{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal.PivotTable
  ( parsePivotTable
  , parseCache
  , fillCacheFieldsFromRecords
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.List (transpose)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Safe (atMay)
import Text.XML
import Text.XML.Cursor

import Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Common
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.Internal.Relationships (odr)
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.PivotTable
import Codec.Xlsx.Types.PivotTable.Internal

  :: (CacheId -> Maybe (Text, Range, [CacheField]))
  -> ByteString
  -> Maybe PivotTable
parsePivotTable srcByCacheId bs =
  listToMaybe . parse . fromDocument $ parseLBS_ def bs
    parse cur = do
      cacheId <- fromAttribute "cacheId" cur
      case srcByCacheId cacheId of
        Nothing -> fail "no such cache"
        Just (_pvtSrcSheet, _pvtSrcRef, cacheFields) -> do
          _pvtDataCaption <- attribute "dataCaption" cur
          _pvtName <- attribute "name" cur
          _pvtLocation <- cur $/ element (n_ "location") >=> fromAttribute "ref"
          _pvtRowGrandTotals <- fromAttributeDef "rowGrandTotals" True cur
          _pvtColumnGrandTotals <- fromAttributeDef "colGrandTotals" True cur
          _pvtOutline <- fromAttributeDef "outline" False cur
          _pvtOutlineData <- fromAttributeDef "outlineData" False cur
          let pvtFieldsWithHidden =
                cur $/ element (n_ "pivotFields") &/ element (n_ "pivotField") >=> \c -> do
                  -- actually gets overwritten from cache to have consistent field names
                  _pfiName <- maybeAttribute "name" c
                  _pfiSortType <- fromAttributeDef "sortType" FieldSortManual c
                  _pfiOutline <- fromAttributeDef "outline" True c
                  let hidden =
                        c $/ element (n_ "items") &/ element (n_ "item") >=>
                        attrValIs "h" True >=> fromAttribute "x"
                      _pfiHiddenItems = []
                  return (PivotFieldInfo {..}, hidden)
              _pvtFields = flip map (zip [0.. ] pvtFieldsWithHidden) $
                           \(i, (PivotFieldInfo {..}, hidden)) ->
                             let  _pfiHiddenItems =
                                    [item | (n, item) <- zip [(0 :: Int) ..] items, n `elem` hidden]
                                  (_pfiName, items) = case atMay cacheFields i of
                                    Just CacheField{..} -> (Just cfName, cfItems)
                                    Nothing -> (Nothing, [])
                             in PivotFieldInfo {..}
              nToFieldName = zip [0 ..] $ map cfName cacheFields
              fieldNameList fld = maybeToList $ lookup fld nToFieldName
              _pvtRowFields =
                cur $/ element (n_ "rowFields") &/ element (n_ "field") >=>
                fromAttribute "x" >=> fieldPosition
              _pvtColumnFields =
                cur $/ element (n_ "colFields") &/ element (n_ "field") >=>
                fromAttribute "x" >=> fieldPosition
              _pvtDataFields =
                cur $/ element (n_ "dataFields") &/ element (n_ "dataField") >=> \c -> do
                  fld <- fromAttribute "fld" c
                  _dfField <- fieldNameList fld
                  -- TOFIX
                  _dfName <- fromAttributeDef "name" "" c
                  _dfFunction <- fromAttributeDef "subtotal" ConsolidateSum c
                  return DataField {..}
              fieldPosition :: Int -> [PositionedField]
              fieldPosition (-2) = return DataPosition
              fieldPosition n =
                FieldPosition <$> fieldNameList n
          return PivotTable {..}

parseCache :: ByteString -> Maybe (Text, CellRef, [CacheField], Maybe RefId)
parseCache bs = listToMaybe . parse . fromDocument $ parseLBS_ def bs
    parse cur = do
      refId <- maybeAttribute (odr "id") cur
      (sheet, ref) <-
        cur $/ element (n_ "cacheSource") &/ element (n_ "worksheetSource") >=>
        liftA2 (,) <$> attribute "sheet" <*> fromAttribute "ref"
      let fields =
            cur $/ element (n_ "cacheFields") &/ element (n_ "cacheField") >=>
      return (sheet, ref, fields, refId)

fillCacheFieldsFromRecords :: [CacheField] -> [CacheRecord] -> [CacheField]
fillCacheFieldsFromRecords fields recs =
  zipWith addValues fields (transpose recs)
    addValues field recVals =
      if null (cfItems field)
        then field {cfItems = mapMaybe recToCellValue recVals}
        else field
    recToCellValue (CacheText t) = Just $ CellText t
    recToCellValue (CacheNumber n) = Just $ CellDouble n
    recToCellValue (CacheIndex _) = Nothing