{- |
   Module      : Graphics.XDot.Viewer
   Copyright   : (c) Dennis Felsing
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : dennis@felsin9.de

   This module draws the operations of an xdot graph using Cairo and Pango on a
   Gtk canvas.
module Graphics.XDot.Viewer (

import Graphics.XDot.Types hiding (w, h, filled, alignment, text, name, size)

import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Color, Rectangle, descent, Object)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo

import Control.Monad.State hiding (State)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as MS

type RGBA = (Double, Double, Double, Double)

data DState = DState
  { fontName    :: String
  , fontSize    :: Double
  , lineWidth   :: Double
  , lineStyle   :: [Double]
  , filledColor :: RGBA
  , strokeColor :: RGBA
type DrawState a = MS.StateT DState Render a

-- | Draw an xdot graph, possibly highlighting a node.
drawAll :: Eq t => 
     Object t -- ^ id of the node to highlight
  -> Rectangle -- ^ dimensions of the graph, as returned by 'Graphics.XDot.Parser.getSize'
  -> [(Object t, Operation)] -- ^ operations, as returned by 'Graphics.XDot.Parser.getOperations'
  -> Render [(Object t, Rectangle)] -- ^ dimensions of the rendered nodes on the screen
drawAll hover (_,_,sw,sh) ops = do
  let scalex = 1
      scaley = -1
      offsetx = -0.5 * sw
      offsety = 0.5 * sh
  translate offsetx offsety
  scale scalex scaley

  boundingBoxes <- evalStateT (mapM (draw hover) ops) $ DState "" 1 1 [] (1,1,1,1) (0,0,0,1)

    $ map (\(o, (x,y,w,h)) -> (o, (x*scalex+offsetx,y*scaley+offsety,w,h)))
    $ concat boundingBoxes

stylizedDraw :: Eq t => Bool -> Object t -> Object t -> Render a -> DrawState ()
stylizedDraw filled mn hover renderOps = do
  (r,g,b,a) <- getCorrectColor filled
  lWidth <- gets lineWidth
  lStyle <- gets lineStyle

  lift $ do
    if mn /= None && mn == hover
      then if filled then setSourceRGBA 1 0 0 0.3 else setSourceRGBA 1 0 0 1
      else setSourceRGBA r g b a
    setLineWidth lWidth
    setDash lStyle 0


    if filled then fillPreserve >> fill else stroke

draw :: Eq t => Object t -> (Object t, Operation) -> DrawState [(Object t, Rectangle)]
draw hover (mn, Ellipse (x,y) w h filled) = do
  stylizedDraw filled hover mn $ do
    translate x y
    scale w h
    moveTo 1 0
    arc 0 0 1 0 (2 * pi)

  return $ case mn of
    None -> []
    o -> [(o, (x - w, y + h, 2 * w, 2 * h))]

draw hover (mn, Polygon ((x,y):xys) filled) = do
  stylizedDraw filled hover mn $ do
    moveTo x y
    mapM_ (uncurry lineTo) xys

  let xs = x : map fst xys
  let ys = y : map snd xys

  return $ case mn of
    None -> []
    o -> [(o, (minimum xs, maximum ys, maximum xs - minimum xs, maximum ys - minimum ys))]

draw _ (_, Polygon [] _) = return []

draw _ (_, Polyline _) = return []

draw hover (mn, BSpline ((x,y):xys) filled) = do
  stylizedDraw filled hover mn $ do
    moveTo x y
    drawBezier xys

  return $ case mn of
    None -> []
    o -> [ (o, (x  - 10, y  + 10, 20, 20))
         , (o, (xe - 10, ye + 10, 20, 20))

  where drawBezier ((x1,y1):(x2,y2):(x3,y3):xys2) = do
          curveTo x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
          drawBezier xys2
        drawBezier _ = return ()
        (xe,ye) = last xys

draw _ (_, BSpline [] _) = return []

draw hover (mn, Text (x,y) alignment w text) = do
  fontName' <- gets fontName
  fontSize' <- gets fontSize

  layout <- lift $ createLayout text
  context <- liftIO $ layoutGetContext layout

  fo <- liftIO $ cairoContextGetFontOptions context

  fontOptionsSetAntialias fo AntialiasDefault
  fontOptionsSetHintStyle fo HintStyleNone
  fontOptionsSetHintMetrics fo HintMetricsOff
  liftIO $ cairoContextSetFontOptions context fo

  liftIO $ layoutContextChanged layout

  -- This does not work with "Times Roman", but it works with a font that is
  -- installed on the system
  --font <- liftIO fontDescriptionNew
  --liftIO $ fontDescriptionSetFamily font "Nimbus Roman No9 L, Regular"
  --liftIO $ fontDescriptionSetFamily font "Times Roman"
  --liftIO $ fontDescriptionSetSize font fontSize'

  -- Only fontDescriptionFromString works as expected, choosing a similar
  -- alternative font when the selected one is not available
  font <- liftIO $ fontDescriptionFromString fontName'
  liftIO $ fontDescriptionSetSize font fontSize'
  liftIO $ layoutSetFontDescription layout (Just font)

  (_, PangoRectangle _ _ w2 h2) <- liftIO $ layoutGetExtents layout

  let (f, w3, h3, descent) = if w2 > w
        then (w / w2, w,  h2 * w / w2, 4 * w / w2)
        else (1,      w2, h2,          4)

  let x3 = case alignment of
             LeftAlign   -> x
             CenterAlign -> x - 0.5 * w3
             RightAlign  -> x -       w3
      y3 = y + h3 - descent

  stylizedDraw False hover mn $ do
    moveTo x3 y3
    scale f (-f)
    showLayout layout

  return $ case mn of
    None -> []
    o -> [(o, (x3, y3, w3, h3))]

draw _ (_, Color color filled) = do
  modify (\s -> if filled
    then s{filledColor = color}
    else s{strokeColor = color})
  return []

draw _ (_, Font size name) = do
  modify (\s -> s{fontName = fixedName, fontSize = size})
  return []

  -- Pango does not like "Times-Roman", but works with "Times Roman".
  -- Graphviz handles this in plugin/pango/gvtextlayout_pango.c
  where fixedName = map fixName name
        fixName '-' = ' '
        fixName x   = x

draw _ (_, Style x) = do
  case x of -- TODO: Some styles missing
    "solid"  -> modify (\s -> s{lineStyle = []}) -- always on
    "dashed" -> modify (\s -> s{lineStyle = [6,6]}) -- 6 pts on, 6 pts off
    "dotted" -> modify (\s -> s{lineStyle = [2,4]}) -- 2 pts on, 4 pts off
    _ -> return ()
  return []

draw _ (_, Image{}) = return [] -- TODO

getCorrectColor :: Bool -> DrawState RGBA
getCorrectColor filled = gets $ if filled then filledColor else strokeColor