{- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Serokell - - SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 -} module Test.Xrefcheck.ConfigSpec where import Universum import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread) import Control.Exception qualified as E import Data.ByteString qualified as BS import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Yaml (ParseException (..), decodeEither') import Network.HTTP.Types (Status (..)) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertFailure, testCase, (@?=)) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (ioProperty, testProperty) import Xrefcheck.Config (Config, Config' (..), VerifyConfig' (..), defConfig, defConfigText) import Xrefcheck.Core (Flavor (GitHub), allFlavors) import Xrefcheck.Verify (VerifyError (..), VerifyResult (..), checkExternalResource) import Test.Xrefcheck.Util (mockServer) test_config :: [TestTree] test_config = [ testGroup "Default config is valid" [ testProperty (show flavor) $ ioProperty $ evaluateWHNF_ @_ @Config (defConfig flavor) | flavor <- allFlavors] , testGroup "Filled default config matches the expected format" -- The config we match against can be regenerated with -- stack exec xrefcheck -- dump-config -t GitHub -o tests/configs/github-config.yaml [ testCase "Config matches" $ do config <- BS.readFile "tests/configs/github-config.yaml" when (config /= defConfigText GitHub) $ assertFailure $ toString $ unwords [ "Config does not match the expected format." , "Run" , "`stack exec xrefcheck -- dump-config -t GitHub -o tests/configs/github-config.yaml`" , "and verify changes" ] ] , testGroup "`ignoreAuthFailures` working as expected" $ let config = (cVerification $ defConfig GitHub) { vcIgnoreRefs = [] } in [ testCase "when True - assume 401 status is valid" $ checkLinkWithServer (config { vcIgnoreAuthFailures = True }) "" $ VerifyResult [] , testCase "when False - assume 401 status is invalid" $ checkLinkWithServer (config { vcIgnoreAuthFailures = False }) "" $ VerifyResult [ ExternalHttpResourceUnavailable $ Status { statusCode = 401, statusMessage = "Unauthorized" } ] , testCase "when True - assume 403 status is valid" $ checkLinkWithServer (config { vcIgnoreAuthFailures = True }) "" $ VerifyResult [] , testCase "when False - assume 403 status is invalid" $ checkLinkWithServer (config { vcIgnoreAuthFailures = False }) "" $ VerifyResult [ ExternalHttpResourceUnavailable $ Status { statusCode = 403, statusMessage = "Forbidden" } ] ] , testGroup "Config parser reject input with unknown fields" [ testCase "throws error with useful messages" $ do case decodeEither' @Config (defConfigText GitHub <> "strangeField: []") of Left (AesonException str) -> if "unknown fields: [\"strangeField\"]" `isInfixOf` str then pure () else assertFailure $ "Bad error message: " <> str _ -> assertFailure "Config parser accepted config with unknown field" ] ] where checkLinkWithServer config link expectation = E.bracket (forkIO mockServer) killThread $ \_ -> do result <- checkExternalResource config link result @?= expectation