{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.QuickCheck import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.List (nub, sort) import Data.ASN1.Types import Data.X509 import qualified Crypto.Types.PubKey.RSA as RSA import qualified Crypto.Types.PubKey.DSA as DSA import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX instance Arbitrary RSA.PublicKey where arbitrary = do bytes <- elements [64,128,256] e <- elements [0x3,0x10001] n <- choose (2^(8*(bytes-1)),2^(8*bytes)) return $ RSA.PublicKey { RSA.public_size = bytes , RSA.public_n = n , RSA.public_e = e } instance Arbitrary DSA.Params where arbitrary = DSA.Params <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary DSA.PublicKey where arbitrary = DSA.PublicKey <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary PubKey where arbitrary = oneof [ PubKeyRSA <$> arbitrary , PubKeyDSA <$> arbitrary --, PubKeyECDSA ECDSA_Hash_SHA384 <$> (B.pack <$> replicateM 384 arbitrary) ] instance Arbitrary HashALG where arbitrary = elements [HashMD2,HashMD5,HashSHA1,HashSHA224,HashSHA256,HashSHA384,HashSHA512] instance Arbitrary PubKeyALG where arbitrary = elements [PubKeyALG_RSA,PubKeyALG_DSA,PubKeyALG_ECDSA,PubKeyALG_DH] instance Arbitrary SignatureALG where -- unfortunately as the encoding of this is a single OID as opposed to two OID, -- the testing need to limit itself to Signature ALG that has been defined in the OID database. -- arbitrary = SignatureALG <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary arbitrary = elements [ SignatureALG HashSHA1 PubKeyALG_RSA , SignatureALG HashMD5 PubKeyALG_RSA , SignatureALG HashMD2 PubKeyALG_RSA , SignatureALG HashSHA256 PubKeyALG_RSA , SignatureALG HashSHA384 PubKeyALG_RSA , SignatureALG HashSHA1 PubKeyALG_DSA , SignatureALG HashSHA224 PubKeyALG_ECDSA , SignatureALG HashSHA256 PubKeyALG_ECDSA , SignatureALG HashSHA384 PubKeyALG_ECDSA , SignatureALG HashSHA512 PubKeyALG_ECDSA ] arbitraryBS r1 r2 = choose (r1,r2) >>= \l -> (B.pack <$> replicateM l arbitrary) instance Arbitrary ASN1StringEncoding where arbitrary = elements [IA5,UTF8] instance Arbitrary ASN1CharacterString where arbitrary = ASN1CharacterString <$> arbitrary <*> arbitraryBS 2 36 instance Arbitrary DistinguishedName where arbitrary = DistinguishedName <$> (choose (1,5) >>= \l -> replicateM l arbitraryDE) where arbitraryDE = (,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary UTCTime where arbitrary = posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Int) instance Arbitrary Extensions where arbitrary = Extensions <$> oneof [ pure Nothing , Just <$> (listOf1 $ oneof [ extensionEncode <$> arbitrary <*> (arbitrary :: Gen ExtKeyUsage) ] ) ] instance Arbitrary ExtKeyUsageFlag where arbitrary = elements $ enumFrom KeyUsage_digitalSignature instance Arbitrary ExtKeyUsage where arbitrary = ExtKeyUsage . sort . nub <$> listOf1 arbitrary instance Arbitrary ExtKeyUsagePurpose where arbitrary = elements [ KeyUsagePurpose_ServerAuth , KeyUsagePurpose_ClientAuth , KeyUsagePurpose_CodeSigning , KeyUsagePurpose_EmailProtection , KeyUsagePurpose_TimeStamping , KeyUsagePurpose_OCSPSigning ] instance Arbitrary ExtExtendedKeyUsage where arbitrary = ExtExtendedKeyUsage . nub <$> listOf1 arbitrary instance Arbitrary Certificate where arbitrary = Certificate <$> pure 2 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary RevokedCertificate where arbitrary = RevokedCertificate <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> pure (Extensions Nothing) instance Arbitrary CRL where arbitrary = CRL <$> pure 1 <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary property_unmarshall_marshall_id :: (Show o, Arbitrary o, ASN1Object o, Eq o) => o -> Bool property_unmarshall_marshall_id o = case got of Right (gotObject, []) | gotObject == o -> True | otherwise -> error ("object is different: " ++ show gotObject ++ " expecting " ++ show o) Right (gotObject, l) -> error ("state remaining: " ++ show l ++ " marshalled: " ++ show oMarshalled ++ " parsed: " ++ show gotObject) Left e -> error ("parsing failed: " ++ show e ++ " object: " ++ show o ++ " marshalled as: " ++ show oMarshalled) where got = fromASN1 oMarshalled oMarshalled = toASN1 o [] property_extension_id :: (Show e, Eq e, Extension e) => e -> Bool property_extension_id e = case extDecode (extEncode e) of Left err -> error err Right v | v == e -> True | otherwise -> error ("expected " ++ show e ++ " got: " ++ show v) main = defaultMain [ testGroup "marshall" [ testProperty "pubkey" (property_unmarshall_marshall_id :: PubKey -> Bool) , testProperty "signature alg" (property_unmarshall_marshall_id :: SignatureALG -> Bool) , testGroup "extension" [ testProperty "key-usage" (property_extension_id :: ExtKeyUsage -> Bool) , testProperty "extended-key-usage" (property_extension_id :: ExtExtendedKeyUsage -> Bool) ] , testProperty "extensions" (property_unmarshall_marshall_id :: Extensions -> Bool) , testProperty "certificate" (property_unmarshall_marshall_id :: Certificate -> Bool) , testProperty "crl" (property_unmarshall_marshall_id :: CRL -> Bool) ] ]