{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Provides a high-level interface for processing YAML files. -- -- This module reuses most of the infrastructure from the @aeson@ package. -- This means that you can use all of the existing tools for JSON -- processing for processing YAML files. As a result, much of the -- documentation below mentions JSON; do not let that confuse you, it's -- intentional. -- -- For the most part, YAML content translates directly into JSON, and -- therefore there is very little data loss. If you need to deal with YAML -- more directly (e.g., directly deal with aliases), you should use the -- "Text.Libyaml" module instead. -- -- For documentation on the @aeson@ types, functions, classes, and -- operators, please see the @Data.Aeson@ module of the @aeson@ package. -- -- Look in the examples directory of the source repository for some initial -- pointers on how to use this library. #if (defined (ghcjs_HOST_OS)) module Data.Yaml {-# WARNING "GHCJS is not supported yet (will break at runtime once called)." #-} #else module Data.Yaml #endif ( -- * Encoding encode , encodeWith , encodeFile , encodeFileWith -- * Decoding , decodeEither' , decodeFileEither , decodeFileWithWarnings , decodeThrow , decodeFileThrow -- ** Decoding multiple documents -- -- | For situations where we need to be able to parse multiple documents -- separated by `---` in a YAML stream, these functions decode a list of -- values rather than a single value. , decodeAllEither' , decodeAllFileEither , decodeAllFileWithWarnings , decodeAllThrow , decodeAllFileThrow -- ** More control over decoding , decodeHelper -- * Types , Value (..) , Parser , Object , Array , ParseException(..) , prettyPrintParseException , YamlException (..) , YamlMark (..) -- * Constructors and accessors , object , array , (.=) , (.:) , (.:?) , (.!=) -- ** With helpers (since 0.8.23) , withObject , withText , withArray , withScientific , withBool -- * Parsing , parseMonad , parseEither , parseMaybe -- * Classes , ToJSON (..) , FromJSON (..) -- * Custom encoding , isSpecialString , EncodeOptions , defaultEncodeOptions , defaultStringStyle , setStringStyle , setFormat , FormatOptions , defaultFormatOptions , setWidth -- * Deprecated , decode , decodeFile , decodeEither ) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative((<$>)) #endif import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow, throwM) import Data.Aeson ( Value (..), ToJSON (..), FromJSON (..), object , (.=) , (.:) , (.:?) , (.!=) , Object, Array , withObject, withText, withArray, withScientific, withBool ) import Data.Aeson.Types (parseMaybe, parseEither, Parser) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Conduit ((.|), runConduitRes) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import qualified Data.Vector as V import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Yaml.Internal import Text.Libyaml hiding (encode, decode, encodeFile, decodeFile, encodeWith, encodeFileWith) import qualified Text.Libyaml as Y -- | Set the string style in the encoded YAML. This is a function that decides -- for each string the type of YAML string to output. -- -- __WARNING__: You must ensure that special strings (like @"yes"@\/@"no"@\/@"null"@\/@"1234"@) are not encoded with the 'Plain' style, because -- then they will be decoded as boolean, null or numeric values. You can use 'isSpecialString' to detect them. -- -- By default, strings are encoded as follows: -- -- * Any string containing a newline character uses the 'Literal' style -- -- * Otherwise, any special string (see 'isSpecialString') uses 'SingleQuoted' -- -- * Otherwise, use 'Plain' -- -- @since setStringStyle :: (Text -> ( Tag, Style )) -> EncodeOptions -> EncodeOptions setStringStyle s opts = opts { encodeOptionsStringStyle = s } -- | Set the encoding formatting for the encoded YAML. By default, this is `defaultFormatOptions`. -- -- @since setFormat :: FormatOptions -> EncodeOptions -> EncodeOptions setFormat f opts = opts { encodeOptionsFormat = f } -- | -- @since data EncodeOptions = EncodeOptions { encodeOptionsStringStyle :: Text -> ( Tag, Style ) , encodeOptionsFormat :: FormatOptions } -- | -- @since defaultEncodeOptions :: EncodeOptions defaultEncodeOptions = EncodeOptions { encodeOptionsStringStyle = defaultStringStyle , encodeOptionsFormat = defaultFormatOptions } -- | Encode a value into its YAML representation. encode :: ToJSON a => a -> ByteString encode = encodeWith defaultEncodeOptions -- | Encode a value into its YAML representation with custom styling. -- -- @since encodeWith :: ToJSON a => EncodeOptions -> a -> ByteString encodeWith opts obj = unsafePerformIO $ runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList (objToStream (encodeOptionsStringStyle opts) $ toJSON obj) .| Y.encodeWith (encodeOptionsFormat opts) -- | Encode a value into its YAML representation and save to the given file. encodeFile :: ToJSON a => FilePath -> a -> IO () encodeFile = encodeFileWith defaultEncodeOptions -- | Encode a value into its YAML representation with custom styling and save to the given file. -- -- @since encodeFileWith :: ToJSON a => EncodeOptions -> FilePath -> a -> IO () encodeFileWith opts fp obj = runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList (objToStream (encodeOptionsStringStyle opts) $ toJSON obj) .| Y.encodeFileWith (encodeOptionsFormat opts) fp decode :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> Maybe a decode bs = unsafePerformIO $ either (const Nothing) snd <$> decodeHelper_ (Y.decode bs) {-# DEPRECATED decode "Please use decodeEither or decodeThrow, which provide information on how the decode failed" #-} decodeFile :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO (Maybe a) decodeFile fp = (fmap snd <$> decodeHelper (Y.decodeFile fp)) >>= either throwIO (return . either (const Nothing) id) {-# DEPRECATED decodeFile "Please use decodeFileEither, which does not confused type-directed and runtime exceptions." #-} -- | A version of 'decodeFile' which should not throw runtime exceptions. -- -- @since 0.8.4 decodeFileEither :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO (Either ParseException a) decodeFileEither = fmap (fmap snd) . decodeFileWithWarnings -- | Like `decodeFileEither`, but decode multiple documents. -- -- @since decodeAllFileEither :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO (Either ParseException [a]) decodeAllFileEither = fmap (fmap snd) . decodeAllFileWithWarnings -- | A version of `decodeFileEither` that returns warnings along with the parse -- result. -- -- @since 0.10.0 decodeFileWithWarnings :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO (Either ParseException ([Warning], a)) decodeFileWithWarnings = decodeHelper_ . Y.decodeFile -- | Like `decodeFileWithWarnings`, but decode multiple documents. -- -- @since decodeAllFileWithWarnings :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO (Either ParseException ([Warning], [a])) decodeAllFileWithWarnings = decodeAllHelper_ . Y.decodeFile decodeEither :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> Either String a decodeEither bs = unsafePerformIO $ either (Left . prettyPrintParseException) id <$> (fmap snd <$> decodeHelper (Y.decode bs)) {-# DEPRECATED decodeEither "Please use decodeEither' or decodeThrow, which provide more useful failures" #-} -- | More helpful version of 'decodeEither' which returns the 'YamlException'. -- -- @since 0.8.3 decodeEither' :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> Either ParseException a decodeEither' = either Left (either (Left . AesonException) Right) . unsafePerformIO . fmap (fmap snd) . decodeHelper . Y.decode -- | Like 'decodeEither'', but decode multiple documents. -- -- @since decodeAllEither' :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> Either ParseException [a] decodeAllEither' = either Left (either (Left . AesonException) Right) . unsafePerformIO . fmap (fmap snd) . decodeAllHelper . Y.decode -- | A version of 'decodeEither'' lifted to MonadThrow -- -- @since 0.8.31 decodeThrow :: (MonadThrow m, FromJSON a) => ByteString -> m a decodeThrow = either throwM return . decodeEither' -- | Like `decodeThrow`, but decode multiple documents. -- -- @since decodeAllThrow :: (MonadThrow m, FromJSON a) => ByteString -> m [a] decodeAllThrow = either throwM return . decodeAllEither' -- | A version of 'decodeFileEither' lifted to MonadIO -- -- @since 0.8.31 decodeFileThrow :: (MonadIO m, FromJSON a) => FilePath -> m a decodeFileThrow f = liftIO $ decodeFileEither f >>= either throwIO return -- | Like `decodeFileThrow`, but decode multiple documents. -- -- @since decodeAllFileThrow :: (MonadIO m, FromJSON a) => FilePath -> m [a] decodeAllFileThrow f = liftIO $ decodeAllFileEither f >>= either throwIO return -- | Construct a new 'Value' from a list of 'Value's. array :: [Value] -> Value array = Array . V.fromList #if MIN_VERSION_base(4, 13, 0) parseMonad :: MonadFail m => (a -> Parser b) -> a -> m b #else parseMonad :: Monad m => (a -> Parser b) -> a -> m b #endif parseMonad p = either fail return . parseEither p {-# DEPRECATED parseMonad "With the MonadFail split, this function is going to be removed in the future. Please migrate to parseEither." #-}