{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- IsString for XML

-- | Overcome XML insanity, node by node.
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > let doc = document "root" $ do
-- >     element "hello" $ content "world"
-- >     element "hierarchy" $ do
-- >         element "simple" True
-- >         element "as" ("it should be" :: Text)
-- >         toXML $ Just . T.pack $ "like this"
-- >     comment "that's it!"

module Text.XML.Writer
    -- * Documents
      document, soap
    , pprint
    -- * Elements
    , XML
    -- ** Node creation
    , node
    , instruction
    , comment
    , element, elementMaybe, elementA
    , content
    , empty
    , many
    -- ** Element helpers
    , render, (!:)
    -- ** Converting data
    , ToXML(..)
    ) where

import Text.XML
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Data.Default ()
import qualified Data.DList as DL
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import Data.String (IsString(..))

-- | Node container to be rendered as children nodes.
type XML = Writer (DL.DList Node) ()

-- | Create a simple Document starting with a root element.
document :: Name -- ^ Root node name
         -> XML  -- ^ Contents
         -> Document
document name children = Document { documentPrologue = Prologue def def def
                                  , documentRoot = Element name def (render children)
                                  , documentEpilogue = def

-- | Render document using xml-conduit's pretty-printer.
pprint :: Document -> IO ()
pprint = TL.putStrLn . renderText def { rsPretty = True }

-- | Convert collected nodes to a list of child nodes.
render :: XML -> [Node]
render = DL.toList . execWriter

-- | Do nothing.
empty :: XML
empty = return ()

-- | Insert one node.
node :: Node -> XML
node = tell . DL.singleton

-- | Insert an "Element" node constructed with name and children.
element :: (ToXML a) => Name -> a -> XML
element name children = node . NodeElement $! Element name def (render $ toXML children)

-- | Insert an "Element" node converted from Maybe value or do nothing.
elementMaybe :: (ToXML a) => Name -> Maybe a -> XML
elementMaybe name = maybe empty (element name)

-- | Insert an "Element" node constructed with name, attributes and children.
elementA :: (ToXML a) => Name -> [(Name, Text)] -> a -> XML
elementA name attrs children = node . NodeElement $! Element name (M.fromList attrs) (render $ toXML children)

-- | Insert an "Instruction" node.
instruction :: Text -> Text -> XML
instruction target data_ = node . NodeInstruction $! Instruction target data_

-- | Insert a text comment node.
comment :: Text -> XML
comment = node . NodeComment

-- | Insert text content node.
content :: Text -> XML
content = node . NodeContent

-- | Mass-convert to nodes.
-- > let array = element "container" $ many "wrapper" [1..3]
-- Which gives:
-- > <container>
-- >     <wrapper>1</wrapper>
-- >     <wrapper>2</wrapper>
-- >     <wrapper>3</wrapper>
-- > </container>
-- Use `mapM_ toXML xs` to convert a list without wrapping
-- each item in separate element.
-- > let mess = element "container" $ mapM_ toXML ["chunky", "chunk"]
-- Content nodes tend to glue together:
-- > <container>chunkychunk</container>
many :: (ToXML a)
     => Name -- ^ Container element name.
     -> [a]  -- ^ Items to convert.
     -> XML
many n = mapM_ (element n . toXML)

-- | Attach a prefix to a Name.
-- Because simply placing a colon in an element name
-- yields 'Nothing' as a prefix and children will
-- revert to en empty namespace.
(!:) :: Text -> Name -> Name
pref !: name = name { namePrefix = Just pref }

-- | Provide instances for this class to use your data
-- as "XML" nodes.
class ToXML a where
    toXML :: a -> XML

-- | Do nothing.
instance ToXML () where
    toXML () = empty

-- | Insert already prepared nodes.
instance ToXML XML where
    toXML = id

-- | Don't use [Char] please, it will scare OverloadedStrings.
instance ToXML Text where
    toXML = content

-- | XML schema uses lower case.
instance ToXML Bool where
    toXML True  = "true"
    toXML False = "false"

instance ToXML Float where
    toXML = content . T.pack . show

instance ToXML Double where
    toXML = content . T.pack . show

instance ToXML Int where
    toXML = content . T.pack . show

instance ToXML Integer where
    toXML = content . T.pack . show

instance ToXML Char where
    toXML = content . T.singleton

-- | Insert node if available. Otherwise do nothing.
instance (ToXML a) => ToXML (Maybe a) where
    toXML = maybe empty toXML

instance IsString XML where
    fromString = content . T.pack

-- | Generate a SOAPv1.1 document.
-- Empty header will be ignored.
-- Envelope uses a `soapenv` prefix.
-- Works great with 'ToXML' class.
-- > data BigData = BigData { webScale :: Bool }
-- > instance ToXML BigData where
-- >     toXML (BigData ws) = element ("v" !: "{vendor:uri}bigData") $ toXML ws
-- > let doc = soap () (BigData True)
soap :: (ToXML h, ToXML b)
     => h
     -> b
     -> Document
soap header body = document (sn "Envelope") $ do
    -- Some servers are allergic to dangling Headers...
    when (not $ null headerContent) $ do
        node . NodeElement $! Element (sn "Header") def headerContent
    element (sn "Body") (toXML body)

    where sn n = Name n (Just ns) (Just "soapenv")
          ns = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
          headerContent = render (toXML header)