{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | DOM-based parsing and rendering.
-- This module requires that all entities be resolved at parsing. If you need
-- to interact with unresolved entities, please use "Text.XML.Unresolved". This
-- is the recommended module for most uses cases.
-- While many of the datatypes in this module are simply re-exported from
-- @Data.XML.Types@, 'Document', 'Node' and 'Element' are all redefined here to
-- disallow the possibility of unresolved entities. Conversion functions are
-- provided to switch between the two sets of datatypes.
-- For simpler, bidirectional traversal of the DOM tree, see the
-- "Text.XML.Cursor" module.
module Text.XML
    ( -- * Data types
      Document (..)
    , Prologue (..)
    , Instruction (..)
    , Miscellaneous (..)
    , Node (..)
    , Element (..)
    , Name (..)
    , Doctype (..)
    , ExternalID (..)
      -- * Parsing
      -- ** Files
    , readFile
      -- ** Bytes
    , parseLBS
    , parseLBS_
    , sinkDoc
      -- ** Text
    , parseText
    , parseText_
    , sinkTextDoc
      -- ** Other
    , fromEvents
    , UnresolvedEntityException (..)
      -- * Rendering
    , writeFile
    , renderLBS
    , renderText
    , renderBytes
      -- * Settings
    , def
      -- ** Parsing
    , ParseSettings
    , psDecodeEntities
      -- ** Rendering
    , R.RenderSettings
    , R.rsPretty
      -- * Conversion
    , toXMLDocument
    , fromXMLDocument
    , toXMLNode
    , fromXMLNode
    , toXMLElement
    , fromXMLElement
    ) where

import qualified Data.XML.Types as X
import Data.XML.Types
    ( Prologue (..)
    , Miscellaneous (..)
    , Instruction (..)
    , Name (..)
    , Doctype (..)
    , ExternalID (..)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Parse as P
import qualified Text.XML.Unresolved as D
import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Render as R
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile, FilePath)
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (FilePath, encodeString)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, Exception)
import Text.XML.Stream.Parse (ParseSettings, def, psDecodeEntities)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import Data.Conduit.Lazy (lazyConsume)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceUnsafeIO, runExceptionT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)

data Document = Document
    { documentPrologue :: Prologue
    , documentRoot :: Element
    , documentEpilogue :: [Miscellaneous]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)

data Node
    = NodeElement Element
    | NodeInstruction Instruction
    | NodeContent Text
    | NodeComment Text
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)

data Element = Element
    { elementName :: Name
    , elementAttributes :: [(Name, Text)]
    , elementNodes :: [Node]
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)

readFile :: FilePath -> ParseSettings -> IO (Either SomeException Document)
readFile_ :: FIlePath -> ParseSettings -> IO Document

toXMLDocument :: Document -> X.Document
toXMLDocument (Document a b c) = X.Document a (toXMLElement b) c

toXMLElement :: Element -> X.Element
toXMLElement (Element name as nodes) =
    X.Element name as' nodes'
    as' = map (\(x, y) -> (x, [X.ContentText y])) as
    nodes' = map toXMLNode nodes

toXMLNode :: Node -> X.Node
toXMLNode (NodeElement e) = X.NodeElement $ toXMLElement e
toXMLNode (NodeContent t) = X.NodeContent $ X.ContentText t
toXMLNode (NodeComment c) = X.NodeComment c
toXMLNode (NodeInstruction i) = X.NodeInstruction i

fromXMLDocument :: X.Document -> Either (Set Text) Document
fromXMLDocument (X.Document a b c) =
    case fromXMLElement b of
        Left es -> Left es
        Right b' -> Right $ Document a b' c

fromXMLElement :: X.Element -> Either (Set Text) Element
fromXMLElement (X.Element name as nodes) =
    case (lnodes, las) of
        ([], []) -> Right $ Element name ras rnodes
        (x, []) -> Left $ Set.unions x
        ([], y) -> Left $ Set.unions y
        (x, y) -> Left $ Set.unions x `Set.union` Set.unions y
    enodes = map fromXMLNode nodes
    (lnodes, rnodes) = partitionEithers enodes
    eas = map go as
    (las, ras) = partitionEithers eas
    go (x, y) =
        case go' [] id y of
            Left es -> Left es
            Right y' -> Right (x, y')
    go' [] front [] = Right $ T.concat $ front []
    go' errs _ [] = Left $ Set.fromList errs
    go' errs front (X.ContentText t:ys) = go' errs (front . (:) t) ys
    go' errs front (X.ContentEntity t:ys) = go' (t : errs) front ys

fromXMLNode :: X.Node -> Either (Set Text) Node
fromXMLNode (X.NodeElement e) =
    either Left (Right . NodeElement) $ fromXMLElement e
fromXMLNode (X.NodeContent (X.ContentText t)) = Right $ NodeContent t
fromXMLNode (X.NodeContent (X.ContentEntity t)) = Left $ Set.singleton t
fromXMLNode (X.NodeComment c) = Right $ NodeComment c
fromXMLNode (X.NodeInstruction i) = Right $ NodeInstruction i

readFile :: ParseSettings -> FilePath -> IO Document
readFile ps fp = C.runResourceT $ CB.sourceFile (encodeString fp) C.$$ sinkDoc ps

parseLBS :: ParseSettings -> L.ByteString -> Either SomeException Document
parseLBS ps lbs = runST
                $ runExceptionT
                $ C.runResourceT
                $ CL.sourceList (L.toChunks lbs)
           C.$$ sinkDoc ps

parseLBS_ :: ParseSettings -> L.ByteString -> Document
parseLBS_ ps = either throw id . parseLBS ps

sinkDoc :: C.ResourceThrow m
        => ParseSettings
        -> C.Sink ByteString m Document
sinkDoc ps = P.parseBytes ps C.=$ fromEvents

parseText :: ParseSettings -> TL.Text -> Either SomeException Document
parseText ps tl = runST
                $ runExceptionT
                $ C.runResourceT
                $ CL.sourceList (TL.toChunks tl)
           C.$$ sinkTextDoc ps

parseText_ :: ParseSettings -> TL.Text -> Document
parseText_ ps = either throw id . parseText ps

sinkTextDoc :: C.ResourceThrow m
            => ParseSettings
            -> C.Sink Text m Document
sinkTextDoc ps = P.parseText ps C.=$ fromEvents

fromEvents :: C.ResourceThrow m => C.Sink X.Event m Document
fromEvents = do
    d <- D.fromEvents
    either (lift . C.resourceThrow . UnresolvedEntityException) return $ fromXMLDocument d

data UnresolvedEntityException = UnresolvedEntityException (Set Text)
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception UnresolvedEntityException

renderBytes :: ResourceUnsafeIO m => R.RenderSettings -> Document -> C.Source m ByteString
renderBytes rs doc = D.renderBytes rs $ toXMLDocument doc

writeFile :: R.RenderSettings -> FilePath -> Document -> IO ()
writeFile rs fp doc =
    C.runResourceT $ renderBytes rs doc C.$$ CB.sinkFile (encodeString fp)

renderLBS :: R.RenderSettings -> Document -> L.ByteString
renderLBS rs doc =
    L.fromChunks $ unsafePerformIO
                 -- not generally safe, but we know that runResourceT
                 -- will not deallocate any of the resources being used
                 -- by the process
                 $ C.runResourceT
                 $ lazyConsume
                 $ renderBytes rs doc

renderText :: R.RenderSettings -> Document -> TL.Text
renderText rs = TLE.decodeUtf8 . renderLBS rs