{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Data.XML.Pickle.Basic where

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Control.Category as Cat
import           Control.Exception (Exception)
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.XML.Types

data PU t a = PU
  { unpickleTree :: t -> UnpickleResult t a
  , pickleTree :: a -> t

data UnpickleResult t a = UnpickleError UnpickleError
                        | NoResult Text -- ^ Not found, description of element
                        | Result a (Maybe t) -- ^ Result and remainder. The
                                             -- remainder is wrapped in Maybe to
                                             -- avoid a Monoid constraint on t.
                                             --  /Invariant/: When t is a
                                             -- Monoid, the empty remainder should
                                             -- always be @Nothing@ instead of
                                             -- @Just mempty@
                          deriving (Functor, Show)

instance Monad (UnpickleResult t) where
    return x = Result x Nothing
    Result x r >>= f = case f x of
        Result y r' -> Result y (if isJust r then r else r')
        y -> y
    UnpickleError e >>= _ = UnpickleError e
    NoResult e >>= _ = NoResult e

data UnpickleError = ErrorMessage Text
            | TraceStep (Text, Text) UnpickleError
            | Variants [UnpickleError]
            deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception UnpickleError

infixl 6 <++>
(<++>) :: (Text, Text) -> UnpickleError -> UnpickleError
(<++>) = TraceStep

mapUnpickleError :: (UnpickleError -> UnpickleError)
                 -> UnpickleResult t a
                 -> UnpickleResult t a
mapUnpickleError f (UnpickleError e) = UnpickleError $ f e
mapUnpickleError _ x = x

missing :: String -> UnpickleError
missing e = upe $ "Entity not found: " ++ e

missingE :: String -> UnpickleResult t a
missingE = UnpickleError . missing

upe :: String -> UnpickleError
upe e = ErrorMessage (Text.pack e)

showTr :: (Text, Text) -> String
showTr (name, "") = Text.unpack name
showTr (name, extra) = concat [Text.unpack name , " (", Text.unpack extra, ")"]

printUPE :: UnpickleError -> [String]
printUPE (ErrorMessage m) = [Text.unpack m]
printUPE (TraceStep t es) = ("-> " ++ showTr  t) : printUPE es
printUPE (Variants vs) = concat
                       . zipWith (:) (map (\x -> show x ++ ")") [(1 :: Int)..])
                       . map (map ( "  " ++))
                       $ (printUPE <$> vs)

ppUnpickleError :: UnpickleError -> String
ppUnpickleError e = "Error while unpickling:\n"
                      ++ unlines (map ("  " ++) (printUPE e))

leftoverE :: String -> UnpickleResult t a
leftoverE l = UnpickleError . upe $ "Leftover Entities" ++ if null l then "" else
                                                             ": " ++ l
child :: Show a => PU a b -> a -> UnpickleResult t b
child xp v = case unpickleTree xp v of
    UnpickleError e -> UnpickleError e
    NoResult e -> missingE $ Text.unpack e
    Result _ (Just es) -> leftoverE $ show es
    Result r Nothing -> Result r Nothing

child' :: PU t a -> t -> UnpickleResult t1 a
child' xp v = case unpickleTree xp v of
    UnpickleError e -> UnpickleError e
    NoResult e -> missingE $ Text.unpack e
    Result _ (Just _es) -> leftoverE ""
    Result r Nothing -> Result r Nothing

leftover :: Maybe t -> UnpickleResult t ()
leftover = Result ()

remList :: [t] -> Maybe [t]
remList [] = Nothing
remList xs = Just xs

mapError :: (UnpickleError -> UnpickleError) -> PU t a -> PU t a
mapError f xp = PU { unpickleTree = mapUnpickleError f . unpickleTree xp
                   , pickleTree = pickleTree xp

infixl 6 <++.>
(<++.>) :: (Text, Text) -> UnpickleResult t a -> UnpickleResult t a
(<++.>) s = mapUnpickleError (s <++>)

infixr 0 <?>
-- | Override the last backtrace level in the error report
(<?>) :: (Text, Text) -> PU t a -> PU t a
(<?>) tr = mapError (swapStack tr)
    swapStack ns (TraceStep _s e) = TraceStep ns e
    swapStack _ns e = error $ "Can't replace non-trace step: " ++ show e

(<??>) :: Text -> PU t a -> PU t a
(<??>) tr = mapError (swapStack tr)
    swapStack ns (TraceStep (_,s) e) = TraceStep (ns,s) e
    swapStack _ns e = error $ "Can't replace non-trace step: " ++ show e

infixr 1 <?+>
-- | Add a back trace level to the error report
(<?+>) :: (Text, Text) -> PU t a -> PU t a
(<?+>) tr = mapError (tr <++>)

data UnresolvedEntityException = UnresolvedEntityException
                                   deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Exception UnresolvedEntityException

ppName :: Name -> String
ppName (Name local ns pre) = let
  ns' = case ns of
    Nothing -> []
    Just ns'' -> ["{", Text.unpack ns'',"}"]
  pre' = case  pre of
    Nothing -> []
    Just pre'' -> [Text.unpack pre'',":"]
  in  concat . concat $ [["\""],ns', pre', [Text.unpack local], ["\""]]

instance Cat.Category PU where
    id = PU (\t -> Result t Nothing) id
    g . f = PU { pickleTree = pickleTree f . pickleTree g
               , unpickleTree = \val -> case unpickleTree f val of
                   UnpickleError e -> UnpickleError e
                   NoResult e -> NoResult e
                   Result resf re -> case unpickleTree g resf of
                       UnpickleError e -> UnpickleError e
                       NoResult e -> NoResult e
                       Result _ (Just _) -> leftoverE ""
                       Result resg Nothing -> Result resg re