\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{haskell} \pagestyle{myheadings} \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Xtract} This is the main module for {\tt xtract}, the eXperimental TRanscript Assembly/Consensus Tool. The idea is to construct the splice graph from each EST cluster in the input, by first constructing and then traversing the de Bruijn graph of $k-1$-words. Hopefully, it will work as intended... \begin{code} module Main where import Fasta (bmfparser, ugparser, parse, FHParser) import WordMap (mkWordMap) -- , i2n) import SpliceGraph (Path,greedy_paths,show_graph,path_sequence) import EST(EST,label) -- import Suffix(Dir(..)) import Util(breaks',foldl') -- import Data.Set import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Console.GetOpt import Data.Char (isDigit) main :: IO () main = do args' <- getArgs let (opt,non,err) = getOpt Permute options args' if null err && length non == 1 then do let args = foldl' (flip ($)) defaultArgs opt cont <- readFile (head non) let clusters = map unlines $ breaks' (\x->(not . null) x && head x=='#') $ lines cont let es = map (parse (parser args)) clusters mapM_ (main_real args) $ zip [1..] es else usage err data Output = G | C | X deriving (Read,Eq) data Args = Args { kval,wval :: Int, output :: Output, writer :: String -> IO (), parser :: Fasta.FHParser} defaultArgs = Args { kval = usage ["You must specify a k value"] , wval = 0 -- heuristic below , output = usage ["Please specify -K, C, or X"] , writer = putStr, parser = bmfparser } usage :: [String] -> a usage errs = error (usageInfo (concat errs ++ "\nUsage: xtract -k [-u] [-w] -{G|C|X} [-o FILE] \n") options) -- add a k value to p parseI :: String -> String -> Int parseI err s = if (and $ map isDigit s) then read s else usage [err] options :: [OptDescr (Args -> Args)] options = [Option ['k'] ["word-size"] (ReqArg (\s p -> p {kval = parseI "The word size (k-value) must be an integer" s}) "INT") "Word size" ,Option ['w'] ["weight-minimum"] (ReqArg (\s p -> p {wval = parseI "The minimum weight must be an integer" s}) "INT") "Ignore edges (words) weighing less than this" ,Option ['G'] ["graph-output"] (NoArg (\p -> p { output = G })) "Output the graph in GraphViz format" ,Option ['C'] ["consensus-output"] (NoArg (\p -> p { output = C })) "Output assembled consensus sequences" ,Option ['X'] ["exons-output"] (NoArg (\p -> p { output = X })) "Output the (concatenated) exons" ,Option ['u'] ["input-upper"] (NoArg (\p -> p { parser = ugparser })) "accept only upper case characters" ,Option ['o'] ["output"] (ReqArg (\s p -> p {writer = writeFile s}) "FILE") "output file name (default is stdout)" ] -- the real stuff main_real :: Args -> (Int,[EST]) -> IO () main_real args (n,es) = do -- construct word map let wm = mkWordMap (kval args) es -- traverse map, producing (writing?) exon sequences -- hPutStrLn stderr ("Seqs: "++show (length es) ++ ", Minw: "++show minw) let minw = if wval args > 0 then wval args else ceiling (log (fromIntegral $ length es) / 2.0) -- heur. let paths = greedy_paths (wval args) wm let wfn = writer args case output args of C -> do wfn ("# Cluster no "++show n++" (k=" ++ show (kval args) ++ ", minw="++show minw++")\n" ++ (unlines $ map (\(i,x) -> mkfasta (mkhdr n i) x) $ zip [1..] paths)) G -> do wfn (("// Cluster no "++show n) ++ (show_graph minw wm $ map trd paths)) X -> error "Exon output not implemented yet" mkhdr :: Int -> Int -> String mkhdr n i = ">xtract-path-"++show n++"."++show i mkfasta :: String -> (String,Int,Int,Path) -> String mkfasta hdr (k,w,s,ps) = hdr ++ " /start="++k++" /weight="++show w ++ " /score="++show s ++"\n" ++ (concatMap show $ path_sequence ps) trd (_,_,_,z) = z showSeq es = "/sequences=" ++ (show $ map label es) \end{code} \end{document}