{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, PackageImports #-}

module Network.XmlPush.HttpPull.Client.Common (
	) where

import Control.Monad
import "monads-tf" Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Concurrent hiding (yield)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Maybe
import Data.HandleLike
import Data.Pipe
-- import Data.Pipe.IO
import Data.Pipe.TChan
import System.IO
import Text.XML.Pipe
import Network.TigHTTP.Client
import Network.TigHTTP.Types

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS

data HttpPullClArgs h = HttpPullClArgs {
	hostName :: String,
	portNumber :: Int,
	basePath :: FilePath,
	getPath :: XmlNode -> FilePath,
	poll :: HandleMonad h XmlNode,
	isPending :: XmlNode -> Bool,
	duration :: Maybe Int,
	getDuration :: XmlNode -> Maybe Int

talkC :: (HandleLike h, MonadBaseControl IO (HandleMonad h)) =>
	h -> String -> Int -> FilePath -> (XmlNode -> FilePath) ->
	HandleMonad h XmlNode -> (XmlNode -> Bool) ->
	TVar (Maybe Int) -> (XmlNode -> Maybe Int) ->
	HandleMonad h (TChan XmlNode, TChan XmlNode)
talkC h addr pn pth gp pl ip dr gdr = do
--	liftBase $ putStrLn "talkC begin"
	lock <- liftBase $ atomically newTChan
	liftBase . atomically $ writeTChan lock ()
	inc <- liftBase $ atomically newTChan
	inc' <- liftBase $ atomically newTChan
	otc <- liftBase $ atomically newTChan
	otc' <- liftBase $ atomically newTChan
	void . liftBaseDiscard forkIO . runPipe_ $ fromTChan otc
--		=$= debug
		=$= conversation lock h addr pn pth gp dr gdr
--		=$= debug
		=$= toTChan inc
	void . liftBaseDiscard forkIO . runPipe_ $ fromTChan otc'
		=$= conversation lock h addr pn pth gp dr gdr
		=$= toTChan inc'
	void . liftBaseDiscard forkIO . forever $ do
		d <- liftBase . atomically $ do
			md <- readTVar dr
			case md of
				Just d -> return d
				_ -> retry
		liftBase $ threadDelay d
		p <- pl
		liftBase $ polling p ip inc' inc otc'
--	liftBase $ putStrLn "talkC end"
	return (inc, otc)

conversation :: (HandleLike h, MonadBase IO (HandleMonad h)) =>
	TChan () -> h -> String -> Int ->
	FilePath -> (XmlNode -> FilePath) ->
	TVar (Maybe a) -> (XmlNode -> Maybe a) ->
	Pipe XmlNode XmlNode (HandleMonad h) ()
conversation lock h addr pn pth gp dr gdr =
	talk lock h addr pn pth gp =$= setDuration dr gdr

setDuration :: MonadBase IO m => TVar (Maybe a) -> (o -> Maybe a) -> Pipe o o m ()
setDuration dr gdr = (await >>=) . maybe (return ()) $ \n -> case gdr n of
	Just d -> do
		lift . liftBase . atomically $ writeTVar dr (Just d)
		yield n >> setDuration dr gdr
	_ -> yield n >> setDuration dr gdr

polling :: XmlNode -> (XmlNode -> Bool) ->
	TChan XmlNode -> TChan XmlNode -> TChan XmlNode -> IO ()
polling pl ip i i' o = do
	atomically $ writeTChan o pl
	r <- atomically $ readTChan i
	hFlush stdout
	when (ip r) $ atomically (writeTChan i' r) >> polling pl ip i i' o

talk :: (MonadBase IO (HandleMonad h), HandleLike h) =>
	TChan () -> h -> String -> Int ->
	FilePath -> (XmlNode -> FilePath) ->
	Pipe XmlNode XmlNode (HandleMonad h) ()
talk lock h addr pn pth gp = (await >>=) . maybe (return ()) $ \n -> do
	let m = LBS.fromChunks [xmlString [n]]
--	lift . liftBase $ putStrLn "before lock"
	lift . liftBase . atomically $ readTChan lock
--	lift . liftBase $ putStrLn "locking"
	r <- lift . request h $ post addr pn (pth ++ "/" ++ gp n) (Nothing, m)
--	lift . liftBase $ putStrLn "request done"
	void $ return ()
		=$= responseBody r
		=$= xmlEvent
		=$= convert fromJust
		=$= xmlNode []
	lift . liftBase . atomically $ writeTChan lock ()
--	lift . liftBase $ putStrLn "after lock"
	talk lock h addr pn pth gp