# 0.17.1 * Add window inversion module. # 0.17.0 * Appropriate modifications to MPD.hs to make it compatible with xmonad-0.17. # 0.15.2 * Relax xmonad constraints # 0.15.1 * Make it work with the latest alsa-mixer * Fix warnings in the code # 0.15 * Relax bounds and make it compatible with other releases. # 0.14 * Relax hint and make it compatible with other releases. # * Finally works with ghc-8.4 # 0.13.4 * Enable brightness plugin by default * Add `setBrightness` function to the Brightness module * Documentation improvements for the brightness plugin # 0.13.3 * Add brightness control plugin # 0.13.2 * Add additional functions to MPD. (Credits to @u11gh) # 0.13.1 * Remove small_base flag. * Remove unused dependencies like process, random, unix, directory, old-time, old-locale * Remove ghc-options specific to 6.10.1, 7.2