Readme for xmonad-contrib-0.9.2

xmonad-contrib : third party extensions to the xmonad window manager You need the ghc compiler and xmonad window manager installed in order to use these extensions. For installation and configuration instructions, please see the xmonad website, the documents included with the xmonad source distribution, and online haddock documentation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changelogs For a list of changes since the 0.8.x releases, see: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updates to XMonadContrib-0.9 that may Require Changes to ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs Please see the Changelogs and xmonad-contrib haddock documentation links for further details regarding the following changes. * XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops no longer uses layoutHook, the ewmhDesktopsLayout modifier has been removed from xmonad-contrib. It uses logHook, handleEventHook, and startupHook instead and provides a convenient function 'ewmh' to add EWMH support to a defaultConfig. * Most DynamicLog users can continue with configs unchanged, but users of the quickbar functions 'xmobar' or 'dzen' will need to change xmonad.hs: their types have changed to allow easier composition with other XConfig modifiers. The 'dynamicLogDzen' and 'dynamicLogXmobar' functions have been removed. * WindowGo or safeSpawn users may need to change command lines due to safeSpawn changes. * People explicitly referencing the "SP" scratchpad workspace should change it to "NSP" which is also used by the new Util.NamedScratchpad. * (Optional) People who explicitly use swapMaster in key or mouse bindings should change it to shiftMaster. It's the current default used where swapMaster had been used previously. It works better than swapMaster when using floating and tiled windows together on the same workspace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting or updating XMonadContrib latest release: darcs version: darcs get (To use darcs xmonad-contrib you must also use the darcs version of xmonad.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contributing Haskell code contributed to this repo should live under the appropriate subdivision of the 'XMonad.' namespace (currently includes Actions, Config, Hooks, Layout, Prompt, and Util). For example, to use the Grid layout, one would import: XMonad.Layout.Grid For further details, see the documentation for the XMonad.Doc.Developing module and website. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Code submitted to the contrib repo is licensed under the same license as xmonad itself, with copyright held by the authors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------