# YampaSDL2 YampaSDL2 is basically a headstart for the FRP library [Yampa](https://github.com/ivanperez-keera/Yampa) and SDL2. All the boilerplate which is normally necessary for these two libraries to work together is already taken care of. In the end, all that remains is a high-level interface specifically tailored to Yampa which should get you going in no time. ![Screenshot](./screenshot.png) Screenshot of some drawn shapes. **Primary Goals:** - As little setup as possible - Easy to use (some feedback would be appreciated) ## Roadmap - [ ] Display Shapes - [x] Rectangle - [x] Circle - [ ] Triangle - [ ] Polygon - [x] Display Images - [x] Animations - [x] Handle Input - [ ] Play sound **This library is still work in progress** ## Getting started ### Prerequisites To use yampa-sdl2 you need to have the C-library _sdl2_ installed on your system. ### Installation yampa-sdl2 is on [hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/yampa-sdl2)! Adding yampa-sdl2 to your dependencies like any other package should do the trick ## How to use Head over to the [wiki](https://github.com/Simre1/yampa-sdl2/wiki). ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.