# xpathdsv Extract DSV text from HTML and XML using XPATH expressions. Available on Hackage. ## Example If you have an HTML file like this: sample.html ```html Test

Some links

``` You can extract a list of tab-separated values like this: xpathdsv '//a' '/a/text()' '/a/@href' < sample.html Output: Hacker News http://news.ycombinator.com Yahoo http://yahoo.com Duck Duck Go http://duckduckgo.com GitHub http://github.com The first XPATH expression in the command sets the base node on which all the following XPATH expressions are applied. Each of the following XPATH expressions then generate a column of the row of data. If you don't specify a `text()` node at the end of an XPATH expression, you'll get a string representation of a node if the node is not an attribute, which may be useful for debugging: xpathdsv '//a' '/a' < sample.html Output: Hacker News Yahoo Duck Duck Go GitHub ## Usage xpathdsv Usage: xpathdsv [--xml] [-F OUTPUT-DELIM] [-n NULL-OUTPUT] BASE-XPATH [CHILD-XPATH] Extract DSV data from HTML or XML with XPath Available options: -h,--help Show this help text --xml Parse as XML, rather than HTML. -F OUTPUT-DELIM Default \t -n NULL-OUTPUT Null value output string. Default "" See https://github.com/danchoi/xpathdsv for more information. ## Author Daniel Choi ## References *