    Module      :  XTC
    Copyright   :  (c) Martijn Schrage 2005

    Maintainer  :  martijn@cs.uu.nl
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

    XTC: eXtended & Typed Controls for wxHaskell
    The XTC library provides a typed interface to several wxHaskell controls.

      - radio view (typed radio box)

      - single-selection list view (typed single-selection list box)

      - muliple-selection list view (typed multiple-selection list box)

      - choice view (typed choice box)

      - value entry (typed text entry)

    XTC controls keep track of typed values and items, rather than
    being string based. Selections in XTC controls consist of actual values
    instead of indices.
module Graphics.UI.XTC (
              -- * Classes
             Labeled( toLabel )
           , TypedValued( typedValue )
           , TypedItems( typedItems )
           , TypedSelection( typedSelection )
           , TypedMaybeSelection( typedMaybeSelection )
           , TypedSelections( typedSelections )
           , Observable( change )
             -- * Controls
             -- ** Radio view
           , RadioView, mkRadioView, mkRadioViewEx
             -- ** Single-selection list view
           , ListView, mkListView, mkListViewEx
             -- ** Multiple-selection list view
           , MultiListView, mkMultiListView, mkMultiListViewEx
             -- ** Choice view
           , ChoiceView, mkChoiceView, mkChoiceViewEx
             -- ** Value entry
           , ValueEntry, mkValueEntry, mkValueEntryEx
           ) where

import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (window, label)
import Graphics.UI.WXCore hiding (label, Event)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

-- | The labeled class is used by 'mkRadioView', 'mkListView', 'mkMultiListView', and
--   'mkChoiceView' for conveniently passing the function that maps an item onto its label.
class Labeled x where
  toLabel :: x -> String

instance Labeled String where
  toLabel str = str

-- | Widgets that have a typed selection. The selection can be accessed via the attribute 'typedSelection', and has type @x@.
class Selection w => TypedSelection x w | w -> x where
  typedSelection :: Attr w x

-- | Widgets that have a typed selection that may be empty. The selection can be accessed via the attribute 'typedMaybeSelection', and has type @Maybe x@.
class Selection w => TypedMaybeSelection x w | w -> x where
  typedMaybeSelection :: Attr w (Maybe x)

-- | Widgets that have a typed list of selections. The selection list can be accessed via the attribute 'typedSelections', and has type @[x]@.
class Selections w => TypedSelections x w | w -> x where
  typedSelections :: Attr w [x]

-- | Widgets that have a typed list of items. The item list can be accessed via the attribute 'typedItems', and has type @[x]@.
class Items w String => TypedItems x w | w -> x where
  typedItems :: Attr w [x]

-- | Widgets that have a typed value. The value can be accessed via the attribute 'typedValue', and has type @x@.
class TypedValued  x w | w -> x where
  typedValue :: Attr w (Maybe x)

  Radio view

data CRadioView x b

-- | Pointer to a radio view, deriving from 'RadioBox'.
type RadioView x b = RadioBox (CRadioView x b)

instance TypedSelection x (RadioView x ()) where
    = newAttr "typedSelection" radioViewGetTypedSelection radioViewSetTypedSelection

instance TypedItems x (RadioView x ()) where
  typedItems = newAttr "typedItems" viewGetTypedItems viewSetTypedItems

-- | Create a new radio view with an initial orientation and a list of
-- typed items. The item type (@x@) must be an instance of 'Labeled' to show each item's
-- label. Use attribute 'typedSelection' to access the currently selected item, and 'typedItems' to access the list of items. Note:
-- for a radio view (or radio box) the items may not be modified dynamically.
-- * Instances: 'TypedSelection', 'TypedItems', 'Selecting','Selection','Items' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkRadioView :: Labeled x => Window a -> Orientation -> [x] -> [Prop (RadioView x ())] -> IO (RadioView x ())
mkRadioView window orientation viewItems props =
  mkRadioViewEx window toLabel orientation viewItems props

-- | Create a new radio view with an initial orientation and a list of
-- typed items. A function of type @(x -> String)@ maps items onto labels. 
-- Use attribute 'typedSelection' to access the currently selected item, and 'typedItems' to access the list of items. Note:
-- for a radio view (or radio box) the items may not be modified dynamically.
-- * Instances: 'TypedSelection', 'Selecting','Selection','Items' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkRadioViewEx :: Window a -> (x -> String) -> Orientation -> [x] -> [Prop (RadioView x ())] -> IO (RadioView x ())
mkRadioViewEx window present orientation viewItems props =
 do { model <- varCreate viewItems
    ; radioView <- fmap objectCast $ radioBox window orientation (map present viewItems) []
    ; objectSetClientData radioView (return ()) (model, present)
    ; set radioView props
    ; return radioView
    } -- cannot use mkViewEx because items must be set at creation (items is not writeable)

radioViewSetTypedSelection :: RadioView x () -> x -> IO ()
radioViewSetTypedSelection radioView x = viewSetTypedMaybeSelection radioView (Just x)

radioViewGetTypedSelection :: RadioView x () -> IO x
radioViewGetTypedSelection radioView = 
 do { mSel <- viewGetTypedMaybeSelection radioView
    ; case mSel of
        Just item -> return item
        Nothing   -> internalError "XTC" "radioViewGetTypedSelection" "Radio view has empty selection"
  Single-selection list view

data CListView a b

-- | Pointer to a single-selection list view, deriving from 'SingleListBox'.
type ListView a b = SingleListBox (CListView a b)

instance TypedMaybeSelection x (ListView x ()) where
  typedMaybeSelection = newAttr "typedMaybeSelection" viewGetTypedMaybeSelection viewSetTypedMaybeSelection

instance TypedItems x (ListView x ()) where
  typedItems = newAttr "typedItems" viewGetTypedItems viewSetTypedItems

-- | Create a single-selection list view. The item type (@x@) must be an instance of 'Labeled' to show each item's
-- label. Use attribute 'typedMaybeSelection' to access the currently selected item, and 'typedItems' to access the list of items.
-- * Instances: 'TypedMaybeSelection', 'TypedItems', 'Sorted','Selecting','Selection','Items' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkListView :: Labeled x => Window a -> [Prop (ListView x ())] -> IO (ListView x ())
mkListView window props = mkListViewEx window toLabel props

-- | Create a single-selection list view. A function of type @(x -> String)@ maps items onto labels. 
-- Use attribute 'typedMaybeSelection' to access the currently selected item, and 'typedItems' to access the list of items.
-- * Instances: 'TypedMaybeSelection', 'TypedItems', 'Sorted','Selecting','Selection','Items' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkListViewEx :: Window a -> (x -> String) -> [Prop (ListView x ())] -> IO (ListView x ())
mkListViewEx window present props = mkViewEx singleListBox window present props

  Multiple-selection list view

data CMultiListView a b

-- | Pointer to a multiple-selection list view, deriving from 'MultiListBox'.
type MultiListView a b = MultiListBox (CMultiListView a b)

instance TypedSelections x (MultiListView x ()) where
  typedSelections = newAttr "typedSelections" multiListViewGetTypedSelections multiListViewSetTypedSelections

instance TypedItems x (MultiListView x ()) where
  typedItems = newAttr "typedItems" viewGetTypedItems viewSetTypedItems

-- | Create a multiple-selection list view. The item type (@x@) must be an instance of 'Labeled' to show each item's
-- label.
-- Use attribute 'typedSelections' to access the currently selected items, and 'typedItems' to access the list of items.
-- * Instances: 'TypedSelections', 'TypedItems', 'Sorted', 'Selecting','Selections','Items' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkMultiListView :: Labeled x => Window a -> [Prop (MultiListView x ())] -> IO (MultiListView x ())
mkMultiListView window props = mkMultiListViewEx window toLabel props

-- | Create a multiple-selection list view. A function of type @(x -> String)@ maps items onto labels. 
-- Use attribute 'typedSelections' to access the currently selected items, and 'typedItems' to access the list of items.
-- * Instances: 'TypedSelections', 'TypedItems', 'Sorted', 'Selecting','Selections','Items' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkMultiListViewEx :: Window a -> (x -> String) -> [Prop (MultiListView x ())] -> IO (MultiListView x ())
mkMultiListViewEx window present props = mkViewEx multiListBox window present props

multiListViewSetTypedSelections :: MultiListView x () -> [x] -> IO ()
multiListViewSetTypedSelections (multiListView :: MultiListView x ()) selectionItems =
 do { Just ((model, present) :: (Var [x], x -> String)) <-
        unsafeObjectGetClientData multiListView
    ; viewItems <- get model value
    ; let labels = map present selectionItems
    ; let indices = catMaybes [ findIndex (\it -> present it == label) viewItems
                              | label <- labels ]
    ; set multiListView [ selections := indices ]

multiListViewGetTypedSelections :: forall x . MultiListView x () -> IO [x]
multiListViewGetTypedSelections multiListView =
 do { Just ((model, _) :: (Var [x], x -> String)) <-
        unsafeObjectGetClientData multiListView
    ; selectedIndices <- get multiListView selections
    ; viewItems <- get model value
    ; return (map (safeIndex "XTC.multiListViewGetTypedSelections" viewItems)

  Choice view

data CChoiceView a b

-- | Pointer to a choice view, deriving from 'Choice'.
type ChoiceView a b = Choice (CChoiceView a b)

instance TypedMaybeSelection x (ChoiceView x ()) where
  typedMaybeSelection = newAttr "typedMaybeSelection" viewGetTypedMaybeSelection viewSetTypedMaybeSelection

instance TypedItems x (ChoiceView x ()) where
  typedItems = newAttr "typedItems" viewGetTypedItems viewSetTypedItems

-- | Create a choice view to select one item from a list of typed items. The item type (@x@) must be an instance of 'Labeled' to show each item's
-- label.
-- Use attribute 'typedMaybeSelection' to access the currently selected item, and 'typedItems' to access the list of items.
-- * Instances: 'TypedMaybeSelection', 'TypedItems', 'Sorted', 'Selecting','Selection','Items' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkChoiceView :: Labeled x => Window a -> [Prop (ChoiceView x ())] -> IO (ChoiceView x ())
mkChoiceView window (props :: [Prop (ChoiceView x ())]) =
  mkViewEx choice window (toLabel :: x -> String) props

-- | Create a choice view to select one item from a list of typed items. A function of type @(x -> String)@ maps items onto labels. 
-- Use attribute 'typedMaybeSelection' to access the currently selected item, and 'typedItems' to access the list of items.
-- * Instances: 'TypedMaybeSelection', 'TypedItems', 'Sorted', 'Selecting','Selection','Items' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkChoiceViewEx :: Window a -> (x -> String) -> Style -> [Prop (ChoiceView x ())] -> IO (ChoiceView x ())
mkChoiceViewEx window present stl props =
  mkViewEx (\win -> choiceEx win stl) window present props

-- Generic constructors, getters, and setters

-- Generic mk function that puts a model and a present function in the client data.
-- Used for ListView, MultiListView, and ChoiceView.
mkViewEx :: (parent -> [p] -> IO (Object a)) -> parent -> (x -> String) -> [Prop (WxObject b)] ->
            IO (WxObject b)
mkViewEx mkView window present props =
 do { model <- varCreate []
    ; view <- fmap objectCast $ mkView window []
    ; objectSetClientData view (return ()) (model, present)
    ; set view props
    ; return view

-- Generic getTypedMaybeSelection for RadioView, ListView, and ChoiceView.
viewGetTypedMaybeSelection :: forall x a . Selection (WxObject a) => WxObject a -> IO (Maybe x)
viewGetTypedMaybeSelection view =
 do { Just ((model, _) :: (Var [x], x -> String)) <-
        unsafeObjectGetClientData view
    ; selectedIndex <- get view selection
    ; if selectedIndex == -1
      then return Nothing
      else do { viewItems <- get model value
              ; return $ Just (safeIndex "XTC.viewGetTypedMaybeSelection" viewItems selectedIndex)

-- Generic setTypedMaybeSelection for RadioView, ListView, and ChoiceView.
viewSetTypedMaybeSelection :: forall x a . Selection (WxObject a) => WxObject a -> Maybe x -> IO ()
viewSetTypedMaybeSelection view mSelectionItem =
 do { Just ((model, present) :: (Var [x], x -> String)) <-
        unsafeObjectGetClientData view
    ; viewItems <- get model value
    ; let index = case mSelectionItem of
                    Nothing            -> -1
                    Just selectionItem -> let label = present selectionItem
                                          in  findLabelIndex present label viewItems
    ; set view [ selection := index ]
 where findLabelIndex :: (x -> String) -> String -> [x] -> Int
       findLabelIndex present label theItems =
         case findIndex (\it -> present it == label) theItems of
           Just ix -> ix
           Nothing -> -1
-- Generic getTypedItems for ListView, MultiListView, and ChoiceView.
viewGetTypedItems :: forall x a . TypedItems x (WxObject a) => WxObject a -> IO [x]
viewGetTypedItems view =
 do { Just ((model, _) :: (Var [x], x -> String)) <-
        unsafeObjectGetClientData view
    ; viewItems <- get model value
    ; return viewItems

-- Generic setTypedItems for ListView, MultiListView, and ChoiceView.
viewSetTypedItems :: forall x a . TypedItems x (WxObject a) => WxObject a -> [x] -> IO ()
viewSetTypedItems view viewItems =
 do { Just ((model, present) :: (Var [x], x -> String)) <-
        unsafeObjectGetClientData view
    ; set model [ value := viewItems ]
    ; set view [ items := map present viewItems ]

  Value entry

data CValueEntry x b

-- | Pointer to a choice view, deriving from 'TextCtrl'.
type ValueEntry x b = TextCtrl (CValueEntry x b)

instance TypedValued x (ValueEntry x ()) where
    = newAttr "typedValue" valueEntryGetTypedValue valueEntrySetTypedValue

-- | Create a single-line value entry control. The value type (@x@) must be an instance of 'Show' and 'Read'
-- to present a value as a string in the entry and parse the string from the entry back to (maybe) a value.
-- Use 'typedValue' to access the value.
-- Note: 'alignment' has to
-- be set at creation time (or the entry has default alignment (=left) ).
-- * Instances: 'TypedValued', 'Wrap', 'Aligned', 'Commanding' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkValueEntry :: (Show x, Read x) => Window b -> [ Prop (ValueEntry x ()) ] -> IO (ValueEntry x ())
mkValueEntry window props = mkValueEntryEx window show readParse props

-- | Create a single-line value entry control. The two functions of type @(x -> String)@ and @(String -> Maybe x)@ are used
-- to present a value as a string in the entry and parse the string from the entry back to (maybe) a value.
-- Use 'typedValue' to access the value.
-- Note: 'alignment' has to
-- be set at creation time (or the entry has default alignment (=left) ).
-- * Instances: 'TypedValued', 'Wrap', 'Aligned', 'Commanding' -- 'Textual', 'Literate', 'Dimensions', 'Colored', 'Visible', 'Child',
--             'Able', 'Tipped', 'Identity', 'Styled', 'Reactive', 'Paint'.
mkValueEntryEx :: Window b -> (x -> String) -> (String -> Maybe x) -> [ Prop (ValueEntry x ()) ] -> IO (ValueEntry x ())
mkValueEntryEx window present parse props =
 do { valueEntry <- fmap objectCast $ textEntry window []
    ; objectSetClientData valueEntry (return ()) (present, parse)
    ; set valueEntry $ props ++ [ on change :~ \handler -> do {validate valueEntry; handler} ]
    ; validate valueEntry
    ; return valueEntry
 where validate :: ValueEntry x () -> IO ()
       validate valueEntry =
        do { mVal <- get valueEntry typedValue
           ; set valueEntry [ bgcolor := case mVal of
                                           Nothing -> rgb 255 100 100
                                           _       -> white
           ; repaint valueEntry
           } -- drawing a squiggly is not possible because font metrics are not available

valueEntryGetTypedValue :: forall x . ValueEntry x () -> IO (Maybe x)
valueEntryGetTypedValue valueEntry =
 do { Just ((_, parse) :: (x -> String, String -> Maybe x)) <- unsafeObjectGetClientData valueEntry
    ; valueStr <- get valueEntry text
    ; return $ parse valueStr

valueEntrySetTypedValue :: forall x . ValueEntry x () -> Maybe x -> IO ()
valueEntrySetTypedValue valueEntry mValue =
 do { Just ((present, _) :: (x -> String, String -> Maybe x)) <- unsafeObjectGetClientData valueEntry
    ; case mValue of
        Nothing    -> return ()
        Just theValue -> set valueEntry [ text := present theValue ]

-- Utility functions

-- A variation of 'read' that returns Nothing if the string cannot be parsed.
readParse :: Read x => String -> Maybe x
readParse str = case reads str of
                  [(x, "")] -> Just x
                  _         -> Nothing

safeIndex :: String -> [a] -> Int -> a
safeIndex msg xs i
    | i >= 0 && i < length xs = xs !! i
    | otherwise = internalError "XTC" "safeIndex" msg

internalError :: String -> String -> String -> a
internalError moduleName functionName errorString =
    error (moduleName ++ "." ++ functionName ++ ": " ++ errorString)

-- Some bits that should be part of wxHaskell

instance Selecting (ChoiceView x ()) where
  select = newEvent "select" choiceGetOnCommand choiceOnCommand
-- Necessary because wxHaskell declares "instance Selecting (Choice ())" instead of
-- "Selecting (Choice a)".

instance Selection (ChoiceView x ()) where
  selection = newAttr "selection" choiceGetSelection choiceSetSelection
-- Necessary because wxHaskell declares "instance Selection (Choice ())" instead of
-- "Selection (Choice a)".

-- The Observable class is missing from wxHaskell, even though the components are there.
class Observable w where
  change :: Event w (IO ())

instance Observable (TextCtrl a) where
  change = newEvent "change" (controlGetOnText) (controlOnText)