{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TupleSections #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Layout.AvoidFloats -- Description : Avoid floats when placing tiled windows. -- Copyright : (c) 2014 Anders Engstrom -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : (c) Anders Engstrom -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- Find a maximum empty rectangle around floating windows and use that area -- to display non-floating windows. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Layout.AvoidFloats ( -- * Usage -- $usage avoidFloats, avoidFloats', AvoidFloatMsg(..), AvoidFloatItemMsg(..), ) where import XMonad import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier import XMonad.Prelude (fi, mapMaybe, maximumBy, sortOn) import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S -- $usage -- You can use this module with the following in your @xmonad.hs@ file: -- -- > import XMonad.Layout.AvoidFloats -- -- and modify the layouts to call avoidFloats on the layouts where you want the -- non-floating windows to not be behind floating windows. -- -- > layoutHook = ... ||| avoidFloats Full ||| ... -- -- For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see -- and -- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_layout_hook". -- -- Then add appropriate key bindings, for example: -- -- > ,((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_b), sendMessage AvoidFloatToggle) -- > ,((modm .|. controlMask, xK_b), withFocused $ sendMessage . AvoidFloatToggleItem) -- > ,((modm .|. shiftMask .|. controlMask, xK_b), sendMessage (AvoidFloatSet False) >> sendMessage AvoidFloatClearItems) -- -- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see -- . -- -- Note that this module is incompatible with an old way of configuring -- "XMonad.Actions.FloatSnap". If you are having problems, please update your -- configuration. -- | Avoid floating windows unless the resulting area for windows would be too small. -- In that case, use the whole screen as if this layout modifier wasn't there. -- No windows are avoided by default, they need to be added using signals. avoidFloats :: l a -- ^ Layout to modify. -> ModifiedLayout AvoidFloats l a avoidFloats = avoidFloats' 100 100 False -- | Avoid floating windows unless the resulting area for windows would be too small. -- In that case, use the whole screen as if this layout modifier wasn't there. avoidFloats' :: Int -- ^ Minimum width of the area used for non-floating windows. -> Int -- ^ Minimum height of the area used for non-floating windows. -> Bool -- ^ If floating windows should be avoided by default. -> l a -- ^ Layout to modify. -> ModifiedLayout AvoidFloats l a avoidFloats' w h act = ModifiedLayout (AvoidFloats Nothing S.empty w h act) data AvoidFloats a = AvoidFloats { cache :: Maybe ((M.Map a W.RationalRect, Rectangle), Rectangle) , chosen :: S.Set a , minw :: Int , minh :: Int , avoidAll :: Bool } deriving (Read, Show) -- | Change the state of the whole avoid float layout modifier. data AvoidFloatMsg = AvoidFloatToggle -- ^ Toggle between avoiding all or only selected. | AvoidFloatSet Bool -- ^ Set if all all floating windows should be avoided. | AvoidFloatClearItems -- ^ Clear the set of windows to specifically avoid. -- | Change the state of the avoid float layout modifier conserning a specific window. data AvoidFloatItemMsg a = AvoidFloatAddItem a -- ^ Add a window to always avoid. | AvoidFloatRemoveItem a -- ^ Stop always avoiding selected window. | AvoidFloatToggleItem a -- ^ Toggle between always avoiding selected window. instance Message AvoidFloatMsg instance Typeable a => Message (AvoidFloatItemMsg a) instance LayoutModifier AvoidFloats Window where modifyLayoutWithUpdate lm w r = withDisplay $ \d -> do floating <- gets $ W.floating . windowset case cache lm of Just (key, mer) | key == (floating,r) -> (, Nothing) <$> runLayout w mer _ -> do rs <- io $ map toRect <$> mapM (getWindowAttributes d) (filter shouldAvoid $ M.keys floating) let mer = maximumBy (comparing area) $ filter bigEnough $ maxEmptyRectangles r rs (, Just $ pruneWindows $ lm { cache = Just ((floating,r),mer) }) <$> runLayout w mer where toRect :: WindowAttributes -> Rectangle toRect wa = let b = fi $ wa_border_width wa in Rectangle (fi $ wa_x wa) (fi $ wa_y wa) (fi $ wa_width wa + 2*b) (fi $ wa_height wa + 2*b) bigEnough :: Rectangle -> Bool bigEnough rect = rect_width rect >= fi (minw lm) && rect_height rect >= fi (minh lm) shouldAvoid a = avoidAll lm || a `S.member` chosen lm pureMess lm m | Just AvoidFloatToggle <- fromMessage m = Just $ lm { avoidAll = not (avoidAll lm), cache = Nothing } | Just (AvoidFloatSet s) <- fromMessage m, s /= avoidAll lm = Just $ lm { avoidAll = s, cache = Nothing } | Just AvoidFloatClearItems <- fromMessage m = Just $ lm { chosen = S.empty, cache = Nothing } | Just (AvoidFloatAddItem a) <- fromMessage m, a `S.notMember` chosen lm = Just $ lm { chosen = S.insert a (chosen lm), cache = Nothing } | Just (AvoidFloatRemoveItem a) <- fromMessage m, a `S.member` chosen lm = Just $ lm { chosen = S.delete a (chosen lm), cache = Nothing } | Just (AvoidFloatToggleItem a) <- fromMessage m = let op = if a `S.member` chosen lm then S.delete else S.insert in Just $ lm { chosen = op a (chosen lm), cache = Nothing } | otherwise = Nothing pruneWindows :: AvoidFloats Window -> AvoidFloats Window pruneWindows lm = case cache lm of Nothing -> lm Just ((floating,_),_) -> lm { chosen = S.filter (`M.member` floating) (chosen lm) } -- | Find all maximum empty rectangles (MERs) that are axis aligned. This is -- done in O(n^2) time using a modified version of the algoprithm MERAlg 1 -- described in \"On the maximum empty rectangle problem\" by A. Naamad, D.T. -- Lee and W.-L HSU. Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics 8 (1984.) maxEmptyRectangles :: Rectangle -> [Rectangle] -> [Rectangle] maxEmptyRectangles br rectangles = filter (\a -> area a > 0) $ upAndDownEdge ++ noneOrUpEdge ++ downEdge where upAndDownEdge = findGaps br rectangles noneOrUpEdge = concatMap (everyLower br bottoms) bottoms downEdge = mapMaybe (bottomEdge br bottoms) bottoms bottoms = sortOn bottom $ splitContainers rectangles everyLower :: Rectangle -> [Rectangle] -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle] everyLower br bottoms r = let (rs, boundLeft, boundRight, boundRects) = foldr (everyUpper r) ([], left br, right br, reverse bottoms) bottoms (boundLeft', boundRight', _) = shrinkBounds boundLeft boundRight boundRects r (top br) in mkRect boundLeft' boundRight' (top br) (top r) ?: rs everyUpper :: Rectangle -- ^ The current rectangle where the top edge is used. -> Rectangle -- ^ The current rectangle where the bottom edge is used. -> ([Rectangle],Int,Int,[Rectangle]) -- ^ List of MERs found so far, left bound, right bound and list of rectangles used for bounds. -> ([Rectangle],Int,Int,[Rectangle]) everyUpper lower upper (rs, boundLeft, boundRight, boundRects) = (r?:rs, boundLeft', boundRight', boundRects') where r = mkRect boundLeft' boundRight' (bottom upper) (top lower) (boundLeft', boundRight', boundRects') = shrinkBounds boundLeft boundRight boundRects lower (bottom upper) shrinkBounds :: Int -> Int -> [Rectangle] -> Rectangle -> Int -> (Int, Int, [Rectangle]) shrinkBounds boundLeft boundRight boundRects lower upperLimit = (boundLeft', boundRight', boundRects') where (shrinkers, boundRects') = span (\a -> bottom a > upperLimit) boundRects (boundLeft', boundRight') = foldr (shrinkBounds' lower) (boundLeft, boundRight) $ filter (\a -> top a < top lower) shrinkers shrinkBounds' :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) shrinkBounds' mr r (boundLeft, boundRight) | right r < right mr = (max boundLeft $ right r, boundRight) | left r > left mr = (boundLeft, min boundRight $ left r) | otherwise = (right r, left r) -- r is horizontally covering all of mr; make sure the area of this rectangle will always be 0. bottomEdge :: Rectangle -> [Rectangle] -> Rectangle -> Maybe Rectangle bottomEdge br bottoms r = let rs = filter (\a -> bottom r < bottom a && top a < bottom br) bottoms boundLeft = maximum $ left br : filter (< right r) (map right rs) boundRight = minimum $ right br : filter (> left r) (map left rs) in if any (\a -> left a <= left r && right r <= right a) rs then Nothing else mkRect boundLeft boundRight (bottom r) (bottom br) -- | Split rectangles that horizontally fully contains another rectangle -- without sharing either the left or right side. splitContainers :: [Rectangle] -> [Rectangle] splitContainers rects = splitContainers' [] $ sortOn rect_width rects where splitContainers' :: [Rectangle] -> [Rectangle] -> [Rectangle] splitContainers' res [] = res splitContainers' res (r:rs) = splitContainers' (r:res) $ concatMap (doSplit r) rs doSplit :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle] doSplit guide r | left guide <= left r || right r <= right guide = [r] | otherwise = let w0 = fi (rect_x guide - rect_x r) + (rect_width guide `div` 2) w1 = rect_width r - w0 in [ Rectangle (rect_x r) (rect_y r) w0 (rect_height r) , Rectangle (rect_x r + fi w0) (rect_y r) w1 (rect_height r) ] -- | Find all horizontal gaps that are left empty from top to bottom of screen. findGaps :: Rectangle -- ^ Bounding rectangle. -> [Rectangle] -- ^ List of all rectangles that can cover areas in the bounding rectangle. -> [Rectangle] findGaps br rs = let (gaps,end) = foldr findGaps' ([], left br) $ sortOn (Down . left) $ filter inBounds rs lastgap = mkRect end (right br) (top br) (bottom br) in lastgap?:gaps where findGaps' :: Rectangle -> ([Rectangle], Int) -> ([Rectangle], Int) findGaps' r (gaps, end) = let gap = mkRect end (left r) (top br) (bottom br) in (gap?:gaps, max end (right r)) inBounds :: Rectangle -> Bool inBounds r = left r < right br && left br < right r (?:) :: Maybe a -> [a] -> [a] Just x ?: xs = x:xs _ ?: xs = xs left, right, top, bottom, area :: Rectangle -> Int left r = fi (rect_x r) right r = fi (rect_x r) + fi (rect_width r) top r = fi (rect_y r) bottom r = fi (rect_y r) + fi (rect_height r) area r = fi (rect_width r * rect_height r) mkRect :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Rectangle mkRect l r t b = let rect = Rectangle (fi l) (fi t) (fi $ max 0 $ r-l) (fi $ max 0 $ b-t) in if area rect > 0 then Just rect else Nothing