPolyPolygon obj n count x y xoffsetyoffset fillStyle@).
dcDrawPolyPolygon :: DC  a -> Int -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Ptr  e -> Point -> Int ->  IO ()
dcDrawPolyPolygon _obj n count x y xoffsetyoffset fillStyle 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawPolyPolygon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawPolyPolygon cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  count  x  y  (toCIntPointX xoffsetyoffset) (toCIntPointY xoffsetyoffset)  (toCInt fillStyle)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawPolyPolygon" wxDC_DrawPolyPolygon :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Ptr  e -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawPolygon obj n x y xoffsetyoffset fillStyle@).
dcDrawPolygon :: DC  a -> Int -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Point -> Int ->  IO ()
dcDrawPolygon _obj n x y xoffsetyoffset fillStyle 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawPolygon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawPolygon cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  x  y  (toCIntPointX xoffsetyoffset) (toCIntPointY xoffsetyoffset)  (toCInt fillStyle)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawPolygon" wxDC_DrawPolygon :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawRectangle obj xywidthheight@).
dcDrawRectangle :: DC  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
dcDrawRectangle _obj xywidthheight 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawRectangle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawRectangle cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawRectangle" wxDC_DrawRectangle :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawRotatedText obj text xy angle@).
dcDrawRotatedText :: DC  a -> String -> Point -> Double ->  IO ()
dcDrawRotatedText _obj text xy angle 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawRotatedText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxDC_DrawRotatedText cobj__obj  cobj_text  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  angle  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawRotatedText" wxDC_DrawRotatedText :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> CInt -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawRoundedRectangle obj xywidthheight radius@).
dcDrawRoundedRectangle :: DC  a -> Rect -> Double ->  IO ()
dcDrawRoundedRectangle _obj xywidthheight radius 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawRoundedRectangle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_DrawRoundedRectangle cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight)  radius  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawRoundedRectangle" wxDC_DrawRoundedRectangle :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcDrawText obj text xy@).
dcDrawText :: DC  a -> String -> Point ->  IO ()
dcDrawText _obj text xy 
  = withObjectRef "dcDrawText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxDC_DrawText cobj__obj  cobj_text  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_DrawText" wxDC_DrawText :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcEndDoc obj@).
dcEndDoc :: DC  a ->  IO ()
dcEndDoc _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dcEndDoc" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_EndDoc cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_EndDoc" wxDC_EndDoc :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcEndPage obj@).
dcEndPage :: DC  a ->  IO ()
dcEndPage _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dcEndPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_EndPage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_EndPage" wxDC_EndPage :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcFloodFill obj xy col style@).
dcFloodFill :: DC  a -> Point -> Color -> Int ->  IO ()
dcFloodFill _obj xy col style 
  = withObjectRef "dcFloodFill" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxDC_FloodFill cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  cobj_col  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_FloodFill" wxDC_FloodFill :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TColour c) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetBackground obj@).
dcGetBackground :: DC  a ->  IO (Brush  ())
dcGetBackground _obj 
  = withRefBrush $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetBackground cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetBackground" wxDC_GetBackground :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TBrush ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetBackgroundMode obj@).
dcGetBackgroundMode :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcGetBackgroundMode _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetBackgroundMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetBackgroundMode cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetBackgroundMode" wxDC_GetBackgroundMode :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcGetBrush obj@).
dcGetBrush :: DC  a ->  IO (Brush  ())
dcGetBrush _obj 
  = withRefBrush $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetBrush" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetBrush cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetBrush" wxDC_GetBrush :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TBrush ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetCharHeight obj@).
dcGetCharHeight :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcGetCharHeight _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetCharHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetCharHeight cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetCharHeight" wxDC_GetCharHeight :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcGetCharWidth obj@).
dcGetCharWidth :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcGetCharWidth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetCharWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetCharWidth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetCharWidth" wxDC_GetCharWidth :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcGetClippingBox obj@).
dcGetClippingBox :: DC  a ->  IO Rect
dcGetClippingBox _obj 
  = withRectResult $ \px py pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetClippingBox" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetClippingBox cobj__obj  px py pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetClippingBox" wxDC_GetClippingBox :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetDepth obj@).
dcGetDepth :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcGetDepth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetDepth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetDepth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetDepth" wxDC_GetDepth :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcGetDeviceOrigin obj@).
dcGetDeviceOrigin :: DC  a ->  IO Point
dcGetDeviceOrigin _obj 
  = withPointResult $ \px py -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetDeviceOrigin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetDeviceOrigin cobj__obj   px py
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetDeviceOrigin" wxDC_GetDeviceOrigin :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetFont obj@).
dcGetFont :: DC  a ->  IO (Font  ())
dcGetFont _obj 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetFont cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetFont" wxDC_GetFont :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetLogicalFunction obj@).
dcGetLogicalFunction :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcGetLogicalFunction _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetLogicalFunction" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetLogicalFunction cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetLogicalFunction" wxDC_GetLogicalFunction :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcGetLogicalOrigin obj@).
dcGetLogicalOrigin :: DC  a ->  IO Point
dcGetLogicalOrigin _obj 
  = withPointResult $ \px py -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetLogicalOrigin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetLogicalOrigin cobj__obj   px py
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetLogicalOrigin" wxDC_GetLogicalOrigin :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetLogicalScale obj@).
dcGetLogicalScale :: DC  a ->  IO (Size2D Double)
dcGetLogicalScale _obj 
  = withSizeDoubleResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetLogicalScale" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetLogicalScale cobj__obj   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetLogicalScale" wxDC_GetLogicalScale :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetMapMode obj@).
dcGetMapMode :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcGetMapMode _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetMapMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetMapMode cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetMapMode" wxDC_GetMapMode :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcGetMultiLineTextExtent self string w h heightLine theFont@).
dcGetMultiLineTextExtent :: DC  a -> String -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Ptr  e -> Font  f ->  IO ()
dcGetMultiLineTextExtent self string w h heightLine theFont 
  = withObjectRef "dcGetMultiLineTextExtent" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withStringPtr string $ \cobj_string -> 
    withObjectPtr theFont $ \cobj_theFont -> 
    wxDC_GetMultiLineTextExtent cobj_self  cobj_string  w  h  heightLine  cobj_theFont  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetMultiLineTextExtent" wxDC_GetMultiLineTextExtent :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Ptr  e -> Ptr (TFont f) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetPPI obj@).
dcGetPPI :: DC  a ->  IO (Size)
dcGetPPI _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetPPI" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetPPI cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetPPI" wxDC_GetPPI :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@dcGetPen obj@).
dcGetPen :: DC  a ->  IO (Pen  ())
dcGetPen _obj 
  = withRefPen $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetPen" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetPen cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetPen" wxDC_GetPen :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TPen ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetPixel obj xy col@).
dcGetPixel :: DC  a -> Point -> Color ->  IO Bool
dcGetPixel _obj xy col 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetPixel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxDC_GetPixel cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetPixel" wxDC_GetPixel :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TColour c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dcGetPixel2 obj xy@).
dcGetPixel2 :: DC  a -> Point ->  IO (Color)
dcGetPixel2 _obj xy 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetPixel2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetPixel2 cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetPixel2" wxDC_GetPixel2 :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetSize obj@).
dcGetSize :: DC  a ->  IO (Size)
dcGetSize _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetSize" wxDC_GetSize :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@dcGetSizeMM obj@).
dcGetSizeMM :: DC  a ->  IO (Size)
dcGetSizeMM _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "dcGetSizeMM" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetSizeMM cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetSizeMM" wxDC_GetSizeMM :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@dcGetTextBackground obj@).
dcGetTextBackground :: DC  a ->  IO (Color)
dcGetTextBackground _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetTextBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetTextBackground cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetTextBackground" wxDC_GetTextBackground :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetTextExtent self string w h descent externalLeading theFont@).
dcGetTextExtent :: DC  a -> String -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Ptr  e -> Ptr  f -> Font  g ->  IO ()
dcGetTextExtent self string w h descent externalLeading theFont 
  = withObjectRef "dcGetTextExtent" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withStringPtr string $ \cobj_string -> 
    withObjectPtr theFont $ \cobj_theFont -> 
    wxDC_GetTextExtent cobj_self  cobj_string  w  h  descent  externalLeading  cobj_theFont  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetTextExtent" wxDC_GetTextExtent :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Ptr  e -> Ptr  f -> Ptr (TFont g) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetTextForeground obj@).
dcGetTextForeground :: DC  a ->  IO (Color)
dcGetTextForeground _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetTextForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetTextForeground cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetTextForeground" wxDC_GetTextForeground :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetUserScale obj@).
dcGetUserScale :: DC  a ->  IO (Size2D Double)
dcGetUserScale _obj 
  = withSizeDoubleResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "dcGetUserScale" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_GetUserScale cobj__obj   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetUserScale" wxDC_GetUserScale :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcGetUserScaleX dc@).
dcGetUserScaleX :: DC  a ->  IO Double
dcGetUserScaleX dc 
  = withObjectRef "dcGetUserScaleX" dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxDC_GetUserScaleX cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetUserScaleX" wxDC_GetUserScaleX :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO Double

-- | usage: (@dcGetUserScaleY dc@).
dcGetUserScaleY :: DC  a ->  IO Double
dcGetUserScaleY dc 
  = withObjectRef "dcGetUserScaleY" dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxDC_GetUserScaleY cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_GetUserScaleY" wxDC_GetUserScaleY :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO Double

-- | usage: (@dcIsOk obj@).
dcIsOk :: DC  a ->  IO Bool
dcIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dcIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_IsOk" wxDC_IsOk :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dcLogicalToDeviceX obj x@).
dcLogicalToDeviceX :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dcLogicalToDeviceX _obj x 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcLogicalToDeviceX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_LogicalToDeviceX cobj__obj  (toCInt x)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_LogicalToDeviceX" wxDC_LogicalToDeviceX :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcLogicalToDeviceXRel obj x@).
dcLogicalToDeviceXRel :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dcLogicalToDeviceXRel _obj x 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcLogicalToDeviceXRel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_LogicalToDeviceXRel cobj__obj  (toCInt x)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_LogicalToDeviceXRel" wxDC_LogicalToDeviceXRel :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcLogicalToDeviceY obj y@).
dcLogicalToDeviceY :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dcLogicalToDeviceY _obj y 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcLogicalToDeviceY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_LogicalToDeviceY cobj__obj  (toCInt y)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_LogicalToDeviceY" wxDC_LogicalToDeviceY :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcLogicalToDeviceYRel obj y@).
dcLogicalToDeviceYRel :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dcLogicalToDeviceYRel _obj y 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcLogicalToDeviceYRel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_LogicalToDeviceYRel cobj__obj  (toCInt y)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_LogicalToDeviceYRel" wxDC_LogicalToDeviceYRel :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcMaxX obj@).
dcMaxX :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcMaxX _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcMaxX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_MaxX cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_MaxX" wxDC_MaxX :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcMaxY obj@).
dcMaxY :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcMaxY _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcMaxY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_MaxY cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_MaxY" wxDC_MaxY :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcMinX obj@).
dcMinX :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcMinX _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcMinX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_MinX cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_MinX" wxDC_MinX :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcMinY obj@).
dcMinY :: DC  a ->  IO Int
dcMinY _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dcMinY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_MinY cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_MinY" wxDC_MinY :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dcResetBoundingBox obj@).
dcResetBoundingBox :: DC  a ->  IO ()
dcResetBoundingBox _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dcResetBoundingBox" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_ResetBoundingBox cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_ResetBoundingBox" wxDC_ResetBoundingBox :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetAxisOrientation obj xLeftRight yBottomUp@).
dcSetAxisOrientation :: DC  a -> Bool -> Bool ->  IO ()
dcSetAxisOrientation _obj xLeftRight yBottomUp 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetAxisOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetAxisOrientation cobj__obj  (toCBool xLeftRight)  (toCBool yBottomUp)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetAxisOrientation" wxDC_SetAxisOrientation :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CBool -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetBackground obj brush@).
dcSetBackground :: DC  a -> Brush  b ->  IO ()
dcSetBackground _obj brush 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr brush $ \cobj_brush -> 
    wxDC_SetBackground cobj__obj  cobj_brush  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetBackground" wxDC_SetBackground :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TBrush b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetBackgroundMode obj mode@).
dcSetBackgroundMode :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dcSetBackgroundMode _obj mode 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetBackgroundMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetBackgroundMode cobj__obj  (toCInt mode)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetBackgroundMode" wxDC_SetBackgroundMode :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetBrush obj brush@).
dcSetBrush :: DC  a -> Brush  b ->  IO ()
dcSetBrush _obj brush 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetBrush" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr brush $ \cobj_brush -> 
    wxDC_SetBrush cobj__obj  cobj_brush  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetBrush" wxDC_SetBrush :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TBrush b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetClippingRegion obj xywidthheight@).
dcSetClippingRegion :: DC  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
dcSetClippingRegion _obj xywidthheight 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetClippingRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetClippingRegion cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetClippingRegion" wxDC_SetClippingRegion :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetClippingRegionFromRegion obj region@).
dcSetClippingRegionFromRegion :: DC  a -> Region  b ->  IO ()
dcSetClippingRegionFromRegion _obj region 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetClippingRegionFromRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> 
    wxDC_SetClippingRegionFromRegion cobj__obj  cobj_region  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetClippingRegionFromRegion" wxDC_SetClippingRegionFromRegion :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetDeviceClippingRegion obj region@).
dcSetDeviceClippingRegion :: DC  a -> Region  b ->  IO ()
dcSetDeviceClippingRegion _obj region 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetDeviceClippingRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> 
    wxDC_SetDeviceClippingRegion cobj__obj  cobj_region  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetDeviceClippingRegion" wxDC_SetDeviceClippingRegion :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetDeviceOrigin obj xy@).
dcSetDeviceOrigin :: DC  a -> Point ->  IO ()
dcSetDeviceOrigin _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetDeviceOrigin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetDeviceOrigin cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetDeviceOrigin" wxDC_SetDeviceOrigin :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetFont obj font@).
dcSetFont :: DC  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
dcSetFont _obj font 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxDC_SetFont cobj__obj  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetFont" wxDC_SetFont :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetLogicalFunction obj function@).
dcSetLogicalFunction :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dcSetLogicalFunction _obj function 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetLogicalFunction" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetLogicalFunction cobj__obj  (toCInt function)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetLogicalFunction" wxDC_SetLogicalFunction :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetLogicalOrigin obj xy@).
dcSetLogicalOrigin :: DC  a -> Point ->  IO ()
dcSetLogicalOrigin _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetLogicalOrigin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetLogicalOrigin cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetLogicalOrigin" wxDC_SetLogicalOrigin :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetLogicalScale obj x y@).
dcSetLogicalScale :: DC  a -> Double -> Double ->  IO ()
dcSetLogicalScale _obj x y 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetLogicalScale" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetLogicalScale cobj__obj  x  y  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetLogicalScale" wxDC_SetLogicalScale :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Double -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetMapMode obj mode@).
dcSetMapMode :: DC  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dcSetMapMode _obj mode 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetMapMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetMapMode cobj__obj  (toCInt mode)  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetMapMode" wxDC_SetMapMode :: Ptr (TDC a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetPalette obj palette@).
dcSetPalette :: DC  a -> Palette  b ->  IO ()
dcSetPalette _obj palette 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetPalette" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr palette $ \cobj_palette -> 
    wxDC_SetPalette cobj__obj  cobj_palette  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetPalette" wxDC_SetPalette :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TPalette b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetPen obj pen@).
dcSetPen :: DC  a -> Pen  b ->  IO ()
dcSetPen _obj pen 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetPen" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr pen $ \cobj_pen -> 
    wxDC_SetPen cobj__obj  cobj_pen  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetPen" wxDC_SetPen :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TPen b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetTextBackground obj colour@).
dcSetTextBackground :: DC  a -> Color ->  IO ()
dcSetTextBackground _obj colour 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetTextBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxDC_SetTextBackground cobj__obj  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetTextBackground" wxDC_SetTextBackground :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetTextForeground obj colour@).
dcSetTextForeground :: DC  a -> Color ->  IO ()
dcSetTextForeground _obj colour 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetTextForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxDC_SetTextForeground cobj__obj  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetTextForeground" wxDC_SetTextForeground :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcSetUserScale obj x y@).
dcSetUserScale :: DC  a -> Double -> Double ->  IO ()
dcSetUserScale _obj x y 
  = withObjectRef "dcSetUserScale" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_SetUserScale cobj__obj  x  y  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_SetUserScale" wxDC_SetUserScale :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Double -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dcStartDoc obj msg@).
dcStartDoc :: DC  a -> String ->  IO Bool
dcStartDoc _obj msg 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dcStartDoc" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr msg $ \cobj_msg -> 
    wxDC_StartDoc cobj__obj  cobj_msg  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_StartDoc" wxDC_StartDoc :: Ptr (TDC a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dcStartPage obj@).
dcStartPage :: DC  a ->  IO ()
dcStartPage _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dcStartPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDC_StartPage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDC_StartPage" wxDC_StartPage :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dialogCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@).
dialogCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (Dialog  ())
dialogCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxDialog_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  cobj__txt  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxDialog_Create" wxDialog_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDialog ()))

-- | usage: (@dialogEndModal obj retCode@).
dialogEndModal :: Dialog  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dialogEndModal _obj retCode 
  = withObjectRef "dialogEndModal" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDialog_EndModal cobj__obj  (toCInt retCode)  
foreign import ccall "wxDialog_EndModal" wxDialog_EndModal :: Ptr (TDialog a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dialogGetReturnCode obj@).
dialogGetReturnCode :: Dialog  a ->  IO Int
dialogGetReturnCode _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dialogGetReturnCode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDialog_GetReturnCode cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDialog_GetReturnCode" wxDialog_GetReturnCode :: Ptr (TDialog a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dialogIsModal obj@).
dialogIsModal :: Dialog  a ->  IO Bool
dialogIsModal _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dialogIsModal" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDialog_IsModal cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDialog_IsModal" wxDialog_IsModal :: Ptr (TDialog a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dialogSetReturnCode obj returnCode@).
dialogSetReturnCode :: Dialog  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dialogSetReturnCode _obj returnCode 
  = withObjectRef "dialogSetReturnCode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDialog_SetReturnCode cobj__obj  (toCInt returnCode)  
foreign import ccall "wxDialog_SetReturnCode" wxDialog_SetReturnCode :: Ptr (TDialog a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dialogShowModal obj@).
dialogShowModal :: Dialog  a ->  IO Int
dialogShowModal _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dialogShowModal" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDialog_ShowModal cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDialog_ShowModal" wxDialog_ShowModal :: Ptr (TDialog a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dirDialogCreate prt msg dir lfttop stl@).
dirDialogCreate :: Window  a -> String -> String -> Point -> Style ->  IO (DirDialog  ())
dirDialogCreate _prt _msg _dir _lfttop _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    withStringPtr _dir $ \cobj__dir -> 
    wxDirDialog_Create cobj__prt  cobj__msg  cobj__dir  (toCIntPointX _lfttop) (toCIntPointY _lfttop)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxDirDialog_Create" wxDirDialog_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDirDialog ()))

-- | usage: (@dirDialogGetMessage obj@).
dirDialogGetMessage :: DirDialog  a ->  IO (String)
dirDialogGetMessage _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "dirDialogGetMessage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDirDialog_GetMessage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDirDialog_GetMessage" wxDirDialog_GetMessage :: Ptr (TDirDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dirDialogGetPath obj@).
dirDialogGetPath :: DirDialog  a ->  IO (String)
dirDialogGetPath _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "dirDialogGetPath" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDirDialog_GetPath cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDirDialog_GetPath" wxDirDialog_GetPath :: Ptr (TDirDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@dirDialogGetStyle obj@).
dirDialogGetStyle :: DirDialog  a ->  IO Int
dirDialogGetStyle _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "dirDialogGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDirDialog_GetStyle cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDirDialog_GetStyle" wxDirDialog_GetStyle :: Ptr (TDirDialog a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dirDialogSetMessage obj msg@).
dirDialogSetMessage :: DirDialog  a -> String ->  IO ()
dirDialogSetMessage _obj msg 
  = withObjectRef "dirDialogSetMessage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr msg $ \cobj_msg -> 
    wxDirDialog_SetMessage cobj__obj  cobj_msg  
foreign import ccall "wxDirDialog_SetMessage" wxDirDialog_SetMessage :: Ptr (TDirDialog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dirDialogSetPath obj pth@).
dirDialogSetPath :: DirDialog  a -> String ->  IO ()
dirDialogSetPath _obj pth 
  = withObjectRef "dirDialogSetPath" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr pth $ \cobj_pth -> 
    wxDirDialog_SetPath cobj__obj  cobj_pth  
foreign import ccall "wxDirDialog_SetPath" wxDirDialog_SetPath :: Ptr (TDirDialog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dirDialogSetStyle obj style@).
dirDialogSetStyle :: DirDialog  a -> Int ->  IO ()
dirDialogSetStyle _obj style 
  = withObjectRef "dirDialogSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDirDialog_SetStyle cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxDirDialog_SetStyle" wxDirDialog_SetStyle :: Ptr (TDirDialog a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dragIcon icon xy@).
dragIcon :: Icon  a -> Point ->  IO (DragImage  ())
dragIcon icon xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wx_wxDragIcon cobj_icon  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDragIcon" wx_wxDragIcon :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@dragImageBeginDrag self xy window boundingWindow@).
dragImageBeginDrag :: DragImage  a -> Point -> Window  c -> Window  d ->  IO Bool
dragImageBeginDrag self xy window boundingWindow 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dragImageBeginDrag" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    withObjectPtr boundingWindow $ \cobj_boundingWindow -> 
    wxDragImage_BeginDrag cobj_self  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  cobj_window  cobj_boundingWindow  
foreign import ccall "wxDragImage_BeginDrag" wxDragImage_BeginDrag :: Ptr (TDragImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr (TWindow d) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dragImageBeginDragFullScreen self xposypos window fullScreen rect@).
dragImageBeginDragFullScreen :: DragImage  a -> Point -> Window  c -> Bool -> Rect ->  IO Bool
dragImageBeginDragFullScreen self xposypos window fullScreen rect 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dragImageBeginDragFullScreen" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    withWxRectPtr rect $ \cobj_rect -> 
    wxDragImage_BeginDragFullScreen cobj_self  (toCIntPointX xposypos) (toCIntPointY xposypos)  cobj_window  (toCBool fullScreen)  cobj_rect  
foreign import ccall "wxDragImage_BeginDragFullScreen" wxDragImage_BeginDragFullScreen :: Ptr (TDragImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CBool -> Ptr (TWxRect e) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dragImageCreate image xy@).
dragImageCreate :: Bitmap  a -> Point ->  IO (DragImage  ())
dragImageCreate image xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr image $ \cobj_image -> 
    wxDragImage_Create cobj_image  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDragImage_Create" wxDragImage_Create :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@dragImageDelete self@).
dragImageDelete :: DragImage  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@dragImageEndDrag self@).
dragImageEndDrag :: DragImage  a ->  IO ()
dragImageEndDrag self 
  = withObjectRef "dragImageEndDrag" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxDragImage_EndDrag cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxDragImage_EndDrag" wxDragImage_EndDrag :: Ptr (TDragImage a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dragImageHide self@).
dragImageHide :: DragImage  a ->  IO Bool
dragImageHide self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dragImageHide" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxDragImage_Hide cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxDragImage_Hide" wxDragImage_Hide :: Ptr (TDragImage a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dragImageMove self xy@).
dragImageMove :: DragImage  a -> Point ->  IO Bool
dragImageMove self xy 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dragImageMove" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxDragImage_Move cobj_self  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDragImage_Move" wxDragImage_Move :: Ptr (TDragImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dragImageShow self@).
dragImageShow :: DragImage  a ->  IO Bool
dragImageShow self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "dragImageShow" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxDragImage_Show cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxDragImage_Show" wxDragImage_Show :: Ptr (TDragImage a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@dragListItem treeCtrl id@).
dragListItem :: ListCtrl  a -> Id ->  IO (DragImage  ())
dragListItem treeCtrl id 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr treeCtrl $ \cobj_treeCtrl -> 
    wx_wxDragListItem cobj_treeCtrl  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxDragListItem" wx_wxDragListItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@dragString test xy@).
dragString :: String -> Point ->  IO (DragImage  ())
dragString test xy 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr test $ \cobj_test -> 
    wx_wxDragString cobj_test  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxDragString" wx_wxDragString :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@dragTreeItem treeCtrl id@).
dragTreeItem :: TreeCtrl  a -> TreeItem ->  IO (DragImage  ())
dragTreeItem treeCtrl id 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr treeCtrl $ \cobj_treeCtrl -> 
    withTreeItemIdPtr id $ \cobj_id -> 
    wx_wxDragTreeItem cobj_treeCtrl  cobj_id  
foreign import ccall "wxDragTreeItem" wx_wxDragTreeItem :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO (Ptr (TDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@drawControlCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@).
drawControlCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (DrawControl  ())
drawControlCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    wxDrawControl_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxDrawControl_Create" wxDrawControl_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDrawControl ()))

-- | usage: (@drawWindowCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@).
drawWindowCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (DrawWindow  ())
drawWindowCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    wxDrawWindow_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxDrawWindow_Create" wxDrawWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TDrawWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@dropSourceCreate wxdata win copy move none@).
dropSourceCreate :: DataObject  a -> Window  b -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Ptr  e ->  IO (DropSource  ())
dropSourceCreate wxdata win copy move none 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> 
    wx_DropSource_Create cobj_wxdata  cobj_win  copy  move  none  
foreign import ccall "DropSource_Create" wx_DropSource_Create :: Ptr (TDataObject a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Ptr  e -> IO (Ptr (TDropSource ()))

-- | usage: (@dropSourceDelete obj@).
dropSourceDelete :: DropSource  a ->  IO ()
dropSourceDelete _obj 
  = withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wx_DropSource_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "DropSource_Delete" wx_DropSource_Delete :: Ptr (TDropSource a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dropSourceDoDragDrop obj move@).
dropSourceDoDragDrop :: DropSource  a -> Int ->  IO Int
dropSourceDoDragDrop _obj _move 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wx_DropSource_DoDragDrop cobj__obj  (toCInt _move)  
foreign import ccall "DropSource_DoDragDrop" wx_DropSource_DoDragDrop :: Ptr (TDropSource a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@dropTargetGetData obj@).
dropTargetGetData :: DropTarget  a ->  IO ()
dropTargetGetData _obj 
  = withObjectRef "dropTargetGetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxDropTarget_GetData cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxDropTarget_GetData" wxDropTarget_GetData :: Ptr (TDropTarget a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@dropTargetSetDataObject obj dat@).
dropTargetSetDataObject :: DropTarget  a -> DataObject  b ->  IO ()
dropTargetSetDataObject _obj _dat 
  = withObjectRef "dropTargetSetDataObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _dat $ \cobj__dat -> 
    wxDropTarget_SetDataObject cobj__obj  cobj__dat  
foreign import ccall "wxDropTarget_SetDataObject" wxDropTarget_SetDataObject :: Ptr (TDropTarget a) -> Ptr (TDataObject b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@encodingConverterConvert obj input output@).
encodingConverterConvert :: EncodingConverter  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
encodingConverterConvert _obj input output 
  = withObjectRef "encodingConverterConvert" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEncodingConverter_Convert cobj__obj  input  output  
foreign import ccall "wxEncodingConverter_Convert" wxEncodingConverter_Convert :: Ptr (TEncodingConverter a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@encodingConverterCreate@).
encodingConverterCreate ::  IO (EncodingConverter  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxEncodingConverter_Create" wxEncodingConverter_Create :: IO (Ptr (TEncodingConverter ()))

-- | usage: (@encodingConverterDelete obj@).
encodingConverterDelete :: EncodingConverter  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@encodingConverterGetAllEquivalents obj enc lst@).
encodingConverterGetAllEquivalents :: EncodingConverter  a -> Int -> List  c ->  IO Int
encodingConverterGetAllEquivalents _obj enc _lst 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "encodingConverterGetAllEquivalents" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _lst $ \cobj__lst -> 
    wxEncodingConverter_GetAllEquivalents cobj__obj  (toCInt enc)  cobj__lst  
foreign import ccall "wxEncodingConverter_GetAllEquivalents" wxEncodingConverter_GetAllEquivalents :: Ptr (TEncodingConverter a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TList c) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@encodingConverterGetPlatformEquivalents obj enc platform lst@).
encodingConverterGetPlatformEquivalents :: EncodingConverter  a -> Int -> Int -> List  d ->  IO Int
encodingConverterGetPlatformEquivalents _obj enc platform _lst 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "encodingConverterGetPlatformEquivalents" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _lst $ \cobj__lst -> 
    wxEncodingConverter_GetPlatformEquivalents cobj__obj  (toCInt enc)  (toCInt platform)  cobj__lst  
foreign import ccall "wxEncodingConverter_GetPlatformEquivalents" wxEncodingConverter_GetPlatformEquivalents :: Ptr (TEncodingConverter a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TList d) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@encodingConverterInit obj inputenc outputenc method@).
encodingConverterInit :: EncodingConverter  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
encodingConverterInit _obj inputenc outputenc method 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "encodingConverterInit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEncodingConverter_Init cobj__obj  (toCInt inputenc)  (toCInt outputenc)  (toCInt method)  
foreign import ccall "wxEncodingConverter_Init" wxEncodingConverter_Init :: Ptr (TEncodingConverter a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@eraseEventCopyObject obj obj@).
eraseEventCopyObject :: EraseEvent  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
eraseEventCopyObject _obj obj 
  = withObjectRef "eraseEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEraseEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj  obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEraseEvent_CopyObject" wxEraseEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TEraseEvent a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@eraseEventGetDC obj@).
eraseEventGetDC :: EraseEvent  a ->  IO (DC  ())
eraseEventGetDC _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "eraseEventGetDC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEraseEvent_GetDC cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEraseEvent_GetDC" wxEraseEvent_GetDC :: Ptr (TEraseEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TDC ()))

-- | usage: (@eventCopyObject obj objectdest@).
eventCopyObject :: Event  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
eventCopyObject _obj objectdest 
  = withObjectRef "eventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj  objectdest  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_CopyObject" wxEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@eventGetEventObject obj@).
eventGetEventObject :: Event  a ->  IO (WxObject  ())
eventGetEventObject _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "eventGetEventObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_GetEventObject cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_GetEventObject" wxEvent_GetEventObject :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxObject ()))

-- | usage: (@eventGetEventType obj@).
eventGetEventType :: Event  a ->  IO Int
eventGetEventType _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "eventGetEventType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_GetEventType cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_GetEventType" wxEvent_GetEventType :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@eventGetId obj@).
eventGetId :: Event  a ->  IO Int
eventGetId _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "eventGetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_GetId cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_GetId" wxEvent_GetId :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@eventGetSkipped obj@).
eventGetSkipped :: Event  a ->  IO Bool
eventGetSkipped _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "eventGetSkipped" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_GetSkipped cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_GetSkipped" wxEvent_GetSkipped :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@eventGetTimestamp obj@).
eventGetTimestamp :: Event  a ->  IO Int
eventGetTimestamp _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "eventGetTimestamp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_GetTimestamp cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_GetTimestamp" wxEvent_GetTimestamp :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@eventIsCommandEvent obj@).
eventIsCommandEvent :: Event  a ->  IO Bool
eventIsCommandEvent _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "eventIsCommandEvent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_IsCommandEvent cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_IsCommandEvent" wxEvent_IsCommandEvent :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@eventNewEventType@).
eventNewEventType ::  IO Int
  = withIntResult $
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_NewEventType" wxEvent_NewEventType :: IO CInt

-- | usage: (@eventSetEventObject obj obj@).
eventSetEventObject :: Event  a -> WxObject  b ->  IO ()
eventSetEventObject _obj obj 
  = withObjectRef "eventSetEventObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxEvent_SetEventObject cobj__obj  cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_SetEventObject" wxEvent_SetEventObject :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> Ptr (TWxObject b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@eventSetEventType obj typ@).
eventSetEventType :: Event  a -> Int ->  IO ()
eventSetEventType _obj typ 
  = withObjectRef "eventSetEventType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_SetEventType cobj__obj  (toCInt typ)  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_SetEventType" wxEvent_SetEventType :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@eventSetId obj id@).
eventSetId :: Event  a -> Int ->  IO ()
eventSetId _obj id 
  = withObjectRef "eventSetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_SetId cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_SetId" wxEvent_SetId :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@eventSetTimestamp obj ts@).
eventSetTimestamp :: Event  a -> Int ->  IO ()
eventSetTimestamp _obj ts 
  = withObjectRef "eventSetTimestamp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_SetTimestamp cobj__obj  (toCInt ts)  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_SetTimestamp" wxEvent_SetTimestamp :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@eventSkip obj@).
eventSkip :: Event  a ->  IO ()
eventSkip _obj 
  = withObjectRef "eventSkip" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvent_Skip cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvent_Skip" wxEvent_Skip :: Ptr (TEvent a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerAddPendingEvent obj event@).
evtHandlerAddPendingEvent :: EvtHandler  a -> Event  b ->  IO ()
evtHandlerAddPendingEvent _obj event 
  = withObjectRef "evtHandlerAddPendingEvent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr event $ \cobj_event -> 
    wxEvtHandler_AddPendingEvent cobj__obj  cobj_event  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_AddPendingEvent" wxEvtHandler_AddPendingEvent :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> Ptr (TEvent b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerConnect obj first last wxtype wxdata@).
evtHandlerConnect :: EvtHandler  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr  e ->  IO Int
evtHandlerConnect _obj first last wxtype wxdata 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "evtHandlerConnect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_Connect cobj__obj  (toCInt first)  (toCInt last)  (toCInt wxtype)  wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_Connect" wxEvtHandler_Connect :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr  e -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerCreate@).
evtHandlerCreate ::  IO (EvtHandler  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_Create" wxEvtHandler_Create :: IO (Ptr (TEvtHandler ()))

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerDelete obj@).
evtHandlerDelete :: EvtHandler  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerDisconnect obj first last wxtype id@).
evtHandlerDisconnect :: EvtHandler  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Id ->  IO Int
evtHandlerDisconnect _obj first last wxtype id 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "evtHandlerDisconnect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_Disconnect cobj__obj  (toCInt first)  (toCInt last)  (toCInt wxtype)  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_Disconnect" wxEvtHandler_Disconnect :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

{- |  Get the client data in the form of a closure. Use 'closureGetData' to get to the actual data. -}
evtHandlerGetClientClosure :: EvtHandler  a ->  IO (Closure  ())
evtHandlerGetClientClosure _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "evtHandlerGetClientClosure" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_GetClientClosure cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_GetClientClosure" wxEvtHandler_GetClientClosure :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> IO (Ptr (TClosure ()))

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerGetClosure obj id wxtype@).
evtHandlerGetClosure :: EvtHandler  a -> Id -> Int ->  IO (Closure  ())
evtHandlerGetClosure _obj id wxtype 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "evtHandlerGetClosure" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_GetClosure cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_GetClosure" wxEvtHandler_GetClosure :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TClosure ()))

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerGetEvtHandlerEnabled obj@).
evtHandlerGetEvtHandlerEnabled :: EvtHandler  a ->  IO Bool
evtHandlerGetEvtHandlerEnabled _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "evtHandlerGetEvtHandlerEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_GetEvtHandlerEnabled cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_GetEvtHandlerEnabled" wxEvtHandler_GetEvtHandlerEnabled :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerGetNextHandler obj@).
evtHandlerGetNextHandler :: EvtHandler  a ->  IO (EvtHandler  ())
evtHandlerGetNextHandler _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "evtHandlerGetNextHandler" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_GetNextHandler cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_GetNextHandler" wxEvtHandler_GetNextHandler :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> IO (Ptr (TEvtHandler ()))

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerGetPreviousHandler obj@).
evtHandlerGetPreviousHandler :: EvtHandler  a ->  IO (EvtHandler  ())
evtHandlerGetPreviousHandler _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "evtHandlerGetPreviousHandler" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_GetPreviousHandler cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_GetPreviousHandler" wxEvtHandler_GetPreviousHandler :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> IO (Ptr (TEvtHandler ()))

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerProcessEvent obj event@).
evtHandlerProcessEvent :: EvtHandler  a -> Event  b ->  IO Bool
evtHandlerProcessEvent _obj event 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "evtHandlerProcessEvent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr event $ \cobj_event -> 
    wxEvtHandler_ProcessEvent cobj__obj  cobj_event  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_ProcessEvent" wxEvtHandler_ProcessEvent :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> Ptr (TEvent b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerProcessPendingEvents obj@).
evtHandlerProcessPendingEvents :: EvtHandler  a ->  IO ()
evtHandlerProcessPendingEvents _obj 
  = withObjectRef "evtHandlerProcessPendingEvents" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_ProcessPendingEvents cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_ProcessPendingEvents" wxEvtHandler_ProcessPendingEvents :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> IO ()

{- |  Set the client data as a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion.  -}
evtHandlerSetClientClosure :: EvtHandler  a -> Closure  b ->  IO ()
evtHandlerSetClientClosure _obj closure 
  = withObjectRef "evtHandlerSetClientClosure" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> 
    wxEvtHandler_SetClientClosure cobj__obj  cobj_closure  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_SetClientClosure" wxEvtHandler_SetClientClosure :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> Ptr (TClosure b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerSetEvtHandlerEnabled obj enabled@).
evtHandlerSetEvtHandlerEnabled :: EvtHandler  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
evtHandlerSetEvtHandlerEnabled _obj enabled 
  = withObjectRef "evtHandlerSetEvtHandlerEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxEvtHandler_SetEvtHandlerEnabled cobj__obj  (toCBool enabled)  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_SetEvtHandlerEnabled" wxEvtHandler_SetEvtHandlerEnabled :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerSetNextHandler obj handler@).
evtHandlerSetNextHandler :: EvtHandler  a -> EvtHandler  b ->  IO ()
evtHandlerSetNextHandler _obj handler 
  = withObjectRef "evtHandlerSetNextHandler" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr handler $ \cobj_handler -> 
    wxEvtHandler_SetNextHandler cobj__obj  cobj_handler  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_SetNextHandler" wxEvtHandler_SetNextHandler :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> Ptr (TEvtHandler b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@evtHandlerSetPreviousHandler obj handler@).
evtHandlerSetPreviousHandler :: EvtHandler  a -> EvtHandler  b ->  IO ()
evtHandlerSetPreviousHandler _obj handler 
  = withObjectRef "evtHandlerSetPreviousHandler" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr handler $ \cobj_handler -> 
    wxEvtHandler_SetPreviousHandler cobj__obj  cobj_handler  
foreign import ccall "wxEvtHandler_SetPreviousHandler" wxEvtHandler_SetPreviousHandler :: Ptr (TEvtHandler a) -> Ptr (TEvtHandler b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileConfigCreate inp@).
fileConfigCreate :: InputStream  a ->  IO (FileConfig  ())
fileConfigCreate inp 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr inp $ \cobj_inp -> 
    wxFileConfig_Create cobj_inp  
foreign import ccall "wxFileConfig_Create" wxFileConfig_Create :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> IO (Ptr (TFileConfig ()))

-- | usage: (@fileDataObjectAddFile obj fle@).
fileDataObjectAddFile :: FileDataObject  a -> String ->  IO ()
fileDataObjectAddFile _obj _fle 
  = withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _fle $ \cobj__fle -> 
    wx_FileDataObject_AddFile cobj__obj  cobj__fle  
foreign import ccall "FileDataObject_AddFile" wx_FileDataObject_AddFile :: Ptr (TFileDataObject a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileDataObjectCreate cntlst@).
fileDataObjectCreate :: [String] ->  IO (FileDataObject  ())
fileDataObjectCreate _cntlst 
  = withObjectResult $
    withArrayWString _cntlst $ \carrlen__cntlst carr__cntlst -> 
    wx_FileDataObject_Create carrlen__cntlst carr__cntlst  
foreign import ccall "FileDataObject_Create" wx_FileDataObject_Create :: CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> IO (Ptr (TFileDataObject ()))

-- | usage: (@fileDataObjectDelete obj@).
fileDataObjectDelete :: FileDataObject  a ->  IO ()
fileDataObjectDelete _obj 
  = withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wx_FileDataObject_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "FileDataObject_Delete" wx_FileDataObject_Delete :: Ptr (TFileDataObject a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileDataObjectGetFilenames obj@).
fileDataObjectGetFilenames :: FileDataObject  a ->  IO [String]
fileDataObjectGetFilenames _obj 
  = withArrayWStringResult $ \arr -> 
    withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wx_FileDataObject_GetFilenames cobj__obj   arr
foreign import ccall "FileDataObject_GetFilenames" wx_FileDataObject_GetFilenames :: Ptr (TFileDataObject a) -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileDialogCreate prt msg dir fle wcd lfttop stl@).
fileDialogCreate :: Window  a -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Point -> Style ->  IO (FileDialog  ())
fileDialogCreate _prt _msg _dir _fle _wcd _lfttop _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    withStringPtr _dir $ \cobj__dir -> 
    withStringPtr _fle $ \cobj__fle -> 
    withStringPtr _wcd $ \cobj__wcd -> 
    wxFileDialog_Create cobj__prt  cobj__msg  cobj__dir  cobj__fle  cobj__wcd  (toCIntPointX _lfttop) (toCIntPointY _lfttop)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_Create" wxFileDialog_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> Ptr (TWxString e) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFileDialog ()))

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetDirectory obj@).
fileDialogGetDirectory :: FileDialog  a ->  IO (String)
fileDialogGetDirectory _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetDirectory" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetDirectory cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetDirectory" wxFileDialog_GetDirectory :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetFilename obj@).
fileDialogGetFilename :: FileDialog  a ->  IO (String)
fileDialogGetFilename _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetFilename" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetFilename cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetFilename" wxFileDialog_GetFilename :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetFilenames obj@).
fileDialogGetFilenames :: FileDialog  a ->  IO [String]
fileDialogGetFilenames _obj 
  = withArrayWStringResult $ \arr -> 
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetFilenames" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetFilenames cobj__obj   arr
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetFilenames" wxFileDialog_GetFilenames :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetFilterIndex obj@).
fileDialogGetFilterIndex :: FileDialog  a ->  IO Int
fileDialogGetFilterIndex _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetFilterIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetFilterIndex cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetFilterIndex" wxFileDialog_GetFilterIndex :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetMessage obj@).
fileDialogGetMessage :: FileDialog  a ->  IO (String)
fileDialogGetMessage _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetMessage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetMessage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetMessage" wxFileDialog_GetMessage :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetPath obj@).
fileDialogGetPath :: FileDialog  a ->  IO (String)
fileDialogGetPath _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetPath" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetPath cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetPath" wxFileDialog_GetPath :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetPaths obj@).
fileDialogGetPaths :: FileDialog  a ->  IO [String]
fileDialogGetPaths _obj 
  = withArrayWStringResult $ \arr -> 
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetPaths" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetPaths cobj__obj   arr
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetPaths" wxFileDialog_GetPaths :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetStyle obj@).
fileDialogGetStyle :: FileDialog  a ->  IO Int
fileDialogGetStyle _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetStyle cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetStyle" wxFileDialog_GetStyle :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileDialogGetWildcard obj@).
fileDialogGetWildcard :: FileDialog  a ->  IO (String)
fileDialogGetWildcard _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileDialogGetWildcard" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_GetWildcard cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_GetWildcard" wxFileDialog_GetWildcard :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileDialogSetDirectory obj dir@).
fileDialogSetDirectory :: FileDialog  a -> String ->  IO ()
fileDialogSetDirectory _obj dir 
  = withObjectRef "fileDialogSetDirectory" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr dir $ \cobj_dir -> 
    wxFileDialog_SetDirectory cobj__obj  cobj_dir  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_SetDirectory" wxFileDialog_SetDirectory :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileDialogSetFilename obj name@).
fileDialogSetFilename :: FileDialog  a -> String ->  IO ()
fileDialogSetFilename _obj name 
  = withObjectRef "fileDialogSetFilename" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxFileDialog_SetFilename cobj__obj  cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_SetFilename" wxFileDialog_SetFilename :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileDialogSetFilterIndex obj filterIndex@).
fileDialogSetFilterIndex :: FileDialog  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fileDialogSetFilterIndex _obj filterIndex 
  = withObjectRef "fileDialogSetFilterIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_SetFilterIndex cobj__obj  (toCInt filterIndex)  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_SetFilterIndex" wxFileDialog_SetFilterIndex :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileDialogSetMessage obj message@).
fileDialogSetMessage :: FileDialog  a -> String ->  IO ()
fileDialogSetMessage _obj message 
  = withObjectRef "fileDialogSetMessage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr message $ \cobj_message -> 
    wxFileDialog_SetMessage cobj__obj  cobj_message  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_SetMessage" wxFileDialog_SetMessage :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileDialogSetPath obj path@).
fileDialogSetPath :: FileDialog  a -> String ->  IO ()
fileDialogSetPath _obj path 
  = withObjectRef "fileDialogSetPath" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxFileDialog_SetPath cobj__obj  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_SetPath" wxFileDialog_SetPath :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileDialogSetStyle obj style@).
fileDialogSetStyle :: FileDialog  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fileDialogSetStyle _obj style 
  = withObjectRef "fileDialogSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileDialog_SetStyle cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_SetStyle" wxFileDialog_SetStyle :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileDialogSetWildcard obj wildCard@).
fileDialogSetWildcard :: FileDialog  a -> String ->  IO ()
fileDialogSetWildcard _obj wildCard 
  = withObjectRef "fileDialogSetWildcard" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr wildCard $ \cobj_wildCard -> 
    wxFileDialog_SetWildcard cobj__obj  cobj_wildCard  
foreign import ccall "wxFileDialog_SetWildcard" wxFileDialog_SetWildcard :: Ptr (TFileDialog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryAddFileToHistory obj file@).
fileHistoryAddFileToHistory :: FileHistory  a -> String ->  IO ()
fileHistoryAddFileToHistory _obj file 
  = withObjectRef "fileHistoryAddFileToHistory" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr file $ \cobj_file -> 
    wxFileHistory_AddFileToHistory cobj__obj  cobj_file  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_AddFileToHistory" wxFileHistory_AddFileToHistory :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryAddFilesToMenu obj menu@).
fileHistoryAddFilesToMenu :: FileHistory  a -> Menu  b ->  IO ()
fileHistoryAddFilesToMenu _obj menu 
  = withObjectRef "fileHistoryAddFilesToMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> 
    wxFileHistory_AddFilesToMenu cobj__obj  cobj_menu  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_AddFilesToMenu" wxFileHistory_AddFilesToMenu :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> Ptr (TMenu b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryCreate maxFiles@).
fileHistoryCreate :: Int ->  IO (FileHistory  ())
fileHistoryCreate maxFiles 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxFileHistory_Create (toCInt maxFiles)  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_Create" wxFileHistory_Create :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFileHistory ()))

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryDelete obj@).
fileHistoryDelete :: FileHistory  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryGetCount obj@).
fileHistoryGetCount :: FileHistory  a ->  IO Int
fileHistoryGetCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileHistoryGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileHistory_GetCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_GetCount" wxFileHistory_GetCount :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryGetHistoryFile obj i@).
fileHistoryGetHistoryFile :: FileHistory  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
fileHistoryGetHistoryFile _obj i 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileHistoryGetHistoryFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileHistory_GetHistoryFile cobj__obj  (toCInt i)  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_GetHistoryFile" wxFileHistory_GetHistoryFile :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryGetMaxFiles obj@).
fileHistoryGetMaxFiles :: FileHistory  a ->  IO Int
fileHistoryGetMaxFiles _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileHistoryGetMaxFiles" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileHistory_GetMaxFiles cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_GetMaxFiles" wxFileHistory_GetMaxFiles :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryGetMenus obj@).
fileHistoryGetMenus :: FileHistory  a ->  IO [Menu ()]
fileHistoryGetMenus _obj 
  = withArrayObjectResult $ \arr -> 
    withObjectRef "fileHistoryGetMenus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileHistory_GetMenus cobj__obj   arr
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_GetMenus" wxFileHistory_GetMenus :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> Ptr (Ptr (TMenu ())) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryLoad obj config@).
fileHistoryLoad :: FileHistory  a -> ConfigBase  b ->  IO ()
fileHistoryLoad _obj config 
  = withObjectRef "fileHistoryLoad" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr config $ \cobj_config -> 
    wxFileHistory_Load cobj__obj  cobj_config  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_Load" wxFileHistory_Load :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> Ptr (TConfigBase b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryRemoveFileFromHistory obj i@).
fileHistoryRemoveFileFromHistory :: FileHistory  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fileHistoryRemoveFileFromHistory _obj i 
  = withObjectRef "fileHistoryRemoveFileFromHistory" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileHistory_RemoveFileFromHistory cobj__obj  (toCInt i)  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_RemoveFileFromHistory" wxFileHistory_RemoveFileFromHistory :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryRemoveMenu obj menu@).
fileHistoryRemoveMenu :: FileHistory  a -> Menu  b ->  IO ()
fileHistoryRemoveMenu _obj menu 
  = withObjectRef "fileHistoryRemoveMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> 
    wxFileHistory_RemoveMenu cobj__obj  cobj_menu  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_RemoveMenu" wxFileHistory_RemoveMenu :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> Ptr (TMenu b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileHistorySave obj config@).
fileHistorySave :: FileHistory  a -> ConfigBase  b ->  IO ()
fileHistorySave _obj config 
  = withObjectRef "fileHistorySave" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr config $ \cobj_config -> 
    wxFileHistory_Save cobj__obj  cobj_config  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_Save" wxFileHistory_Save :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> Ptr (TConfigBase b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileHistoryUseMenu obj menu@).
fileHistoryUseMenu :: FileHistory  a -> Menu  b ->  IO ()
fileHistoryUseMenu _obj menu 
  = withObjectRef "fileHistoryUseMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> 
    wxFileHistory_UseMenu cobj__obj  cobj_menu  
foreign import ccall "wxFileHistory_UseMenu" wxFileHistory_UseMenu :: Ptr (TFileHistory a) -> Ptr (TMenu b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@filePropertyCreate label name value@).
filePropertyCreate :: String -> String -> String ->  IO (FileProperty  ())
filePropertyCreate label name value 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    withStringPtr value $ \cobj_value -> 
    wxFileProperty_Create cobj_label  cobj_name  cobj_value  
foreign import ccall "wxFileProperty_Create" wxFileProperty_Create :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO (Ptr (TFileProperty ()))

-- | usage: (@fileTypeDelete obj@).
fileTypeDelete :: FileType  a ->  IO ()
fileTypeDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "fileTypeDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileType_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_Delete" wxFileType_Delete :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fileTypeExpandCommand obj cmd params@).
fileTypeExpandCommand :: FileType  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO (String)
fileTypeExpandCommand _obj _cmd _params 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileTypeExpandCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileType_ExpandCommand cobj__obj  _cmd  _params  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_ExpandCommand" wxFileType_ExpandCommand :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileTypeGetDescription obj@).
fileTypeGetDescription :: FileType  a ->  IO (String)
fileTypeGetDescription _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileTypeGetDescription" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileType_GetDescription cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_GetDescription" wxFileType_GetDescription :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileTypeGetExtensions obj lst@).
fileTypeGetExtensions :: FileType  a -> List  b ->  IO Int
fileTypeGetExtensions _obj _lst 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileTypeGetExtensions" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _lst $ \cobj__lst -> 
    wxFileType_GetExtensions cobj__obj  cobj__lst  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_GetExtensions" wxFileType_GetExtensions :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> Ptr (TList b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileTypeGetIcon obj icon@).
fileTypeGetIcon :: FileType  a -> Icon  b ->  IO Int
fileTypeGetIcon _obj icon 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileTypeGetIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wxFileType_GetIcon cobj__obj  cobj_icon  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_GetIcon" wxFileType_GetIcon :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> Ptr (TIcon b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileTypeGetMimeType obj@).
fileTypeGetMimeType :: FileType  a ->  IO (String)
fileTypeGetMimeType _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fileTypeGetMimeType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileType_GetMimeType cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_GetMimeType" wxFileType_GetMimeType :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fileTypeGetMimeTypes obj lst@).
fileTypeGetMimeTypes :: FileType  a -> List  b ->  IO Int
fileTypeGetMimeTypes _obj _lst 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileTypeGetMimeTypes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _lst $ \cobj__lst -> 
    wxFileType_GetMimeTypes cobj__obj  cobj__lst  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_GetMimeTypes" wxFileType_GetMimeTypes :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> Ptr (TList b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileTypeGetOpenCommand obj buf params@).
fileTypeGetOpenCommand :: FileType  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO Int
fileTypeGetOpenCommand _obj _buf _params 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileTypeGetOpenCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileType_GetOpenCommand cobj__obj  _buf  _params  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_GetOpenCommand" wxFileType_GetOpenCommand :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fileTypeGetPrintCommand obj buf params@).
fileTypeGetPrintCommand :: FileType  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO Int
fileTypeGetPrintCommand _obj _buf _params 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fileTypeGetPrintCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFileType_GetPrintCommand cobj__obj  _buf  _params  
foreign import ccall "wxFileType_GetPrintCommand" wxFileType_GetPrintCommand :: Ptr (TFileType a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@findDialogEventGetFindString obj ref@).
findDialogEventGetFindString :: FindDialogEvent  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Int
findDialogEventGetFindString _obj _ref 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "findDialogEventGetFindString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFindDialogEvent_GetFindString cobj__obj  _ref  
foreign import ccall "wxFindDialogEvent_GetFindString" wxFindDialogEvent_GetFindString :: Ptr (TFindDialogEvent a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@findDialogEventGetFlags obj@).
findDialogEventGetFlags :: FindDialogEvent  a ->  IO Int
findDialogEventGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "findDialogEventGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFindDialogEvent_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFindDialogEvent_GetFlags" wxFindDialogEvent_GetFlags :: Ptr (TFindDialogEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@findDialogEventGetReplaceString obj ref@).
findDialogEventGetReplaceString :: FindDialogEvent  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Int
findDialogEventGetReplaceString _obj _ref 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "findDialogEventGetReplaceString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFindDialogEvent_GetReplaceString cobj__obj  _ref  
foreign import ccall "wxFindDialogEvent_GetReplaceString" wxFindDialogEvent_GetReplaceString :: Ptr (TFindDialogEvent a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataCreate flags@).
findReplaceDataCreate :: Int ->  IO (FindReplaceData  ())
findReplaceDataCreate flags 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxFindReplaceData_Create (toCInt flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceData_Create" wxFindReplaceData_Create :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFindReplaceData ()))

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataCreateDefault@).
findReplaceDataCreateDefault ::  IO (FindReplaceData  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceData_CreateDefault" wxFindReplaceData_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TFindReplaceData ()))

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataDelete obj@).
findReplaceDataDelete :: FindReplaceData  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataGetFindString obj@).
findReplaceDataGetFindString :: FindReplaceData  a ->  IO (String)
findReplaceDataGetFindString _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "findReplaceDataGetFindString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFindReplaceData_GetFindString cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceData_GetFindString" wxFindReplaceData_GetFindString :: Ptr (TFindReplaceData a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataGetFlags obj@).
findReplaceDataGetFlags :: FindReplaceData  a ->  IO Int
findReplaceDataGetFlags _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "findReplaceDataGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFindReplaceData_GetFlags cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceData_GetFlags" wxFindReplaceData_GetFlags :: Ptr (TFindReplaceData a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataGetReplaceString obj@).
findReplaceDataGetReplaceString :: FindReplaceData  a ->  IO (String)
findReplaceDataGetReplaceString _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "findReplaceDataGetReplaceString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFindReplaceData_GetReplaceString cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceData_GetReplaceString" wxFindReplaceData_GetReplaceString :: Ptr (TFindReplaceData a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataSetFindString obj str@).
findReplaceDataSetFindString :: FindReplaceData  a -> String ->  IO ()
findReplaceDataSetFindString _obj str 
  = withObjectRef "findReplaceDataSetFindString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxFindReplaceData_SetFindString cobj__obj  cobj_str  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceData_SetFindString" wxFindReplaceData_SetFindString :: Ptr (TFindReplaceData a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataSetFlags obj flags@).
findReplaceDataSetFlags :: FindReplaceData  a -> Int ->  IO ()
findReplaceDataSetFlags _obj flags 
  = withObjectRef "findReplaceDataSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFindReplaceData_SetFlags cobj__obj  (toCInt flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceData_SetFlags" wxFindReplaceData_SetFlags :: Ptr (TFindReplaceData a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDataSetReplaceString obj str@).
findReplaceDataSetReplaceString :: FindReplaceData  a -> String ->  IO ()
findReplaceDataSetReplaceString _obj str 
  = withObjectRef "findReplaceDataSetReplaceString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxFindReplaceData_SetReplaceString cobj__obj  cobj_str  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceData_SetReplaceString" wxFindReplaceData_SetReplaceString :: Ptr (TFindReplaceData a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDialogCreate parent wxdata title style@).
findReplaceDialogCreate :: Window  a -> FindReplaceData  b -> String -> Int ->  IO (FindReplaceDialog  ())
findReplaceDialogCreate parent wxdata title style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    withStringPtr title $ \cobj_title -> 
    wxFindReplaceDialog_Create cobj_parent  cobj_wxdata  cobj_title  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceDialog_Create" wxFindReplaceDialog_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TFindReplaceData b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFindReplaceDialog ()))

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDialogGetData obj@).
findReplaceDialogGetData :: FindReplaceDialog  a ->  IO (FindReplaceData  ())
findReplaceDialogGetData _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "findReplaceDialogGetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFindReplaceDialog_GetData cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceDialog_GetData" wxFindReplaceDialog_GetData :: Ptr (TFindReplaceDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TFindReplaceData ()))

-- | usage: (@findReplaceDialogSetData obj wxdata@).
findReplaceDialogSetData :: FindReplaceDialog  a -> FindReplaceData  b ->  IO ()
findReplaceDialogSetData _obj wxdata 
  = withObjectRef "findReplaceDialogSetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    wxFindReplaceDialog_SetData cobj__obj  cobj_wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxFindReplaceDialog_SetData" wxFindReplaceDialog_SetData :: Ptr (TFindReplaceDialog a) -> Ptr (TFindReplaceData b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@flexGridSizerAddGrowableCol obj idx@).
flexGridSizerAddGrowableCol :: FlexGridSizer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
flexGridSizerAddGrowableCol _obj idx 
  = withObjectRef "flexGridSizerAddGrowableCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableCol cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableCol" wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableCol :: Ptr (TFlexGridSizer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@flexGridSizerAddGrowableRow obj idx@).
flexGridSizerAddGrowableRow :: FlexGridSizer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
flexGridSizerAddGrowableRow _obj idx 
  = withObjectRef "flexGridSizerAddGrowableRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow" wxFlexGridSizer_AddGrowableRow :: Ptr (TFlexGridSizer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@flexGridSizerCalcMin obj@).
flexGridSizerCalcMin :: FlexGridSizer  a ->  IO (Size)
flexGridSizerCalcMin _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "flexGridSizerCalcMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFlexGridSizer_CalcMin cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFlexGridSizer_CalcMin" wxFlexGridSizer_CalcMin :: Ptr (TFlexGridSizer a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@flexGridSizerCreate rows cols vgap hgap@).
flexGridSizerCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO (FlexGridSizer  ())
flexGridSizerCreate rows cols vgap hgap 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxFlexGridSizer_Create (toCInt rows)  (toCInt cols)  (toCInt vgap)  (toCInt hgap)  
foreign import ccall "wxFlexGridSizer_Create" wxFlexGridSizer_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFlexGridSizer ()))

-- | usage: (@flexGridSizerRecalcSizes obj@).
flexGridSizerRecalcSizes :: FlexGridSizer  a ->  IO ()
flexGridSizerRecalcSizes _obj 
  = withObjectRef "flexGridSizerRecalcSizes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFlexGridSizer_RecalcSizes cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFlexGridSizer_RecalcSizes" wxFlexGridSizer_RecalcSizes :: Ptr (TFlexGridSizer a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableCol obj idx@).
flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableCol :: FlexGridSizer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableCol _obj idx 
  = withObjectRef "flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFlexGridSizer_RemoveGrowableCol cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxFlexGridSizer_RemoveGrowableCol" wxFlexGridSizer_RemoveGrowableCol :: Ptr (TFlexGridSizer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableRow obj idx@).
flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableRow :: FlexGridSizer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableRow _obj idx 
  = withObjectRef "flexGridSizerRemoveGrowableRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFlexGridSizer_RemoveGrowableRow cobj__obj  (toCInt idx)  
foreign import ccall "wxFlexGridSizer_RemoveGrowableRow" wxFlexGridSizer_RemoveGrowableRow :: Ptr (TFlexGridSizer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@floatPropertyCreate label name value@).
floatPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Float ->  IO (FloatProperty  ())
floatPropertyCreate label name value 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxFloatProperty_Create cobj_label  cobj_name  value  
foreign import ccall "wxFloatProperty_Create" wxFloatProperty_Create :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Float -> IO (Ptr (TFloatProperty ()))

-- | usage: (@fontCreate pointSize family style weight underlined face enc@).
fontCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> String -> Int ->  IO (Font  ())
fontCreate pointSize family style weight underlined face enc 
  = withManagedFontResult $
    withStringPtr face $ \cobj_face -> 
    wxFont_Create (toCInt pointSize)  (toCInt family)  (toCInt style)  (toCInt weight)  (toCBool underlined)  cobj_face  (toCInt enc)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_Create" wxFont_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> Ptr (TWxString f) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFont ()))

-- | usage: (@fontCreateDefault@).
fontCreateDefault ::  IO (Font  ())
  = withManagedFontResult $
foreign import ccall "wxFont_CreateDefault" wxFont_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TFont ()))

-- | usage: (@fontCreateFromStock id@).
fontCreateFromStock :: Id ->  IO (Font  ())
fontCreateFromStock id 
  = withManagedFontResult $
    wxFont_CreateFromStock (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_CreateFromStock" wxFont_CreateFromStock :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFont ()))

-- | usage: (@fontDataCreate@).
fontDataCreate ::  IO (FontData  ())
  = withManagedObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_Create" wxFontData_Create :: IO (Ptr (TFontData ()))

-- | usage: (@fontDataDelete obj@).
fontDataDelete :: FontData  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@fontDataEnableEffects obj flag@).
fontDataEnableEffects :: FontData  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
fontDataEnableEffects _obj flag 
  = withObjectRef "fontDataEnableEffects" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_EnableEffects cobj__obj  (toCBool flag)  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_EnableEffects" wxFontData_EnableEffects :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataGetAllowSymbols obj@).
fontDataGetAllowSymbols :: FontData  a ->  IO Bool
fontDataGetAllowSymbols _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "fontDataGetAllowSymbols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_GetAllowSymbols cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_GetAllowSymbols" wxFontData_GetAllowSymbols :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@fontDataGetChosenFont obj@).
fontDataGetChosenFont :: FontData  a ->  IO (Font  ())
fontDataGetChosenFont _obj 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "fontDataGetChosenFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_GetChosenFont cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_GetChosenFont" wxFontData_GetChosenFont :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataGetColour obj@).
fontDataGetColour :: FontData  a ->  IO (Color)
fontDataGetColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "fontDataGetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_GetColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_GetColour" wxFontData_GetColour :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataGetEnableEffects obj@).
fontDataGetEnableEffects :: FontData  a ->  IO Bool
fontDataGetEnableEffects _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "fontDataGetEnableEffects" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_GetEnableEffects cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_GetEnableEffects" wxFontData_GetEnableEffects :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@fontDataGetEncoding obj@).
fontDataGetEncoding :: FontData  a ->  IO Int
fontDataGetEncoding _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontDataGetEncoding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_GetEncoding cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_GetEncoding" wxFontData_GetEncoding :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontDataGetInitialFont obj@).
fontDataGetInitialFont :: FontData  a ->  IO (Font  ())
fontDataGetInitialFont _obj 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "fontDataGetInitialFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_GetInitialFont cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_GetInitialFont" wxFontData_GetInitialFont :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataGetShowHelp obj@).
fontDataGetShowHelp :: FontData  a ->  IO Int
fontDataGetShowHelp _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontDataGetShowHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_GetShowHelp cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_GetShowHelp" wxFontData_GetShowHelp :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontDataSetAllowSymbols obj flag@).
fontDataSetAllowSymbols :: FontData  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
fontDataSetAllowSymbols _obj flag 
  = withObjectRef "fontDataSetAllowSymbols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_SetAllowSymbols cobj__obj  (toCBool flag)  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_SetAllowSymbols" wxFontData_SetAllowSymbols :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataSetChosenFont obj font@).
fontDataSetChosenFont :: FontData  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
fontDataSetChosenFont _obj font 
  = withObjectRef "fontDataSetChosenFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxFontData_SetChosenFont cobj__obj  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_SetChosenFont" wxFontData_SetChosenFont :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataSetColour obj colour@).
fontDataSetColour :: FontData  a -> Color ->  IO ()
fontDataSetColour _obj colour 
  = withObjectRef "fontDataSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxFontData_SetColour cobj__obj  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_SetColour" wxFontData_SetColour :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataSetEncoding obj encoding@).
fontDataSetEncoding :: FontData  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fontDataSetEncoding _obj encoding 
  = withObjectRef "fontDataSetEncoding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_SetEncoding cobj__obj  (toCInt encoding)  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_SetEncoding" wxFontData_SetEncoding :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataSetInitialFont obj font@).
fontDataSetInitialFont :: FontData  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
fontDataSetInitialFont _obj font 
  = withObjectRef "fontDataSetInitialFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxFontData_SetInitialFont cobj__obj  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_SetInitialFont" wxFontData_SetInitialFont :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataSetRange obj minRange maxRange@).
fontDataSetRange :: FontData  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
fontDataSetRange _obj minRange maxRange 
  = withObjectRef "fontDataSetRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_SetRange cobj__obj  (toCInt minRange)  (toCInt maxRange)  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_SetRange" wxFontData_SetRange :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDataSetShowHelp obj flag@).
fontDataSetShowHelp :: FontData  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
fontDataSetShowHelp _obj flag 
  = withObjectRef "fontDataSetShowHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontData_SetShowHelp cobj__obj  (toCBool flag)  
foreign import ccall "wxFontData_SetShowHelp" wxFontData_SetShowHelp :: Ptr (TFontData a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontDelete obj@).
fontDelete :: Font  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@fontDialogCreate prt fnt@).
fontDialogCreate :: Window  a -> FontData  b ->  IO (FontDialog  ())
fontDialogCreate _prt fnt 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withObjectPtr fnt $ \cobj_fnt -> 
    wxFontDialog_Create cobj__prt  cobj_fnt  
foreign import ccall "wxFontDialog_Create" wxFontDialog_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TFontData b) -> IO (Ptr (TFontDialog ()))

-- | usage: (@fontDialogGetFontData obj@).
fontDialogGetFontData :: FontDialog  a ->  IO (FontData  ())
fontDialogGetFontData _obj 
  = withRefFontData $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "fontDialogGetFontData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontDialog_GetFontData cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxFontDialog_GetFontData" wxFontDialog_GetFontData :: Ptr (TFontDialog a) -> Ptr (TFontData ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontEnumeratorCreate obj fnc@).
fontEnumeratorCreate :: Ptr  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO (FontEnumerator  ())
fontEnumeratorCreate _obj _fnc 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxFontEnumerator_Create _obj  _fnc  
foreign import ccall "wxFontEnumerator_Create" wxFontEnumerator_Create :: Ptr  a -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr (TFontEnumerator ()))

-- | usage: (@fontEnumeratorDelete obj@).
fontEnumeratorDelete :: FontEnumerator  a ->  IO ()
fontEnumeratorDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "fontEnumeratorDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontEnumerator_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFontEnumerator_Delete" wxFontEnumerator_Delete :: Ptr (TFontEnumerator a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontEnumeratorEnumerateEncodings obj facename@).
fontEnumeratorEnumerateEncodings :: FontEnumerator  a -> String ->  IO Bool
fontEnumeratorEnumerateEncodings _obj facename 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "fontEnumeratorEnumerateEncodings" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr facename $ \cobj_facename -> 
    wxFontEnumerator_EnumerateEncodings cobj__obj  cobj_facename  
foreign import ccall "wxFontEnumerator_EnumerateEncodings" wxFontEnumerator_EnumerateEncodings :: Ptr (TFontEnumerator a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@fontEnumeratorEnumerateFacenames obj encoding fixedWidthOnly@).
fontEnumeratorEnumerateFacenames :: FontEnumerator  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
fontEnumeratorEnumerateFacenames _obj encoding fixedWidthOnly 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "fontEnumeratorEnumerateFacenames" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFontEnumerator_EnumerateFacenames cobj__obj  (toCInt encoding)  (toCInt fixedWidthOnly)  
foreign import ccall "wxFontEnumerator_EnumerateFacenames" wxFontEnumerator_EnumerateFacenames :: Ptr (TFontEnumerator a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@fontGetDefaultEncoding obj@).
fontGetDefaultEncoding :: Font  a ->  IO Int
fontGetDefaultEncoding _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetDefaultEncoding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetDefaultEncoding cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetDefaultEncoding" wxFont_GetDefaultEncoding :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontGetEncoding obj@).
fontGetEncoding :: Font  a ->  IO Int
fontGetEncoding _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetEncoding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetEncoding cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetEncoding" wxFont_GetEncoding :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontGetFaceName obj@).
fontGetFaceName :: Font  a ->  IO (String)
fontGetFaceName _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetFaceName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetFaceName cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetFaceName" wxFont_GetFaceName :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fontGetFamily obj@).
fontGetFamily :: Font  a ->  IO Int
fontGetFamily _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetFamily" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetFamily cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetFamily" wxFont_GetFamily :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontGetFamilyString obj@).
fontGetFamilyString :: Font  a ->  IO (String)
fontGetFamilyString _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetFamilyString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetFamilyString cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetFamilyString" wxFont_GetFamilyString :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fontGetPointSize obj@).
fontGetPointSize :: Font  a ->  IO Int
fontGetPointSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetPointSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetPointSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetPointSize" wxFont_GetPointSize :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontGetStyle obj@).
fontGetStyle :: Font  a ->  IO Int
fontGetStyle _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetStyle cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetStyle" wxFont_GetStyle :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontGetStyleString obj@).
fontGetStyleString :: Font  a ->  IO (String)
fontGetStyleString _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetStyleString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetStyleString cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetStyleString" wxFont_GetStyleString :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fontGetUnderlined obj@).
fontGetUnderlined :: Font  a ->  IO Int
fontGetUnderlined _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetUnderlined" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetUnderlined cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetUnderlined" wxFont_GetUnderlined :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontGetWeight obj@).
fontGetWeight :: Font  a ->  IO Int
fontGetWeight _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetWeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetWeight cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetWeight" wxFont_GetWeight :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@fontGetWeightString obj@).
fontGetWeightString :: Font  a ->  IO (String)
fontGetWeightString _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "fontGetWeightString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_GetWeightString cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_GetWeightString" wxFont_GetWeightString :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@fontIsOk obj@).
fontIsOk :: Font  a ->  IO Bool
fontIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "fontIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_IsOk" wxFont_IsOk :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@fontIsStatic self@).
fontIsStatic :: Font  a ->  IO Bool
fontIsStatic self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxFont_IsStatic cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_IsStatic" wxFont_IsStatic :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@fontMapperCreate@).
fontMapperCreate ::  IO (FontMapper  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxFontMapper_Create" wxFontMapper_Create :: IO (Ptr (TFontMapper ()))

-- | usage: (@fontMapperGetAltForEncoding obj encoding altencoding buf@).
fontMapperGetAltForEncoding :: FontMapper  a -> Int -> Ptr  c -> String ->  IO Bool
fontMapperGetAltForEncoding _obj encoding altencoding _buf 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "fontMapperGetAltForEncoding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _buf $ \cobj__buf -> 
    wxFontMapper_GetAltForEncoding cobj__obj  (toCInt encoding)  altencoding  cobj__buf  
foreign import ccall "wxFontMapper_GetAltForEncoding" wxFontMapper_GetAltForEncoding :: Ptr (TFontMapper a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@fontMapperIsEncodingAvailable obj encoding buf@).
fontMapperIsEncodingAvailable :: FontMapper  a -> Int -> String ->  IO Bool
fontMapperIsEncodingAvailable _obj encoding _buf 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "fontMapperIsEncodingAvailable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _buf $ \cobj__buf -> 
    wxFontMapper_IsEncodingAvailable cobj__obj  (toCInt encoding)  cobj__buf  
foreign import ccall "wxFontMapper_IsEncodingAvailable" wxFontMapper_IsEncodingAvailable :: Ptr (TFontMapper a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@fontSafeDelete self@).
fontSafeDelete :: Font  a ->  IO ()
fontSafeDelete self 
  = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxFont_SafeDelete cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SafeDelete" wxFont_SafeDelete :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontSetDefaultEncoding obj encoding@).
fontSetDefaultEncoding :: Font  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fontSetDefaultEncoding _obj encoding 
  = withObjectRef "fontSetDefaultEncoding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_SetDefaultEncoding cobj__obj  (toCInt encoding)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SetDefaultEncoding" wxFont_SetDefaultEncoding :: Ptr (TFont a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontSetEncoding obj encoding@).
fontSetEncoding :: Font  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fontSetEncoding _obj encoding 
  = withObjectRef "fontSetEncoding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_SetEncoding cobj__obj  (toCInt encoding)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SetEncoding" wxFont_SetEncoding :: Ptr (TFont a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontSetFaceName obj faceName@).
fontSetFaceName :: Font  a -> String ->  IO ()
fontSetFaceName _obj faceName 
  = withObjectRef "fontSetFaceName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr faceName $ \cobj_faceName -> 
    wxFont_SetFaceName cobj__obj  cobj_faceName  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SetFaceName" wxFont_SetFaceName :: Ptr (TFont a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontSetFamily obj family@).
fontSetFamily :: Font  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fontSetFamily _obj family 
  = withObjectRef "fontSetFamily" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_SetFamily cobj__obj  (toCInt family)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SetFamily" wxFont_SetFamily :: Ptr (TFont a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontSetPointSize obj pointSize@).
fontSetPointSize :: Font  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fontSetPointSize _obj pointSize 
  = withObjectRef "fontSetPointSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_SetPointSize cobj__obj  (toCInt pointSize)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SetPointSize" wxFont_SetPointSize :: Ptr (TFont a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontSetStyle obj style@).
fontSetStyle :: Font  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fontSetStyle _obj style 
  = withObjectRef "fontSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_SetStyle cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SetStyle" wxFont_SetStyle :: Ptr (TFont a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontSetUnderlined obj underlined@).
fontSetUnderlined :: Font  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fontSetUnderlined _obj underlined 
  = withObjectRef "fontSetUnderlined" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_SetUnderlined cobj__obj  (toCInt underlined)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SetUnderlined" wxFont_SetUnderlined :: Ptr (TFont a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@fontSetWeight obj weight@).
fontSetWeight :: Font  a -> Int ->  IO ()
fontSetWeight _obj weight 
  = withObjectRef "fontSetWeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFont_SetWeight cobj__obj  (toCInt weight)  
foreign import ccall "wxFont_SetWeight" wxFont_SetWeight :: Ptr (TFont a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameCentre self orientation@).
frameCentre :: Frame  a -> Int ->  IO ()
frameCentre self orientation 
  = withObjectRef "frameCentre" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxFrame_Centre cobj_self  (toCInt orientation)  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_Centre" wxFrame_Centre :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@).
frameCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (Frame  ())
frameCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxFrame_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  cobj__txt  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_Create" wxFrame_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFrame ()))

-- | usage: (@frameCreateStatusBar obj number style@).
frameCreateStatusBar :: Frame  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (StatusBar  ())
frameCreateStatusBar _obj number style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "frameCreateStatusBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_CreateStatusBar cobj__obj  (toCInt number)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_CreateStatusBar" wxFrame_CreateStatusBar :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TStatusBar ()))

-- | usage: (@frameCreateToolBar obj style@).
frameCreateToolBar :: Frame  a -> Int ->  IO (ToolBar  ())
frameCreateToolBar _obj style 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "frameCreateToolBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_CreateToolBar cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_CreateToolBar" wxFrame_CreateToolBar :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TToolBar ()))

-- | usage: (@frameGetClientAreaOriginleft obj@).
frameGetClientAreaOriginleft :: Frame  a ->  IO Int
frameGetClientAreaOriginleft _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "frameGetClientAreaOriginleft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_GetClientAreaOrigin_left cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_GetClientAreaOrigin_left" wxFrame_GetClientAreaOrigin_left :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@frameGetClientAreaOrigintop obj@).
frameGetClientAreaOrigintop :: Frame  a ->  IO Int
frameGetClientAreaOrigintop _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "frameGetClientAreaOrigintop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_GetClientAreaOrigin_top cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_GetClientAreaOrigin_top" wxFrame_GetClientAreaOrigin_top :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@frameGetMenuBar obj@).
frameGetMenuBar :: Frame  a ->  IO (MenuBar  ())
frameGetMenuBar _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "frameGetMenuBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_GetMenuBar cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_GetMenuBar" wxFrame_GetMenuBar :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TMenuBar ()))

-- | usage: (@frameGetStatusBar obj@).
frameGetStatusBar :: Frame  a ->  IO (StatusBar  ())
frameGetStatusBar _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "frameGetStatusBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_GetStatusBar cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_GetStatusBar" wxFrame_GetStatusBar :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TStatusBar ()))

-- | usage: (@frameGetTitle obj@).
frameGetTitle :: Frame  a ->  IO (String)
frameGetTitle _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "frameGetTitle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_GetTitle cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_GetTitle" wxFrame_GetTitle :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@frameGetToolBar obj@).
frameGetToolBar :: Frame  a ->  IO (ToolBar  ())
frameGetToolBar _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "frameGetToolBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_GetToolBar cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_GetToolBar" wxFrame_GetToolBar :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TToolBar ()))

-- | usage: (@frameIsFullScreen self@).
frameIsFullScreen :: Frame  a ->  IO Bool
frameIsFullScreen self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "frameIsFullScreen" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxFrame_IsFullScreen cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_IsFullScreen" wxFrame_IsFullScreen :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@frameRestore obj@).
frameRestore :: Frame  a ->  IO ()
frameRestore _obj 
  = withObjectRef "frameRestore" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_Restore cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_Restore" wxFrame_Restore :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameSetMenuBar obj menubar@).
frameSetMenuBar :: Frame  a -> MenuBar  b ->  IO ()
frameSetMenuBar _obj menubar 
  = withObjectRef "frameSetMenuBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr menubar $ \cobj_menubar -> 
    wxFrame_SetMenuBar cobj__obj  cobj_menubar  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_SetMenuBar" wxFrame_SetMenuBar :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> Ptr (TMenuBar b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameSetShape self region@).
frameSetShape :: Frame  a -> Region  b ->  IO Bool
frameSetShape self region 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "frameSetShape" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> 
    wxFrame_SetShape cobj_self  cobj_region  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_SetShape" wxFrame_SetShape :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@frameSetStatusBar obj statBar@).
frameSetStatusBar :: Frame  a -> StatusBar  b ->  IO ()
frameSetStatusBar _obj statBar 
  = withObjectRef "frameSetStatusBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr statBar $ \cobj_statBar -> 
    wxFrame_SetStatusBar cobj__obj  cobj_statBar  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_SetStatusBar" wxFrame_SetStatusBar :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> Ptr (TStatusBar b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameSetStatusText obj txt number@).
frameSetStatusText :: Frame  a -> String -> Int ->  IO ()
frameSetStatusText _obj _txt _number 
  = withObjectRef "frameSetStatusText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxFrame_SetStatusText cobj__obj  cobj__txt  (toCInt _number)  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_SetStatusText" wxFrame_SetStatusText :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameSetStatusWidths obj n widthsfield@).
frameSetStatusWidths :: Frame  a -> Int -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
frameSetStatusWidths _obj _n _widthsfield 
  = withObjectRef "frameSetStatusWidths" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxFrame_SetStatusWidths cobj__obj  (toCInt _n)  _widthsfield  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_SetStatusWidths" wxFrame_SetStatusWidths :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameSetTitle frame txt@).
frameSetTitle :: Frame  a -> String ->  IO ()
frameSetTitle _frame _txt 
  = withObjectRef "frameSetTitle" _frame $ \cobj__frame -> 
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxFrame_SetTitle cobj__frame  cobj__txt  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_SetTitle" wxFrame_SetTitle :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameSetToolBar obj toolbar@).
frameSetToolBar :: Frame  a -> ToolBar  b ->  IO ()
frameSetToolBar _obj _toolbar 
  = withObjectRef "frameSetToolBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr _toolbar $ \cobj__toolbar -> 
    wxFrame_SetToolBar cobj__obj  cobj__toolbar  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_SetToolBar" wxFrame_SetToolBar :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> Ptr (TToolBar b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@frameShowFullScreen self show style@).
frameShowFullScreen :: Frame  a -> Bool -> Int ->  IO Bool
frameShowFullScreen self show style 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "frameShowFullScreen" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxFrame_ShowFullScreen cobj_self  (toCBool show)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxFrame_ShowFullScreen" wxFrame_ShowFullScreen :: Ptr (TFrame a) -> CBool -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gaugeCreate prt id rng lfttopwdthgt stl@).
gaugeCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Int -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (Gauge  ())
gaugeCreate _prt _id _rng _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    wxGauge_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCInt _rng)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_Create" wxGauge_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGauge ()))

-- | usage: (@gaugeGetBezelFace obj@).
gaugeGetBezelFace :: Gauge  a ->  IO Int
gaugeGetBezelFace _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gaugeGetBezelFace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGauge_GetBezelFace cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_GetBezelFace" wxGauge_GetBezelFace :: Ptr (TGauge a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gaugeGetRange obj@).
gaugeGetRange :: Gauge  a ->  IO Int
gaugeGetRange _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gaugeGetRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGauge_GetRange cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_GetRange" wxGauge_GetRange :: Ptr (TGauge a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gaugeGetShadowWidth obj@).
gaugeGetShadowWidth :: Gauge  a ->  IO Int
gaugeGetShadowWidth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gaugeGetShadowWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGauge_GetShadowWidth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_GetShadowWidth" wxGauge_GetShadowWidth :: Ptr (TGauge a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gaugeGetValue obj@).
gaugeGetValue :: Gauge  a ->  IO Int
gaugeGetValue _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gaugeGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGauge_GetValue cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_GetValue" wxGauge_GetValue :: Ptr (TGauge a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gaugeSetBezelFace obj w@).
gaugeSetBezelFace :: Gauge  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gaugeSetBezelFace _obj w 
  = withObjectRef "gaugeSetBezelFace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGauge_SetBezelFace cobj__obj  (toCInt w)  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_SetBezelFace" wxGauge_SetBezelFace :: Ptr (TGauge a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gaugeSetRange obj r@).
gaugeSetRange :: Gauge  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gaugeSetRange _obj r 
  = withObjectRef "gaugeSetRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGauge_SetRange cobj__obj  (toCInt r)  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_SetRange" wxGauge_SetRange :: Ptr (TGauge a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gaugeSetShadowWidth obj w@).
gaugeSetShadowWidth :: Gauge  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gaugeSetShadowWidth _obj w 
  = withObjectRef "gaugeSetShadowWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGauge_SetShadowWidth cobj__obj  (toCInt w)  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_SetShadowWidth" wxGauge_SetShadowWidth :: Ptr (TGauge a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gaugeSetValue obj pos@).
gaugeSetValue :: Gauge  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gaugeSetValue _obj pos 
  = withObjectRef "gaugeSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGauge_SetValue cobj__obj  (toCInt pos)  
foreign import ccall "wxGauge_SetValue" wxGauge_SetValue :: Ptr (TGauge a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gcdcCreate dc@).
gcdcCreate :: WindowDC  a ->  IO (GCDC  ())
gcdcCreate dc 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGcdc_Create cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGcdc_Create" wxGcdc_Create :: Ptr (TWindowDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TGCDC ()))

-- | usage: (@gcdcCreateFromMemory dc@).
gcdcCreateFromMemory :: MemoryDC  a ->  IO (GCDC  ())
gcdcCreateFromMemory dc 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGcdc_CreateFromMemory cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGcdc_CreateFromMemory" wxGcdc_CreateFromMemory :: Ptr (TMemoryDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TGCDC ()))

-- | usage: (@gcdcCreateFromPrinter dc@).
gcdcCreateFromPrinter :: PrinterDC  a ->  IO (GCDC  ())
gcdcCreateFromPrinter dc 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGcdc_CreateFromPrinter cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGcdc_CreateFromPrinter" wxGcdc_CreateFromPrinter :: Ptr (TPrinterDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TGCDC ()))

-- | usage: (@gcdcDelete self@).
gcdcDelete :: GCDC  a ->  IO ()
gcdcDelete self 
  = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGcdc_Delete cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGcdc_Delete" wxGcdc_Delete :: Ptr (TGCDC a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gcdcGetGraphicsContext self@).
gcdcGetGraphicsContext :: GCDC  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
gcdcGetGraphicsContext self 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGcdc_GetGraphicsContext cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGcdc_GetGraphicsContext" wxGcdc_GetGraphicsContext :: Ptr (TGCDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@gcdcSetGraphicsContext self gc@).
gcdcSetGraphicsContext :: GCDC  a -> GraphicsContext  b ->  IO ()
gcdcSetGraphicsContext self gc 
  = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr gc $ \cobj_gc -> 
    wxGcdc_SetGraphicsContext cobj_self  cobj_gc  
foreign import ccall "wxGcdc_SetGraphicsContext" wxGcdc_SetGraphicsContext :: Ptr (TGCDC a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsContext b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@genericDragIcon icon@).
genericDragIcon :: Icon  a ->  IO (GenericDragImage  ())
genericDragIcon icon 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wx_wxGenericDragIcon cobj_icon  
foreign import ccall "wxGenericDragIcon" wx_wxGenericDragIcon :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO (Ptr (TGenericDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@genericDragImageCreate cursor@).
genericDragImageCreate :: Cursor  a ->  IO (GenericDragImage  ())
genericDragImageCreate cursor 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr cursor $ \cobj_cursor -> 
    wxGenericDragImage_Create cobj_cursor  
foreign import ccall "wxGenericDragImage_Create" wxGenericDragImage_Create :: Ptr (TCursor a) -> IO (Ptr (TGenericDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@genericDragImageDoDrawImage self dc xy@).
genericDragImageDoDrawImage :: GenericDragImage  a -> DC  b -> Point ->  IO Bool
genericDragImageDoDrawImage self dc xy 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "genericDragImageDoDrawImage" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGenericDragImage_DoDrawImage cobj_self  cobj_dc  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxGenericDragImage_DoDrawImage" wxGenericDragImage_DoDrawImage :: Ptr (TGenericDragImage a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@genericDragImageGetImageRect self xposypos@).
genericDragImageGetImageRect :: GenericDragImage  a -> Point ->  IO (Rect)
genericDragImageGetImageRect self xposypos 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "genericDragImageGetImageRect" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGenericDragImage_GetImageRect cobj_self  (toCIntPointX xposypos) (toCIntPointY xposypos)  
foreign import ccall "wxGenericDragImage_GetImageRect" wxGenericDragImage_GetImageRect :: Ptr (TGenericDragImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@genericDragImageUpdateBackingFromWindow self windowDC destDC xywh xdestydestwidthheight@).
genericDragImageUpdateBackingFromWindow :: GenericDragImage  a -> DC  b -> MemoryDC  c -> Rect -> Rect ->  IO Bool
genericDragImageUpdateBackingFromWindow self windowDC destDC xywh xdestydestwidthheight 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "genericDragImageUpdateBackingFromWindow" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr windowDC $ \cobj_windowDC -> 
    withObjectPtr destDC $ \cobj_destDC -> 
    wxGenericDragImage_UpdateBackingFromWindow cobj_self  cobj_windowDC  cobj_destDC  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  (toCIntRectX xdestydestwidthheight) (toCIntRectY xdestydestwidthheight)(toCIntRectW xdestydestwidthheight) (toCIntRectH xdestydestwidthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxGenericDragImage_UpdateBackingFromWindow" wxGenericDragImage_UpdateBackingFromWindow :: Ptr (TGenericDragImage a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TMemoryDC c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@genericDragListItem treeCtrl id@).
genericDragListItem :: ListCtrl  a -> Id ->  IO (GenericDragImage  ())
genericDragListItem treeCtrl id 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr treeCtrl $ \cobj_treeCtrl -> 
    wx_wxGenericDragListItem cobj_treeCtrl  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxGenericDragListItem" wx_wxGenericDragListItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGenericDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@genericDragString test@).
genericDragString :: String ->  IO (GenericDragImage  ())
genericDragString test 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr test $ \cobj_test -> 
    wx_wxGenericDragString cobj_test  
foreign import ccall "wxGenericDragString" wx_wxGenericDragString :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO (Ptr (TGenericDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@genericDragTreeItem treeCtrl id@).
genericDragTreeItem :: TreeCtrl  a -> TreeItem ->  IO (GenericDragImage  ())
genericDragTreeItem treeCtrl id 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr treeCtrl $ \cobj_treeCtrl -> 
    withTreeItemIdPtr id $ \cobj_id -> 
    wx_wxGenericDragTreeItem cobj_treeCtrl  cobj_id  
foreign import ccall "wxGenericDragTreeItem" wx_wxGenericDragTreeItem :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO (Ptr (TGenericDragImage ()))

-- | usage: (@getApplicationDir@).
getApplicationDir ::  IO (String)
  = withManagedStringResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGetApplicationDir" wx_wxGetApplicationDir :: IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@getApplicationPath@).
getApplicationPath ::  IO (String)
  = withManagedStringResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGetApplicationPath" wx_wxGetApplicationPath :: IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@getColourFromUser parent colInit@).
getColourFromUser :: Window  a -> Color ->  IO (Color)
getColourFromUser parent colInit 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    withColourPtr colInit $ \cobj_colInit -> 
    wx_wxGetColourFromUser cobj_parent  cobj_colInit   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGetColourFromUser" wx_wxGetColourFromUser :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@getELJLocale@).
getELJLocale ::  IO (WXCLocale  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGetELJLocale" wx_wxGetELJLocale :: IO (Ptr (TWXCLocale ()))

-- | usage: (@getELJTranslation sz@).
getELJTranslation :: String ->  IO (Ptr  ())
getELJTranslation sz 
  = withCWString sz $ \cstr_sz -> 
    wx_wxGetELJTranslation cstr_sz  
foreign import ccall "wxGetELJTranslation" wx_wxGetELJTranslation :: CWString -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@getFontFromUser parent fontInit@).
getFontFromUser :: Window  a -> Font  b ->  IO (Font  ())
getFontFromUser parent fontInit 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    withObjectPtr fontInit $ \cobj_fontInit -> 
    wx_wxGetFontFromUser cobj_parent  cobj_fontInit   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGetFontFromUser" wx_wxGetFontFromUser :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@getNumberFromUser message prompt caption value min max parent xy@).
getNumberFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Window  g -> Point ->  IO Int
getNumberFromUser message prompt caption value min max parent xy 
  = withIntResult $
    withStringPtr message $ \cobj_message -> 
    withStringPtr prompt $ \cobj_prompt -> 
    withStringPtr caption $ \cobj_caption -> 
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    wx_wxGetNumberFromUser cobj_message  cobj_prompt  cobj_caption  (toCInt value)  (toCInt min)  (toCInt max)  cobj_parent  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxGetNumberFromUser" wx_wxGetNumberFromUser :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow g) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@getPasswordFromUser message caption defaultText parent@).
getPasswordFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Window  d ->  IO String
getPasswordFromUser message caption defaultText parent 
  = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> 
    withCWString message $ \cstr_message -> 
    withCWString caption $ \cstr_caption -> 
    withCWString defaultText $ \cstr_defaultText -> 
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    wx_wxGetPasswordFromUser cstr_message  cstr_caption  cstr_defaultText  cobj_parent   buffer
foreign import ccall "wxGetPasswordFromUser" wx_wxGetPasswordFromUser :: CWString -> CWString -> CWString -> Ptr (TWindow d) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@getTextFromUser message caption defaultText parent xy center@).
getTextFromUser :: String -> String -> String -> Window  d -> Point -> Bool ->  IO String
getTextFromUser message caption defaultText parent xy center 
  = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> 
    withCWString message $ \cstr_message -> 
    withCWString caption $ \cstr_caption -> 
    withCWString defaultText $ \cstr_defaultText -> 
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    wx_wxGetTextFromUser cstr_message  cstr_caption  cstr_defaultText  cobj_parent  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCBool center)   buffer
foreign import ccall "wxGetTextFromUser" wx_wxGetTextFromUser :: CWString -> CWString -> CWString -> Ptr (TWindow d) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@glCanvasCreate parent windowID attributes xywh stl title palette@).
glCanvasCreate :: Window  a -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> Rect -> Style -> String -> Palette  g ->  IO (GLCanvas  ())
glCanvasCreate parent windowID attributes xywh _stl title palette 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    withStringPtr title $ \cobj_title -> 
    withObjectPtr palette $ \cobj_palette -> 
    wxGLCanvas_Create cobj_parent  (toCInt windowID)  attributes  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  (toCInt _stl)  cobj_title  cobj_palette  
foreign import ccall "wxGLCanvas_Create" wxGLCanvas_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString f) -> Ptr (TPalette g) -> IO (Ptr (TGLCanvas ()))

-- | usage: (@glCanvasIsDisplaySupported attributes@).
glCanvasIsDisplaySupported :: Ptr CInt ->  IO Bool
glCanvasIsDisplaySupported attributes 
  = withBoolResult $
    wxGLCanvas_IsDisplaySupported attributes  
foreign import ccall "wxGLCanvas_IsDisplaySupported" wxGLCanvas_IsDisplaySupported :: Ptr CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@glCanvasIsExtensionSupported extension@).
glCanvasIsExtensionSupported :: String ->  IO Bool
glCanvasIsExtensionSupported extension 
  = withBoolResult $
    withStringPtr extension $ \cobj_extension -> 
    wxGLCanvas_IsExtensionSupported cobj_extension  
foreign import ccall "wxGLCanvas_IsExtensionSupported" wxGLCanvas_IsExtensionSupported :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@glCanvasSetColour self colour@).
glCanvasSetColour :: GLCanvas  a -> Color ->  IO Bool
glCanvasSetColour self colour 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "glCanvasSetColour" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGLCanvas_SetColour cobj_self  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGLCanvas_SetColour" wxGLCanvas_SetColour :: Ptr (TGLCanvas a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@glCanvasSetCurrent self ctxt@).
glCanvasSetCurrent :: GLCanvas  a -> GLContext  b ->  IO Bool
glCanvasSetCurrent self ctxt 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "glCanvasSetCurrent" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr ctxt $ \cobj_ctxt -> 
    wxGLCanvas_SetCurrent cobj_self  cobj_ctxt  
foreign import ccall "wxGLCanvas_SetCurrent" wxGLCanvas_SetCurrent :: Ptr (TGLCanvas a) -> Ptr (TGLContext b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@glCanvasSwapBuffers self@).
glCanvasSwapBuffers :: GLCanvas  a ->  IO Bool
glCanvasSwapBuffers self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "glCanvasSwapBuffers" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGLCanvas_SwapBuffers cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGLCanvas_SwapBuffers" wxGLCanvas_SwapBuffers :: Ptr (TGLCanvas a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@glContextCreate win other@).
glContextCreate :: GLCanvas  a -> GLContext  b ->  IO (GLContext  ())
glContextCreate win other 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> 
    withObjectPtr other $ \cobj_other -> 
    wxGLContext_Create cobj_win  cobj_other  
foreign import ccall "wxGLContext_Create" wxGLContext_Create :: Ptr (TGLCanvas a) -> Ptr (TGLContext b) -> IO (Ptr (TGLContext ()))

-- | usage: (@glContextCreateFromNull win@).
glContextCreateFromNull :: GLCanvas  a ->  IO (GLContext  ())
glContextCreateFromNull win 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> 
    wxGLContext_CreateFromNull cobj_win  
foreign import ccall "wxGLContext_CreateFromNull" wxGLContext_CreateFromNull :: Ptr (TGLCanvas a) -> IO (Ptr (TGLContext ()))

-- | usage: (@glContextSetCurrent self win@).
glContextSetCurrent :: GLContext  a -> GLCanvas  b ->  IO Bool
glContextSetCurrent self win 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "glContextSetCurrent" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> 
    wxGLContext_SetCurrent cobj_self  cobj_win  
foreign import ccall "wxGLContext_SetCurrent" wxGLContext_SetCurrent :: Ptr (TGLContext a) -> Ptr (TGLCanvas b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@graphicsBrushCreate@).
graphicsBrushCreate ::  IO (GraphicsBrush  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsBrush_Create" wxGraphicsBrush_Create :: IO (Ptr (TGraphicsBrush ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsBrushDelete self@).
graphicsBrushDelete :: GraphicsBrush  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextClip self region@).
graphicsContextClip :: GraphicsContext  a -> Region  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextClip self region 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextClip" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_Clip cobj_self  cobj_region  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_Clip" wxGraphicsContext_Clip :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextClipByRectangle self xywh@).
graphicsContextClipByRectangle :: GraphicsContext  a -> (Rect2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsContextClipByRectangle self xywh 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextClipByRectangle" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_ClipByRectangle cobj_self  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_ClipByRectangle" wxGraphicsContext_ClipByRectangle :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextConcatTransform self path@).
graphicsContextConcatTransform :: GraphicsContext  a -> GraphicsMatrix  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextConcatTransform self path 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextConcatTransform" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_ConcatTransform cobj_self  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_ConcatTransform" wxGraphicsContext_ConcatTransform :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreate dc@).
graphicsContextCreate :: WindowDC  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsContextCreate dc 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_Create cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_Create" wxGraphicsContext_Create :: Ptr (TWindowDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreateDefaultMatrix self@).
graphicsContextCreateDefaultMatrix :: GraphicsContext  a ->  IO (GraphicsMatrix  ())
graphicsContextCreateDefaultMatrix self 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsContextCreateDefaultMatrix" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_CreateDefaultMatrix cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_CreateDefaultMatrix" wxGraphicsContext_CreateDefaultMatrix :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreateFromMemory dc@).
graphicsContextCreateFromMemory :: MemoryDC  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsContextCreateFromMemory dc 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromMemory cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromMemory" wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromMemory :: Ptr (TMemoryDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreateFromNative context@).
graphicsContextCreateFromNative :: GraphicsContext  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsContextCreateFromNative context 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsContextCreateFromNative" context $ \cobj_context -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromNative cobj_context  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromNative" wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromNative :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreateFromNativeWindow window@).
graphicsContextCreateFromNativeWindow :: Window  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsContextCreateFromNativeWindow window 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow cobj_window  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow" wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromNativeWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreateFromPrinter dc@).
graphicsContextCreateFromPrinter :: PrinterDC  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsContextCreateFromPrinter dc 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromPrinter cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromPrinter" wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromPrinter :: Ptr (TPrinterDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreateFromWindow window@).
graphicsContextCreateFromWindow :: Window  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsContextCreateFromWindow window 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromWindow cobj_window  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromWindow" wxGraphicsContext_CreateFromWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreateMatrix self a b c d tx ty@).
graphicsContextCreateMatrix :: GraphicsContext  a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double ->  IO (GraphicsMatrix  ())
graphicsContextCreateMatrix self a b c d tx ty 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsContextCreateMatrix" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_CreateMatrix cobj_self  a  b  c  d  tx  ty  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_CreateMatrix" wxGraphicsContext_CreateMatrix :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextCreatePath self@).
graphicsContextCreatePath :: GraphicsContext  a ->  IO (GraphicsPath  ())
graphicsContextCreatePath self 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsContextCreatePath" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_CreatePath cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_CreatePath" wxGraphicsContext_CreatePath :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsPath ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDelete self@).
graphicsContextDelete :: GraphicsContext  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawBitmap self bmp xywh@).
graphicsContextDrawBitmap :: GraphicsContext  a -> Bitmap  b -> (Rect2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawBitmap self bmp xywh 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawBitmap" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr bmp $ \cobj_bmp -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawBitmap cobj_self  cobj_bmp  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawBitmap" wxGraphicsContext_DrawBitmap :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawEllipse self xywh@).
graphicsContextDrawEllipse :: GraphicsContext  a -> (Rect2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawEllipse self xywh 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawEllipse" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawEllipse cobj_self  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawEllipse" wxGraphicsContext_DrawEllipse :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawIcon self icon xywh@).
graphicsContextDrawIcon :: GraphicsContext  a -> Icon  b -> (Rect2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawIcon self icon xywh 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawIcon" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawIcon cobj_self  cobj_icon  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawIcon" wxGraphicsContext_DrawIcon :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TIcon b) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawLines self n x y style@).
graphicsContextDrawLines :: GraphicsContext  a -> Int -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Int ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawLines self n x y style 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawLines" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawLines cobj_self  (toCInt n)  x  y  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawLines" wxGraphicsContext_DrawLines :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawPath self path style@).
graphicsContextDrawPath :: GraphicsContext  a -> GraphicsPath  b -> Int ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawPath self path style 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawPath" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawPath cobj_self  cobj_path  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawPath" wxGraphicsContext_DrawPath :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsPath b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawRectangle self xywh@).
graphicsContextDrawRectangle :: GraphicsContext  a -> (Rect2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawRectangle self xywh 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawRectangle" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawRectangle cobj_self  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawRectangle" wxGraphicsContext_DrawRectangle :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawRoundedRectangle self xywh radius@).
graphicsContextDrawRoundedRectangle :: GraphicsContext  a -> (Rect2D Double) -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawRoundedRectangle self xywh radius 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawRoundedRectangle" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawRoundedRectangle cobj_self  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  radius  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawRoundedRectangle" wxGraphicsContext_DrawRoundedRectangle :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawText self text xy@).
graphicsContextDrawText :: GraphicsContext  a -> String -> (Point2 Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawText self text xy 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawText" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawText cobj_self  cobj_text  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawText" wxGraphicsContext_DrawText :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextDrawTextWithAngle self text xy radius@).
graphicsContextDrawTextWithAngle :: GraphicsContext  a -> String -> (Point2 Double) -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsContextDrawTextWithAngle self text xy radius 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextDrawTextWithAngle" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_DrawTextWithAngle cobj_self  cobj_text  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  radius  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_DrawTextWithAngle" wxGraphicsContext_DrawTextWithAngle :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextFillPath self path style@).
graphicsContextFillPath :: GraphicsContext  a -> GraphicsPath  b -> Int ->  IO ()
graphicsContextFillPath self path style 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextFillPath" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_FillPath cobj_self  cobj_path  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_FillPath" wxGraphicsContext_FillPath :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsPath b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextGetNativeContext self@).
graphicsContextGetNativeContext :: GraphicsContext  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
graphicsContextGetNativeContext self 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextGetNativeContext" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_GetNativeContext cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_GetNativeContext" wxGraphicsContext_GetNativeContext :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextGetTextExtent self text width height descent externalLeading@).
graphicsContextGetTextExtent :: GraphicsContext  a -> String -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double ->  IO ()
graphicsContextGetTextExtent self text width height descent externalLeading 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextGetTextExtent" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_GetTextExtent cobj_self  cobj_text  width  height  descent  externalLeading  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_GetTextExtent" wxGraphicsContext_GetTextExtent :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextPopState self@).
graphicsContextPopState :: GraphicsContext  a ->  IO ()
graphicsContextPopState self 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextPopState" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_PopState cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_PopState" wxGraphicsContext_PopState :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextPushState self@).
graphicsContextPushState :: GraphicsContext  a ->  IO ()
graphicsContextPushState self 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextPushState" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_PushState cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_PushState" wxGraphicsContext_PushState :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextResetClip self@).
graphicsContextResetClip :: GraphicsContext  a ->  IO ()
graphicsContextResetClip self 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextResetClip" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_ResetClip cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_ResetClip" wxGraphicsContext_ResetClip :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextRotate self angle@).
graphicsContextRotate :: GraphicsContext  a -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsContextRotate self angle 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextRotate" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_Rotate cobj_self  angle  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_Rotate" wxGraphicsContext_Rotate :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextScale self xScaleyScale@).
graphicsContextScale :: GraphicsContext  a -> (Size2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsContextScale self xScaleyScale 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextScale" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_Scale cobj_self  (toCDoubleSizeW xScaleyScale) (toCDoubleSizeH xScaleyScale)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_Scale" wxGraphicsContext_Scale :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextSetBrush self brush@).
graphicsContextSetBrush :: GraphicsContext  a -> Brush  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextSetBrush self brush 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextSetBrush" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr brush $ \cobj_brush -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_SetBrush cobj_self  cobj_brush  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_SetBrush" wxGraphicsContext_SetBrush :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TBrush b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextSetFont self font colour@).
graphicsContextSetFont :: GraphicsContext  a -> Font  b -> Color ->  IO ()
graphicsContextSetFont self font colour 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextSetFont" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_SetFont cobj_self  cobj_font  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_SetFont" wxGraphicsContext_SetFont :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> Ptr (TColour c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextSetGraphicsBrush self brush@).
graphicsContextSetGraphicsBrush :: GraphicsContext  a -> GraphicsBrush  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextSetGraphicsBrush self brush 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextSetGraphicsBrush" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr brush $ \cobj_brush -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsBrush cobj_self  cobj_brush  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsBrush" wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsBrush :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsBrush b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextSetGraphicsFont self font@).
graphicsContextSetGraphicsFont :: GraphicsContext  a -> GraphicsFont  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextSetGraphicsFont self font 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextSetGraphicsFont" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsFont cobj_self  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsFont" wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsFont :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextSetGraphicsPen self pen@).
graphicsContextSetGraphicsPen :: GraphicsContext  a -> GraphicsPen  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextSetGraphicsPen self pen 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextSetGraphicsPen" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr pen $ \cobj_pen -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsPen cobj_self  cobj_pen  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsPen" wxGraphicsContext_SetGraphicsPen :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsPen b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextSetPen self pen@).
graphicsContextSetPen :: GraphicsContext  a -> Pen  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextSetPen self pen 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextSetPen" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr pen $ \cobj_pen -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_SetPen cobj_self  cobj_pen  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_SetPen" wxGraphicsContext_SetPen :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TPen b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextSetTransform self path@).
graphicsContextSetTransform :: GraphicsContext  a -> GraphicsMatrix  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextSetTransform self path 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextSetTransform" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_SetTransform cobj_self  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_SetTransform" wxGraphicsContext_SetTransform :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextStrokeLine self x1y1 x2y2@).
graphicsContextStrokeLine :: GraphicsContext  a -> (Point2 Double) -> (Point2 Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsContextStrokeLine self x1y1 x2y2 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextStrokeLine" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_StrokeLine cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX x1y1) (toCDoublePointY x1y1)  (toCDoublePointX x2y2) (toCDoublePointY x2y2)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_StrokeLine" wxGraphicsContext_StrokeLine :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextStrokeLines self n x y style@).
graphicsContextStrokeLines :: GraphicsContext  a -> Int -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> Int ->  IO ()
graphicsContextStrokeLines self n x y style 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextStrokeLines" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_StrokeLines cobj_self  (toCInt n)  x  y  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_StrokeLines" wxGraphicsContext_StrokeLines :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextStrokePath self path@).
graphicsContextStrokePath :: GraphicsContext  a -> GraphicsPath  b ->  IO ()
graphicsContextStrokePath self path 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextStrokePath" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_StrokePath cobj_self  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_StrokePath" wxGraphicsContext_StrokePath :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsPath b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsContextTranslate self dx dy@).
graphicsContextTranslate :: GraphicsContext  a -> Double -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsContextTranslate self dx dy 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsContextTranslate" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsContext_Translate cobj_self  dx  dy  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsContext_Translate" wxGraphicsContext_Translate :: Ptr (TGraphicsContext a) -> Double -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsFontCreate@).
graphicsFontCreate ::  IO (GraphicsFont  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsFont_Create" wxGraphicsFont_Create :: IO (Ptr (TGraphicsFont ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsFontDelete self@).
graphicsFontDelete :: GraphicsFont  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixConcat self t@).
graphicsMatrixConcat :: GraphicsMatrix  a -> GraphicsMatrix  b ->  IO ()
graphicsMatrixConcat self t 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixConcat" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr t $ \cobj_t -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_Concat cobj_self  cobj_t  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_Concat" wxGraphicsMatrix_Concat :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixCreate@).
graphicsMatrixCreate ::  IO (GraphicsMatrix  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_Create" wxGraphicsMatrix_Create :: IO (Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixDelete self@).
graphicsMatrixDelete :: GraphicsMatrix  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixGet self a b c d tx ty@).
graphicsMatrixGet :: GraphicsMatrix  a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double ->  IO ()
graphicsMatrixGet self a b c d tx ty 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixGet" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_Get cobj_self  a  b  c  d  tx  ty  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_Get" wxGraphicsMatrix_Get :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixGetNativeMatrix self@).
graphicsMatrixGetNativeMatrix :: GraphicsMatrix  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
graphicsMatrixGetNativeMatrix self 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixGetNativeMatrix" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_GetNativeMatrix cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_GetNativeMatrix" wxGraphicsMatrix_GetNativeMatrix :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixInvert self@).
graphicsMatrixInvert :: GraphicsMatrix  a ->  IO ()
graphicsMatrixInvert self 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixInvert" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_Invert cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_Invert" wxGraphicsMatrix_Invert :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixIsEqual self t@).
graphicsMatrixIsEqual :: GraphicsMatrix  a -> GraphicsMatrix  b ->  IO Bool
graphicsMatrixIsEqual self t 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixIsEqual" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr t $ \cobj_t -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_IsEqual cobj_self  cobj_t  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_IsEqual" wxGraphicsMatrix_IsEqual :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixIsIdentity self@).
graphicsMatrixIsIdentity :: GraphicsMatrix  a ->  IO Bool
graphicsMatrixIsIdentity self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixIsIdentity" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_IsIdentity cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_IsIdentity" wxGraphicsMatrix_IsIdentity :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixRotate self angle@).
graphicsMatrixRotate :: GraphicsMatrix  a -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsMatrixRotate self angle 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixRotate" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_Rotate cobj_self  angle  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_Rotate" wxGraphicsMatrix_Rotate :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixScale self xScaleyScale@).
graphicsMatrixScale :: GraphicsMatrix  a -> (Size2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsMatrixScale self xScaleyScale 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixScale" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_Scale cobj_self  (toCDoubleSizeW xScaleyScale) (toCDoubleSizeH xScaleyScale)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_Scale" wxGraphicsMatrix_Scale :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixSet self a b c d tx ty@).
graphicsMatrixSet :: GraphicsMatrix  a -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsMatrixSet self a b c d tx ty 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixSet" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_Set cobj_self  a  b  c  d  tx  ty  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_Set" wxGraphicsMatrix_Set :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixTransformDistance self dx dy@).
graphicsMatrixTransformDistance :: GraphicsMatrix  a -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double ->  IO ()
graphicsMatrixTransformDistance self dx dy 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixTransformDistance" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_TransformDistance cobj_self  dx  dy  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_TransformDistance" wxGraphicsMatrix_TransformDistance :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixTransformPoint self@).
graphicsMatrixTransformPoint :: GraphicsMatrix  a ->  IO (Point2 Double)
graphicsMatrixTransformPoint self 
  = withPointDoubleResult $ \px py -> 
    withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixTransformPoint" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_TransformPoint cobj_self   px py
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_TransformPoint" wxGraphicsMatrix_TransformPoint :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsMatrixTranslate self dx dy@).
graphicsMatrixTranslate :: GraphicsMatrix  a -> Double -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsMatrixTranslate self dx dy 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsMatrixTranslate" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsMatrix_Translate cobj_self  dx  dy  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsMatrix_Translate" wxGraphicsMatrix_Translate :: Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix a) -> Double -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsObjectGetRenderer@).
graphicsObjectGetRenderer ::  IO (GraphicsRenderer  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsObject_GetRenderer" wxGraphicsObject_GetRenderer :: IO (Ptr (TGraphicsRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsObjectIsNull self@).
graphicsObjectIsNull :: GraphicsObject  a ->  IO Bool
graphicsObjectIsNull self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsObjectIsNull" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsObject_IsNull cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsObject_IsNull" wxGraphicsObject_IsNull :: Ptr (TGraphicsObject a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddArc self xy r startAngle endAngle clockwise@).
graphicsPathAddArc :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Bool ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddArc self xy r startAngle endAngle clockwise 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddArc" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddArc cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  r  startAngle  endAngle  (toCBool clockwise)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddArc" wxGraphicsPath_AddArc :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> Double -> Double -> Double -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddArcToPoint self x1y1 x2y2 r@).
graphicsPathAddArcToPoint :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) -> (Point2 Double) -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddArcToPoint self x1y1 x2y2 r 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddArcToPoint" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddArcToPoint cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX x1y1) (toCDoublePointY x1y1)  (toCDoublePointX x2y2) (toCDoublePointY x2y2)  r  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddArcToPoint" wxGraphicsPath_AddArcToPoint :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddCircle self xy r@).
graphicsPathAddCircle :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddCircle self xy r 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddCircle" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddCircle cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  r  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddCircle" wxGraphicsPath_AddCircle :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddCurveToPoint self cx1cy1 cx2cy2 xy@).
graphicsPathAddCurveToPoint :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) -> (Point2 Double) -> (Point2 Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddCurveToPoint self cx1cy1 cx2cy2 xy 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddCurveToPoint" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddCurveToPoint cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX cx1cy1) (toCDoublePointY cx1cy1)  (toCDoublePointX cx2cy2) (toCDoublePointY cx2cy2)  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddCurveToPoint" wxGraphicsPath_AddCurveToPoint :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddEllipse self xywh@).
graphicsPathAddEllipse :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Rect2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddEllipse self xywh 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddEllipse" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddEllipse cobj_self  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddEllipse" wxGraphicsPath_AddEllipse :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddLineToPoint self xy@).
graphicsPathAddLineToPoint :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddLineToPoint self xy 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddLineToPoint" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddLineToPoint cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddLineToPoint" wxGraphicsPath_AddLineToPoint :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddPath self xy path@).
graphicsPathAddPath :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) -> GraphicsPath  c ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddPath self xy path 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddPath" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddPath cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddPath" wxGraphicsPath_AddPath :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> Ptr (TGraphicsPath c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddQuadCurveToPoint self cxcy xy@).
graphicsPathAddQuadCurveToPoint :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) -> (Point2 Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddQuadCurveToPoint self cxcy xy 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddQuadCurveToPoint" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddQuadCurveToPoint cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX cxcy) (toCDoublePointY cxcy)  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddQuadCurveToPoint" wxGraphicsPath_AddQuadCurveToPoint :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddRectangle self xywh@).
graphicsPathAddRectangle :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Rect2D Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddRectangle self xywh 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddRectangle" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddRectangle cobj_self  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddRectangle" wxGraphicsPath_AddRectangle :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathAddRoundedRectangle self xywh radius@).
graphicsPathAddRoundedRectangle :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Rect2D Double) -> Double ->  IO ()
graphicsPathAddRoundedRectangle self xywh radius 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathAddRoundedRectangle" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_AddRoundedRectangle cobj_self  (toCDoubleRectX xywh) (toCDoubleRectY xywh)(toCDoubleRectW xywh) (toCDoubleRectH xywh)  radius  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_AddRoundedRectangle" wxGraphicsPath_AddRoundedRectangle :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> Double -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathCloseSubpath self@).
graphicsPathCloseSubpath :: GraphicsPath  a ->  IO ()
graphicsPathCloseSubpath self 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathCloseSubpath" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_CloseSubpath cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_CloseSubpath" wxGraphicsPath_CloseSubpath :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathContains self xy style@).
graphicsPathContains :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) -> Int ->  IO ()
graphicsPathContains self xy style 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathContains" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_Contains cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_Contains" wxGraphicsPath_Contains :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathDelete self@).
graphicsPathDelete :: GraphicsPath  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathGetBox self@).
graphicsPathGetBox :: GraphicsPath  a ->  IO (Rect2D Double)
graphicsPathGetBox self 
  = withRectDoubleResult $ \px py pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "graphicsPathGetBox" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_GetBox cobj_self  px py pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_GetBox" wxGraphicsPath_GetBox :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathGetCurrentPoint self@).
graphicsPathGetCurrentPoint :: GraphicsPath  a ->  IO (Point2 Double)
graphicsPathGetCurrentPoint self 
  = withPointDoubleResult $ \px py -> 
    withObjectRef "graphicsPathGetCurrentPoint" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_GetCurrentPoint cobj_self   px py
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_GetCurrentPoint" wxGraphicsPath_GetCurrentPoint :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathGetNativePath self@).
graphicsPathGetNativePath :: GraphicsPath  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
graphicsPathGetNativePath self 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathGetNativePath" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_GetNativePath cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_GetNativePath" wxGraphicsPath_GetNativePath :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathMoveToPoint self xy@).
graphicsPathMoveToPoint :: GraphicsPath  a -> (Point2 Double) ->  IO ()
graphicsPathMoveToPoint self xy 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathMoveToPoint" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_MoveToPoint cobj_self  (toCDoublePointX xy) (toCDoublePointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_MoveToPoint" wxGraphicsPath_MoveToPoint :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> CDouble -> CDouble -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathTransform self matrix@).
graphicsPathTransform :: GraphicsPath  a -> GraphicsMatrix  b ->  IO ()
graphicsPathTransform self matrix 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathTransform" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    withObjectPtr matrix $ \cobj_matrix -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_Transform cobj_self  cobj_matrix  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_Transform" wxGraphicsPath_Transform :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> Ptr (TGraphicsMatrix b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPathUnGetNativePath p@).
graphicsPathUnGetNativePath :: GraphicsPath  a ->  IO ()
graphicsPathUnGetNativePath p 
  = withObjectRef "graphicsPathUnGetNativePath" p $ \cobj_p -> 
    wxGraphicsPath_UnGetNativePath cobj_p  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPath_UnGetNativePath" wxGraphicsPath_UnGetNativePath :: Ptr (TGraphicsPath a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@graphicsPenCreate@).
graphicsPenCreate ::  IO (GraphicsPen  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsPen_Create" wxGraphicsPen_Create :: IO (Ptr (TGraphicsPen ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsPenDelete self@).
graphicsPenDelete :: GraphicsPen  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@graphicsRendererCreateContext dc@).
graphicsRendererCreateContext :: WindowDC  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsRendererCreateContext dc 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContext cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContext" wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContext :: Ptr (TWindowDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeContext context@).
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeContext :: GraphicsRenderer  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeContext context 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeContext" context $ \cobj_context -> 
    wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeContext cobj_context  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeContext" wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeContext :: Ptr (TGraphicsRenderer a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeWindow window@).
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeWindow :: Window  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromNativeWindow window 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeWindow cobj_window  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeWindow" wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromNativeWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsRendererCreateContextFromWindow window@).
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromWindow :: Window  a ->  IO (GraphicsContext  ())
graphicsRendererCreateContextFromWindow window 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromWindow cobj_window  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromWindow" wxGraphicsRenderer_CreateContextFromWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsContext ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsRendererCreatePath self@).
graphicsRendererCreatePath :: GraphicsRenderer  a ->  IO (GraphicsPath  ())
graphicsRendererCreatePath self 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsRendererCreatePath" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsRenderer_CreatePath cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsRenderer_CreatePath" wxGraphicsRenderer_CreatePath :: Ptr (TGraphicsRenderer a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsPath ()))

-- | usage: (@graphicsRendererDelete self@).
graphicsRendererDelete :: GraphicsRenderer  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@graphicsRendererGetDefaultRenderer self@).
graphicsRendererGetDefaultRenderer :: GraphicsRenderer  a ->  IO (GraphicsRenderer  ())
graphicsRendererGetDefaultRenderer self 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "graphicsRendererGetDefaultRenderer" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxGraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxGraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer" wxGraphicsRenderer_GetDefaultRenderer :: Ptr (TGraphicsRenderer a) -> IO (Ptr (TGraphicsRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridAppendCols obj numCols updateLabels@).
gridAppendCols :: Grid  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridAppendCols _obj numCols updateLabels 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridAppendCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_AppendCols cobj__obj  (toCInt numCols)  (toCBool updateLabels)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_AppendCols" wxGrid_AppendCols :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridAppendRows obj numRows updateLabels@).
gridAppendRows :: Grid  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridAppendRows _obj numRows updateLabels 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridAppendRows" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_AppendRows cobj__obj  (toCInt numRows)  (toCBool updateLabels)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_AppendRows" wxGrid_AppendRows :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridAutoSize obj@).
gridAutoSize :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridAutoSize _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridAutoSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_AutoSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_AutoSize" wxGrid_AutoSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridAutoSizeColumn obj col setAsMin@).
gridAutoSizeColumn :: Grid  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridAutoSizeColumn _obj col setAsMin 
  = withObjectRef "gridAutoSizeColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_AutoSizeColumn cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  (toCBool setAsMin)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_AutoSizeColumn" wxGrid_AutoSizeColumn :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridAutoSizeColumns obj setAsMin@).
gridAutoSizeColumns :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridAutoSizeColumns _obj setAsMin 
  = withObjectRef "gridAutoSizeColumns" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_AutoSizeColumns cobj__obj  (toCBool setAsMin)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_AutoSizeColumns" wxGrid_AutoSizeColumns :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridAutoSizeRow obj row setAsMin@).
gridAutoSizeRow :: Grid  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridAutoSizeRow _obj row setAsMin 
  = withObjectRef "gridAutoSizeRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_AutoSizeRow cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCBool setAsMin)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_AutoSizeRow" wxGrid_AutoSizeRow :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridAutoSizeRows obj setAsMin@).
gridAutoSizeRows :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridAutoSizeRows _obj setAsMin 
  = withObjectRef "gridAutoSizeRows" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_AutoSizeRows cobj__obj  (toCBool setAsMin)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_AutoSizeRows" wxGrid_AutoSizeRows :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridBeginBatch obj@).
gridBeginBatch :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridBeginBatch _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridBeginBatch" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_BeginBatch cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_BeginBatch" wxGrid_BeginBatch :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridBlockToDeviceRect obj top left bottom right@).
gridBlockToDeviceRect :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO (Rect)
gridBlockToDeviceRect _obj top left bottom right 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridBlockToDeviceRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_BlockToDeviceRect cobj__obj  (toCInt top)  (toCInt left)  (toCInt bottom)  (toCInt right)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_BlockToDeviceRect" wxGrid_BlockToDeviceRect :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCanDragColSize obj col@).
gridCanDragColSize :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
gridCanDragColSize _obj col 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCanDragColSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_CanDragColSize cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_CanDragColSize" wxGrid_CanDragColSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCanDragGridSize obj@).
gridCanDragGridSize :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridCanDragGridSize _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCanDragGridSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_CanDragGridSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_CanDragGridSize" wxGrid_CanDragGridSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCanDragRowSize obj row@).
gridCanDragRowSize :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
gridCanDragRowSize _obj row 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCanDragRowSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_CanDragRowSize cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_CanDragRowSize" wxGrid_CanDragRowSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCanEnableCellControl obj@).
gridCanEnableCellControl :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridCanEnableCellControl _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCanEnableCellControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_CanEnableCellControl cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_CanEnableCellControl" wxGrid_CanEnableCellControl :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrCtor@).
gridCellAttrCtor ::  IO (GridCellAttr  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_Ctor" wxGridCellAttr_Ctor :: IO (Ptr (TGridCellAttr ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrDecRef obj@).
gridCellAttrDecRef :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrDecRef _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrDecRef" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_DecRef cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_DecRef" wxGridCellAttr_DecRef :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrGetAlignment obj@).
gridCellAttrGetAlignment :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO Size
gridCellAttrGetAlignment _obj 
  = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrGetAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_GetAlignment cobj__obj   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_GetAlignment" wxGridCellAttr_GetAlignment :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrGetBackgroundColour obj@).
gridCellAttrGetBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO (Color)
gridCellAttrGetBackgroundColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrGetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_GetBackgroundColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_GetBackgroundColour" wxGridCellAttr_GetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrGetEditor obj grid row col@).
gridCellAttrGetEditor :: GridCellAttr  a -> Grid  b -> Int -> Int ->  IO (GridCellEditor  ())
gridCellAttrGetEditor _obj grid row col 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrGetEditor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr grid $ \cobj_grid -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_GetEditor cobj__obj  cobj_grid  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_GetEditor" wxGridCellAttr_GetEditor :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TGrid b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrGetFont obj@).
gridCellAttrGetFont :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO (Font  ())
gridCellAttrGetFont _obj 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_GetFont cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_GetFont" wxGridCellAttr_GetFont :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrGetRenderer obj grid row col@).
gridCellAttrGetRenderer :: GridCellAttr  a -> Grid  b -> Int -> Int ->  IO (GridCellRenderer  ())
gridCellAttrGetRenderer _obj grid row col 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrGetRenderer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr grid $ \cobj_grid -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_GetRenderer cobj__obj  cobj_grid  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_GetRenderer" wxGridCellAttr_GetRenderer :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TGrid b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrGetTextColour obj@).
gridCellAttrGetTextColour :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO (Color)
gridCellAttrGetTextColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrGetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_GetTextColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_GetTextColour" wxGridCellAttr_GetTextColour :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrHasAlignment obj@).
gridCellAttrHasAlignment :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO Bool
gridCellAttrHasAlignment _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrHasAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_HasAlignment cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_HasAlignment" wxGridCellAttr_HasAlignment :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrHasBackgroundColour obj@).
gridCellAttrHasBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO Bool
gridCellAttrHasBackgroundColour _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrHasBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_HasBackgroundColour cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_HasBackgroundColour" wxGridCellAttr_HasBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrHasEditor obj@).
gridCellAttrHasEditor :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO Bool
gridCellAttrHasEditor _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrHasEditor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_HasEditor cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_HasEditor" wxGridCellAttr_HasEditor :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrHasFont obj@).
gridCellAttrHasFont :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO Bool
gridCellAttrHasFont _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrHasFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_HasFont cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_HasFont" wxGridCellAttr_HasFont :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrHasRenderer obj@).
gridCellAttrHasRenderer :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO Bool
gridCellAttrHasRenderer _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrHasRenderer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_HasRenderer cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_HasRenderer" wxGridCellAttr_HasRenderer :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrHasTextColour obj@).
gridCellAttrHasTextColour :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO Bool
gridCellAttrHasTextColour _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrHasTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_HasTextColour cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_HasTextColour" wxGridCellAttr_HasTextColour :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrIncRef obj@).
gridCellAttrIncRef :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrIncRef _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrIncRef" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_IncRef cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_IncRef" wxGridCellAttr_IncRef :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrIsReadOnly obj@).
gridCellAttrIsReadOnly :: GridCellAttr  a ->  IO Bool
gridCellAttrIsReadOnly _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellAttrIsReadOnly" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_IsReadOnly cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_IsReadOnly" wxGridCellAttr_IsReadOnly :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrSetAlignment obj hAlign vAlign@).
gridCellAttrSetAlignment :: GridCellAttr  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrSetAlignment _obj hAlign vAlign 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrSetAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_SetAlignment cobj__obj  (toCInt hAlign)  (toCInt vAlign)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_SetAlignment" wxGridCellAttr_SetAlignment :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrSetBackgroundColour obj colBack@).
gridCellAttrSetBackgroundColour :: GridCellAttr  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrSetBackgroundColour _obj colBack 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrSetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colBack $ \cobj_colBack -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_SetBackgroundColour cobj__obj  cobj_colBack  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_SetBackgroundColour" wxGridCellAttr_SetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrSetDefAttr obj defAttr@).
gridCellAttrSetDefAttr :: GridCellAttr  a -> GridCellAttr  b ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrSetDefAttr _obj defAttr 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrSetDefAttr" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr defAttr $ \cobj_defAttr -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_SetDefAttr cobj__obj  cobj_defAttr  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_SetDefAttr" wxGridCellAttr_SetDefAttr :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TGridCellAttr b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrSetEditor obj editor@).
gridCellAttrSetEditor :: GridCellAttr  a -> GridCellEditor  b ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrSetEditor _obj editor 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrSetEditor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr editor $ \cobj_editor -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_SetEditor cobj__obj  cobj_editor  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_SetEditor" wxGridCellAttr_SetEditor :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TGridCellEditor b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrSetFont obj font@).
gridCellAttrSetFont :: GridCellAttr  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrSetFont _obj font 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_SetFont cobj__obj  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_SetFont" wxGridCellAttr_SetFont :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrSetReadOnly obj isReadOnly@).
gridCellAttrSetReadOnly :: GridCellAttr  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrSetReadOnly _obj isReadOnly 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrSetReadOnly" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_SetReadOnly cobj__obj  (toCBool isReadOnly)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_SetReadOnly" wxGridCellAttr_SetReadOnly :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrSetRenderer obj renderer@).
gridCellAttrSetRenderer :: GridCellAttr  a -> GridCellRenderer  b ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrSetRenderer _obj renderer 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrSetRenderer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr renderer $ \cobj_renderer -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_SetRenderer cobj__obj  cobj_renderer  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_SetRenderer" wxGridCellAttr_SetRenderer :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TGridCellRenderer b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAttrSetTextColour obj colText@).
gridCellAttrSetTextColour :: GridCellAttr  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridCellAttrSetTextColour _obj colText 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellAttrSetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colText $ \cobj_colText -> 
    wxGridCellAttr_SetTextColour cobj__obj  cobj_colText  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAttr_SetTextColour" wxGridCellAttr_SetTextColour :: Ptr (TGridCellAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellAutoWrapStringRendererCtor@).
gridCellAutoWrapStringRendererCtor ::  IO (GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer_Ctor" wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer_Ctor :: IO (Ptr (TGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellBoolEditorCtor@).
gridCellBoolEditorCtor ::  IO (GridCellBoolEditor  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellBoolEditor_Ctor" wxGridCellBoolEditor_Ctor :: IO (Ptr (TGridCellBoolEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellChoiceEditorCtor countchoices allowOthers@).
gridCellChoiceEditorCtor :: [String] -> Bool ->  IO (GridCellChoiceEditor  ())
gridCellChoiceEditorCtor countchoices allowOthers 
  = withObjectResult $
    withArrayWString countchoices $ \carrlen_countchoices carr_countchoices -> 
    wxGridCellChoiceEditor_Ctor carrlen_countchoices carr_countchoices  (toCBool allowOthers)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellChoiceEditor_Ctor" wxGridCellChoiceEditor_Ctor :: CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellChoiceEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellCoordsArrayCreate@).
gridCellCoordsArrayCreate ::  IO (GridCellCoordsArray  ())
  = withManagedGridCellCoordsArrayResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellCoordsArray_Create" wxGridCellCoordsArray_Create :: IO (Ptr (TGridCellCoordsArray ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellCoordsArrayDelete obj@).
gridCellCoordsArrayDelete :: GridCellCoordsArray  a ->  IO ()
  = gridCellCoordsArrayDelete

-- | usage: (@gridCellCoordsArrayGetCount obj@).
gridCellCoordsArrayGetCount :: GridCellCoordsArray  a ->  IO Int
gridCellCoordsArrayGetCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellCoordsArrayGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellCoordsArray_GetCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellCoordsArray_GetCount" wxGridCellCoordsArray_GetCount :: Ptr (TGridCellCoordsArray a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridCellCoordsArrayItem obj idx@).
gridCellCoordsArrayItem :: GridCellCoordsArray  a -> Int ->  IO Point
gridCellCoordsArrayItem _obj _idx 
  = withPointResult $ \px py -> 
    withObjectRef "gridCellCoordsArrayItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellCoordsArray_Item cobj__obj  (toCInt _idx)   px py
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellCoordsArray_Item" wxGridCellCoordsArray_Item :: Ptr (TGridCellCoordsArray a) -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorBeginEdit obj row col grid@).
gridCellEditorBeginEdit :: GridCellEditor  a -> Int -> Int -> Grid  d ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorBeginEdit _obj row col grid 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorBeginEdit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr grid $ \cobj_grid -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_BeginEdit cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_grid  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_BeginEdit" wxGridCellEditor_BeginEdit :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TGrid d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorCreate obj parent id evtHandler@).
gridCellEditorCreate :: GridCellEditor  a -> Window  b -> Id -> EvtHandler  d ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorCreate _obj parent id evtHandler 
  = withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    withObjectPtr evtHandler $ \cobj_evtHandler -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_Create cobj__obj  cobj_parent  (toCInt id)  cobj_evtHandler  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_Create" wxGridCellEditor_Create :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> Ptr (TEvtHandler d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorDestroy obj@).
gridCellEditorDestroy :: GridCellEditor  a ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorDestroy _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorDestroy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_Destroy cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_Destroy" wxGridCellEditor_Destroy :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorEndEdit obj row col grid oldStr newStr@).
gridCellEditorEndEdit :: GridCellEditor  a -> Int -> Int -> Grid  d -> String -> String ->  IO Int
gridCellEditorEndEdit _obj row col grid oldStr newStr 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellEditorEndEdit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr grid $ \cobj_grid -> 
    withStringPtr oldStr $ \cobj_oldStr -> 
    withStringPtr newStr $ \cobj_newStr -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_EndEdit cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_grid  cobj_oldStr  cobj_newStr  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_EndEdit" wxGridCellEditor_EndEdit :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TGrid d) -> Ptr (TWxString e) -> Ptr (TWxString f) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorGetControl obj@).
gridCellEditorGetControl :: GridCellEditor  a ->  IO (Control  ())
gridCellEditorGetControl _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellEditorGetControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_GetControl cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_GetControl" wxGridCellEditor_GetControl :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> IO (Ptr (TControl ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorHandleReturn obj event@).
gridCellEditorHandleReturn :: GridCellEditor  a -> Event  b ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorHandleReturn _obj event 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorHandleReturn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr event $ \cobj_event -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_HandleReturn cobj__obj  cobj_event  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_HandleReturn" wxGridCellEditor_HandleReturn :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> Ptr (TEvent b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorIsAcceptedKey obj event@).
gridCellEditorIsAcceptedKey :: GridCellEditor  a -> Event  b ->  IO Bool
gridCellEditorIsAcceptedKey _obj event 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellEditorIsAcceptedKey" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr event $ \cobj_event -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_IsAcceptedKey cobj__obj  cobj_event  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_IsAcceptedKey" wxGridCellEditor_IsAcceptedKey :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> Ptr (TEvent b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorIsCreated obj@).
gridCellEditorIsCreated :: GridCellEditor  a ->  IO Bool
gridCellEditorIsCreated _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellEditorIsCreated" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_IsCreated cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_IsCreated" wxGridCellEditor_IsCreated :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorPaintBackground obj dc xywh attr@).
gridCellEditorPaintBackground :: GridCellEditor  a -> DC  b -> Rect -> GridCellAttr  d ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorPaintBackground _obj dc xywh attr 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorPaintBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    withObjectPtr attr $ \cobj_attr -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_PaintBackground cobj__obj  cobj_dc  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  cobj_attr  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_PaintBackground" wxGridCellEditor_PaintBackground :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TGridCellAttr d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorReset obj@).
gridCellEditorReset :: GridCellEditor  a ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorReset _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorReset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_Reset cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_Reset" wxGridCellEditor_Reset :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorSetControl obj control@).
gridCellEditorSetControl :: GridCellEditor  a -> Control  b ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorSetControl _obj control 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorSetControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr control $ \cobj_control -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_SetControl cobj__obj  cobj_control  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_SetControl" wxGridCellEditor_SetControl :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> Ptr (TControl b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorSetParameters obj params@).
gridCellEditorSetParameters :: GridCellEditor  a -> String ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorSetParameters _obj params 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorSetParameters" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr params $ \cobj_params -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_SetParameters cobj__obj  cobj_params  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_SetParameters" wxGridCellEditor_SetParameters :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorSetSize obj xywh@).
gridCellEditorSetSize :: GridCellEditor  a -> Rect ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorSetSize _obj xywh 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorSetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_SetSize cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_SetSize" wxGridCellEditor_SetSize :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorShow obj show attr@).
gridCellEditorShow :: GridCellEditor  a -> Bool -> GridCellAttr  c ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorShow _obj show attr 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr attr $ \cobj_attr -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_Show cobj__obj  (toCBool show)  cobj_attr  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_Show" wxGridCellEditor_Show :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> CBool -> Ptr (TGridCellAttr c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorStartingClick obj@).
gridCellEditorStartingClick :: GridCellEditor  a ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorStartingClick _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorStartingClick" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_StartingClick cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_StartingClick" wxGridCellEditor_StartingClick :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellEditorStartingKey obj event@).
gridCellEditorStartingKey :: GridCellEditor  a -> Event  b ->  IO ()
gridCellEditorStartingKey _obj event 
  = withObjectRef "gridCellEditorStartingKey" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr event $ \cobj_event -> 
    wxGridCellEditor_StartingKey cobj__obj  cobj_event  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellEditor_StartingKey" wxGridCellEditor_StartingKey :: Ptr (TGridCellEditor a) -> Ptr (TEvent b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCellFloatEditorCtor width precision@).
gridCellFloatEditorCtor :: Int -> Int ->  IO (GridCellFloatEditor  ())
gridCellFloatEditorCtor width precision 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxGridCellFloatEditor_Ctor (toCInt width)  (toCInt precision)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellFloatEditor_Ctor" wxGridCellFloatEditor_Ctor :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellFloatEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellNumberEditorCtor min max@).
gridCellNumberEditorCtor :: Int -> Int ->  IO (GridCellNumberEditor  ())
gridCellNumberEditorCtor min max 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxGridCellNumberEditor_Ctor (toCInt min)  (toCInt max)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellNumberEditor_Ctor" wxGridCellNumberEditor_Ctor :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellNumberEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellNumberRendererCtor@).
gridCellNumberRendererCtor ::  IO (GridCellNumberRenderer  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellNumberRenderer_Ctor" wxGridCellNumberRenderer_Ctor :: IO (Ptr (TGridCellNumberRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellTextEditorCtor@).
gridCellTextEditorCtor ::  IO (GridCellTextEditor  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellTextEditor_Ctor" wxGridCellTextEditor_Ctor :: IO (Ptr (TGridCellTextEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellTextEnterEditorCtor@).
gridCellTextEnterEditorCtor ::  IO (GridCellTextEnterEditor  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxGridCellTextEnterEditor_Ctor" wxGridCellTextEnterEditor_Ctor :: IO (Ptr (TGridCellTextEnterEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCellToRect obj row col@).
gridCellToRect :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (Rect)
gridCellToRect _obj row col 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridCellToRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_CellToRect cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_CellToRect" wxGrid_CellToRect :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@gridClearGrid obj@).
gridClearGrid :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridClearGrid _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridClearGrid" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_ClearGrid cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_ClearGrid" wxGrid_ClearGrid :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridClearSelection obj@).
gridClearSelection :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridClearSelection _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridClearSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_ClearSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_ClearSelection" wxGrid_ClearSelection :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@).
gridCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (Grid  ())
gridCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    wxGrid_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_Create" wxGrid_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGrid ()))

-- | usage: (@gridCreateGrid obj rows cols selmode@).
gridCreateGrid :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridCreateGrid _obj rows cols selmode 
  = withObjectRef "gridCreateGrid" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_CreateGrid cobj__obj  (toCInt rows)  (toCInt cols)  (toCInt selmode)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_CreateGrid" wxGrid_CreateGrid :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDeleteCols obj pos numCols updateLabels@).
gridDeleteCols :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridDeleteCols _obj pos numCols updateLabels 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridDeleteCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_DeleteCols cobj__obj  (toCInt pos)  (toCInt numCols)  (toCBool updateLabels)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DeleteCols" wxGrid_DeleteCols :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridDeleteRows obj pos numRows updateLabels@).
gridDeleteRows :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridDeleteRows _obj pos numRows updateLabels 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridDeleteRows" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_DeleteRows cobj__obj  (toCInt pos)  (toCInt numRows)  (toCBool updateLabels)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DeleteRows" wxGrid_DeleteRows :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridDisableCellEditControl obj@).
gridDisableCellEditControl :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridDisableCellEditControl _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridDisableCellEditControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_DisableCellEditControl cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DisableCellEditControl" wxGrid_DisableCellEditControl :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDisableDragColSize obj@).
gridDisableDragColSize :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridDisableDragColSize _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridDisableDragColSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_DisableDragColSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DisableDragColSize" wxGrid_DisableDragColSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDisableDragGridSize obj@).
gridDisableDragGridSize :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridDisableDragGridSize _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridDisableDragGridSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_DisableDragGridSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DisableDragGridSize" wxGrid_DisableDragGridSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDisableDragRowSize obj@).
gridDisableDragRowSize :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridDisableDragRowSize _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridDisableDragRowSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_DisableDragRowSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DisableDragRowSize" wxGrid_DisableDragRowSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawAllGridLines obj dc reg@).
gridDrawAllGridLines :: Grid  a -> DC  b -> Region  c ->  IO ()
gridDrawAllGridLines _obj dc reg 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawAllGridLines" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    withObjectPtr reg $ \cobj_reg -> 
    wxGrid_DrawAllGridLines cobj__obj  cobj_dc  cobj_reg  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawAllGridLines" wxGrid_DrawAllGridLines :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TRegion c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawCell obj dc row col@).
gridDrawCell :: Grid  a -> DC  b -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridDrawCell _obj dc _row _col 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawCell" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGrid_DrawCell cobj__obj  cobj_dc  (toCInt _row)  (toCInt _col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawCell" wxGrid_DrawCell :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawCellBorder obj dc row col@).
gridDrawCellBorder :: Grid  a -> DC  b -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridDrawCellBorder _obj dc _row _col 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawCellBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGrid_DrawCellBorder cobj__obj  cobj_dc  (toCInt _row)  (toCInt _col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawCellBorder" wxGrid_DrawCellBorder :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawCellHighlight obj dc attr@).
gridDrawCellHighlight :: Grid  a -> DC  b -> GridCellAttr  c ->  IO ()
gridDrawCellHighlight _obj dc attr 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawCellHighlight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    withObjectPtr attr $ \cobj_attr -> 
    wxGrid_DrawCellHighlight cobj__obj  cobj_dc  cobj_attr  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawCellHighlight" wxGrid_DrawCellHighlight :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TGridCellAttr c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawColLabel obj dc col@).
gridDrawColLabel :: Grid  a -> DC  b -> Int ->  IO ()
gridDrawColLabel _obj dc col 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawColLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGrid_DrawColLabel cobj__obj  cobj_dc  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawColLabel" wxGrid_DrawColLabel :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawColLabels obj dc@).
gridDrawColLabels :: Grid  a -> DC  b ->  IO ()
gridDrawColLabels _obj dc 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawColLabels" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGrid_DrawColLabels cobj__obj  cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawColLabels" wxGrid_DrawColLabels :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawGridSpace obj dc@).
gridDrawGridSpace :: Grid  a -> DC  b ->  IO ()
gridDrawGridSpace _obj dc 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawGridSpace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGrid_DrawGridSpace cobj__obj  cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawGridSpace" wxGrid_DrawGridSpace :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawRowLabel obj dc row@).
gridDrawRowLabel :: Grid  a -> DC  b -> Int ->  IO ()
gridDrawRowLabel _obj dc row 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawRowLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGrid_DrawRowLabel cobj__obj  cobj_dc  (toCInt row)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawRowLabel" wxGrid_DrawRowLabel :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawRowLabels obj dc@).
gridDrawRowLabels :: Grid  a -> DC  b ->  IO ()
gridDrawRowLabels _obj dc 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawRowLabels" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxGrid_DrawRowLabels cobj__obj  cobj_dc  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawRowLabels" wxGrid_DrawRowLabels :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridDrawTextRectangle obj dc txt xywh horizontalAlignment verticalAlignment@).
gridDrawTextRectangle :: Grid  a -> DC  b -> String -> Rect -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridDrawTextRectangle _obj dc txt xywh horizontalAlignment verticalAlignment 
  = withObjectRef "gridDrawTextRectangle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    withStringPtr txt $ \cobj_txt -> 
    wxGrid_DrawTextRectangle cobj__obj  cobj_dc  cobj_txt  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  (toCInt horizontalAlignment)  (toCInt verticalAlignment)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_DrawTextRectangle" wxGrid_DrawTextRectangle :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEditorCreatedEventGetCol obj@).
gridEditorCreatedEventGetCol :: GridEditorCreatedEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridEditorCreatedEventGetCol _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEditorCreatedEventGetCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetCol cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetCol" wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetCol :: Ptr (TGridEditorCreatedEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridEditorCreatedEventGetControl obj@).
gridEditorCreatedEventGetControl :: GridEditorCreatedEvent  a ->  IO (Control  ())
gridEditorCreatedEventGetControl _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEditorCreatedEventGetControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetControl cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetControl" wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetControl :: Ptr (TGridEditorCreatedEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TControl ()))

-- | usage: (@gridEditorCreatedEventGetRow obj@).
gridEditorCreatedEventGetRow :: GridEditorCreatedEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridEditorCreatedEventGetRow _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEditorCreatedEventGetRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetRow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetRow" wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_GetRow :: Ptr (TGridEditorCreatedEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridEditorCreatedEventSetCol obj col@).
gridEditorCreatedEventSetCol :: GridEditorCreatedEvent  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridEditorCreatedEventSetCol _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "gridEditorCreatedEventSetCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetCol cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetCol" wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetCol :: Ptr (TGridEditorCreatedEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEditorCreatedEventSetControl obj ctrl@).
gridEditorCreatedEventSetControl :: GridEditorCreatedEvent  a -> Control  b ->  IO ()
gridEditorCreatedEventSetControl _obj ctrl 
  = withObjectRef "gridEditorCreatedEventSetControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr ctrl $ \cobj_ctrl -> 
    wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetControl cobj__obj  cobj_ctrl  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetControl" wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetControl :: Ptr (TGridEditorCreatedEvent a) -> Ptr (TControl b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEditorCreatedEventSetRow obj row@).
gridEditorCreatedEventSetRow :: GridEditorCreatedEvent  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridEditorCreatedEventSetRow _obj row 
  = withObjectRef "gridEditorCreatedEventSetRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetRow cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetRow" wxGridEditorCreatedEvent_SetRow :: Ptr (TGridEditorCreatedEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEnableCellEditControl obj enable@).
gridEnableCellEditControl :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridEnableCellEditControl _obj enable 
  = withObjectRef "gridEnableCellEditControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_EnableCellEditControl cobj__obj  (toCBool enable)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_EnableCellEditControl" wxGrid_EnableCellEditControl :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEnableDragColSize obj enable@).
gridEnableDragColSize :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridEnableDragColSize _obj enable 
  = withObjectRef "gridEnableDragColSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_EnableDragColSize cobj__obj  (toCBool enable)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_EnableDragColSize" wxGrid_EnableDragColSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEnableDragGridSize obj enable@).
gridEnableDragGridSize :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridEnableDragGridSize _obj enable 
  = withObjectRef "gridEnableDragGridSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_EnableDragGridSize cobj__obj  (toCBool enable)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_EnableDragGridSize" wxGrid_EnableDragGridSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEnableDragRowSize obj enable@).
gridEnableDragRowSize :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridEnableDragRowSize _obj enable 
  = withObjectRef "gridEnableDragRowSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_EnableDragRowSize cobj__obj  (toCBool enable)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_EnableDragRowSize" wxGrid_EnableDragRowSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEnableEditing obj edit@).
gridEnableEditing :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridEnableEditing _obj edit 
  = withObjectRef "gridEnableEditing" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_EnableEditing cobj__obj  (toCBool edit)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_EnableEditing" wxGrid_EnableEditing :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEnableGridLines obj enable@).
gridEnableGridLines :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridEnableGridLines _obj enable 
  = withObjectRef "gridEnableGridLines" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_EnableGridLines cobj__obj  (toCBool enable)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_EnableGridLines" wxGrid_EnableGridLines :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEndBatch obj@).
gridEndBatch :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridEndBatch _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridEndBatch" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_EndBatch cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_EndBatch" wxGrid_EndBatch :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridEventAltDown obj@).
gridEventAltDown :: GridEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridEventAltDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEventAltDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEvent_AltDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEvent_AltDown" wxGridEvent_AltDown :: Ptr (TGridEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridEventControlDown obj@).
gridEventControlDown :: GridEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridEventControlDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEventControlDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEvent_ControlDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEvent_ControlDown" wxGridEvent_ControlDown :: Ptr (TGridEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridEventGetCol obj@).
gridEventGetCol :: GridEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridEventGetCol _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEventGetCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEvent_GetCol cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEvent_GetCol" wxGridEvent_GetCol :: Ptr (TGridEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridEventGetPosition obj@).
gridEventGetPosition :: GridEvent  a ->  IO (Point)
gridEventGetPosition _obj 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEvent_GetPosition" wxGridEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TGridEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@gridEventGetRow obj@).
gridEventGetRow :: GridEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridEventGetRow _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEventGetRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEvent_GetRow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEvent_GetRow" wxGridEvent_GetRow :: Ptr (TGridEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridEventMetaDown obj@).
gridEventMetaDown :: GridEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridEventMetaDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEventMetaDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEvent_MetaDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEvent_MetaDown" wxGridEvent_MetaDown :: Ptr (TGridEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridEventSelecting obj@).
gridEventSelecting :: GridEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridEventSelecting _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEventSelecting" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEvent_Selecting cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEvent_Selecting" wxGridEvent_Selecting :: Ptr (TGridEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridEventShiftDown obj@).
gridEventShiftDown :: GridEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridEventShiftDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridEventShiftDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridEvent_ShiftDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridEvent_ShiftDown" wxGridEvent_ShiftDown :: Ptr (TGridEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridGetBatchCount obj@).
gridGetBatchCount :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetBatchCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetBatchCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetBatchCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetBatchCount" wxGrid_GetBatchCount :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellAlignment obj row col@).
gridGetCellAlignment :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Size
gridGetCellAlignment _obj row col 
  = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetCellAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellAlignment cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellAlignment" wxGrid_GetCellAlignment :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellBackgroundColour obj row col colour@).
gridGetCellBackgroundColour :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Color ->  IO ()
gridGetCellBackgroundColour _obj row col colour 
  = withObjectRef "gridGetCellBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellBackgroundColour cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellBackgroundColour" wxGrid_GetCellBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TColour d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellEditor obj row col@).
gridGetCellEditor :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (GridCellEditor  ())
gridGetCellEditor _obj row col 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetCellEditor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellEditor cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellEditor" wxGrid_GetCellEditor :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellFont obj row col font@).
gridGetCellFont :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Font  d ->  IO ()
gridGetCellFont _obj row col font 
  = withObjectRef "gridGetCellFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellFont cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellFont" wxGrid_GetCellFont :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TFont d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellHighlightColour obj@).
gridGetCellHighlightColour :: Grid  a ->  IO (Color)
gridGetCellHighlightColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetCellHighlightColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellHighlightColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellHighlightColour" wxGrid_GetCellHighlightColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellRenderer obj row col@).
gridGetCellRenderer :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (GridCellRenderer  ())
gridGetCellRenderer _obj row col 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetCellRenderer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellRenderer cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellRenderer" wxGrid_GetCellRenderer :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellSize obj row col@).
gridGetCellSize :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Size
gridGetCellSize _obj row col 
  = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetCellSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellSize cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellSize" wxGrid_GetCellSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellTextColour obj row col colour@).
gridGetCellTextColour :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Color ->  IO ()
gridGetCellTextColour _obj row col colour 
  = withObjectRef "gridGetCellTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellTextColour cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellTextColour" wxGrid_GetCellTextColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TColour d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetCellValue obj row col@).
gridGetCellValue :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (String)
gridGetCellValue _obj row col 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetCellValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetCellValue cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetCellValue" wxGrid_GetCellValue :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetColLabelAlignment obj@).
gridGetColLabelAlignment :: Grid  a ->  IO Size
gridGetColLabelAlignment _obj 
  = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetColLabelAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetColLabelAlignment cobj__obj   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetColLabelAlignment" wxGrid_GetColLabelAlignment :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetColLabelSize obj@).
gridGetColLabelSize :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetColLabelSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetColLabelSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetColLabelSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetColLabelSize" wxGrid_GetColLabelSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetColLabelValue obj col@).
gridGetColLabelValue :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
gridGetColLabelValue _obj col 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetColLabelValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetColLabelValue cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetColLabelValue" wxGrid_GetColLabelValue :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetColSize obj col@).
gridGetColSize :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO Int
gridGetColSize _obj col 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetColSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetColSize cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetColSize" wxGrid_GetColSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultCellAlignment obj@).
gridGetDefaultCellAlignment :: Grid  a ->  IO Size
gridGetDefaultCellAlignment _obj 
  = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultCellAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultCellAlignment cobj__obj   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultCellAlignment" wxGrid_GetDefaultCellAlignment :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultCellBackgroundColour obj@).
gridGetDefaultCellBackgroundColour :: Grid  a ->  IO (Color)
gridGetDefaultCellBackgroundColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultCellBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultCellBackgroundColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultCellBackgroundColour" wxGrid_GetDefaultCellBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultCellFont obj@).
gridGetDefaultCellFont :: Grid  a ->  IO (Font  ())
gridGetDefaultCellFont _obj 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultCellFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultCellFont cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultCellFont" wxGrid_GetDefaultCellFont :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultCellTextColour obj@).
gridGetDefaultCellTextColour :: Grid  a ->  IO (Color)
gridGetDefaultCellTextColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultCellTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultCellTextColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultCellTextColour" wxGrid_GetDefaultCellTextColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultColLabelSize obj@).
gridGetDefaultColLabelSize :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetDefaultColLabelSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultColLabelSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultColLabelSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultColLabelSize" wxGrid_GetDefaultColLabelSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultColSize obj@).
gridGetDefaultColSize :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetDefaultColSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultColSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultColSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultColSize" wxGrid_GetDefaultColSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultEditor obj@).
gridGetDefaultEditor :: Grid  a ->  IO (GridCellEditor  ())
gridGetDefaultEditor _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultEditor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultEditor cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultEditor" wxGrid_GetDefaultEditor :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultEditorForCell obj row col@).
gridGetDefaultEditorForCell :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (GridCellEditor  ())
gridGetDefaultEditorForCell _obj row col 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultEditorForCell" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultEditorForCell cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultEditorForCell" wxGrid_GetDefaultEditorForCell :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultEditorForType obj typeName@).
gridGetDefaultEditorForType :: Grid  a -> String ->  IO (GridCellEditor  ())
gridGetDefaultEditorForType _obj typeName 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultEditorForType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr typeName $ \cobj_typeName -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultEditorForType cobj__obj  cobj_typeName  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultEditorForType" wxGrid_GetDefaultEditorForType :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellEditor ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultRenderer obj@).
gridGetDefaultRenderer :: Grid  a ->  IO (GridCellRenderer  ())
gridGetDefaultRenderer _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultRenderer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultRenderer cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultRenderer" wxGrid_GetDefaultRenderer :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultRendererForCell obj row col@).
gridGetDefaultRendererForCell :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (GridCellRenderer  ())
gridGetDefaultRendererForCell _obj row col 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultRendererForCell" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultRendererForCell cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultRendererForCell" wxGrid_GetDefaultRendererForCell :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultRendererForType obj typeName@).
gridGetDefaultRendererForType :: Grid  a -> String ->  IO (GridCellRenderer  ())
gridGetDefaultRendererForType _obj typeName 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultRendererForType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr typeName $ \cobj_typeName -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultRendererForType cobj__obj  cobj_typeName  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultRendererForType" wxGrid_GetDefaultRendererForType :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO (Ptr (TGridCellRenderer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultRowLabelSize obj@).
gridGetDefaultRowLabelSize :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetDefaultRowLabelSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultRowLabelSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultRowLabelSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultRowLabelSize" wxGrid_GetDefaultRowLabelSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetDefaultRowSize obj@).
gridGetDefaultRowSize :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetDefaultRowSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetDefaultRowSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetDefaultRowSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetDefaultRowSize" wxGrid_GetDefaultRowSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetGridCursorCol obj@).
gridGetGridCursorCol :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetGridCursorCol _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetGridCursorCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetGridCursorCol cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetGridCursorCol" wxGrid_GetGridCursorCol :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetGridCursorRow obj@).
gridGetGridCursorRow :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetGridCursorRow _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetGridCursorRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetGridCursorRow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetGridCursorRow" wxGrid_GetGridCursorRow :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetGridLineColour obj@).
gridGetGridLineColour :: Grid  a ->  IO (Color)
gridGetGridLineColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetGridLineColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetGridLineColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetGridLineColour" wxGrid_GetGridLineColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetLabelBackgroundColour obj@).
gridGetLabelBackgroundColour :: Grid  a ->  IO (Color)
gridGetLabelBackgroundColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetLabelBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetLabelBackgroundColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetLabelBackgroundColour" wxGrid_GetLabelBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetLabelFont obj@).
gridGetLabelFont :: Grid  a ->  IO (Font  ())
gridGetLabelFont _obj 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetLabelFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetLabelFont cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetLabelFont" wxGrid_GetLabelFont :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetLabelTextColour obj@).
gridGetLabelTextColour :: Grid  a ->  IO (Color)
gridGetLabelTextColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetLabelTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetLabelTextColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetLabelTextColour" wxGrid_GetLabelTextColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetNumberCols obj@).
gridGetNumberCols :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetNumberCols _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetNumberCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetNumberCols cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetNumberCols" wxGrid_GetNumberCols :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetNumberRows obj@).
gridGetNumberRows :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetNumberRows _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetNumberRows" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetNumberRows cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetNumberRows" wxGrid_GetNumberRows :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetRowLabelAlignment obj@).
gridGetRowLabelAlignment :: Grid  a ->  IO Size
gridGetRowLabelAlignment _obj 
  = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetRowLabelAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetRowLabelAlignment cobj__obj   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetRowLabelAlignment" wxGrid_GetRowLabelAlignment :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetRowLabelSize obj@).
gridGetRowLabelSize :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGetRowLabelSize _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetRowLabelSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetRowLabelSize cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetRowLabelSize" wxGrid_GetRowLabelSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetRowLabelValue obj row@).
gridGetRowLabelValue :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
gridGetRowLabelValue _obj row 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetRowLabelValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetRowLabelValue cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetRowLabelValue" wxGrid_GetRowLabelValue :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetRowSize obj row@).
gridGetRowSize :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO Int
gridGetRowSize _obj row 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetRowSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetRowSize cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetRowSize" wxGrid_GetRowSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetSelectedCells obj@).
gridGetSelectedCells :: Grid  a ->  IO (GridCellCoordsArray  ())
gridGetSelectedCells _obj 
  = withRefGridCellCoordsArray $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetSelectedCells" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetSelectedCells cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetSelectedCells" wxGrid_GetSelectedCells :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TGridCellCoordsArray ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetSelectedCols obj@).
gridGetSelectedCols :: Grid  a ->  IO [Int]
gridGetSelectedCols _obj 
  = withArrayIntResult $ \arr -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetSelectedCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetSelectedCols cobj__obj   arr
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetSelectedCols" wxGrid_GetSelectedCols :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetSelectedRows obj@).
gridGetSelectedRows :: Grid  a ->  IO [Int]
gridGetSelectedRows _obj 
  = withArrayIntResult $ \arr -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetSelectedRows" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetSelectedRows cobj__obj   arr
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetSelectedRows" wxGrid_GetSelectedRows :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridGetSelectionBackground obj@).
gridGetSelectionBackground :: Grid  a ->  IO (Color)
gridGetSelectionBackground _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetSelectionBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetSelectionBackground cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetSelectionBackground" wxGrid_GetSelectionBackground :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetSelectionBlockBottomRight obj@).
gridGetSelectionBlockBottomRight :: Grid  a ->  IO (GridCellCoordsArray  ())
gridGetSelectionBlockBottomRight _obj 
  = withRefGridCellCoordsArray $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetSelectionBlockBottomRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetSelectionBlockBottomRight cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetSelectionBlockBottomRight" wxGrid_GetSelectionBlockBottomRight :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TGridCellCoordsArray ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetSelectionBlockTopLeft obj@).
gridGetSelectionBlockTopLeft :: Grid  a ->  IO (GridCellCoordsArray  ())
gridGetSelectionBlockTopLeft _obj 
  = withRefGridCellCoordsArray $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetSelectionBlockTopLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetSelectionBlockTopLeft cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetSelectionBlockTopLeft" wxGrid_GetSelectionBlockTopLeft :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TGridCellCoordsArray ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetSelectionForeground obj@).
gridGetSelectionForeground :: Grid  a ->  IO (Color)
gridGetSelectionForeground _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetSelectionForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetSelectionForeground cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetSelectionForeground" wxGrid_GetSelectionForeground :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGetTable obj@).
gridGetTable :: Grid  a ->  IO (GridTableBase  ())
gridGetTable _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGetTable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GetTable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetTable" wxGrid_GetTable :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO (Ptr (TGridTableBase ()))

-- | usage: (@gridGetTextBoxSize obj dc countlines@).
gridGetTextBoxSize :: Grid  a -> DC  b -> [String] ->  IO Size
gridGetTextBoxSize _obj dc countlines 
  = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "gridGetTextBoxSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    withArrayWString countlines $ \carrlen_countlines carr_countlines -> 
    wxGrid_GetTextBoxSize cobj__obj  cobj_dc  carrlen_countlines carr_countlines   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GetTextBoxSize" wxGrid_GetTextBoxSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridGridLinesEnabled obj@).
gridGridLinesEnabled :: Grid  a ->  IO Int
gridGridLinesEnabled _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridGridLinesEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_GridLinesEnabled cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_GridLinesEnabled" wxGrid_GridLinesEnabled :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridHideCellEditControl obj@).
gridHideCellEditControl :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridHideCellEditControl _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridHideCellEditControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_HideCellEditControl cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_HideCellEditControl" wxGrid_HideCellEditControl :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridInsertCols obj pos numCols updateLabels@).
gridInsertCols :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridInsertCols _obj pos numCols updateLabels 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridInsertCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_InsertCols cobj__obj  (toCInt pos)  (toCInt numCols)  (toCBool updateLabels)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_InsertCols" wxGrid_InsertCols :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridInsertRows obj pos numRows updateLabels@).
gridInsertRows :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridInsertRows _obj pos numRows updateLabels 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridInsertRows" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_InsertRows cobj__obj  (toCInt pos)  (toCInt numRows)  (toCBool updateLabels)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_InsertRows" wxGrid_InsertRows :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridIsCellEditControlEnabled obj@).
gridIsCellEditControlEnabled :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridIsCellEditControlEnabled _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridIsCellEditControlEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_IsCellEditControlEnabled cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_IsCellEditControlEnabled" wxGrid_IsCellEditControlEnabled :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridIsCellEditControlShown obj@).
gridIsCellEditControlShown :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridIsCellEditControlShown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridIsCellEditControlShown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_IsCellEditControlShown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_IsCellEditControlShown" wxGrid_IsCellEditControlShown :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridIsCurrentCellReadOnly obj@).
gridIsCurrentCellReadOnly :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridIsCurrentCellReadOnly _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridIsCurrentCellReadOnly" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_IsCurrentCellReadOnly cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_IsCurrentCellReadOnly" wxGrid_IsCurrentCellReadOnly :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridIsEditable obj@).
gridIsEditable :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridIsEditable _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridIsEditable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_IsEditable cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_IsEditable" wxGrid_IsEditable :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridIsInSelection obj row col@).
gridIsInSelection :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
gridIsInSelection _obj row col 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridIsInSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_IsInSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_IsInSelection" wxGrid_IsInSelection :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridIsReadOnly obj row col@).
gridIsReadOnly :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
gridIsReadOnly _obj row col 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridIsReadOnly" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_IsReadOnly cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_IsReadOnly" wxGrid_IsReadOnly :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridIsSelection obj@).
gridIsSelection :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridIsSelection _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridIsSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_IsSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_IsSelection" wxGrid_IsSelection :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridIsVisible obj row col wholeCellVisible@).
gridIsVisible :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridIsVisible _obj row col wholeCellVisible 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridIsVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_IsVisible cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  (toCBool wholeCellVisible)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_IsVisible" wxGrid_IsVisible :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMakeCellVisible obj row col@).
gridMakeCellVisible :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridMakeCellVisible _obj row col 
  = withObjectRef "gridMakeCellVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MakeCellVisible cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MakeCellVisible" wxGrid_MakeCellVisible :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridMoveCursorDown obj expandSelection@).
gridMoveCursorDown :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridMoveCursorDown _obj expandSelection 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMoveCursorDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MoveCursorDown cobj__obj  (toCBool expandSelection)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MoveCursorDown" wxGrid_MoveCursorDown :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMoveCursorDownBlock obj expandSelection@).
gridMoveCursorDownBlock :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridMoveCursorDownBlock _obj expandSelection 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMoveCursorDownBlock" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MoveCursorDownBlock cobj__obj  (toCBool expandSelection)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MoveCursorDownBlock" wxGrid_MoveCursorDownBlock :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMoveCursorLeft obj expandSelection@).
gridMoveCursorLeft :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridMoveCursorLeft _obj expandSelection 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMoveCursorLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MoveCursorLeft cobj__obj  (toCBool expandSelection)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MoveCursorLeft" wxGrid_MoveCursorLeft :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMoveCursorLeftBlock obj expandSelection@).
gridMoveCursorLeftBlock :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridMoveCursorLeftBlock _obj expandSelection 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMoveCursorLeftBlock" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MoveCursorLeftBlock cobj__obj  (toCBool expandSelection)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MoveCursorLeftBlock" wxGrid_MoveCursorLeftBlock :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMoveCursorRight obj expandSelection@).
gridMoveCursorRight :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridMoveCursorRight _obj expandSelection 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMoveCursorRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MoveCursorRight cobj__obj  (toCBool expandSelection)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MoveCursorRight" wxGrid_MoveCursorRight :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMoveCursorRightBlock obj expandSelection@).
gridMoveCursorRightBlock :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridMoveCursorRightBlock _obj expandSelection 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMoveCursorRightBlock" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MoveCursorRightBlock cobj__obj  (toCBool expandSelection)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MoveCursorRightBlock" wxGrid_MoveCursorRightBlock :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMoveCursorUp obj expandSelection@).
gridMoveCursorUp :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridMoveCursorUp _obj expandSelection 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMoveCursorUp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MoveCursorUp cobj__obj  (toCBool expandSelection)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MoveCursorUp" wxGrid_MoveCursorUp :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMoveCursorUpBlock obj expandSelection@).
gridMoveCursorUpBlock :: Grid  a -> Bool ->  IO Bool
gridMoveCursorUpBlock _obj expandSelection 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMoveCursorUpBlock" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MoveCursorUpBlock cobj__obj  (toCBool expandSelection)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MoveCursorUpBlock" wxGrid_MoveCursorUpBlock :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMovePageDown obj@).
gridMovePageDown :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridMovePageDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMovePageDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MovePageDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MovePageDown" wxGrid_MovePageDown :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridMovePageUp obj@).
gridMovePageUp :: Grid  a ->  IO Bool
gridMovePageUp _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridMovePageUp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_MovePageUp cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_MovePageUp" wxGrid_MovePageUp :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridProcessTableMessage obj evt@).
gridProcessTableMessage :: Grid  a -> Event  b ->  IO Bool
gridProcessTableMessage _obj evt 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridProcessTableMessage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr evt $ \cobj_evt -> 
    wxGrid_ProcessTableMessage cobj__obj  cobj_evt  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_ProcessTableMessage" wxGrid_ProcessTableMessage :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TEvent b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventAltDown obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventAltDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridRangeSelectEventAltDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventAltDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_AltDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_AltDown" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_AltDown :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventControlDown obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventControlDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridRangeSelectEventControlDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventControlDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_ControlDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_ControlDown" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_ControlDown :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRightCoords obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRightCoords :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Point
gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRightCoords _obj 
  = withPointResult $ \px py -> 
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRightCoords" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetBottomRightCoords cobj__obj   px py
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetBottomRightCoords" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetBottomRightCoords :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRow obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRow :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRow _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventGetBottomRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetBottomRow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetBottomRow" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetBottomRow :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventGetLeftCol obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventGetLeftCol :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridRangeSelectEventGetLeftCol _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventGetLeftCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetLeftCol cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetLeftCol" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetLeftCol :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventGetRightCol obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventGetRightCol :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridRangeSelectEventGetRightCol _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventGetRightCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetRightCol cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetRightCol" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetRightCol :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventGetTopLeftCoords obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventGetTopLeftCoords :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Point
gridRangeSelectEventGetTopLeftCoords _obj 
  = withPointResult $ \px py -> 
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventGetTopLeftCoords" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetTopLeftCoords cobj__obj   px py
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetTopLeftCoords" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetTopLeftCoords :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventGetTopRow obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventGetTopRow :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridRangeSelectEventGetTopRow _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventGetTopRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetTopRow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetTopRow" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_GetTopRow :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventMetaDown obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventMetaDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridRangeSelectEventMetaDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventMetaDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_MetaDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_MetaDown" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_MetaDown :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventSelecting obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventSelecting :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridRangeSelectEventSelecting _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventSelecting" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_Selecting cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_Selecting" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_Selecting :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridRangeSelectEventShiftDown obj@).
gridRangeSelectEventShiftDown :: GridRangeSelectEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridRangeSelectEventShiftDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridRangeSelectEventShiftDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridRangeSelectEvent_ShiftDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridRangeSelectEvent_ShiftDown" wxGridRangeSelectEvent_ShiftDown :: Ptr (TGridRangeSelectEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridRegisterDataType obj typeName renderer editor@).
gridRegisterDataType :: Grid  a -> String -> GridCellRenderer  c -> GridCellEditor  d ->  IO ()
gridRegisterDataType _obj typeName renderer editor 
  = withObjectRef "gridRegisterDataType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr typeName $ \cobj_typeName -> 
    withObjectPtr renderer $ \cobj_renderer -> 
    withObjectPtr editor $ \cobj_editor -> 
    wxGrid_RegisterDataType cobj__obj  cobj_typeName  cobj_renderer  cobj_editor  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_RegisterDataType" wxGrid_RegisterDataType :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TGridCellRenderer c) -> Ptr (TGridCellEditor d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSaveEditControlValue obj@).
gridSaveEditControlValue :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridSaveEditControlValue _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridSaveEditControlValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SaveEditControlValue cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SaveEditControlValue" wxGrid_SaveEditControlValue :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSelectAll obj@).
gridSelectAll :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridSelectAll _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridSelectAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SelectAll cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SelectAll" wxGrid_SelectAll :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSelectBlock obj topRow leftCol bottomRow rightCol addToSelected@).
gridSelectBlock :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridSelectBlock _obj topRow leftCol bottomRow rightCol addToSelected 
  = withObjectRef "gridSelectBlock" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SelectBlock cobj__obj  (toCInt topRow)  (toCInt leftCol)  (toCInt bottomRow)  (toCInt rightCol)  (toCBool addToSelected)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SelectBlock" wxGrid_SelectBlock :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSelectCol obj col addToSelected@).
gridSelectCol :: Grid  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridSelectCol _obj col addToSelected 
  = withObjectRef "gridSelectCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SelectCol cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  (toCBool addToSelected)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SelectCol" wxGrid_SelectCol :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSelectRow obj row addToSelected@).
gridSelectRow :: Grid  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridSelectRow _obj row addToSelected 
  = withObjectRef "gridSelectRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SelectRow cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCBool addToSelected)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SelectRow" wxGrid_SelectRow :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellAlignment obj row col horiz vert@).
gridSetCellAlignment :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetCellAlignment _obj row col horiz vert 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellAlignment cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  (toCInt horiz)  (toCInt vert)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellAlignment" wxGrid_SetCellAlignment :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellBackgroundColour obj row col colour@).
gridSetCellBackgroundColour :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetCellBackgroundColour _obj row col colour 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellBackgroundColour cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellBackgroundColour" wxGrid_SetCellBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TColour d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellEditor obj row col editor@).
gridSetCellEditor :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> GridCellEditor  d ->  IO ()
gridSetCellEditor _obj row col editor 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellEditor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr editor $ \cobj_editor -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellEditor cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_editor  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellEditor" wxGrid_SetCellEditor :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TGridCellEditor d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellFont obj row col font@).
gridSetCellFont :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Font  d ->  IO ()
gridSetCellFont _obj row col font 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellFont cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellFont" wxGrid_SetCellFont :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TFont d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellHighlightColour obj col@).
gridSetCellHighlightColour :: Grid  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetCellHighlightColour _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellHighlightColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellHighlightColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellHighlightColour" wxGrid_SetCellHighlightColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellRenderer obj row col renderer@).
gridSetCellRenderer :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> GridCellRenderer  d ->  IO ()
gridSetCellRenderer _obj row col renderer 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellRenderer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr renderer $ \cobj_renderer -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellRenderer cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_renderer  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellRenderer" wxGrid_SetCellRenderer :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TGridCellRenderer d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellSize obj row col srowscol@).
gridSetCellSize :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Size ->  IO ()
gridSetCellSize _obj row col srowscol 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellSize cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  (toCIntSizeW srowscol) (toCIntSizeH srowscol)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellSize" wxGrid_SetCellSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellTextColour obj row col colour@).
gridSetCellTextColour :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetCellTextColour _obj row col colour 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellTextColour cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellTextColour" wxGrid_SetCellTextColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TColour d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetCellValue obj row col s@).
gridSetCellValue :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
gridSetCellValue _obj row col s 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetCellValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr s $ \cobj_s -> 
    wxGrid_SetCellValue cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  cobj_s  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetCellValue" wxGrid_SetCellValue :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColAttr obj col attr@).
gridSetColAttr :: Grid  a -> Int -> GridCellAttr  c ->  IO ()
gridSetColAttr _obj col attr 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColAttr" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr attr $ \cobj_attr -> 
    wxGrid_SetColAttr cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  cobj_attr  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColAttr" wxGrid_SetColAttr :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TGridCellAttr c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColFormatBool obj col@).
gridSetColFormatBool :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetColFormatBool _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColFormatBool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetColFormatBool cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColFormatBool" wxGrid_SetColFormatBool :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColFormatCustom obj col typeName@).
gridSetColFormatCustom :: Grid  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
gridSetColFormatCustom _obj col typeName 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColFormatCustom" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr typeName $ \cobj_typeName -> 
    wxGrid_SetColFormatCustom cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  cobj_typeName  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColFormatCustom" wxGrid_SetColFormatCustom :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColFormatFloat obj col width precision@).
gridSetColFormatFloat :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetColFormatFloat _obj col width precision 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColFormatFloat" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetColFormatFloat cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  (toCInt width)  (toCInt precision)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColFormatFloat" wxGrid_SetColFormatFloat :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColFormatNumber obj col@).
gridSetColFormatNumber :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetColFormatNumber _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColFormatNumber" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetColFormatNumber cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColFormatNumber" wxGrid_SetColFormatNumber :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColLabelAlignment obj horiz vert@).
gridSetColLabelAlignment :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetColLabelAlignment _obj horiz vert 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColLabelAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetColLabelAlignment cobj__obj  (toCInt horiz)  (toCInt vert)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColLabelAlignment" wxGrid_SetColLabelAlignment :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColLabelSize obj height@).
gridSetColLabelSize :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetColLabelSize _obj height 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColLabelSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetColLabelSize cobj__obj  (toCInt height)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColLabelSize" wxGrid_SetColLabelSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColLabelValue obj col label@).
gridSetColLabelValue :: Grid  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
gridSetColLabelValue _obj col label 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColLabelValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    wxGrid_SetColLabelValue cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  cobj_label  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColLabelValue" wxGrid_SetColLabelValue :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColMinimalWidth obj col width@).
gridSetColMinimalWidth :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetColMinimalWidth _obj col width 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColMinimalWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetColMinimalWidth cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColMinimalWidth" wxGrid_SetColMinimalWidth :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetColSize obj col width@).
gridSetColSize :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetColSize _obj col width 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetColSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetColSize cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetColSize" wxGrid_SetColSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetDefaultCellAlignment obj horiz vert@).
gridSetDefaultCellAlignment :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetDefaultCellAlignment _obj horiz vert 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetDefaultCellAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetDefaultCellAlignment cobj__obj  (toCInt horiz)  (toCInt vert)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetDefaultCellAlignment" wxGrid_SetDefaultCellAlignment :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetDefaultCellBackgroundColour obj colour@).
gridSetDefaultCellBackgroundColour :: Grid  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetDefaultCellBackgroundColour _obj colour 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetDefaultCellBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGrid_SetDefaultCellBackgroundColour cobj__obj  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetDefaultCellBackgroundColour" wxGrid_SetDefaultCellBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetDefaultCellFont obj font@).
gridSetDefaultCellFont :: Grid  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
gridSetDefaultCellFont _obj font 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetDefaultCellFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxGrid_SetDefaultCellFont cobj__obj  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetDefaultCellFont" wxGrid_SetDefaultCellFont :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetDefaultCellTextColour obj colour@).
gridSetDefaultCellTextColour :: Grid  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetDefaultCellTextColour _obj colour 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetDefaultCellTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGrid_SetDefaultCellTextColour cobj__obj  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetDefaultCellTextColour" wxGrid_SetDefaultCellTextColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetDefaultColSize obj width resizeExistingCols@).
gridSetDefaultColSize :: Grid  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridSetDefaultColSize _obj width resizeExistingCols 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetDefaultColSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetDefaultColSize cobj__obj  (toCInt width)  (toCBool resizeExistingCols)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetDefaultColSize" wxGrid_SetDefaultColSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetDefaultEditor obj editor@).
gridSetDefaultEditor :: Grid  a -> GridCellEditor  b ->  IO ()
gridSetDefaultEditor _obj editor 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetDefaultEditor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr editor $ \cobj_editor -> 
    wxGrid_SetDefaultEditor cobj__obj  cobj_editor  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetDefaultEditor" wxGrid_SetDefaultEditor :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TGridCellEditor b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetDefaultRenderer obj renderer@).
gridSetDefaultRenderer :: Grid  a -> GridCellRenderer  b ->  IO ()
gridSetDefaultRenderer _obj renderer 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetDefaultRenderer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr renderer $ \cobj_renderer -> 
    wxGrid_SetDefaultRenderer cobj__obj  cobj_renderer  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetDefaultRenderer" wxGrid_SetDefaultRenderer :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TGridCellRenderer b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetDefaultRowSize obj height resizeExistingRows@).
gridSetDefaultRowSize :: Grid  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridSetDefaultRowSize _obj height resizeExistingRows 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetDefaultRowSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetDefaultRowSize cobj__obj  (toCInt height)  (toCBool resizeExistingRows)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetDefaultRowSize" wxGrid_SetDefaultRowSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetGridCursor obj row col@).
gridSetGridCursor :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetGridCursor _obj row col 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetGridCursor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetGridCursor cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetGridCursor" wxGrid_SetGridCursor :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetGridLineColour obj col@).
gridSetGridLineColour :: Grid  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetGridLineColour _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetGridLineColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxGrid_SetGridLineColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetGridLineColour" wxGrid_SetGridLineColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetLabelBackgroundColour obj colour@).
gridSetLabelBackgroundColour :: Grid  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetLabelBackgroundColour _obj colour 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetLabelBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGrid_SetLabelBackgroundColour cobj__obj  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetLabelBackgroundColour" wxGrid_SetLabelBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetLabelFont obj font@).
gridSetLabelFont :: Grid  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
gridSetLabelFont _obj font 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetLabelFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxGrid_SetLabelFont cobj__obj  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetLabelFont" wxGrid_SetLabelFont :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetLabelTextColour obj colour@).
gridSetLabelTextColour :: Grid  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetLabelTextColour _obj colour 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetLabelTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> 
    wxGrid_SetLabelTextColour cobj__obj  cobj_colour  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetLabelTextColour" wxGrid_SetLabelTextColour :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetMargins obj extraWidth extraHeight@).
gridSetMargins :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetMargins _obj extraWidth extraHeight 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetMargins cobj__obj  (toCInt extraWidth)  (toCInt extraHeight)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetMargins" wxGrid_SetMargins :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetReadOnly obj row col isReadOnly@).
gridSetReadOnly :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
gridSetReadOnly _obj row col isReadOnly 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetReadOnly" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetReadOnly cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt col)  (toCBool isReadOnly)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetReadOnly" wxGrid_SetReadOnly :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetRowAttr obj row attr@).
gridSetRowAttr :: Grid  a -> Int -> GridCellAttr  c ->  IO ()
gridSetRowAttr _obj row attr 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetRowAttr" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr attr $ \cobj_attr -> 
    wxGrid_SetRowAttr cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  cobj_attr  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetRowAttr" wxGrid_SetRowAttr :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TGridCellAttr c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetRowLabelAlignment obj horiz vert@).
gridSetRowLabelAlignment :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetRowLabelAlignment _obj horiz vert 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetRowLabelAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetRowLabelAlignment cobj__obj  (toCInt horiz)  (toCInt vert)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetRowLabelAlignment" wxGrid_SetRowLabelAlignment :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetRowLabelSize obj width@).
gridSetRowLabelSize :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetRowLabelSize _obj width 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetRowLabelSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetRowLabelSize cobj__obj  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetRowLabelSize" wxGrid_SetRowLabelSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetRowLabelValue obj row label@).
gridSetRowLabelValue :: Grid  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
gridSetRowLabelValue _obj row label 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetRowLabelValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    wxGrid_SetRowLabelValue cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  cobj_label  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetRowLabelValue" wxGrid_SetRowLabelValue :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetRowMinimalHeight obj row width@).
gridSetRowMinimalHeight :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetRowMinimalHeight _obj row width 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetRowMinimalHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetRowMinimalHeight cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetRowMinimalHeight" wxGrid_SetRowMinimalHeight :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetRowSize obj row height@).
gridSetRowSize :: Grid  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetRowSize _obj row height 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetRowSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetRowSize cobj__obj  (toCInt row)  (toCInt height)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetRowSize" wxGrid_SetRowSize :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetSelectionBackground obj c@).
gridSetSelectionBackground :: Grid  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetSelectionBackground _obj c 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetSelectionBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr c $ \cobj_c -> 
    wxGrid_SetSelectionBackground cobj__obj  cobj_c  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetSelectionBackground" wxGrid_SetSelectionBackground :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetSelectionForeground obj c@).
gridSetSelectionForeground :: Grid  a -> Color ->  IO ()
gridSetSelectionForeground _obj c 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetSelectionForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr c $ \cobj_c -> 
    wxGrid_SetSelectionForeground cobj__obj  cobj_c  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetSelectionForeground" wxGrid_SetSelectionForeground :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetSelectionMode obj selmode@).
gridSetSelectionMode :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSetSelectionMode _obj selmode 
  = withObjectRef "gridSetSelectionMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_SetSelectionMode cobj__obj  (toCInt selmode)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetSelectionMode" wxGrid_SetSelectionMode :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSetTable obj table takeOwnership selmode@).
gridSetTable :: Grid  a -> GridTableBase  b -> Bool -> Int ->  IO Bool
gridSetTable _obj table takeOwnership selmode 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSetTable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr table $ \cobj_table -> 
    wxGrid_SetTable cobj__obj  cobj_table  (toCBool takeOwnership)  (toCInt selmode)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_SetTable" wxGrid_SetTable :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TGridTableBase b) -> CBool -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridShowCellEditControl obj@).
gridShowCellEditControl :: Grid  a ->  IO ()
gridShowCellEditControl _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridShowCellEditControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_ShowCellEditControl cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_ShowCellEditControl" wxGrid_ShowCellEditControl :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSizeEventAltDown obj@).
gridSizeEventAltDown :: GridSizeEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridSizeEventAltDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizeEventAltDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizeEvent_AltDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizeEvent_AltDown" wxGridSizeEvent_AltDown :: Ptr (TGridSizeEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridSizeEventControlDown obj@).
gridSizeEventControlDown :: GridSizeEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridSizeEventControlDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizeEventControlDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizeEvent_ControlDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizeEvent_ControlDown" wxGridSizeEvent_ControlDown :: Ptr (TGridSizeEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridSizeEventGetPosition obj@).
gridSizeEventGetPosition :: GridSizeEvent  a ->  IO (Point)
gridSizeEventGetPosition _obj 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizeEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizeEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizeEvent_GetPosition" wxGridSizeEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TGridSizeEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@gridSizeEventGetRowOrCol obj@).
gridSizeEventGetRowOrCol :: GridSizeEvent  a ->  IO Int
gridSizeEventGetRowOrCol _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizeEventGetRowOrCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizeEvent_GetRowOrCol cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizeEvent_GetRowOrCol" wxGridSizeEvent_GetRowOrCol :: Ptr (TGridSizeEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridSizeEventMetaDown obj@).
gridSizeEventMetaDown :: GridSizeEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridSizeEventMetaDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizeEventMetaDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizeEvent_MetaDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizeEvent_MetaDown" wxGridSizeEvent_MetaDown :: Ptr (TGridSizeEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridSizeEventShiftDown obj@).
gridSizeEventShiftDown :: GridSizeEvent  a ->  IO Bool
gridSizeEventShiftDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizeEventShiftDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizeEvent_ShiftDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizeEvent_ShiftDown" wxGridSizeEvent_ShiftDown :: Ptr (TGridSizeEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@gridSizerCalcMin obj@).
gridSizerCalcMin :: GridSizer  a ->  IO (Size)
gridSizerCalcMin _obj 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizerCalcMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_CalcMin cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_CalcMin" wxGridSizer_CalcMin :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@gridSizerCreate rows cols vgap hgap@).
gridSizerCreate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO (GridSizer  ())
gridSizerCreate rows cols vgap hgap 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxGridSizer_Create (toCInt rows)  (toCInt cols)  (toCInt vgap)  (toCInt hgap)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_Create" wxGridSizer_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TGridSizer ()))

-- | usage: (@gridSizerGetCols obj@).
gridSizerGetCols :: GridSizer  a ->  IO Int
gridSizerGetCols _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizerGetCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_GetCols cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_GetCols" wxGridSizer_GetCols :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridSizerGetHGap obj@).
gridSizerGetHGap :: GridSizer  a ->  IO Int
gridSizerGetHGap _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizerGetHGap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_GetHGap cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_GetHGap" wxGridSizer_GetHGap :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridSizerGetRows obj@).
gridSizerGetRows :: GridSizer  a ->  IO Int
gridSizerGetRows _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizerGetRows" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_GetRows cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_GetRows" wxGridSizer_GetRows :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridSizerGetVGap obj@).
gridSizerGetVGap :: GridSizer  a ->  IO Int
gridSizerGetVGap _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridSizerGetVGap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_GetVGap cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_GetVGap" wxGridSizer_GetVGap :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridSizerRecalcSizes obj@).
gridSizerRecalcSizes :: GridSizer  a ->  IO ()
gridSizerRecalcSizes _obj 
  = withObjectRef "gridSizerRecalcSizes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_RecalcSizes cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_RecalcSizes" wxGridSizer_RecalcSizes :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSizerSetCols obj cols@).
gridSizerSetCols :: GridSizer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSizerSetCols _obj cols 
  = withObjectRef "gridSizerSetCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_SetCols cobj__obj  (toCInt cols)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_SetCols" wxGridSizer_SetCols :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSizerSetHGap obj gap@).
gridSizerSetHGap :: GridSizer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSizerSetHGap _obj gap 
  = withObjectRef "gridSizerSetHGap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_SetHGap cobj__obj  (toCInt gap)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_SetHGap" wxGridSizer_SetHGap :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSizerSetRows obj rows@).
gridSizerSetRows :: GridSizer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSizerSetRows _obj rows 
  = withObjectRef "gridSizerSetRows" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_SetRows cobj__obj  (toCInt rows)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_SetRows" wxGridSizer_SetRows :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridSizerSetVGap obj gap@).
gridSizerSetVGap :: GridSizer  a -> Int ->  IO ()
gridSizerSetVGap _obj gap 
  = withObjectRef "gridSizerSetVGap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGridSizer_SetVGap cobj__obj  (toCInt gap)  
foreign import ccall "wxGridSizer_SetVGap" wxGridSizer_SetVGap :: Ptr (TGridSizer a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridStringToLines obj value lines@).
gridStringToLines :: Grid  a -> String -> Ptr  c ->  IO Int
gridStringToLines _obj value lines 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridStringToLines" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr value $ \cobj_value -> 
    wxGrid_StringToLines cobj__obj  cobj_value  lines  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_StringToLines" wxGrid_StringToLines :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr  c -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridXToCol obj x@).
gridXToCol :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO Int
gridXToCol _obj x 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridXToCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_XToCol cobj__obj  (toCInt x)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_XToCol" wxGrid_XToCol :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridXToEdgeOfCol obj x@).
gridXToEdgeOfCol :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO Int
gridXToEdgeOfCol _obj x 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridXToEdgeOfCol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_XToEdgeOfCol cobj__obj  (toCInt x)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_XToEdgeOfCol" wxGrid_XToEdgeOfCol :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridXYToCell obj xy@).
gridXYToCell :: Grid  a -> Point ->  IO Point
gridXYToCell _obj xy 
  = withPointResult $ \px py -> 
    withObjectRef "gridXYToCell" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_XYToCell cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)   px py
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_XYToCell" wxGrid_XYToCell :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@gridYToEdgeOfRow obj y@).
gridYToEdgeOfRow :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO Int
gridYToEdgeOfRow _obj y 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridYToEdgeOfRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_YToEdgeOfRow cobj__obj  (toCInt y)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_YToEdgeOfRow" wxGrid_YToEdgeOfRow :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@gridYToRow obj y@).
gridYToRow :: Grid  a -> Int ->  IO Int
gridYToRow _obj y 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "gridYToRow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxGrid_YToRow cobj__obj  (toCInt y)  
foreign import ccall "wxGrid_YToRow" wxGrid_YToRow :: Ptr (TGrid a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@helpControllerHelpProviderCreate ctr@).
helpControllerHelpProviderCreate :: HelpControllerBase  a ->  IO (HelpControllerHelpProvider  ())
helpControllerHelpProviderCreate ctr 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr ctr $ \cobj_ctr -> 
    wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_Create cobj_ctr  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_Create" wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_Create :: Ptr (THelpControllerBase a) -> IO (Ptr (THelpControllerHelpProvider ()))

-- | usage: (@helpControllerHelpProviderGetHelpController obj@).
helpControllerHelpProviderGetHelpController :: HelpControllerHelpProvider  a ->  IO (HelpControllerBase  ())
helpControllerHelpProviderGetHelpController _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "helpControllerHelpProviderGetHelpController" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_GetHelpController cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_GetHelpController" wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_GetHelpController :: Ptr (THelpControllerHelpProvider a) -> IO (Ptr (THelpControllerBase ()))

-- | usage: (@helpControllerHelpProviderSetHelpController obj hc@).
helpControllerHelpProviderSetHelpController :: HelpControllerHelpProvider  a -> HelpController  b ->  IO ()
helpControllerHelpProviderSetHelpController _obj hc 
  = withObjectRef "helpControllerHelpProviderSetHelpController" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr hc $ \cobj_hc -> 
    wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_SetHelpController cobj__obj  cobj_hc  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_SetHelpController" wxHelpControllerHelpProvider_SetHelpController :: Ptr (THelpControllerHelpProvider a) -> Ptr (THelpController b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@helpEventGetLink obj@).
helpEventGetLink :: HelpEvent  a ->  IO (String)
helpEventGetLink _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "helpEventGetLink" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHelpEvent_GetLink cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpEvent_GetLink" wxHelpEvent_GetLink :: Ptr (THelpEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@helpEventGetPosition obj@).
helpEventGetPosition :: HelpEvent  a ->  IO (Point)
helpEventGetPosition _obj 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "helpEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHelpEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpEvent_GetPosition" wxHelpEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (THelpEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@helpEventGetTarget obj@).
helpEventGetTarget :: HelpEvent  a ->  IO (String)
helpEventGetTarget _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "helpEventGetTarget" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHelpEvent_GetTarget cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpEvent_GetTarget" wxHelpEvent_GetTarget :: Ptr (THelpEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@helpEventSetLink obj link@).
helpEventSetLink :: HelpEvent  a -> String ->  IO ()
helpEventSetLink _obj link 
  = withObjectRef "helpEventSetLink" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr link $ \cobj_link -> 
    wxHelpEvent_SetLink cobj__obj  cobj_link  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpEvent_SetLink" wxHelpEvent_SetLink :: Ptr (THelpEvent a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@helpEventSetPosition obj xy@).
helpEventSetPosition :: HelpEvent  a -> Point ->  IO ()
helpEventSetPosition _obj xy 
  = withObjectRef "helpEventSetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHelpEvent_SetPosition cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpEvent_SetPosition" wxHelpEvent_SetPosition :: Ptr (THelpEvent a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@helpEventSetTarget obj target@).
helpEventSetTarget :: HelpEvent  a -> String ->  IO ()
helpEventSetTarget _obj target 
  = withObjectRef "helpEventSetTarget" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr target $ \cobj_target -> 
    wxHelpEvent_SetTarget cobj__obj  cobj_target  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpEvent_SetTarget" wxHelpEvent_SetTarget :: Ptr (THelpEvent a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@helpProviderAddHelp obj window text@).
helpProviderAddHelp :: HelpProvider  a -> Window  b -> String ->  IO ()
helpProviderAddHelp _obj window text 
  = withObjectRef "helpProviderAddHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxHelpProvider_AddHelp cobj__obj  cobj_window  cobj_text  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpProvider_AddHelp" wxHelpProvider_AddHelp :: Ptr (THelpProvider a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@helpProviderAddHelpById obj id text@).
helpProviderAddHelpById :: HelpProvider  a -> Id -> String ->  IO ()
helpProviderAddHelpById _obj id text 
  = withObjectRef "helpProviderAddHelpById" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxHelpProvider_AddHelpById cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  cobj_text  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpProvider_AddHelpById" wxHelpProvider_AddHelpById :: Ptr (THelpProvider a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@helpProviderDelete obj@).
helpProviderDelete :: HelpProvider  a ->  IO ()
helpProviderDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "helpProviderDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHelpProvider_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpProvider_Delete" wxHelpProvider_Delete :: Ptr (THelpProvider a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@helpProviderGet@).
helpProviderGet ::  IO (HelpProvider  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxHelpProvider_Get" wxHelpProvider_Get :: IO (Ptr (THelpProvider ()))

-- | usage: (@helpProviderGetHelp obj window@).
helpProviderGetHelp :: HelpProvider  a -> Window  b ->  IO (String)
helpProviderGetHelp _obj window 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "helpProviderGetHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxHelpProvider_GetHelp cobj__obj  cobj_window  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpProvider_GetHelp" wxHelpProvider_GetHelp :: Ptr (THelpProvider a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@helpProviderRemoveHelp obj window@).
helpProviderRemoveHelp :: HelpProvider  a -> Window  b ->  IO ()
helpProviderRemoveHelp _obj window 
  = withObjectRef "helpProviderRemoveHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxHelpProvider_RemoveHelp cobj__obj  cobj_window  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpProvider_RemoveHelp" wxHelpProvider_RemoveHelp :: Ptr (THelpProvider a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@helpProviderSet helpProvider@).
helpProviderSet :: HelpProvider  a ->  IO (HelpProvider  ())
helpProviderSet helpProvider 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "helpProviderSet" helpProvider $ \cobj_helpProvider -> 
    wxHelpProvider_Set cobj_helpProvider  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpProvider_Set" wxHelpProvider_Set :: Ptr (THelpProvider a) -> IO (Ptr (THelpProvider ()))

-- | usage: (@helpProviderShowHelp obj window@).
helpProviderShowHelp :: HelpProvider  a -> Window  b ->  IO Bool
helpProviderShowHelp _obj window 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "helpProviderShowHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> 
    wxHelpProvider_ShowHelp cobj__obj  cobj_window  
foreign import ccall "wxHelpProvider_ShowHelp" wxHelpProvider_ShowHelp :: Ptr (THelpProvider a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerAddBook obj book showwaitmsg@).
htmlHelpControllerAddBook :: HtmlHelpController  a -> Ptr  b -> Int ->  IO Bool
htmlHelpControllerAddBook _obj book showwaitmsg 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerAddBook" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_AddBook cobj__obj  book  (toCInt showwaitmsg)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_AddBook" wxHtmlHelpController_AddBook :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr  b -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerCreate style@).
htmlHelpControllerCreate :: Int ->  IO (HtmlHelpController  ())
htmlHelpControllerCreate _style 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxHtmlHelpController_Create (toCInt _style)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_Create" wxHtmlHelpController_Create :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (THtmlHelpController ()))

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerDelete obj@).
htmlHelpControllerDelete :: HtmlHelpController  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerDisplay obj x@).
htmlHelpControllerDisplay :: HtmlHelpController  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Int
htmlHelpControllerDisplay _obj x 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerDisplay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_Display cobj__obj  x  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_Display" wxHtmlHelpController_Display :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerDisplayBlock obj blockNo@).
htmlHelpControllerDisplayBlock :: HtmlHelpController  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
htmlHelpControllerDisplayBlock _obj blockNo 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerDisplayBlock" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayBlock cobj__obj  (toCInt blockNo)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayBlock" wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayBlock :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerDisplayContents obj@).
htmlHelpControllerDisplayContents :: HtmlHelpController  a ->  IO Int
htmlHelpControllerDisplayContents _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerDisplayContents" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayContents cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayContents" wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayContents :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerDisplayIndex obj@).
htmlHelpControllerDisplayIndex :: HtmlHelpController  a ->  IO Int
htmlHelpControllerDisplayIndex _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerDisplayIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayIndex cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayIndex" wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayIndex :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerDisplayNumber obj id@).
htmlHelpControllerDisplayNumber :: HtmlHelpController  a -> Id ->  IO Int
htmlHelpControllerDisplayNumber _obj id 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerDisplayNumber" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayNumber cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayNumber" wxHtmlHelpController_DisplayNumber :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerDisplaySection obj section@).
htmlHelpControllerDisplaySection :: HtmlHelpController  a -> String ->  IO Bool
htmlHelpControllerDisplaySection _obj section 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerDisplaySection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr section $ \cobj_section -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_DisplaySection cobj__obj  cobj_section  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_DisplaySection" wxHtmlHelpController_DisplaySection :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerDisplaySectionNumber obj sectionNo@).
htmlHelpControllerDisplaySectionNumber :: HtmlHelpController  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
htmlHelpControllerDisplaySectionNumber _obj sectionNo 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerDisplaySectionNumber" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_DisplaySectionNumber cobj__obj  (toCInt sectionNo)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_DisplaySectionNumber" wxHtmlHelpController_DisplaySectionNumber :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerGetFrame obj@).
htmlHelpControllerGetFrame :: HtmlHelpController  a ->  IO (Frame  ())
htmlHelpControllerGetFrame _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerGetFrame" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_GetFrame cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_GetFrame" wxHtmlHelpController_GetFrame :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> IO (Ptr (TFrame ()))

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerGetFrameParameters obj title width height posx posy newFrameEachTime@).
htmlHelpControllerGetFrameParameters :: HtmlHelpController  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt ->  IO (Ptr  ())
htmlHelpControllerGetFrameParameters _obj title width height posx posy newFrameEachTime 
  = withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerGetFrameParameters" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_GetFrameParameters cobj__obj  title  width  height  posx  posy  newFrameEachTime  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_GetFrameParameters" wxHtmlHelpController_GetFrameParameters :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerInitialize obj file@).
htmlHelpControllerInitialize :: HtmlHelpController  a -> String ->  IO Bool
htmlHelpControllerInitialize _obj file 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerInitialize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr file $ \cobj_file -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_Initialize cobj__obj  cobj_file  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_Initialize" wxHtmlHelpController_Initialize :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerKeywordSearch obj keyword@).
htmlHelpControllerKeywordSearch :: HtmlHelpController  a -> String ->  IO Bool
htmlHelpControllerKeywordSearch _obj keyword 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerKeywordSearch" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr keyword $ \cobj_keyword -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_KeywordSearch cobj__obj  cobj_keyword  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_KeywordSearch" wxHtmlHelpController_KeywordSearch :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerLoadFile obj file@).
htmlHelpControllerLoadFile :: HtmlHelpController  a -> String ->  IO Bool
htmlHelpControllerLoadFile _obj file 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerLoadFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr file $ \cobj_file -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_LoadFile cobj__obj  cobj_file  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_LoadFile" wxHtmlHelpController_LoadFile :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerQuit obj@).
htmlHelpControllerQuit :: HtmlHelpController  a ->  IO Bool
htmlHelpControllerQuit _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerQuit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_Quit cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_Quit" wxHtmlHelpController_Quit :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerReadCustomization obj cfg path@).
htmlHelpControllerReadCustomization :: HtmlHelpController  a -> ConfigBase  b -> String ->  IO ()
htmlHelpControllerReadCustomization _obj cfg path 
  = withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerReadCustomization" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr cfg $ \cobj_cfg -> 
    withStringPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_ReadCustomization cobj__obj  cobj_cfg  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_ReadCustomization" wxHtmlHelpController_ReadCustomization :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TConfigBase b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerSetFrameParameters obj title widthheight posx posy newFrameEachTime@).
htmlHelpControllerSetFrameParameters :: HtmlHelpController  a -> Ptr  b -> Size -> Int -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
htmlHelpControllerSetFrameParameters _obj title widthheight posx posy newFrameEachTime 
  = withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerSetFrameParameters" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_SetFrameParameters cobj__obj  title  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  (toCInt posx)  (toCInt posy)  (toCBool newFrameEachTime)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_SetFrameParameters" wxHtmlHelpController_SetFrameParameters :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr  b -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerSetTempDir obj path@).
htmlHelpControllerSetTempDir :: HtmlHelpController  a -> String ->  IO ()
htmlHelpControllerSetTempDir _obj path 
  = withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerSetTempDir" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_SetTempDir cobj__obj  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_SetTempDir" wxHtmlHelpController_SetTempDir :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerSetTitleFormat obj format@).
htmlHelpControllerSetTitleFormat :: HtmlHelpController  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
htmlHelpControllerSetTitleFormat _obj format 
  = withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerSetTitleFormat" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_SetTitleFormat cobj__obj  format  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_SetTitleFormat" wxHtmlHelpController_SetTitleFormat :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerSetViewer obj viewer flags@).
htmlHelpControllerSetViewer :: HtmlHelpController  a -> String -> Int ->  IO ()
htmlHelpControllerSetViewer _obj viewer flags 
  = withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerSetViewer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr viewer $ \cobj_viewer -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_SetViewer cobj__obj  cobj_viewer  (toCInt flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_SetViewer" wxHtmlHelpController_SetViewer :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerUseConfig obj config rootpath@).
htmlHelpControllerUseConfig :: HtmlHelpController  a -> ConfigBase  b -> String ->  IO ()
htmlHelpControllerUseConfig _obj config rootpath 
  = withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerUseConfig" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr config $ \cobj_config -> 
    withStringPtr rootpath $ \cobj_rootpath -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_UseConfig cobj__obj  cobj_config  cobj_rootpath  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_UseConfig" wxHtmlHelpController_UseConfig :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TConfigBase b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlHelpControllerWriteCustomization obj cfg path@).
htmlHelpControllerWriteCustomization :: HtmlHelpController  a -> ConfigBase  b -> String ->  IO ()
htmlHelpControllerWriteCustomization _obj cfg path 
  = withObjectRef "htmlHelpControllerWriteCustomization" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr cfg $ \cobj_cfg -> 
    withStringPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxHtmlHelpController_WriteCustomization cobj__obj  cobj_cfg  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlHelpController_WriteCustomization" wxHtmlHelpController_WriteCustomization :: Ptr (THtmlHelpController a) -> Ptr (TConfigBase b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowAppendToPage obj source@).
htmlWindowAppendToPage :: HtmlWindow  a -> String ->  IO Bool
htmlWindowAppendToPage _obj source 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowAppendToPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr source $ \cobj_source -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_AppendToPage cobj__obj  cobj_source  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_AppendToPage" wxHtmlWindow_AppendToPage :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl txt@).
htmlWindowCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> String ->  IO (HtmlWindow  ())
htmlWindowCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl _txt 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withStringPtr _txt $ \cobj__txt -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  cobj__txt  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_Create" wxHtmlWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString e) -> IO (Ptr (THtmlWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowGetInternalRepresentation obj@).
htmlWindowGetInternalRepresentation :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO (HtmlContainerCell  ())
htmlWindowGetInternalRepresentation _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowGetInternalRepresentation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_GetInternalRepresentation cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_GetInternalRepresentation" wxHtmlWindow_GetInternalRepresentation :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (THtmlContainerCell ()))

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowGetOpenedAnchor obj@).
htmlWindowGetOpenedAnchor :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO (String)
htmlWindowGetOpenedAnchor _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowGetOpenedAnchor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedAnchor cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedAnchor" wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedAnchor :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowGetOpenedPage obj@).
htmlWindowGetOpenedPage :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO (String)
htmlWindowGetOpenedPage _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowGetOpenedPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPage" wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPage :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowGetOpenedPageTitle obj@).
htmlWindowGetOpenedPageTitle :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO (String)
htmlWindowGetOpenedPageTitle _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowGetOpenedPageTitle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPageTitle cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPageTitle" wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPageTitle :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowGetRelatedFrame obj@).
htmlWindowGetRelatedFrame :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO (Frame  ())
htmlWindowGetRelatedFrame _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowGetRelatedFrame" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_GetRelatedFrame cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_GetRelatedFrame" wxHtmlWindow_GetRelatedFrame :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TFrame ()))

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowHistoryBack obj@).
htmlWindowHistoryBack :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO Bool
htmlWindowHistoryBack _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowHistoryBack" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_HistoryBack cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_HistoryBack" wxHtmlWindow_HistoryBack :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowHistoryCanBack obj@).
htmlWindowHistoryCanBack :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO Bool
htmlWindowHistoryCanBack _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowHistoryCanBack" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanBack cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanBack" wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanBack :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowHistoryCanForward obj@).
htmlWindowHistoryCanForward :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO Bool
htmlWindowHistoryCanForward _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowHistoryCanForward" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanForward cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanForward" wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanForward :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowHistoryClear obj@).
htmlWindowHistoryClear :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO ()
htmlWindowHistoryClear _obj 
  = withObjectRef "htmlWindowHistoryClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_HistoryClear cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_HistoryClear" wxHtmlWindow_HistoryClear :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowHistoryForward obj@).
htmlWindowHistoryForward :: HtmlWindow  a ->  IO Bool
htmlWindowHistoryForward _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowHistoryForward" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_HistoryForward cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_HistoryForward" wxHtmlWindow_HistoryForward :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowLoadPage obj location@).
htmlWindowLoadPage :: HtmlWindow  a -> String ->  IO Bool
htmlWindowLoadPage _obj location 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "htmlWindowLoadPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr location $ \cobj_location -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_LoadPage cobj__obj  cobj_location  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_LoadPage" wxHtmlWindow_LoadPage :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowReadCustomization obj cfg path@).
htmlWindowReadCustomization :: HtmlWindow  a -> ConfigBase  b -> String ->  IO ()
htmlWindowReadCustomization _obj cfg path 
  = withObjectRef "htmlWindowReadCustomization" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr cfg $ \cobj_cfg -> 
    withStringPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_ReadCustomization cobj__obj  cobj_cfg  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_ReadCustomization" wxHtmlWindow_ReadCustomization :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> Ptr (TConfigBase b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowSetBorders obj b@).
htmlWindowSetBorders :: HtmlWindow  a -> Int ->  IO ()
htmlWindowSetBorders _obj b 
  = withObjectRef "htmlWindowSetBorders" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_SetBorders cobj__obj  (toCInt b)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_SetBorders" wxHtmlWindow_SetBorders :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowSetFonts obj normalface fixedface sizes@).
htmlWindowSetFonts :: HtmlWindow  a -> String -> String -> Ptr CInt ->  IO ()
htmlWindowSetFonts _obj normalface fixedface sizes 
  = withObjectRef "htmlWindowSetFonts" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr normalface $ \cobj_normalface -> 
    withStringPtr fixedface $ \cobj_fixedface -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_SetFonts cobj__obj  cobj_normalface  cobj_fixedface  sizes  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_SetFonts" wxHtmlWindow_SetFonts :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowSetPage obj source@).
htmlWindowSetPage :: HtmlWindow  a -> String ->  IO ()
htmlWindowSetPage _obj source 
  = withObjectRef "htmlWindowSetPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr source $ \cobj_source -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_SetPage cobj__obj  cobj_source  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_SetPage" wxHtmlWindow_SetPage :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowSetRelatedFrame obj frame format@).
htmlWindowSetRelatedFrame :: HtmlWindow  a -> Frame  b -> String ->  IO ()
htmlWindowSetRelatedFrame _obj frame format 
  = withObjectRef "htmlWindowSetRelatedFrame" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr frame $ \cobj_frame -> 
    withStringPtr format $ \cobj_format -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedFrame cobj__obj  cobj_frame  cobj_format  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedFrame" wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedFrame :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> Ptr (TFrame b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowSetRelatedStatusBar obj bar@).
htmlWindowSetRelatedStatusBar :: HtmlWindow  a -> Int ->  IO ()
htmlWindowSetRelatedStatusBar _obj bar 
  = withObjectRef "htmlWindowSetRelatedStatusBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedStatusBar cobj__obj  (toCInt bar)  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedStatusBar" wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedStatusBar :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@htmlWindowWriteCustomization obj cfg path@).
htmlWindowWriteCustomization :: HtmlWindow  a -> ConfigBase  b -> String ->  IO ()
htmlWindowWriteCustomization _obj cfg path 
  = withObjectRef "htmlWindowWriteCustomization" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr cfg $ \cobj_cfg -> 
    withStringPtr path $ \cobj_path -> 
    wxHtmlWindow_WriteCustomization cobj__obj  cobj_cfg  cobj_path  
foreign import ccall "wxHtmlWindow_WriteCustomization" wxHtmlWindow_WriteCustomization :: Ptr (THtmlWindow a) -> Ptr (TConfigBase b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconAssign obj other@).
iconAssign :: Icon  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
iconAssign _obj other 
  = withObjectRef "iconAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIcon_Assign cobj__obj  other  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_Assign" wxIcon_Assign :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconBundleAddIcon obj icon@).
iconBundleAddIcon :: IconBundle  a -> Icon  b ->  IO ()
iconBundleAddIcon _obj icon 
  = withObjectRef "iconBundleAddIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wxIconBundle_AddIcon cobj__obj  cobj_icon  
foreign import ccall "wxIconBundle_AddIcon" wxIconBundle_AddIcon :: Ptr (TIconBundle a) -> Ptr (TIcon b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconBundleAddIconFromFile obj file wxtype@).
iconBundleAddIconFromFile :: IconBundle  a -> String -> Int ->  IO ()
iconBundleAddIconFromFile _obj file wxtype 
  = withObjectRef "iconBundleAddIconFromFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr file $ \cobj_file -> 
    wxIconBundle_AddIconFromFile cobj__obj  cobj_file  (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxIconBundle_AddIconFromFile" wxIconBundle_AddIconFromFile :: Ptr (TIconBundle a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconBundleCreateDefault@).
iconBundleCreateDefault ::  IO (IconBundle  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxIconBundle_CreateDefault" wxIconBundle_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TIconBundle ()))

-- | usage: (@iconBundleCreateFromFile file wxtype@).
iconBundleCreateFromFile :: String -> Int ->  IO (IconBundle  ())
iconBundleCreateFromFile file wxtype 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr file $ \cobj_file -> 
    wxIconBundle_CreateFromFile cobj_file  (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxIconBundle_CreateFromFile" wxIconBundle_CreateFromFile :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TIconBundle ()))

-- | usage: (@iconBundleCreateFromIcon icon@).
iconBundleCreateFromIcon :: Icon  a ->  IO (IconBundle  ())
iconBundleCreateFromIcon icon 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wxIconBundle_CreateFromIcon cobj_icon  
foreign import ccall "wxIconBundle_CreateFromIcon" wxIconBundle_CreateFromIcon :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO (Ptr (TIconBundle ()))

-- | usage: (@iconBundleDelete obj@).
iconBundleDelete :: IconBundle  a ->  IO ()
iconBundleDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "iconBundleDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIconBundle_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIconBundle_Delete" wxIconBundle_Delete :: Ptr (TIconBundle a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconBundleGetIcon obj wh@).
iconBundleGetIcon :: IconBundle  a -> Size ->  IO (Icon  ())
iconBundleGetIcon _obj wh 
  = withRefIcon $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "iconBundleGetIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIconBundle_GetIcon cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxIconBundle_GetIcon" wxIconBundle_GetIcon :: Ptr (TIconBundle a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TIcon ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconCopyFromBitmap obj bmp@).
iconCopyFromBitmap :: Icon  a -> Bitmap  b ->  IO ()
iconCopyFromBitmap _obj bmp 
  = withObjectRef "iconCopyFromBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr bmp $ \cobj_bmp -> 
    wxIcon_CopyFromBitmap cobj__obj  cobj_bmp  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_CopyFromBitmap" wxIcon_CopyFromBitmap :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconCreateDefault@).
iconCreateDefault ::  IO (Icon  ())
  = withManagedIconResult $
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_CreateDefault" wxIcon_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TIcon ()))

-- | usage: (@iconCreateLoad name wxtype widthheight@).
iconCreateLoad :: String -> Int -> Size ->  IO (Icon  ())
iconCreateLoad name wxtype widthheight 
  = withManagedIconResult $
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxIcon_CreateLoad cobj_name  (toCInt wxtype)  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_CreateLoad" wxIcon_CreateLoad :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TIcon ()))

-- | usage: (@iconDelete obj@).
iconDelete :: Icon  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@iconFromRaw wxdata widthheight@).
iconFromRaw :: Icon  a -> Size ->  IO (Icon  ())
iconFromRaw wxdata widthheight 
  = withManagedIconResult $
    withObjectRef "iconFromRaw" wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    wxIcon_FromRaw cobj_wxdata  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_FromRaw" wxIcon_FromRaw :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TIcon ()))

-- | usage: (@iconFromXPM wxdata@).
iconFromXPM :: Icon  a ->  IO (Icon  ())
iconFromXPM wxdata 
  = withManagedIconResult $
    withObjectRef "iconFromXPM" wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> 
    wxIcon_FromXPM cobj_wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_FromXPM" wxIcon_FromXPM :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO (Ptr (TIcon ()))

-- | usage: (@iconGetDepth obj@).
iconGetDepth :: Icon  a ->  IO Int
iconGetDepth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "iconGetDepth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIcon_GetDepth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_GetDepth" wxIcon_GetDepth :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@iconGetHeight obj@).
iconGetHeight :: Icon  a ->  IO Int
iconGetHeight _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "iconGetHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIcon_GetHeight cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_GetHeight" wxIcon_GetHeight :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@iconGetWidth obj@).
iconGetWidth :: Icon  a ->  IO Int
iconGetWidth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "iconGetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIcon_GetWidth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_GetWidth" wxIcon_GetWidth :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@iconIsEqual obj other@).
iconIsEqual :: Icon  a -> Icon  b ->  IO Bool
iconIsEqual _obj other 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "iconIsEqual" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr other $ \cobj_other -> 
    wxIcon_IsEqual cobj__obj  cobj_other  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_IsEqual" wxIcon_IsEqual :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> Ptr (TIcon b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@iconIsOk obj@).
iconIsOk :: Icon  a ->  IO Bool
iconIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "iconIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIcon_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_IsOk" wxIcon_IsOk :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@iconIsStatic self@).
iconIsStatic :: Icon  a ->  IO Bool
iconIsStatic self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxIcon_IsStatic cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_IsStatic" wxIcon_IsStatic :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@iconLoad obj name wxtype widthheight@).
iconLoad :: Icon  a -> String -> Int -> Size ->  IO Int
iconLoad _obj name wxtype widthheight 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "iconLoad" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxIcon_Load cobj__obj  cobj_name  (toCInt wxtype)  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_Load" wxIcon_Load :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@iconSafeDelete self@).
iconSafeDelete :: Icon  a ->  IO ()
iconSafeDelete self 
  = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxIcon_SafeDelete cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_SafeDelete" wxIcon_SafeDelete :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconSetDepth obj depth@).
iconSetDepth :: Icon  a -> Int ->  IO ()
iconSetDepth _obj depth 
  = withObjectRef "iconSetDepth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIcon_SetDepth cobj__obj  (toCInt depth)  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_SetDepth" wxIcon_SetDepth :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconSetHeight obj height@).
iconSetHeight :: Icon  a -> Int ->  IO ()
iconSetHeight _obj height 
  = withObjectRef "iconSetHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIcon_SetHeight cobj__obj  (toCInt height)  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_SetHeight" wxIcon_SetHeight :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@iconSetWidth obj width@).
iconSetWidth :: Icon  a -> Int ->  IO ()
iconSetWidth _obj width 
  = withObjectRef "iconSetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIcon_SetWidth cobj__obj  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxIcon_SetWidth" wxIcon_SetWidth :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@idleEventCopyObject obj objectdest@).
idleEventCopyObject :: IdleEvent  a -> WxObject  b ->  IO ()
idleEventCopyObject _obj objectdest 
  = withObjectRef "idleEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr objectdest $ \cobj_objectdest -> 
    wxIdleEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj  cobj_objectdest  
foreign import ccall "wxIdleEvent_CopyObject" wxIdleEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TIdleEvent a) -> Ptr (TWxObject b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@idleEventMoreRequested obj@).
idleEventMoreRequested :: IdleEvent  a ->  IO Bool
idleEventMoreRequested _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "idleEventMoreRequested" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIdleEvent_MoreRequested cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIdleEvent_MoreRequested" wxIdleEvent_MoreRequested :: Ptr (TIdleEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@idleEventRequestMore obj needMore@).
idleEventRequestMore :: IdleEvent  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
idleEventRequestMore _obj needMore 
  = withObjectRef "idleEventRequestMore" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIdleEvent_RequestMore cobj__obj  (toCBool needMore)  
foreign import ccall "wxIdleEvent_RequestMore" wxIdleEvent_RequestMore :: Ptr (TIdleEvent a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageCanRead name@).
imageCanRead :: String ->  IO Bool
imageCanRead name 
  = withBoolResult $
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxImage_CanRead cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CanRead" wxImage_CanRead :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageConvertToBitmap obj@).
imageConvertToBitmap :: Image  a ->  IO (Bitmap  ())
imageConvertToBitmap _obj 
  = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "imageConvertToBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_ConvertToBitmap cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxImage_ConvertToBitmap" wxImage_ConvertToBitmap :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageConvertToByteString obj wxtype@).
imageConvertToByteString :: Image  a -> Int ->  IO B.ByteString
imageConvertToByteString _obj wxtype 
  = withByteStringResult $ \buffer -> 
    withObjectRef "imageConvertToByteString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_ConvertToByteString cobj__obj  (toCInt wxtype)   buffer
foreign import ccall "wxImage_ConvertToByteString" wxImage_ConvertToByteString :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> Ptr CChar -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageConvertToLazyByteString obj wxtype@).
imageConvertToLazyByteString :: Image  a -> Int ->  IO LB.ByteString
imageConvertToLazyByteString _obj wxtype 
  = withLazyByteStringResult $ \buffer -> 
    withObjectRef "imageConvertToLazyByteString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_ConvertToLazyByteString cobj__obj  (toCInt wxtype)   buffer
foreign import ccall "wxImage_ConvertToLazyByteString" wxImage_ConvertToLazyByteString :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> Ptr CChar -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageCountColours obj stopafter@).
imageCountColours :: Image  a -> Int ->  IO Int
imageCountColours _obj stopafter 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "imageCountColours" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_CountColours cobj__obj  (toCInt stopafter)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CountColours" wxImage_CountColours :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageCreateDefault@).
imageCreateDefault ::  IO (Image  ())
  = withManagedObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CreateDefault" wxImage_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TImage ()))

-- | usage: (@imageCreateFromBitmap bitmap@).
imageCreateFromBitmap :: Bitmap  a ->  IO (Image  ())
imageCreateFromBitmap bitmap 
  = withManagedObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> 
    wxImage_CreateFromBitmap cobj_bitmap  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CreateFromBitmap" wxImage_CreateFromBitmap :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO (Ptr (TImage ()))

-- | usage: (@imageCreateFromByteString widthheight datalength@).
imageCreateFromByteString :: Size -> B.ByteString ->  IO (Image  ())
imageCreateFromByteString widthheight datalength 
  = withManagedObjectResult $
    B.useAsCStringLen datalength $ \(bs_datalength, bslen_datalength)  -> 
    wxImage_CreateFromByteString (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  bs_datalength bslen_datalength  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CreateFromByteString" wxImage_CreateFromByteString :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO (Ptr (TImage ()))

-- | usage: (@imageCreateFromData widthheight wxdata@).
imageCreateFromData :: Size -> Ptr  b ->  IO (Image  ())
imageCreateFromData widthheight wxdata 
  = withManagedObjectResult $
    wxImage_CreateFromData (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CreateFromData" wxImage_CreateFromData :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr  b -> IO (Ptr (TImage ()))

-- | usage: (@imageCreateFromDataEx widthheight wxdata isStaticData@).
imageCreateFromDataEx :: Size -> Ptr  b -> Bool ->  IO (Image  ())
imageCreateFromDataEx widthheight wxdata isStaticData 
  = withManagedObjectResult $
    wxImage_CreateFromDataEx (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  wxdata  (toCBool isStaticData)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CreateFromDataEx" wxImage_CreateFromDataEx :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr  b -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TImage ()))

-- | usage: (@imageCreateFromFile name@).
imageCreateFromFile :: String ->  IO (Image  ())
imageCreateFromFile name 
  = withManagedObjectResult $
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxImage_CreateFromFile cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CreateFromFile" wxImage_CreateFromFile :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO (Ptr (TImage ()))

-- | usage: (@imageCreateFromLazyByteString widthheight datalength@).
imageCreateFromLazyByteString :: Size -> LB.ByteString ->  IO (Image  ())
imageCreateFromLazyByteString widthheight datalength 
  = withManagedObjectResult $
    withArray (LB.unpack datalength) $ \bs_datalength -> 
    wxImage_CreateFromLazyByteString (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  bs_datalength (fromIntegral $ LB.length datalength)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CreateFromLazyByteString" wxImage_CreateFromLazyByteString :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO (Ptr (TImage ()))

-- | usage: (@imageCreateSized widthheight@).
imageCreateSized :: Size ->  IO (Image  ())
imageCreateSized widthheight 
  = withManagedObjectResult $
    wxImage_CreateSized (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_CreateSized" wxImage_CreateSized :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TImage ()))

-- | usage: (@imageDelete image@).
imageDelete :: Image  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@imageDestroy obj@).
imageDestroy :: Image  a ->  IO ()
imageDestroy _obj 
  = withObjectRef "imageDestroy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_Destroy cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Destroy" wxImage_Destroy :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageGetBlue obj xy@).
imageGetBlue :: Image  a -> Point ->  IO Char
imageGetBlue _obj xy 
  = withCharResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetBlue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetBlue cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetBlue" wxImage_GetBlue :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CWchar

-- | usage: (@imageGetData obj@).
imageGetData :: Image  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
imageGetData _obj 
  = withObjectRef "imageGetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetData cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetData" wxImage_GetData :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@imageGetGreen obj xy@).
imageGetGreen :: Image  a -> Point ->  IO Char
imageGetGreen _obj xy 
  = withCharResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetGreen" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetGreen cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetGreen" wxImage_GetGreen :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CWchar

-- | usage: (@imageGetHeight obj@).
imageGetHeight :: Image  a ->  IO Int
imageGetHeight _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetHeight cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetHeight" wxImage_GetHeight :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageGetMaskBlue obj@).
imageGetMaskBlue :: Image  a ->  IO Char
imageGetMaskBlue _obj 
  = withCharResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetMaskBlue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetMaskBlue cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetMaskBlue" wxImage_GetMaskBlue :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO CWchar

-- | usage: (@imageGetMaskGreen obj@).
imageGetMaskGreen :: Image  a ->  IO Char
imageGetMaskGreen _obj 
  = withCharResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetMaskGreen" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetMaskGreen cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetMaskGreen" wxImage_GetMaskGreen :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO CWchar

-- | usage: (@imageGetMaskRed obj@).
imageGetMaskRed :: Image  a ->  IO Char
imageGetMaskRed _obj 
  = withCharResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetMaskRed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetMaskRed cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetMaskRed" wxImage_GetMaskRed :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO CWchar

-- | usage: (@imageGetOption obj name@).
imageGetOption :: Image  a -> String ->  IO (String)
imageGetOption _obj name 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetOption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxImage_GetOption cobj__obj  cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetOption" wxImage_GetOption :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@imageGetOptionInt obj name@).
imageGetOptionInt :: Image  a -> String ->  IO Bool
imageGetOptionInt _obj name 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetOptionInt" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxImage_GetOptionInt cobj__obj  cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetOptionInt" wxImage_GetOptionInt :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageGetRed obj xy@).
imageGetRed :: Image  a -> Point ->  IO Char
imageGetRed _obj xy 
  = withCharResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetRed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetRed cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetRed" wxImage_GetRed :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CWchar

-- | usage: (@imageGetSubImage obj xywh@).
imageGetSubImage :: Image  a -> Rect ->  IO (Image  ())
imageGetSubImage _obj xywh 
  = withRefImage $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "imageGetSubImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetSubImage cobj__obj  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetSubImage" wxImage_GetSubImage :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TImage ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageGetWidth obj@).
imageGetWidth :: Image  a ->  IO Int
imageGetWidth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "imageGetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_GetWidth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_GetWidth" wxImage_GetWidth :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageHasMask obj@).
imageHasMask :: Image  a ->  IO Bool
imageHasMask _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageHasMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_HasMask cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_HasMask" wxImage_HasMask :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageHasOption obj name@).
imageHasOption :: Image  a -> String ->  IO Bool
imageHasOption _obj name 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageHasOption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxImage_HasOption cobj__obj  cobj_name  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_HasOption" wxImage_HasOption :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageInitialize obj widthheight@).
imageInitialize :: Image  a -> Size ->  IO ()
imageInitialize _obj widthheight 
  = withObjectRef "imageInitialize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_Initialize cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Initialize" wxImage_Initialize :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageInitializeFromData obj widthheight wxdata@).
imageInitializeFromData :: Image  a -> Size -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
imageInitializeFromData _obj widthheight wxdata 
  = withObjectRef "imageInitializeFromData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_InitializeFromData cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_InitializeFromData" wxImage_InitializeFromData :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageIsOk obj@).
imageIsOk :: Image  a ->  IO Bool
imageIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_IsOk" wxImage_IsOk :: Ptr (TImage a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageListAddBitmap obj bitmap mask@).
imageListAddBitmap :: ImageList  a -> Bitmap  b -> Bitmap  c ->  IO Int
imageListAddBitmap _obj bitmap mask 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListAddBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> 
    withObjectPtr mask $ \cobj_mask -> 
    wxImageList_AddBitmap cobj__obj  cobj_bitmap  cobj_mask  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_AddBitmap" wxImageList_AddBitmap :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageListAddIcon obj icon@).
imageListAddIcon :: ImageList  a -> Icon  b ->  IO Int
imageListAddIcon _obj icon 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListAddIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wxImageList_AddIcon cobj__obj  cobj_icon  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_AddIcon" wxImageList_AddIcon :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> Ptr (TIcon b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageListAddMasked obj bitmap maskColour@).
imageListAddMasked :: ImageList  a -> Bitmap  b -> Color ->  IO Int
imageListAddMasked _obj bitmap maskColour 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListAddMasked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> 
    withColourPtr maskColour $ \cobj_maskColour -> 
    wxImageList_AddMasked cobj__obj  cobj_bitmap  cobj_maskColour  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_AddMasked" wxImageList_AddMasked :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> Ptr (TColour c) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageListCreate widthheight mask initialCount@).
imageListCreate :: Size -> Bool -> Int ->  IO (ImageList  ())
imageListCreate widthheight mask initialCount 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxImageList_Create (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  (toCBool mask)  (toCInt initialCount)  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_Create" wxImageList_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TImageList ()))

-- | usage: (@imageListDelete obj@).
imageListDelete :: ImageList  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@imageListDraw obj index dc xy flags solidBackground@).
imageListDraw :: ImageList  a -> Int -> DC  c -> Point -> Int -> Bool ->  IO Bool
imageListDraw _obj index dc xy flags solidBackground 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListDraw" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> 
    wxImageList_Draw cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  cobj_dc  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCInt flags)  (toCBool solidBackground)  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_Draw" wxImageList_Draw :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TDC c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageListGetImageCount obj@).
imageListGetImageCount :: ImageList  a ->  IO Int
imageListGetImageCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListGetImageCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImageList_GetImageCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_GetImageCount" wxImageList_GetImageCount :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@imageListGetSize obj index@).
imageListGetSize :: ImageList  a -> Int ->  IO Size
imageListGetSize _obj index 
  = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> 
    withObjectRef "imageListGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImageList_GetSize cobj__obj  (toCInt index)   pw ph
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_GetSize" wxImageList_GetSize :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageListRemove obj index@).
imageListRemove :: ImageList  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
imageListRemove _obj index 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListRemove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImageList_Remove cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_Remove" wxImageList_Remove :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageListRemoveAll obj@).
imageListRemoveAll :: ImageList  a ->  IO Bool
imageListRemoveAll _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListRemoveAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImageList_RemoveAll cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_RemoveAll" wxImageList_RemoveAll :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageListReplace obj index bitmap mask@).
imageListReplace :: ImageList  a -> Int -> Bitmap  c -> Bitmap  d ->  IO Bool
imageListReplace _obj index bitmap mask 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListReplace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> 
    withObjectPtr mask $ \cobj_mask -> 
    wxImageList_Replace cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  cobj_bitmap  cobj_mask  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_Replace" wxImageList_Replace :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageListReplaceIcon obj index icon@).
imageListReplaceIcon :: ImageList  a -> Int -> Icon  c ->  IO Bool
imageListReplaceIcon _obj index icon 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageListReplaceIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> 
    wxImageList_ReplaceIcon cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  cobj_icon  
foreign import ccall "wxImageList_ReplaceIcon" wxImageList_ReplaceIcon :: Ptr (TImageList a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TIcon c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageLoadFile obj name wxtype@).
imageLoadFile :: Image  a -> String -> Int ->  IO Bool
imageLoadFile _obj name wxtype 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageLoadFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxImage_LoadFile cobj__obj  cobj_name  (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_LoadFile" wxImage_LoadFile :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageMirror obj horizontally@).
imageMirror :: Image  a -> Bool ->  IO (Image  ())
imageMirror _obj horizontally 
  = withRefImage $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "imageMirror" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_Mirror cobj__obj  (toCBool horizontally)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Mirror" wxImage_Mirror :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CBool -> Ptr (TImage ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imagePaste obj image xy@).
imagePaste :: Image  a -> Image  b -> Point ->  IO ()
imagePaste _obj image xy 
  = withObjectRef "imagePaste" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr image $ \cobj_image -> 
    wxImage_Paste cobj__obj  cobj_image  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Paste" wxImage_Paste :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TImage b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageReplace obj r1g1b1 r2g2b2@).
imageReplace :: Image  a -> Color -> Color ->  IO ()
imageReplace _obj r1g1b1 r2g2b2 
  = withObjectRef "imageReplace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_Replace cobj__obj  (colorRed r1g1b1) (colorGreen r1g1b1) (colorBlue r1g1b1)  (colorRed r2g2b2) (colorGreen r2g2b2) (colorBlue r2g2b2)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Replace" wxImage_Replace :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageRescale obj widthheight@).
imageRescale :: Image  a -> Size ->  IO ()
imageRescale _obj widthheight 
  = withObjectRef "imageRescale" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_Rescale cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Rescale" wxImage_Rescale :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageRotate obj angle cxcy interpolating offsetafterrotation@).
imageRotate :: Image  a -> Double -> Point -> Bool -> Ptr  e ->  IO (Image  ())
imageRotate _obj angle cxcy interpolating offsetafterrotation 
  = withRefImage $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "imageRotate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_Rotate cobj__obj  angle  (toCIntPointX cxcy) (toCIntPointY cxcy)  (toCBool interpolating)  offsetafterrotation   pref
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Rotate" wxImage_Rotate :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Double -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> Ptr  e -> Ptr (TImage ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageRotate90 obj clockwise@).
imageRotate90 :: Image  a -> Bool ->  IO (Image  ())
imageRotate90 _obj clockwise 
  = withRefImage $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "imageRotate90" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_Rotate90 cobj__obj  (toCBool clockwise)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Rotate90" wxImage_Rotate90 :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CBool -> Ptr (TImage ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageSaveFile obj name wxtype@).
imageSaveFile :: Image  a -> String -> Int ->  IO Bool
imageSaveFile _obj name wxtype 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "imageSaveFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxImage_SaveFile cobj__obj  cobj_name  (toCInt wxtype)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_SaveFile" wxImage_SaveFile :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@imageScale obj widthheight@).
imageScale :: Image  a -> Size ->  IO (Image  ())
imageScale _obj widthheight 
  = withRefImage $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "imageScale" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_Scale cobj__obj  (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxImage_Scale" wxImage_Scale :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TImage ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageSetData obj wxdata@).
imageSetData :: Image  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
imageSetData _obj wxdata 
  = withObjectRef "imageSetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_SetData cobj__obj  wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_SetData" wxImage_SetData :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageSetDataAndSize obj wxdata newwidthnewheight@).
imageSetDataAndSize :: Image  a -> Ptr  b -> Size ->  IO ()
imageSetDataAndSize _obj wxdata newwidthnewheight 
  = withObjectRef "imageSetDataAndSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_SetDataAndSize cobj__obj  wxdata  (toCIntSizeW newwidthnewheight) (toCIntSizeH newwidthnewheight)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_SetDataAndSize" wxImage_SetDataAndSize :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr  b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageSetMask obj mask@).
imageSetMask :: Image  a -> Int ->  IO ()
imageSetMask _obj mask 
  = withObjectRef "imageSetMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_SetMask cobj__obj  (toCInt mask)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_SetMask" wxImage_SetMask :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageSetMaskColour obj rgb@).
imageSetMaskColour :: Image  a -> Color ->  IO ()
imageSetMaskColour _obj rgb 
  = withObjectRef "imageSetMaskColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_SetMaskColour cobj__obj  (colorRed rgb) (colorGreen rgb) (colorBlue rgb)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_SetMaskColour" wxImage_SetMaskColour :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageSetOption obj name value@).
imageSetOption :: Image  a -> String -> String ->  IO ()
imageSetOption _obj name value 
  = withObjectRef "imageSetOption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    withStringPtr value $ \cobj_value -> 
    wxImage_SetOption cobj__obj  cobj_name  cobj_value  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_SetOption" wxImage_SetOption :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageSetOptionInt obj name value@).
imageSetOptionInt :: Image  a -> String -> Int ->  IO ()
imageSetOptionInt _obj name value 
  = withObjectRef "imageSetOptionInt" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxImage_SetOptionInt cobj__obj  cobj_name  (toCInt value)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_SetOptionInt" wxImage_SetOptionInt :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@imageSetRGB obj xy rgb@).
imageSetRGB :: Image  a -> Point -> Color ->  IO ()
imageSetRGB _obj xy rgb 
  = withObjectRef "imageSetRGB" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxImage_SetRGB cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (colorRed rgb) (colorGreen rgb) (colorBlue rgb)  
foreign import ccall "wxImage_SetRGB" wxImage_SetRGB :: Ptr (TImage a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintAbove obj sibling marg@).
individualLayoutConstraintAbove :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Window  b -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintAbove _obj sibling marg 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintAbove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr sibling $ \cobj_sibling -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Above cobj__obj  cobj_sibling  (toCInt marg)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Above" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Above :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintAbsolute obj val@).
individualLayoutConstraintAbsolute :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintAbsolute _obj val 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintAbsolute" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Absolute cobj__obj  (toCInt val)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Absolute" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Absolute :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintAsIs obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintAsIs :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintAsIs _obj 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintAsIs" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_AsIs cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_AsIs" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_AsIs :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintBelow obj sibling marg@).
individualLayoutConstraintBelow :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Window  b -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintBelow _obj sibling marg 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintBelow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr sibling $ \cobj_sibling -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Below cobj__obj  cobj_sibling  (toCInt marg)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Below" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Below :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetDone obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetDone :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO Bool
individualLayoutConstraintGetDone _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetDone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetDone cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetDone" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetDone :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetEdge obj which thisWin other@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Int -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d ->  IO Int
individualLayoutConstraintGetEdge _obj which thisWin other 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetEdge" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetEdge cobj__obj  (toCInt which)  thisWin  other  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetEdge" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetEdge :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> Ptr  d -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetMargin obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetMargin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO Int
individualLayoutConstraintGetMargin _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetMargin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetMargin cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetMargin" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetMargin :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetMyEdge obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetMyEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO Int
individualLayoutConstraintGetMyEdge _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetMyEdge" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetMyEdge cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetMyEdge" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetMyEdge :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherEdge obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO Int
individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherEdge _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherEdge" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetOtherEdge cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetOtherEdge" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetOtherEdge :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherWindow obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherWindow :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherWindow _obj 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetOtherWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetOtherWindow cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetOtherWindow" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetOtherWindow :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetPercent obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetPercent :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO Int
individualLayoutConstraintGetPercent _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetPercent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetPercent cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetPercent" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetPercent :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetRelationship obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetRelationship :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO Int
individualLayoutConstraintGetRelationship _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetRelationship" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetRelationship cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetRelationship" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetRelationship :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintGetValue obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintGetValue :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO Int
individualLayoutConstraintGetValue _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetValue cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetValue" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_GetValue :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintLeftOf obj sibling marg@).
individualLayoutConstraintLeftOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Window  b -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintLeftOf _obj sibling marg 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintLeftOf" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr sibling $ \cobj_sibling -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_LeftOf cobj__obj  cobj_sibling  (toCInt marg)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_LeftOf" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_LeftOf :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintPercentOf obj otherW wh per@).
individualLayoutConstraintPercentOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Window  b -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintPercentOf _obj otherW wh per 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintPercentOf" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr otherW $ \cobj_otherW -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_PercentOf cobj__obj  cobj_otherW  (toCInt wh)  (toCInt per)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_PercentOf" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_PercentOf :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintResetIfWin obj otherW@).
individualLayoutConstraintResetIfWin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Window  b ->  IO Bool
individualLayoutConstraintResetIfWin _obj otherW 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintResetIfWin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr otherW $ \cobj_otherW -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_ResetIfWin cobj__obj  cobj_otherW  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_ResetIfWin" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_ResetIfWin :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintRightOf obj sibling marg@).
individualLayoutConstraintRightOf :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Window  b -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintRightOf _obj sibling marg 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintRightOf" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr sibling $ \cobj_sibling -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_RightOf cobj__obj  cobj_sibling  (toCInt marg)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_RightOf" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_RightOf :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintSameAs obj otherW edge marg@).
individualLayoutConstraintSameAs :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Window  b -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintSameAs _obj otherW edge marg 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintSameAs" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr otherW $ \cobj_otherW -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SameAs cobj__obj  cobj_otherW  (toCInt edge)  (toCInt marg)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SameAs" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SameAs :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintSatisfyConstraint obj constraints win@).
individualLayoutConstraintSatisfyConstraint :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Ptr  b -> Window  c ->  IO Bool
individualLayoutConstraintSatisfyConstraint _obj constraints win 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintSatisfyConstraint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SatisfyConstraint cobj__obj  constraints  cobj_win  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SatisfyConstraint" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SatisfyConstraint :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintSet obj rel otherW otherE val marg@).
individualLayoutConstraintSet :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Int -> Window  c -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintSet _obj rel otherW otherE val marg 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintSet" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr otherW $ \cobj_otherW -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Set cobj__obj  (toCInt rel)  cobj_otherW  (toCInt otherE)  (toCInt val)  (toCInt marg)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Set" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Set :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintSetDone obj d@).
individualLayoutConstraintSetDone :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintSetDone _obj d 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintSetDone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetDone cobj__obj  (toCBool d)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetDone" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetDone :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintSetEdge obj which@).
individualLayoutConstraintSetEdge :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintSetEdge _obj which 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintSetEdge" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetEdge cobj__obj  (toCInt which)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetEdge" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetEdge :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintSetMargin obj m@).
individualLayoutConstraintSetMargin :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintSetMargin _obj m 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintSetMargin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetMargin cobj__obj  (toCInt m)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetMargin" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetMargin :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintSetRelationship obj r@).
individualLayoutConstraintSetRelationship :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintSetRelationship _obj r 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintSetRelationship" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetRelationship cobj__obj  (toCInt r)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetRelationship" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetRelationship :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintSetValue obj v@).
individualLayoutConstraintSetValue :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a -> Int ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintSetValue _obj v 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetValue cobj__obj  (toCInt v)  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetValue" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_SetValue :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@individualLayoutConstraintUnconstrained obj@).
individualLayoutConstraintUnconstrained :: IndividualLayoutConstraint  a ->  IO ()
individualLayoutConstraintUnconstrained _obj 
  = withObjectRef "individualLayoutConstraintUnconstrained" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Unconstrained cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Unconstrained" wxIndividualLayoutConstraint_Unconstrained :: Ptr (TIndividualLayoutConstraint a) -> IO ()

{- |  Create an event driven input stream. It is unsafe to reference the original inputStream after this call! The last parameter @bufferLen@ gives the default input batch size. The sink is automatically destroyed whenever the input stream has no more input.  -}
inputSinkCreate :: InputStream  a -> EvtHandler  b -> Int ->  IO (InputSink  ())
inputSinkCreate input evtHandler bufferLen 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr input $ \cobj_input -> 
    withObjectPtr evtHandler $ \cobj_evtHandler -> 
    wxInputSink_Create cobj_input  cobj_evtHandler  (toCInt bufferLen)  
foreign import ccall "wxInputSink_Create" wxInputSink_Create :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> Ptr (TEvtHandler b) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TInputSink ()))

{- |  Get the input status (@wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR@ is ok).  -}
inputSinkEventLastError :: InputSinkEvent  a ->  IO Int
inputSinkEventLastError obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "inputSinkEventLastError" obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxInputSinkEvent_LastError cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputSinkEvent_LastError" wxInputSinkEvent_LastError :: Ptr (TInputSinkEvent a) -> IO CInt

{- |  The input buffer.  -}
inputSinkEventLastInput :: InputSinkEvent  a ->  IO (Ptr CWchar)
inputSinkEventLastInput obj 
  = withObjectRef "inputSinkEventLastInput" obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxInputSinkEvent_LastInput cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputSinkEvent_LastInput" wxInputSinkEvent_LastInput :: Ptr (TInputSinkEvent a) -> IO (Ptr CWchar)

{- |  The number of characters in the input buffer.  -}
inputSinkEventLastRead :: InputSinkEvent  a ->  IO Int
inputSinkEventLastRead obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "inputSinkEventLastRead" obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxInputSinkEvent_LastRead cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputSinkEvent_LastRead" wxInputSinkEvent_LastRead :: Ptr (TInputSinkEvent a) -> IO CInt

{- |  After creation, retrieve the @id@ of the sink to connect to @wxEVT_INPUT_SINK@ events.  -}
inputSinkGetId :: InputSink  a ->  IO Int
inputSinkGetId obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "inputSinkGetId" obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxInputSink_GetId cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputSink_GetId" wxInputSink_GetId :: Ptr (TInputSink a) -> IO CInt

{- |  After event connection, start non-blocking reading of the inputstream. This will generate @inputSinkEvent@ events.  -}
inputSinkStart :: InputSink  a ->  IO ()
inputSinkStart obj 
  = withObjectRef "inputSinkStart" obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxInputSink_Start cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputSink_Start" wxInputSink_Start :: Ptr (TInputSink a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@inputStreamCanRead self@).
inputStreamCanRead :: InputStream  a ->  IO Bool
inputStreamCanRead self 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamCanRead" self $ \cobj_self -> 
    wxInputStream_CanRead cobj_self  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_CanRead" wxInputStream_CanRead :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@inputStreamDelete obj@).
inputStreamDelete :: InputStream  a ->  IO ()
inputStreamDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "inputStreamDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_Delete" wxInputStream_Delete :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@inputStreamEof obj@).
inputStreamEof :: InputStream  a ->  IO Bool
inputStreamEof _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamEof" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_Eof cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_Eof" wxInputStream_Eof :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@inputStreamGetC obj@).
inputStreamGetC :: InputStream  a ->  IO Char
inputStreamGetC _obj 
  = withCharResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamGetC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_GetC cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_GetC" wxInputStream_GetC :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> IO CWchar

-- | usage: (@inputStreamLastRead obj@).
inputStreamLastRead :: InputStream  a ->  IO Int
inputStreamLastRead _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamLastRead" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_LastRead cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_LastRead" wxInputStream_LastRead :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@inputStreamPeek obj@).
inputStreamPeek :: InputStream  a ->  IO Char
inputStreamPeek _obj 
  = withCharResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamPeek" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_Peek cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_Peek" wxInputStream_Peek :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> IO CWchar

-- | usage: (@inputStreamRead obj buffer size@).
inputStreamRead :: InputStream  a -> Ptr  b -> Int ->  IO ()
inputStreamRead _obj buffer size 
  = withObjectRef "inputStreamRead" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_Read cobj__obj  buffer  (toCInt size)  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_Read" wxInputStream_Read :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> Ptr  b -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@inputStreamSeekI obj pos mode@).
inputStreamSeekI :: InputStream  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
inputStreamSeekI _obj pos mode 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamSeekI" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_SeekI cobj__obj  (toCInt pos)  (toCInt mode)  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_SeekI" wxInputStream_SeekI :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@inputStreamTell obj@).
inputStreamTell :: InputStream  a ->  IO Int
inputStreamTell _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamTell" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_Tell cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_Tell" wxInputStream_Tell :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@inputStreamUngetBuffer obj buffer size@).
inputStreamUngetBuffer :: InputStream  a -> Ptr  b -> Int ->  IO Int
inputStreamUngetBuffer _obj buffer size 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamUngetBuffer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_UngetBuffer cobj__obj  buffer  (toCInt size)  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_UngetBuffer" wxInputStream_UngetBuffer :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> Ptr  b -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@inputStreamUngetch obj c@).
inputStreamUngetch :: InputStream  a -> Char ->  IO Int
inputStreamUngetch _obj c 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "inputStreamUngetch" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxInputStream_Ungetch cobj__obj  (toCWchar c)  
foreign import ccall "wxInputStream_Ungetch" wxInputStream_Ungetch :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> CWchar -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@intPropertyCreate label name value@).
intPropertyCreate :: String -> String -> Int ->  IO (IntProperty  ())
intPropertyCreate label name value 
  = withObjectResult $
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> 
    wxIntProperty_Create cobj_label  cobj_name  (toCInt value)  
foreign import ccall "wxIntProperty_Create" wxIntProperty_Create :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TIntProperty ()))

{- |  Check if a preprocessor macro is defined. For example, @wxIsDefined("__WXGTK__")@ or @wxIsDefined("wxUSE_GIF")@.  -}
isDefined :: String ->  IO Bool
isDefined s 
  = withBoolResult $
    withCWString s $ \cstr_s -> 
    wx_wxIsDefined cstr_s  
foreign import ccall "wxIsDefined" wx_wxIsDefined :: CWString -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@keyEventAltDown obj@).
keyEventAltDown :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Bool
keyEventAltDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventAltDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_AltDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_AltDown" wxKeyEvent_AltDown :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@keyEventControlDown obj@).
keyEventControlDown :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Bool
keyEventControlDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventControlDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_ControlDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_ControlDown" wxKeyEvent_ControlDown :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@keyEventCopyObject obj obj@).
keyEventCopyObject :: KeyEvent  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
keyEventCopyObject _obj obj 
  = withObjectRef "keyEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj  obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_CopyObject" wxKeyEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@keyEventGetKeyCode obj@).
keyEventGetKeyCode :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Int
keyEventGetKeyCode _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventGetKeyCode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_GetKeyCode cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_GetKeyCode" wxKeyEvent_GetKeyCode :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@keyEventGetModifiers obj@).
keyEventGetModifiers :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Int
keyEventGetModifiers _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventGetModifiers" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_GetModifiers cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_GetModifiers" wxKeyEvent_GetModifiers :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@keyEventGetPosition obj@).
keyEventGetPosition :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO (Point)
keyEventGetPosition _obj 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_GetPosition" wxKeyEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@keyEventGetX obj@).
keyEventGetX :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Int
keyEventGetX _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventGetX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_GetX cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_GetX" wxKeyEvent_GetX :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@keyEventGetY obj@).
keyEventGetY :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Int
keyEventGetY _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventGetY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_GetY cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_GetY" wxKeyEvent_GetY :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@keyEventHasModifiers obj@).
keyEventHasModifiers :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Bool
keyEventHasModifiers _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventHasModifiers" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_HasModifiers cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_HasModifiers" wxKeyEvent_HasModifiers :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@keyEventMetaDown obj@).
keyEventMetaDown :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Bool
keyEventMetaDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventMetaDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_MetaDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_MetaDown" wxKeyEvent_MetaDown :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@keyEventSetKeyCode obj code@).
keyEventSetKeyCode :: KeyEvent  a -> Int ->  IO ()
keyEventSetKeyCode _obj code 
  = withObjectRef "keyEventSetKeyCode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_SetKeyCode cobj__obj  (toCInt code)  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_SetKeyCode" wxKeyEvent_SetKeyCode :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@keyEventShiftDown obj@).
keyEventShiftDown :: KeyEvent  a ->  IO Bool
keyEventShiftDown _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "keyEventShiftDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxKeyEvent_ShiftDown cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxKeyEvent_ShiftDown" wxKeyEvent_ShiftDown :: Ptr (TKeyEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@kill pid signal@).
kill :: Int -> Int ->  IO Int
kill pid signal 
  = withIntResult $
    wx_wxKill (toCInt pid)  (toCInt signal)  
foreign import ccall "wxKill" wx_wxKill :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@layoutAlgorithmCreate@).
layoutAlgorithmCreate ::  IO (LayoutAlgorithm  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutAlgorithm_Create" wxLayoutAlgorithm_Create :: IO (Ptr (TLayoutAlgorithm ()))

-- | usage: (@layoutAlgorithmDelete obj@).
layoutAlgorithmDelete :: LayoutAlgorithm  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@layoutAlgorithmLayoutFrame obj frame mainWindow@).
layoutAlgorithmLayoutFrame :: LayoutAlgorithm  a -> Frame  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO Bool
layoutAlgorithmLayoutFrame _obj frame mainWindow 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "layoutAlgorithmLayoutFrame" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr frame $ \cobj_frame -> 
    wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutFrame cobj__obj  cobj_frame  mainWindow  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutFrame" wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutFrame :: Ptr (TLayoutAlgorithm a) -> Ptr (TFrame b) -> Ptr  c -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@layoutAlgorithmLayoutMDIFrame obj frame xywh use@).
layoutAlgorithmLayoutMDIFrame :: LayoutAlgorithm  a -> Frame  b -> Rect -> Int ->  IO Bool
layoutAlgorithmLayoutMDIFrame _obj frame xywh use 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "layoutAlgorithmLayoutMDIFrame" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr frame $ \cobj_frame -> 
    wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutMDIFrame cobj__obj  cobj_frame  (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh)  (toCInt use)  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutMDIFrame" wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutMDIFrame :: Ptr (TLayoutAlgorithm a) -> Ptr (TFrame b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@layoutAlgorithmLayoutWindow obj frame mainWindow@).
layoutAlgorithmLayoutWindow :: LayoutAlgorithm  a -> Frame  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO Bool
layoutAlgorithmLayoutWindow _obj frame mainWindow 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "layoutAlgorithmLayoutWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr frame $ \cobj_frame -> 
    wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutWindow cobj__obj  cobj_frame  mainWindow  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutWindow" wxLayoutAlgorithm_LayoutWindow :: Ptr (TLayoutAlgorithm a) -> Ptr (TFrame b) -> Ptr  c -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintsCreate@).
layoutConstraintsCreate ::  IO (LayoutConstraints  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_Create" wxLayoutConstraints_Create :: IO (Ptr (TLayoutConstraints ()))

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintsbottom obj@).
layoutConstraintsbottom :: LayoutConstraints  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
layoutConstraintsbottom _obj 
  = withObjectRef "layoutConstraintsbottom" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLayoutConstraints_bottom cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_bottom" wxLayoutConstraints_bottom :: Ptr (TLayoutConstraints a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintscentreX obj@).
layoutConstraintscentreX :: LayoutConstraints  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
layoutConstraintscentreX _obj 
  = withObjectRef "layoutConstraintscentreX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLayoutConstraints_centreX cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_centreX" wxLayoutConstraints_centreX :: Ptr (TLayoutConstraints a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintscentreY obj@).
layoutConstraintscentreY :: LayoutConstraints  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
layoutConstraintscentreY _obj 
  = withObjectRef "layoutConstraintscentreY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLayoutConstraints_centreY cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_centreY" wxLayoutConstraints_centreY :: Ptr (TLayoutConstraints a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintsheight obj@).
layoutConstraintsheight :: LayoutConstraints  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
layoutConstraintsheight _obj 
  = withObjectRef "layoutConstraintsheight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLayoutConstraints_height cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_height" wxLayoutConstraints_height :: Ptr (TLayoutConstraints a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintsleft obj@).
layoutConstraintsleft :: LayoutConstraints  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
layoutConstraintsleft _obj 
  = withObjectRef "layoutConstraintsleft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLayoutConstraints_left cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_left" wxLayoutConstraints_left :: Ptr (TLayoutConstraints a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintsright obj@).
layoutConstraintsright :: LayoutConstraints  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
layoutConstraintsright _obj 
  = withObjectRef "layoutConstraintsright" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLayoutConstraints_right cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_right" wxLayoutConstraints_right :: Ptr (TLayoutConstraints a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintstop obj@).
layoutConstraintstop :: LayoutConstraints  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
layoutConstraintstop _obj 
  = withObjectRef "layoutConstraintstop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLayoutConstraints_top cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_top" wxLayoutConstraints_top :: Ptr (TLayoutConstraints a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@layoutConstraintswidth obj@).
layoutConstraintswidth :: LayoutConstraints  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
layoutConstraintswidth _obj 
  = withObjectRef "layoutConstraintswidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLayoutConstraints_width cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLayoutConstraints_width" wxLayoutConstraints_width :: Ptr (TLayoutConstraints a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@listBoxAppend obj item@).
listBoxAppend :: ListBox  a -> String ->  IO ()
listBoxAppend _obj item 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxAppend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr item $ \cobj_item -> 
    wxListBox_Append cobj__obj  cobj_item  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_Append" wxListBox_Append :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxAppendData obj item wxdata@).
listBoxAppendData :: ListBox  a -> String -> Ptr  c ->  IO ()
listBoxAppendData _obj item wxdata 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxAppendData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr item $ \cobj_item -> 
    wxListBox_AppendData cobj__obj  cobj_item  wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_AppendData" wxListBox_AppendData :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr  c -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxClear obj@).
listBoxClear :: ListBox  a ->  IO ()
listBoxClear _obj 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_Clear cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_Clear" wxListBox_Clear :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt nstr stl@).
listBoxCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> [String] -> Style ->  IO (ListBox  ())
listBoxCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt nstr _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    withArrayWString nstr $ \carrlen_nstr carr_nstr -> 
    wxListBox_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  carrlen_nstr carr_nstr  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_Create" wxListBox_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TListBox ()))

-- | usage: (@listBoxDelete obj n@).
listBoxDelete :: ListBox  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listBoxDelete _obj n 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_Delete cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_Delete" wxListBox_Delete :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxFindString obj s@).
listBoxFindString :: ListBox  a -> String ->  IO Int
listBoxFindString _obj s 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listBoxFindString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr s $ \cobj_s -> 
    wxListBox_FindString cobj__obj  cobj_s  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_FindString" wxListBox_FindString :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listBoxGetClientData obj n@).
listBoxGetClientData :: ListBox  a -> Int ->  IO (ClientData  ())
listBoxGetClientData _obj n 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "listBoxGetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_GetClientData cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_GetClientData" wxListBox_GetClientData :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TClientData ()))

-- | usage: (@listBoxGetCount obj@).
listBoxGetCount :: ListBox  a ->  IO Int
listBoxGetCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listBoxGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_GetCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_GetCount" wxListBox_GetCount :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listBoxGetSelection obj@).
listBoxGetSelection :: ListBox  a ->  IO Int
listBoxGetSelection _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listBoxGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_GetSelection cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_GetSelection" wxListBox_GetSelection :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listBoxGetSelections obj aSelections allocated@).
listBoxGetSelections :: ListBox  a -> Ptr CInt -> Int ->  IO Int
listBoxGetSelections _obj aSelections allocated 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listBoxGetSelections" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_GetSelections cobj__obj  aSelections  (toCInt allocated)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_GetSelections" wxListBox_GetSelections :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listBoxGetString obj n@).
listBoxGetString :: ListBox  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
listBoxGetString _obj n 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "listBoxGetString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_GetString cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_GetString" wxListBox_GetString :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@listBoxInsertItems obj items pos count@).
listBoxInsertItems :: ListBox  a -> Ptr  b -> Int -> Int ->  IO ()
listBoxInsertItems _obj items pos count 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxInsertItems" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_InsertItems cobj__obj  items  (toCInt pos)  (toCInt count)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_InsertItems" wxListBox_InsertItems :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> Ptr  b -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxIsSelected obj n@).
listBoxIsSelected :: ListBox  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
listBoxIsSelected _obj n 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listBoxIsSelected" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_IsSelected cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_IsSelected" wxListBox_IsSelected :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listBoxSetClientData obj n clientData@).
listBoxSetClientData :: ListBox  a -> Int -> ClientData  c ->  IO ()
listBoxSetClientData _obj n clientData 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxSetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr clientData $ \cobj_clientData -> 
    wxListBox_SetClientData cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  cobj_clientData  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_SetClientData" wxListBox_SetClientData :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TClientData c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxSetFirstItem obj n@).
listBoxSetFirstItem :: ListBox  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listBoxSetFirstItem _obj n 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxSetFirstItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_SetFirstItem cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_SetFirstItem" wxListBox_SetFirstItem :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxSetSelection obj n select@).
listBoxSetSelection :: ListBox  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
listBoxSetSelection _obj n select 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListBox_SetSelection cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  (toCBool select)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_SetSelection" wxListBox_SetSelection :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxSetString obj n s@).
listBoxSetString :: ListBox  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
listBoxSetString _obj n s 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxSetString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr s $ \cobj_s -> 
    wxListBox_SetString cobj__obj  (toCInt n)  cobj_s  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_SetString" wxListBox_SetString :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listBoxSetStringSelection obj str sel@).
listBoxSetStringSelection :: ListBox  a -> String -> Bool ->  IO ()
listBoxSetStringSelection _obj str sel 
  = withObjectRef "listBoxSetStringSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxListBox_SetStringSelection cobj__obj  cobj_str  (toCBool sel)  
foreign import ccall "wxListBox_SetStringSelection" wxListBox_SetStringSelection :: Ptr (TListBox a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlArrange obj flag@).
listCtrlArrange :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlArrange _obj flag 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlArrange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_Arrange cobj__obj  (toCInt flag)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_Arrange" wxListCtrl_Arrange :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlAssignImageList obj images which@).
listCtrlAssignImageList :: ListCtrl  a -> ImageList  b -> Int ->  IO ()
listCtrlAssignImageList _obj images which 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlAssignImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr images $ \cobj_images -> 
    wxListCtrl_AssignImageList cobj__obj  cobj_images  (toCInt which)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_AssignImageList" wxListCtrl_AssignImageList :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlClearAll obj@).
listCtrlClearAll :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO ()
listCtrlClearAll _obj 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlClearAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_ClearAll cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_ClearAll" wxListCtrl_ClearAll :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@).
listCtrlCreate :: Window  a -> Id -> Rect -> Style ->  IO (ListCtrl  ())
listCtrlCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> 
    wxListCtrl_Create cobj__prt  (toCInt _id)  (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt)  (toCInt _stl)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_Create" wxListCtrl_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TListCtrl ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlDeleteAllColumns obj@).
listCtrlDeleteAllColumns :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO Bool
listCtrlDeleteAllColumns _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlDeleteAllColumns" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_DeleteAllColumns cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_DeleteAllColumns" wxListCtrl_DeleteAllColumns :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlDeleteAllItems obj@).
listCtrlDeleteAllItems :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO Bool
listCtrlDeleteAllItems _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlDeleteAllItems" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_DeleteAllItems cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_DeleteAllItems" wxListCtrl_DeleteAllItems :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlDeleteColumn obj col@).
listCtrlDeleteColumn :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlDeleteColumn _obj col 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlDeleteColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_DeleteColumn cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_DeleteColumn" wxListCtrl_DeleteColumn :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlDeleteItem obj item@).
listCtrlDeleteItem :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlDeleteItem _obj item 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlDeleteItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_DeleteItem cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_DeleteItem" wxListCtrl_DeleteItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlEditLabel obj item@).
listCtrlEditLabel :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listCtrlEditLabel _obj item 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlEditLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_EditLabel cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_EditLabel" wxListCtrl_EditLabel :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlEndEditLabel obj cancel@).
listCtrlEndEditLabel :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlEndEditLabel _obj cancel 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlEndEditLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_EndEditLabel cobj__obj  (toCInt cancel)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_EndEditLabel" wxListCtrl_EndEditLabel :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlEnsureVisible obj item@).
listCtrlEnsureVisible :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlEnsureVisible _obj item 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlEnsureVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_EnsureVisible cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_EnsureVisible" wxListCtrl_EnsureVisible :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlFindItem obj start str partial@).
listCtrlFindItem :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> String -> Bool ->  IO Int
listCtrlFindItem _obj start str partial 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlFindItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxListCtrl_FindItem cobj__obj  (toCInt start)  cobj_str  (toCBool partial)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_FindItem" wxListCtrl_FindItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CBool -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlFindItemByData obj start wxdata@).
listCtrlFindItemByData :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlFindItemByData _obj start wxdata 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlFindItemByData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_FindItemByData cobj__obj  (toCInt start)  (toCInt wxdata)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_FindItemByData" wxListCtrl_FindItemByData :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlFindItemByPosition obj start xy direction@).
listCtrlFindItemByPosition :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Point -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlFindItemByPosition _obj start xy direction 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlFindItemByPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_FindItemByPosition cobj__obj  (toCInt start)  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  (toCInt direction)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_FindItemByPosition" wxListCtrl_FindItemByPosition :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetColumn obj col item@).
listCtrlGetColumn :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> ListItem  c ->  IO Bool
listCtrlGetColumn _obj col item 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr item $ \cobj_item -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetColumn cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  cobj_item  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetColumn" wxListCtrl_GetColumn :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TListItem c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetColumn2 obj col@).
listCtrlGetColumn2 :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (ListItem  ())
listCtrlGetColumn2 _obj col 
  = withRefListItem $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetColumn2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetColumn2 cobj__obj  (toCInt col)   pref
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetColumn2" wxListCtrl_GetColumn2 :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TListItem ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetColumnCount obj@).
listCtrlGetColumnCount :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetColumnCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetColumnCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetColumnCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetColumnCount" wxListCtrl_GetColumnCount :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetColumnWidth obj col@).
listCtrlGetColumnWidth :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetColumnWidth _obj col 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetColumnWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetColumnWidth cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetColumnWidth" wxListCtrl_GetColumnWidth :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetCountPerPage obj@).
listCtrlGetCountPerPage :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetCountPerPage _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetCountPerPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetCountPerPage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetCountPerPage" wxListCtrl_GetCountPerPage :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetEditControl obj@).
listCtrlGetEditControl :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO (TextCtrl  ())
listCtrlGetEditControl _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetEditControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetEditControl cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetEditControl" wxListCtrl_GetEditControl :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TTextCtrl ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetImageList obj which@).
listCtrlGetImageList :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (ImageList  ())
listCtrlGetImageList _obj which 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetImageList cobj__obj  (toCInt which)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetImageList" wxListCtrl_GetImageList :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TImageList ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItem obj info@).
listCtrlGetItem :: ListCtrl  a -> ListItem  b ->  IO Bool
listCtrlGetItem _obj info 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr info $ \cobj_info -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItem cobj__obj  cobj_info  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItem" wxListCtrl_GetItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TListItem b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItem2 obj@).
listCtrlGetItem2 :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO (ListItem  ())
listCtrlGetItem2 _obj 
  = withRefListItem $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItem2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItem2 cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItem2" wxListCtrl_GetItem2 :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TListItem ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemCount obj@).
listCtrlGetItemCount :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetItemCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemCount" wxListCtrl_GetItemCount :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemData obj item@).
listCtrlGetItemData :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetItemData _obj item 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemData cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemData" wxListCtrl_GetItemData :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemFont obj item@).
listCtrlGetItemFont :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (Font  ())
listCtrlGetItemFont _obj item 
  = withManagedFontResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemFont cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemFont" wxListCtrl_GetItemFont :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TFont ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemPosition obj item@).
listCtrlGetItemPosition :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (Point)
listCtrlGetItemPosition _obj item 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemPosition cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemPosition" wxListCtrl_GetItemPosition :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemPosition2 obj item@).
listCtrlGetItemPosition2 :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (Point)
listCtrlGetItemPosition2 _obj item 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemPosition2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemPosition2 cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemPosition2" wxListCtrl_GetItemPosition2 :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemRect obj item code@).
listCtrlGetItemRect :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO (Rect)
listCtrlGetItemRect _obj item code 
  = withWxRectResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemRect cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  (toCInt code)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemRect" wxListCtrl_GetItemRect :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxRect ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemSpacing obj isSmall@).
listCtrlGetItemSpacing :: ListCtrl  a -> Bool ->  IO (Size)
listCtrlGetItemSpacing _obj isSmall 
  = withWxSizeResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemSpacing" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemSpacing cobj__obj  (toCBool isSmall)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemSpacing" wxListCtrl_GetItemSpacing :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TWxSize ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemState obj item stateMask@).
listCtrlGetItemState :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetItemState _obj item stateMask 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemState cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  (toCInt stateMask)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemState" wxListCtrl_GetItemState :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetItemText obj item@).
listCtrlGetItemText :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO (String)
listCtrlGetItemText _obj item 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetItemText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetItemText cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetItemText" wxListCtrl_GetItemText :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetNextItem obj item geometry state@).
listCtrlGetNextItem :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetNextItem _obj item geometry state 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetNextItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetNextItem cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  (toCInt geometry)  (toCInt state)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetNextItem" wxListCtrl_GetNextItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetSelectedItemCount obj@).
listCtrlGetSelectedItemCount :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetSelectedItemCount _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetSelectedItemCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetSelectedItemCount cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetSelectedItemCount" wxListCtrl_GetSelectedItemCount :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetTextColour obj@).
listCtrlGetTextColour :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO (Color)
listCtrlGetTextColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetTextColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetTextColour" wxListCtrl_GetTextColour :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlGetTopItem obj@).
listCtrlGetTopItem :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO Int
listCtrlGetTopItem _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlGetTopItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_GetTopItem cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_GetTopItem" wxListCtrl_GetTopItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlHitTest obj xy flags@).
listCtrlHitTest :: ListCtrl  a -> Point -> Ptr  c ->  IO Int
listCtrlHitTest _obj xy flags 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlHitTest" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_HitTest cobj__obj  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  flags  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_HitTest" wxListCtrl_HitTest :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr  c -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlInsertColumn obj col heading format width@).
listCtrlInsertColumn :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlInsertColumn _obj col heading format width 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlInsertColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr heading $ \cobj_heading -> 
    wxListCtrl_InsertColumn cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  cobj_heading  (toCInt format)  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_InsertColumn" wxListCtrl_InsertColumn :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlInsertColumnFromInfo obj col info@).
listCtrlInsertColumnFromInfo :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> ListItem  c ->  IO Int
listCtrlInsertColumnFromInfo _obj col info 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlInsertColumnFromInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr info $ \cobj_info -> 
    wxListCtrl_InsertColumnFromInfo cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  cobj_info  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_InsertColumnFromInfo" wxListCtrl_InsertColumnFromInfo :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TListItem c) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlInsertItem obj info@).
listCtrlInsertItem :: ListCtrl  a -> ListItem  b ->  IO Int
listCtrlInsertItem _obj info 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlInsertItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr info $ \cobj_info -> 
    wxListCtrl_InsertItem cobj__obj  cobj_info  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_InsertItem" wxListCtrl_InsertItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TListItem b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlInsertItemWithData obj index label@).
listCtrlInsertItemWithData :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> String ->  IO Int
listCtrlInsertItemWithData _obj index label 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlInsertItemWithData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithData cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  cobj_label  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithData" wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithData :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlInsertItemWithImage obj index imageIndex@).
listCtrlInsertItemWithImage :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlInsertItemWithImage _obj index imageIndex 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlInsertItemWithImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithImage cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  (toCInt imageIndex)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithImage" wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithImage :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlInsertItemWithLabel obj index label imageIndex@).
listCtrlInsertItemWithLabel :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> String -> Int ->  IO Int
listCtrlInsertItemWithLabel _obj index label imageIndex 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlInsertItemWithLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithLabel cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  cobj_label  (toCInt imageIndex)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithLabel" wxListCtrl_InsertItemWithLabel :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlIsVirtual obj@).
listCtrlIsVirtual :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO Bool
listCtrlIsVirtual _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlIsVirtual" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_IsVirtual cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_IsVirtual" wxListCtrl_IsVirtual :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlRefreshItem obj item@).
listCtrlRefreshItem :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listCtrlRefreshItem _obj item 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlRefreshItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_RefreshItem cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_RefreshItem" wxListCtrl_RefreshItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlScrollList obj dxdy@).
listCtrlScrollList :: ListCtrl  a -> Vector ->  IO Bool
listCtrlScrollList _obj dxdy 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlScrollList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_ScrollList cobj__obj  (toCIntVectorX dxdy) (toCIntVectorY dxdy)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_ScrollList" wxListCtrl_ScrollList :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetBackgroundColour obj col@).
listCtrlSetBackgroundColour :: ListCtrl  a -> Color ->  IO ()
listCtrlSetBackgroundColour _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlSetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetBackgroundColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetBackgroundColour" wxListCtrl_SetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetColumn obj col item@).
listCtrlSetColumn :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> ListItem  c ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSetColumn _obj col item 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr item $ \cobj_item -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetColumn cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  cobj_item  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetColumn" wxListCtrl_SetColumn :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TListItem c) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetColumnWidth obj col width@).
listCtrlSetColumnWidth :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSetColumnWidth _obj col width 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetColumnWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetColumnWidth cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetColumnWidth" wxListCtrl_SetColumnWidth :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetForegroundColour obj col@).
listCtrlSetForegroundColour :: ListCtrl  a -> Color ->  IO Int
listCtrlSetForegroundColour _obj col 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetForegroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetForegroundColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetForegroundColour" wxListCtrl_SetForegroundColour :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetImageList obj imageList which@).
listCtrlSetImageList :: ListCtrl  a -> ImageList  b -> Int ->  IO ()
listCtrlSetImageList _obj imageList which 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlSetImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetImageList cobj__obj  cobj_imageList  (toCInt which)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetImageList" wxListCtrl_SetImageList :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetItem obj index col label imageId@).
listCtrlSetItem :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSetItem _obj index col label imageId 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr label $ \cobj_label -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetItem cobj__obj  (toCInt index)  (toCInt col)  cobj_label  (toCInt imageId)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetItem" wxListCtrl_SetItem :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString d) -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetItemData obj item wxdata@).
listCtrlSetItemData :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSetItemData _obj item wxdata 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetItemData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetItemData cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  (toCInt wxdata)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetItemData" wxListCtrl_SetItemData :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetItemFromInfo obj info@).
listCtrlSetItemFromInfo :: ListCtrl  a -> ListItem  b ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSetItemFromInfo _obj info 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetItemFromInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr info $ \cobj_info -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetItemFromInfo cobj__obj  cobj_info  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetItemFromInfo" wxListCtrl_SetItemFromInfo :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TListItem b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetItemImage obj item image selImage@).
listCtrlSetItemImage :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSetItemImage _obj item image selImage 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetItemImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetItemImage cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  (toCInt image)  (toCInt selImage)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetItemImage" wxListCtrl_SetItemImage :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetItemPosition obj item xy@).
listCtrlSetItemPosition :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Point ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSetItemPosition _obj item xy 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetItemPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetItemPosition cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetItemPosition" wxListCtrl_SetItemPosition :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetItemState obj item state stateMask@).
listCtrlSetItemState :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Int -> Int ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSetItemState _obj item state stateMask 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSetItemState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetItemState cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  (toCInt state)  (toCInt stateMask)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetItemState" wxListCtrl_SetItemState :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetItemText obj item str@).
listCtrlSetItemText :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> String ->  IO ()
listCtrlSetItemText _obj item str 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlSetItemText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetItemText cobj__obj  (toCInt item)  cobj_str  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetItemText" wxListCtrl_SetItemText :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetSingleStyle obj style add@).
listCtrlSetSingleStyle :: ListCtrl  a -> Int -> Bool ->  IO ()
listCtrlSetSingleStyle _obj style add 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlSetSingleStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetSingleStyle cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  (toCBool add)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetSingleStyle" wxListCtrl_SetSingleStyle :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetTextColour obj col@).
listCtrlSetTextColour :: ListCtrl  a -> Color ->  IO ()
listCtrlSetTextColour _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlSetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetTextColour cobj__obj  cobj_col  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetTextColour" wxListCtrl_SetTextColour :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSetWindowStyleFlag obj style@).
listCtrlSetWindowStyleFlag :: ListCtrl  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listCtrlSetWindowStyleFlag _obj style 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlSetWindowStyleFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_SetWindowStyleFlag cobj__obj  (toCInt style)  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SetWindowStyleFlag" wxListCtrl_SetWindowStyleFlag :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSortItems obj fn eifobj@).
listCtrlSortItems :: ListCtrl  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSortItems _obj fn eifobj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSortItems" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_SortItems cobj__obj  fn  eifobj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SortItems" wxListCtrl_SortItems :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlSortItems2 obj closure@).
listCtrlSortItems2 :: ListCtrl  a -> Closure  b ->  IO Bool
listCtrlSortItems2 _obj closure 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listCtrlSortItems2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> 
    wxListCtrl_SortItems2 cobj__obj  cobj_closure  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_SortItems2" wxListCtrl_SortItems2 :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> Ptr (TClosure b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listCtrlUpdateStyle obj@).
listCtrlUpdateStyle :: ListCtrl  a ->  IO ()
listCtrlUpdateStyle _obj 
  = withObjectRef "listCtrlUpdateStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListCtrl_UpdateStyle cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListCtrl_UpdateStyle" wxListCtrl_UpdateStyle :: Ptr (TListCtrl a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listEventCancelled obj@).
listEventCancelled :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Bool
listEventCancelled _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventCancelled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_Cancelled cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_Cancelled" wxListEvent_Cancelled :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listEventGetCacheFrom obj@).
listEventGetCacheFrom :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Int
listEventGetCacheFrom _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetCacheFrom" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetCacheFrom cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetCacheFrom" wxListEvent_GetCacheFrom :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listEventGetCacheTo obj@).
listEventGetCacheTo :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Int
listEventGetCacheTo _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetCacheTo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetCacheTo cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetCacheTo" wxListEvent_GetCacheTo :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listEventGetCode obj@).
listEventGetCode :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Int
listEventGetCode _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetCode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetCode cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetCode" wxListEvent_GetCode :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listEventGetColumn obj@).
listEventGetColumn :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Int
listEventGetColumn _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetColumn cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetColumn" wxListEvent_GetColumn :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listEventGetData obj@).
listEventGetData :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Int
listEventGetData _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetData cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetData" wxListEvent_GetData :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listEventGetImage obj@).
listEventGetImage :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Int
listEventGetImage _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetImage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetImage" wxListEvent_GetImage :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listEventGetIndex obj@).
listEventGetIndex :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Int
listEventGetIndex _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetIndex cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetIndex" wxListEvent_GetIndex :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listEventGetItem obj@).
listEventGetItem :: ListEvent  a ->  IO (ListItem  ())
listEventGetItem _obj 
  = withRefListItem $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "listEventGetItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetItem cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetItem" wxListEvent_GetItem :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> Ptr (TListItem ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listEventGetLabel obj@).
listEventGetLabel :: ListEvent  a ->  IO (String)
listEventGetLabel _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetLabel cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetLabel" wxListEvent_GetLabel :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@listEventGetMask obj@).
listEventGetMask :: ListEvent  a ->  IO Int
listEventGetMask _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetMask cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetMask" wxListEvent_GetMask :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listEventGetPoint obj@).
listEventGetPoint :: ListEvent  a ->  IO (Point)
listEventGetPoint _obj 
  = withWxPointResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetPoint cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetPoint" wxListEvent_GetPoint :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ()))

-- | usage: (@listEventGetText obj@).
listEventGetText :: ListEvent  a ->  IO (String)
listEventGetText _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "listEventGetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListEvent_GetText cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListEvent_GetText" wxListEvent_GetText :: Ptr (TListEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@listItemClear obj@).
listItemClear :: ListItem  a ->  IO ()
listItemClear _obj 
  = withObjectRef "listItemClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_Clear cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_Clear" wxListItem_Clear :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemClearAttributes obj@).
listItemClearAttributes :: ListItem  a ->  IO ()
listItemClearAttributes _obj 
  = withObjectRef "listItemClearAttributes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_ClearAttributes cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_ClearAttributes" wxListItem_ClearAttributes :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemCreate@).
listItemCreate ::  IO (ListItem  ())
  = withManagedObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_Create" wxListItem_Create :: IO (Ptr (TListItem ()))

-- | usage: (@listItemDelete obj@).
listItemDelete :: ListItem  a ->  IO ()
  = objectDelete

-- | usage: (@listItemGetAlign obj@).
listItemGetAlign :: ListItem  a ->  IO Int
listItemGetAlign _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetAlign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetAlign cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetAlign" wxListItem_GetAlign :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listItemGetAttributes obj@).
listItemGetAttributes :: ListItem  a ->  IO (Ptr  ())
listItemGetAttributes _obj 
  = withObjectRef "listItemGetAttributes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetAttributes cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetAttributes" wxListItem_GetAttributes :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO (Ptr  ())

-- | usage: (@listItemGetBackgroundColour obj@).
listItemGetBackgroundColour :: ListItem  a ->  IO (Color)
listItemGetBackgroundColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "listItemGetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetBackgroundColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetBackgroundColour" wxListItem_GetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemGetColumn obj@).
listItemGetColumn :: ListItem  a ->  IO Int
listItemGetColumn _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetColumn cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetColumn" wxListItem_GetColumn :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listItemGetData obj@).
listItemGetData :: ListItem  a ->  IO Int
listItemGetData _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetData cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetData" wxListItem_GetData :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listItemGetFont obj@).
listItemGetFont :: ListItem  a ->  IO (Font  ())
listItemGetFont _obj 
  = withRefFont $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "listItemGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetFont cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetFont" wxListItem_GetFont :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemGetId obj@).
listItemGetId :: ListItem  a ->  IO Int
listItemGetId _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetId cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetId" wxListItem_GetId :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listItemGetImage obj@).
listItemGetImage :: ListItem  a ->  IO Int
listItemGetImage _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetImage cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetImage" wxListItem_GetImage :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listItemGetMask obj@).
listItemGetMask :: ListItem  a ->  IO Int
listItemGetMask _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetMask cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetMask" wxListItem_GetMask :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listItemGetState obj@).
listItemGetState :: ListItem  a ->  IO Int
listItemGetState _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetState cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetState" wxListItem_GetState :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listItemGetText obj@).
listItemGetText :: ListItem  a ->  IO (String)
listItemGetText _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetText cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetText" wxListItem_GetText :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@listItemGetTextColour obj@).
listItemGetTextColour :: ListItem  a ->  IO (Color)
listItemGetTextColour _obj 
  = withRefColour $ \pref -> 
    withObjectRef "listItemGetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetTextColour cobj__obj   pref
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetTextColour" wxListItem_GetTextColour :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemGetWidth obj@).
listItemGetWidth :: ListItem  a ->  IO Int
listItemGetWidth _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemGetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_GetWidth cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_GetWidth" wxListItem_GetWidth :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@listItemHasAttributes obj@).
listItemHasAttributes :: ListItem  a ->  IO Bool
listItemHasAttributes _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "listItemHasAttributes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_HasAttributes cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_HasAttributes" wxListItem_HasAttributes :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@listItemSetAlign obj align@).
listItemSetAlign :: ListItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listItemSetAlign _obj align 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetAlign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetAlign cobj__obj  (toCInt align)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetAlign" wxListItem_SetAlign :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetBackgroundColour obj colBack@).
listItemSetBackgroundColour :: ListItem  a -> Color ->  IO ()
listItemSetBackgroundColour _obj colBack 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colBack $ \cobj_colBack -> 
    wxListItem_SetBackgroundColour cobj__obj  cobj_colBack  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetBackgroundColour" wxListItem_SetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetColumn obj col@).
listItemSetColumn :: ListItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listItemSetColumn _obj col 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetColumn cobj__obj  (toCInt col)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetColumn" wxListItem_SetColumn :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetData obj wxdata@).
listItemSetData :: ListItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listItemSetData _obj wxdata 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetData cobj__obj  (toCInt wxdata)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetData" wxListItem_SetData :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetDataPointer obj wxdata@).
listItemSetDataPointer :: ListItem  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
listItemSetDataPointer _obj wxdata 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetDataPointer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetDataPointer cobj__obj  wxdata  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetDataPointer" wxListItem_SetDataPointer :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetFont obj font@).
listItemSetFont :: ListItem  a -> Font  b ->  IO ()
listItemSetFont _obj font 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> 
    wxListItem_SetFont cobj__obj  cobj_font  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetFont" wxListItem_SetFont :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetId obj id@).
listItemSetId :: ListItem  a -> Id ->  IO ()
listItemSetId _obj id 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetId cobj__obj  (toCInt id)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetId" wxListItem_SetId :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetImage obj image@).
listItemSetImage :: ListItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listItemSetImage _obj image 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetImage cobj__obj  (toCInt image)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetImage" wxListItem_SetImage :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetMask obj mask@).
listItemSetMask :: ListItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listItemSetMask _obj mask 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetMask cobj__obj  (toCInt mask)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetMask" wxListItem_SetMask :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetState obj state@).
listItemSetState :: ListItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listItemSetState _obj state 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetState cobj__obj  (toCInt state)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetState" wxListItem_SetState :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetStateMask obj stateMask@).
listItemSetStateMask :: ListItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listItemSetStateMask _obj stateMask 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetStateMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetStateMask cobj__obj  (toCInt stateMask)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetStateMask" wxListItem_SetStateMask :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetText obj text@).
listItemSetText :: ListItem  a -> String ->  IO ()
listItemSetText _obj text 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxListItem_SetText cobj__obj  cobj_text  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetText" wxListItem_SetText :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetTextColour obj colText@).
listItemSetTextColour :: ListItem  a -> Color ->  IO ()
listItemSetTextColour _obj colText 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withColourPtr colText $ \cobj_colText -> 
    wxListItem_SetTextColour cobj__obj  cobj_colText  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetTextColour" wxListItem_SetTextColour :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@listItemSetWidth obj width@).
listItemSetWidth :: ListItem  a -> Int ->  IO ()
listItemSetWidth _obj width 
  = withObjectRef "listItemSetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxListItem_SetWidth cobj__obj  (toCInt width)  
foreign import ccall "wxListItem_SetWidth" wxListItem_SetWidth :: Ptr (TListItem a) -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@localeAddCatalog obj szDomain@).
localeAddCatalog :: Locale  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Int
localeAddCatalog _obj szDomain 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "localeAddCatalog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLocale_AddCatalog cobj__obj  szDomain  
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_AddCatalog" wxLocale_AddCatalog :: Ptr (TLocale a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@localeAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix obj prefix@).
localeAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix :: Locale  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO ()
localeAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix _obj prefix 
  = withObjectRef "localeAddCatalogLookupPathPrefix" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLocale_AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix cobj__obj  prefix  
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix" wxLocale_AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix :: Ptr (TLocale a) -> Ptr  b -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@localeCreate name flags@).
localeCreate :: Int -> Int ->  IO (Locale  ())
localeCreate _name _flags 
  = withObjectResult $
    wxLocale_Create (toCInt _name)  (toCInt _flags)  
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_Create" wxLocale_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TLocale ()))

-- | usage: (@localeDelete obj@).
localeDelete :: Locale  a ->  IO ()
localeDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "localeDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLocale_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_Delete" wxLocale_Delete :: Ptr (TLocale a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@localeGetLocale obj@).
localeGetLocale :: Locale  a ->  IO (Locale  ())
localeGetLocale _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "localeGetLocale" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLocale_GetLocale cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_GetLocale" wxLocale_GetLocale :: Ptr (TLocale a) -> IO (Ptr (TLocale ()))

-- | usage: (@localeGetName obj@).
localeGetName :: Locale  a ->  IO (String)
localeGetName _obj 
  = withManagedStringResult $
    withObjectRef "localeGetName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLocale_GetName cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_GetName" wxLocale_GetName :: Ptr (TLocale a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ()))

-- | usage: (@localeGetString obj szOrigString szDomain@).
localeGetString :: Locale  a -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c ->  IO String
localeGetString _obj szOrigString szDomain 
  = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> 
    withObjectRef "localeGetString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLocale_GetString cobj__obj  szOrigString  szDomain   buffer
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_GetString" wxLocale_GetString :: Ptr (TLocale a) -> Ptr  b -> Ptr  c -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@localeIsLoaded obj szDomain@).
localeIsLoaded :: Locale  a -> Ptr  b ->  IO Bool
localeIsLoaded _obj szDomain 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "localeIsLoaded" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLocale_IsLoaded cobj__obj  szDomain  
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_IsLoaded" wxLocale_IsLoaded :: Ptr (TLocale a) -> Ptr  b -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@localeIsOk obj@).
localeIsOk :: Locale  a ->  IO Bool
localeIsOk _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "localeIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLocale_IsOk cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLocale_IsOk" wxLocale_IsOk :: Ptr (TLocale a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@logAddTraceMask obj str@).
logAddTraceMask :: Log  a -> String ->  IO ()
logAddTraceMask _obj str 
  = withObjectRef "logAddTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxLog_AddTraceMask cobj__obj  cobj_str  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_AddTraceMask" wxLog_AddTraceMask :: Ptr (TLog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logChainCreate logger@).
logChainCreate :: Log  a ->  IO (LogChain  ())
logChainCreate logger 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr logger $ \cobj_logger -> 
    wxLogChain_Create cobj_logger  
foreign import ccall "wxLogChain_Create" wxLogChain_Create :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO (Ptr (TLogChain ()))

-- | usage: (@logChainDelete obj@).
logChainDelete :: LogChain  a ->  IO ()
logChainDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "logChainDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLogChain_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLogChain_Delete" wxLogChain_Delete :: Ptr (TLogChain a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logChainGetOldLog obj@).
logChainGetOldLog :: LogChain  a ->  IO (Log  ())
logChainGetOldLog _obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "logChainGetOldLog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLogChain_GetOldLog cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLogChain_GetOldLog" wxLogChain_GetOldLog :: Ptr (TLogChain a) -> IO (Ptr (TLog ()))

-- | usage: (@logChainIsPassingMessages obj@).
logChainIsPassingMessages :: LogChain  a ->  IO Bool
logChainIsPassingMessages _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "logChainIsPassingMessages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLogChain_IsPassingMessages cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLogChain_IsPassingMessages" wxLogChain_IsPassingMessages :: Ptr (TLogChain a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@logChainPassMessages obj bDoPass@).
logChainPassMessages :: LogChain  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
logChainPassMessages _obj bDoPass 
  = withObjectRef "logChainPassMessages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLogChain_PassMessages cobj__obj  (toCBool bDoPass)  
foreign import ccall "wxLogChain_PassMessages" wxLogChain_PassMessages :: Ptr (TLogChain a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logChainSetLog obj logger@).
logChainSetLog :: LogChain  a -> Log  b ->  IO ()
logChainSetLog _obj logger 
  = withObjectRef "logChainSetLog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr logger $ \cobj_logger -> 
    wxLogChain_SetLog cobj__obj  cobj_logger  
foreign import ccall "wxLogChain_SetLog" wxLogChain_SetLog :: Ptr (TLogChain a) -> Ptr (TLog b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logDebug msg@).
logDebug :: String ->  IO ()
logDebug _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogDebug cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogDebug" wx_LogDebug :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logDelete obj@).
logDelete :: Log  a ->  IO ()
logDelete _obj 
  = withObjectRef "logDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_Delete cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_Delete" wxLog_Delete :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logDontCreateOnDemand obj@).
logDontCreateOnDemand :: Log  a ->  IO ()
logDontCreateOnDemand _obj 
  = withObjectRef "logDontCreateOnDemand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_DontCreateOnDemand cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_DontCreateOnDemand" wxLog_DontCreateOnDemand :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logError msg@).
logError :: String ->  IO ()
logError _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogError cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogError" wx_LogError :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logErrorMsg msg@).
logErrorMsg :: String ->  IO ()
logErrorMsg _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogErrorMsg cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogErrorMsg" wx_LogErrorMsg :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logFatalError msg@).
logFatalError :: String ->  IO ()
logFatalError _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogFatalError cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogFatalError" wx_LogFatalError :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logFatalErrorMsg msg@).
logFatalErrorMsg :: String ->  IO ()
logFatalErrorMsg _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogFatalErrorMsg cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogFatalErrorMsg" wx_LogFatalErrorMsg :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logFlush obj@).
logFlush :: Log  a ->  IO ()
logFlush _obj 
  = withObjectRef "logFlush" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_Flush cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_Flush" wxLog_Flush :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logFlushActive obj@).
logFlushActive :: Log  a ->  IO ()
logFlushActive _obj 
  = withObjectRef "logFlushActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_FlushActive cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_FlushActive" wxLog_FlushActive :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logGetActiveTarget@).
logGetActiveTarget ::  IO (Log  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxLog_GetActiveTarget" wxLog_GetActiveTarget :: IO (Ptr (TLog ()))

-- | usage: (@logGetTimestamp obj@).
logGetTimestamp :: Log  a ->  IO (Ptr CWchar)
logGetTimestamp _obj 
  = withObjectRef "logGetTimestamp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_GetTimestamp cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_GetTimestamp" wxLog_GetTimestamp :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO (Ptr CWchar)

-- | usage: (@logGetTraceMask obj@).
logGetTraceMask :: Log  a ->  IO Int
logGetTraceMask _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "logGetTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_GetTraceMask cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_GetTraceMask" wxLog_GetTraceMask :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@logGetVerbose obj@).
logGetVerbose :: Log  a ->  IO Int
logGetVerbose _obj 
  = withIntResult $
    withObjectRef "logGetVerbose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_GetVerbose cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_GetVerbose" wxLog_GetVerbose :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO CInt

-- | usage: (@logHasPendingMessages obj@).
logHasPendingMessages :: Log  a ->  IO Bool
logHasPendingMessages _obj 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "logHasPendingMessages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_HasPendingMessages cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_HasPendingMessages" wxLog_HasPendingMessages :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@logIsAllowedTraceMask obj mask@).
logIsAllowedTraceMask :: Log  a -> Mask  b ->  IO Bool
logIsAllowedTraceMask _obj mask 
  = withBoolResult $
    withObjectRef "logIsAllowedTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withObjectPtr mask $ \cobj_mask -> 
    wxLog_IsAllowedTraceMask cobj__obj  cobj_mask  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_IsAllowedTraceMask" wxLog_IsAllowedTraceMask :: Ptr (TLog a) -> Ptr (TMask b) -> IO CBool

-- | usage: (@logMessage msg@).
logMessage :: String ->  IO ()
logMessage _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogMessage cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogMessage" wx_LogMessage :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logMessageMsg msg@).
logMessageMsg :: String ->  IO ()
logMessageMsg _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogMessageMsg cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogMessageMsg" wx_LogMessageMsg :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logNullCreate@).
logNullCreate ::  IO (LogNull  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxLogNull_Create" wxLogNull_Create :: IO (Ptr (TLogNull ()))

-- | usage: (@logOnLog obj level szString t@).
logOnLog :: Log  a -> Int -> String -> Int ->  IO ()
logOnLog _obj level szString t 
  = withObjectRef "logOnLog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withCWString szString $ \cstr_szString -> 
    wxLog_OnLog cobj__obj  (toCInt level)  cstr_szString  (toCInt t)  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_OnLog" wxLog_OnLog :: Ptr (TLog a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logRemoveTraceMask obj str@).
logRemoveTraceMask :: Log  a -> String ->  IO ()
logRemoveTraceMask _obj str 
  = withObjectRef "logRemoveTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withStringPtr str $ \cobj_str -> 
    wxLog_RemoveTraceMask cobj__obj  cobj_str  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_RemoveTraceMask" wxLog_RemoveTraceMask :: Ptr (TLog a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logResume obj@).
logResume :: Log  a ->  IO ()
logResume _obj 
  = withObjectRef "logResume" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_Resume cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_Resume" wxLog_Resume :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logSetActiveTarget pLogger@).
logSetActiveTarget :: Log  a ->  IO (Log  ())
logSetActiveTarget pLogger 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "logSetActiveTarget" pLogger $ \cobj_pLogger -> 
    wxLog_SetActiveTarget cobj_pLogger  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_SetActiveTarget" wxLog_SetActiveTarget :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO (Ptr (TLog ()))

-- | usage: (@logSetTimestamp obj ts@).
logSetTimestamp :: Log  a -> String ->  IO ()
logSetTimestamp _obj ts 
  = withObjectRef "logSetTimestamp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    withCWString ts $ \cstr_ts -> 
    wxLog_SetTimestamp cobj__obj  cstr_ts  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_SetTimestamp" wxLog_SetTimestamp :: Ptr (TLog a) -> CWString -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logSetVerbose obj bVerbose@).
logSetVerbose :: Log  a -> Bool ->  IO ()
logSetVerbose _obj bVerbose 
  = withObjectRef "logSetVerbose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_SetVerbose cobj__obj  (toCBool bVerbose)  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_SetVerbose" wxLog_SetVerbose :: Ptr (TLog a) -> CBool -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logStatus msg@).
logStatus :: String ->  IO ()
logStatus _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogStatus cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogStatus" wx_LogStatus :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logStderrCreate@).
logStderrCreate ::  IO (LogStderr  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxLogStderr_Create" wxLogStderr_Create :: IO (Ptr (TLogStderr ()))

-- | usage: (@logStderrCreateStdOut@).
logStderrCreateStdOut ::  IO (LogStderr  ())
  = withObjectResult $
foreign import ccall "wxLogStderr_CreateStdOut" wxLogStderr_CreateStdOut :: IO (Ptr (TLogStderr ()))

-- | usage: (@logSuspend obj@).
logSuspend :: Log  a ->  IO ()
logSuspend _obj 
  = withObjectRef "logSuspend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> 
    wxLog_Suspend cobj__obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLog_Suspend" wxLog_Suspend :: Ptr (TLog a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logSysError msg@).
logSysError :: String ->  IO ()
logSysError _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogSysError cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogSysError" wx_LogSysError :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logTextCtrlCreate text@).
logTextCtrlCreate :: TextCtrl  a ->  IO (LogTextCtrl  ())
logTextCtrlCreate text 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr text $ \cobj_text -> 
    wxLogTextCtrl_Create cobj_text  
foreign import ccall "wxLogTextCtrl_Create" wxLogTextCtrl_Create :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TLogTextCtrl ()))

-- | usage: (@logTrace mask msg@).
logTrace :: String -> String ->  IO ()
logTrace mask _msg 
  = withStringPtr mask $ \cobj_mask -> 
    withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogTrace cobj_mask  cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogTrace" wx_LogTrace :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logVerbose msg@).
logVerbose :: String ->  IO ()
logVerbose _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogVerbose cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogVerbose" wx_LogVerbose :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logWarning msg@).
logWarning :: String ->  IO ()
logWarning _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogWarning cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogWarning" wx_LogWarning :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logWarningMsg msg@).
logWarningMsg :: String ->  IO ()
logWarningMsg _msg 
  = withStringPtr _msg $ \cobj__msg -> 
    wx_LogWarningMsg cobj__msg  
foreign import ccall "LogWarningMsg" wx_LogWarningMsg :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO ()

-- | usage: (@logWindowCreate parent title showit passthrough@).
logWindowCreate :: Window  a -> String -> Bool -> Bool ->  IO (LogWindow  ())
logWindowCreate parent title showit passthrough 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> 
    withCWString title $ \cstr_title -> 
    wxLogWindow_Create cobj_parent  cstr_title  (toCBool showit)  (toCBool passthrough)  
foreign import ccall "wxLogWindow_Create" wxLogWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CWString -> CBool -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TLogWindow ()))

-- | usage: (@logWindowGetFrame obj@).
logWindowGetFrame :: LogWindow  a ->  IO (Frame  ())
logWindowGetFrame obj 
  = withObjectResult $
    withObjectRef "logWindowGetFrame" obj $ \cobj_obj -> 
    wxLogWindow_GetFrame cobj_obj  
foreign import ccall "wxLogWindow_GetFrame" wxLogWindow_GetFrame :: Ptr (TLogWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TFrame ()))