# Command-line program to union yaml-files - Travis: ![](https://travis-ci.org/michelk/yaml-union.hs.svg?branch=master) - Hackage: ![](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/yaml-union.svg?style=flat) The command-line program `yaml-union` unions yaml-files recursively. When a key appears in multiple files, the values will be overridden with the order given on the command-line. If both values are hashes, the overrides will be done recursively. The program could be useful in conjunction with `pandoc` when passing in meta-data from external files. e.g. yaml-union -d meta1.yaml meta2.yaml | pandoc text.md --template tmpl.html ## Installation ```bash git clone https://github.com/michelk/yaml-union.hs cd yaml-unions.hs stack install ``` ## Todo - Optional define yaml-entries on the command-line eg `yaml-union -V blue=blau col.yaml`