{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- | Used for loading a catalog file, caching DTDs and applying DTDs to
-- documents.
module Text.XML.Catalog
    ( -- * Catalogs
    , PubSys (..)
    , loadCatalog
      -- * DTD caching
    , DTDCache
    , dcSchemeMap
    , newDTDCache
    , loadDTD
    , UnknownExternalID (..)
      -- * Applying DTDs
    , applyDTD
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Text.XML as X
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import qualified Data.IORef as I
import Data.XML.DTD.Parse (parseDTD)
import qualified Data.XML.DTD.Types as D
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Network.URI.Enumerator
import Data.Enumerator (run_, ($$))
import Data.Enumerator.List (consume)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))

-- | Either a public or system identifier.
data PubSys = Public Text | System Text
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

-- | An XML catalog, mapping public and system identifiers to filepaths.
type Catalog = Map.Map PubSys URI

-- | Load a 'Catalog' from the given path.
loadCatalog :: MonadIO m => SchemeMap m -> URI -> m Catalog
loadCatalog sm uri = do
    X.Document _ (X.Element _ _ ns) _ <- X.parseEnum_ X.def $ readURI sm uri
    foldM addNode Map.empty ns
    addNode c (X.NodeElement (X.Element name as ns)) = do
        foldM addNode c' ns
        c' =
            case name of
                "{urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog}public" ->
                    case (lookup "publicId" as, lookup "uri" as) of
                        (Just pid, Just ref) ->
                            case parseURIReference ref >>= flip relativeTo uri of
                                Just uri' -> Map.insert (Public pid) uri' c
                                Nothing -> c
                        _ -> c
                "{urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog}system" ->
                    case (lookup "systemId" as, lookup "uri" as) of
                        (Just sid, Just ref) ->
                            case parseURIReference ref >>= flip relativeTo uri of
                                Just uri' -> Map.insert (System sid) uri' c
                                Nothing -> c
                        _ -> c
                _ -> c
    addNode c _ = return c

data DTDCache m = DTDCache
    { _dcCache :: I.IORef (Map.Map PubSys D.DTD)
    , _dcCatalog :: Catalog
    , dcSchemeMap :: SchemeMap m

newDTDCache :: MonadIO m => Catalog -> SchemeMap m -> m (DTDCache m)
newDTDCache c sm = do
    x <- liftIO $ I.newIORef Map.empty
    return $ DTDCache x c sm

loadDTD :: MonadIO m => DTDCache m -> X.ExternalID -> m D.DTD
loadDTD (DTDCache icache catalog sm) ext = do
    res <- liftIO $ fmap (Map.lookup pubsys) $ I.readIORef icache
    case res of
        Just dtd -> return dtd
        Nothing ->
            case Map.lookup pubsys catalog of
                Nothing -> liftIO $ throwIO $ UnknownExternalID ext
                Just fp -> do
                    bss <- run_ $ readURI sm fp $$ consume
                    let dtd = parseDTD $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode $ L.fromChunks bss
                    liftIO $ I.atomicModifyIORef icache $ \m ->
                        (Map.insert pubsys dtd m, ())
                    return dtd
    pubsys =
        case ext of
            X.SystemID t -> System t
            X.PublicID t _ -> Public t

data UnknownExternalID = UnknownExternalID X.ExternalID
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception UnknownExternalID

applyDTD :: MonadIO m => DTDCache m -> X.Document -> m X.Document
applyDTD dc doc@(X.Document pro@(X.Prologue _ mdoctype _) root epi) =
    case mdoctype of
        Just (X.Doctype _ (Just extid)) -> do
            dtd <- loadDTD dc extid
            let attrs = toAttrs dtd
            let root' = go attrs root
            return $ X.Document pro root' epi
        _ -> return doc
    go attrs (X.Element name as ns) =
        X.Element name as' ns'
        as' =
            case Map.lookup name attrs of
                Nothing -> as
                Just x -> foldr goa as x
        ns' = map gon ns
        gon (X.NodeElement e) = X.NodeElement $ go attrs e
        gon n = n
    goa (name, Fixed t) as = (name, t) : filter (\(n, _) -> name /= n) as
    goa (name, Def t) as =
        case lookup name as of
            Nothing -> (name, t) : as
            Just _ -> as

data Att = Def Text | Fixed Text

toAttrs :: D.DTD -> Map.Map X.Name [(X.Name, Att)]
toAttrs (D.DTD _ comps) =
    Map.fromList $ mapMaybe go comps
    go (D.DTDAttList (D.AttList lname atts)) = Just $ (X.Name lname Nothing Nothing, mapMaybe go' atts)
    go _ = Nothing
    go' (D.AttDecl lname _ def) =
        case def of
            D.AttFixed t -> Just (name, Fixed t)
            D.AttDefaultValue t -> Just (name, Def t)
            _ -> Nothing
        name = X.Name lname Nothing Nothing