-- | Extension stage of XSHA1.
-- In SHA-1, it follows padding. XSHA1 doesn't pad, just zeros.
module Data.Digest.XSHA1.Extend where 
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector (Vector,snoc,(!))
import Numeric.Taint.Word32

extend :: Vector N -> Vector N
-- ^ Take a 16 DWORD list, and extend it to 80 DWORDS based on itself.
extend xs = ex 0 xs where
    ex 64 xs = xs
    ex n xs = ex (n+1) (xs `snoc` step xs n)
    step xs = shift . compress . sample xs where
        sample :: Vector N -> Int -> [N]
        sample xs i = fmap ((xs !) . (+i)) [0,2,8,13]
        compress xs = N 0x1f .&. foldl1 xor xs
        shift :: N -> N
        shift x = lshift (N 1) x