
\section{Word Map}

A Word Map of a data set, is a map that for a given word of length
less than some k, returns all positions of the word in the data set.

Implemented by storing all occurrences of k-words in a Map.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module WordMap (WordMap,Key,genkeys,genkeysN,list2keys,
                n2i,i2n,i2s,shift_left,shift_right) where

import Gene
import Suffix (Suffix(..),Dir(..))
import Indexed
import EST (EST)
import Util(foldl')

import qualified Data.Map as Map hiding (map, filter)

type Key = Integer
type WordMap = Map.Map Key [Suffix]
type WordMapper = Int -> WordMap -> EST -> WordMap

\subsection{Building the WordMap}

The suffix map is built by calculating hash values incrementally as we
traverse the ESTs.  Several versions are provided, with varying

Note that the flip is needed to make sure (++) prepends, rather than
appends; this is faster.


mkWordMap :: Int -> [EST] -> WordMap
mkWordMap _k = foldl' (mkWordMap1 _k) Map.empty

-- ignore any Ns, conserving memory and more robust traversals
mkWordMap1 :: WordMapper
mkWordMap1 k sm e = (foldr . uncurry . Map.insertWith) (flip (++)) sm $
                    map (\(p,w) -> (w,[Suf Fwd e p])) $ genkeys k 0 e

-- genkeys takes word size, position, EST and generates the list of Pos/Keys
genkeys :: Int -> Int -> EST -> [(Int,Key)]
genkeys k p e | len e < p+k-1 = []
              | null (filter isN w0) = genkeys' k (n2i w0) p e
              | otherwise            = genkeys k (p+1) e
    where w0 = map (e ??) [p..p+k-1]

-- genkeys' takes word size, current word and position, and generates
-- Keys until an N is encountered
genkeys' :: Int -> Key -> Int -> EST -> [(Int, Key)]
genkeys' k i p e
    | p > len e-k = [(p,i)]
    | otherwise     = if isN (e ?? (p+k)) then (p,i) : genkeys k (p+k+1) e
                      else let i' = (i `mod` 5^(k-1))*5+val (e ?? (p+k)) + 5^k
                               in (p,i) : genkeys' k i' (p+1) e

isN :: Gene -> Bool
isN = not . (flip elem) [A,C,G,T]

-- genkeysN is like genkeys, but includes N-words
genkeysN :: Int -> Int -> EST -> [(Int,Key)]
genkeysN k p e | len e < p+k-1 = []
               | otherwise = genkeysN' k (n2i w0) p e
    where w0 = map (e ??) [p..p+k-1]

genkeysN' :: (Indexed a Gene) => Int -> Key -> Int -> a -> [(Int, Key)]
genkeysN' k i p e
        | p > len e-k = [(p,i)]
        | otherwise   = let i' = (i `mod` 5^(k-1))*5+val (e ?? (p+k)) + 5^k
                             in (p,i) : genkeysN' k i' (p+1) e

-- inefficient, but should work
list2keys :: Int -> [Gene] -> [Key]
list2keys k gs | length gs < k = []
               | otherwise     = n2i (take k gs) : list2keys k (tail gs)



\subsection{Lookup function}

This function is basically equivalent to {\tt fromJust \$ lookupFM},
but provides better error messages.


wmlookup :: WordMap -> Key -> [Suffix]
wmlookup wm k = case (flip Map.lookup) wm k of
                          Just x -> x
                          Nothing -> error str
    where str = "Lookup failed, key="++show k++", word="++concatMap show (i2n k)


\subsection{(De-)Constructing Keys}

Encoding and decoding  hash values (Integer) to/from strings of


-- | given a key, calculate the key corresponding to the revcompl word
-- revcomplKey :: Key -> Key
-- revcomplKey = n2i . revcompl . i2n  -- inefficient

val :: Gene -> Key
val g = case g of { A -> 0; C -> 1; G -> 2; T -> 3; N -> 4;
                    -- _ -> error ("Illegal Gene"++show g)

unval :: Key -> Gene
unval i = case i of {0 -> A; 1 -> C; 2 -> G; 3 -> T; 4 -> N;
                     _ -> error ("Illegal value "++show i)}

n2i :: [Gene] -> Key
n2i = n2i' 1 -- "stop bit"
    where n2i' acc (g:gs) = n2i' (5*acc + val g) gs
          n2i' acc []     = acc

i2n :: Key -> [Gene]
i2n = reverse . i2n'
    where i2n' i = if i > 1
                   then let (q,r) = i `divMod` 5 in unval r : i2n' q
                   else []

-- very useful for debugging
i2s :: Key -> String
i2s = concatMap show . i2n

-- for quickCheck
i2n_prop :: Key -> Bool
i2n_prop i  = (n2i . i2n)  i == i
n2i_prop :: [Gene] -> Bool
n2i_prop gs = (i2n . n2i) gs == gs


\subsection{Graph Edge Properties}

In a splice graph, vertices are $k-1$-words, and edges link words that
are subsequent in the data set.  The WordMap is an equivalent way of
representing this graph, each $k$-word representing an edge in the

Thus, for a $k-1$-word, we can calculate its in- and outdegree by
searching the WordMap.

(Possibly, this belongs in SpliceGraph?)


-- extract the k value
get_k :: WordMap -> Int
get_k wm = length $ i2n $ fst $ head $ Map.assocs wm

-- shifting a word (or really its key) and pre/appending a new nucleotide
shift_left, shift_right :: Int -> Key -> Gene -> Key
shift_left k w g  = 5 * (w `mod` 5^(k-1)) + val g + 5^k
shift_right k w g = (w-5^k) `div` 5 + 5^(k-1)*val g + 5^k

-- find edges from a node
edges_left, edges_right :: WordMap -> Key -> [Key]
edges_right = edges True
edges_left  = edges False

edges :: (Eq a) => Bool -> Map.Map Key a -> Key -> [Key]
edges dir wm w =
    let k  = length $ i2n $ fst $ head $ Map.assocs wm
        ns = map (if dir == True then ((shift_left k) (shift_right k w N))
                  else ((shift_right k) (shift_left k w N))) [A,C,G,T,N]
        in map fst $ filter ((/=Nothing).snd) $ map (\x->(x,(flip Map.lookup) wm x)) ns

indegree, outdegree :: WordMap -> Key -> Int
indegree = undefined
outdegree = undefined



-- let test = unlines $ (map (\(x,y)->concatMap show (i2n x)++" "++show y) .Map.assocs . mkWordMap 2 . EST.mkEST) (1,"foo",EST.Five',[A,G,G,C,T,T,A,G,G])
