--- $Id: Netlist.hs#11 2010/10/02 19:03:50 REDMOND\\satnams $

module Lava.Netlist (module Lava.Components,
                     module Lava.Netlist)

import Control.Monad.State

import Lava.Components
import Data.Array.Unboxed

-- * The Lava Netlist representation


data Dir = To | Downto
           deriving (Eq, Show)

data NetType
  = BitType
  | BitVec Int Dir Int
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data PortDirection
  = InputPort
  | OutputPort
  | LocalInput
  | LocalOutput
    deriving (Eq, Show)


data PortDeclaration = Port String PortDirection NetType [Int]
                       deriving (Eq, Show)


data Position
  = NoPlacement
  | Unplaced
  | Placed
    deriving (Eq, Show)


data Layout
  = Beside (Int, Int) Layout Layout
  | Below  (Int, Int) Layout Layout
  | Overlay (Int, Int) Layout Layout
  | Tile (Int, Int) Int -- (w,h) instNr
  | BeginOverlayTile
  | EmptyLayout
  | Space (Int, Int)
  | ConditionalShift CondShiftFn Layout
    deriving (Eq, Show)


data CondShiftFn 
  = CondShiftFn (Int -> Bool, Int -> Int) (Int -> Bool, Int -> Int)


instance Show CondShiftFn where
  show _ = "<cond shift>"


instance Eq CondShiftFn where
  (==) _ _ = True


sizeOfLayout :: Layout -> (Int, Int)
sizeOfLayout (Beside wh _ _) = wh
sizeOfLayout (Below wh _ _) = wh
sizeOfLayout (Overlay wh _ _) = wh
sizeOfLayout (Tile wh _) = wh
sizeOfLayout EmptyLayout = (0, 0)
sizeOfLayout (Space wh) = wh
sizeOfLayout (ConditionalShift _ l) = sizeOfLayout l
sizeOfLayout other = error ("sizeOfLayout: " ++ show other)


data XilinxArchitecture
  = Virtex2
  | Virtex4
  | Virtex5
  | Virtex6
    deriving (Eq, Show)


data Instance = Instance {component :: Component,
                          componentName :: String,
                          instanceNumber :: Int,
                          position :: Position,
                          componentSize :: Maybe (Int,Int)}
                deriving (Eq, Show)


type DrivenPorts = [(String, String)]


data Netlist = Netlist {circuitName :: String,
                        ports :: [PortDeclaration],
                        instances :: [Instance],
                        netCount :: Int,
                        instCount :: Int,
                        layout :: [Layout],
                        layoutNesting :: Int,
                        computedShifts :: (Array Int Int, Array Int Int),
                        rlocOrigin :: Maybe (Int, Int),
                        xilinxArchitecture :: XilinxArchitecture,
                        subCircuits :: [Netlist],
                        netDrivers :: Array Int DrivenPorts


setCircuitName :: String -> Out ()
setCircuitName name
  = do netlist <- get
       put netlist{circuitName = name}


addInstance :: Instance -> Out ()
addInstance inst
  = do netlist <- get
       put netlist{instances = inst : instances netlist}


getNetCount :: Out Int
  = do state <- get
       return (netCount state)


getInstCount :: Out Int
  = do state <- get
       return (instCount state)


incrementInstCount :: Out ()
  = do netlist <- get
       put netlist{instCount = instCount netlist + 1}


incrementNetCount :: Int -> Out ()
incrementNetCount by
  = do netlist <- get
       put netlist{netCount = netCount netlist + by}


pushLayout :: Layout -> Out ()
pushLayout newLayoutElement
  = do state <- get
       let currentLayout = layout state
       put state {layout = newLayoutElement : currentLayout}


popLayout :: Out Layout
  = do state <- get
       let (l:ls) = layout state
       put state{layout = ls}
       return l


incrementLayoutNesting :: Out ()
  = do state <- get
       put state{layoutNesting = layoutNesting state + 1}


decrementLayoutNesting :: Out ()
  = do state <- get
       put state{layoutNesting = layoutNesting state - 1}


setOrigin :: (Int, Int) -> Out ()
setOrigin (x, y)
  = do netlist <- get
       put netlist{rlocOrigin = Just (x, y)}


type Out a = State Netlist a


type Bit = Int
type BitVec = (Int, Dir, Int)

zero :: Bit
zero = 0

one :: Bit
one = 1
