# Contributing to xmonad and xmonad-contrib ## Before Creating a GitHub Issue New issue submissions should adhere to the following guidelines: * Does your issue have to do with [xmonad][], [xmonad-contrib][], or maybe even with the [X11][] library? Please submit your issue to the **correct** GitHub repository. * To help you figure out which repository to submit your issue to, and to help us resolve the problem you are having, create the smallest configuration file you can that reproduces the problem. You may find that the [xmonad-testing][] repository is helpful in reproducing the problem with a smaller configuration file. Once you've done that please include the configuration file with your GitHub issue. * If possible, use the [xmonad-testing][] repository to test your configuration with the bleeding-edge development version of xmonad and xmonad-contrib. We might have already fixed your problem. ## Contributing Changes/Patches Have a change to xmonad that you want included in the next release? Awesome! Here are a few things to keep in mind: * Review the above section about creating GitHub issues. * It's always best to talk with the community before making any nontrivial changes to xmonad. There are a couple of ways you can chat with us: - Join the [`#xmonad` IRC channel] on `irc.libera.chat` or the official [matrix channel], which is linked to IRC. This is the preferred (and fastest!) way to get into contact with us. - Post a message to the [mailing list][ml]. * [XMonad.Doc.Developing][xmonad-doc-developing] is a great resource to get an overview of xmonad. Make sure to also check it if you want more details on the coding style. * Continue reading this document! ## Expediting Reviews and Merges Here are some tips for getting your changes merged into xmonad: * If your changes can go into [xmonad-contrib][] instead of [xmonad][], please do so. We rarely accept new features to xmonad. (Not that we don't accept changes to xmonad, just that we prefer changes to xmonad-contrib instead.) * Change the fewest files as possible. If it makes sense, submit a completely new module to xmonad-contrib. * Your changes should include relevant entries in the `CHANGES.md` file. Help us communicate changes to the community. * Make sure you test your changes against the most recent commit of [xmonad][] (and [xmonad-contrib][], if you're contributing there). If you're adding a new module or functionality, make sure to add an example in the documentation and in the PR description. * Make sure you run the automated tests. Both [xmonad-contrib][] and [xmonad][] have test-suites that you could run with `stack test` for example. * Make sure you read the section on rebasing and squashing commits below. ## Style Guidelines Below are some common style guidelines that all of the core modules follow. Before submitting a pull request, make sure that your code does as well! * Comment every top level function (particularly exported functions), and provide a type signature; use Haddock syntax in the comments. * Follow the coding style of the module that you are making changes to (`n` spaces for indentation, where to break long type signatures, …) * New code should not introduce any new warnings. If you want to check this yourself before submitting a pull request, there is the `pedantic` flag, which is enforced in our CI. You can enable it by building your changes with `stack build --flag xmonad:pedantic` or `cabal build --flag pedantic`. * Likewise, your code should be free of [hlint] warnings; this is also enforced in our GitHub CI. * Partial functions are to be avoided: the window manager should not crash, so do not call `error` or `undefined` * Any pure function added to the core should have QuickCheck properties precisely defining its behavior. * New modules should identify the author, and be submitted under the same license as xmonad (BSD3 license). ## Rebasing and Squashing Commits Under no circumstances should you ever merge the master branch into your feature branch. This makes it nearly impossible to review your changes and we *will not accept your PR* if you do this. Instead of merging you should rebase your changes on top of the master branch. If a core team member asks you to "rebase your changes" this is what they are talking about. It's also helpful to squash all of your commits so that your pull request only contains a single commit. Again, this makes it easier to review your changes and identify the changes later on in the Git history. ### How to Rebase Your Changes The goal of rebasing is to bring recent changes from the master branch into your feature branch. This often helps resolve conflicts where you have changed a file that also changed in a recently merged pull request (i.e. the `CHANGES.md` file). Here is how you do that. 1. Make sure that you have a `git remote` configured for the main repository. I like to call this remote `upstream`: ```shell $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib.git ``` 2. Pull from upstream and rewrite your changes on top of master. For this to work you should not have any modified files in your working directory. Run these commands from within your feature branch (the branch you are asking to be merged): ```shell $ git fetch --all $ git pull --rebase upstream master ``` 3. If the rebase was successful you can now push your feature branch back to GitHub. You need to force the push since your commits have been rewritten and have new IDs: ```shell $ git push --force-with-lease ``` 4. Your pull request should now be conflict-free and only contain the changes that you actually made. ### How to Squash Commits The goal of squashing commits is to produce a clean Git history where each pull request contains just one commit. 1. Use `git log` to see how many commits you are including in your pull request. (If you've already submitted your pull request you can see this in the GitHub interface.) 2. Rebase all of those commits into a single commit. Assuming you want to squash the last four (4) commits into a single commit: ```shell $ git rebase -i HEAD~4 ``` 3. Git will open your editor and display the commits you are rebasing with the word "pick" in front of them. 4. Leave the first listed commit as "pick" and change the remaining commits from "pick" to "squash". 5. Save the file and exit your editor. Git will create a new commit and open your editor so you can modify the commit message. 6. If everything was successful you can push your changed history back up to GitHub: ```shell $ git push --force-with-lease ``` [hlint]: https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint [xmonad]: https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad [xmonad-contrib]: https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib [xmonad-testing]: https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-testing [x11]: https://github.com/xmonad/X11 [ml]: https://mail.haskell.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/xmonad [xmonad-doc-developing]: https://xmonad.github.io/xmonad-docs/xmonad-contrib/XMonad-Doc-Developing.html [`#xmonad` IRC channel]: https://web.libera.chat/#xmonad [matrix channel]: https://matrix.to/#/#xmonad:matrix.org