{ stdenv, linkNodeDeps, nodejs, yarn2nix }: { key # { scope: String, name: String } , version # String , src # Drv , nodeBuildInputs # Listof { key: { scope: String, name: String }, drv : Drv } , ... }@args: # since we skip the build phase, pre and post will not work # the caller gives them with no buildPhase assert (args ? preBuild || args ? postBuild) -> args ? buildPhase; # same for configurePhase assert (args ? preConfigure || args ? postConfigure) -> args ? configurePhase; with stdenv.lib; let # TODO: scope should be more structured somehow. :( packageName = if key.scope == "" then "${key.name}-${version}" else "${key.scope}-${key.name}-${version}"; in stdenv.mkDerivation ((removeAttrs args [ "key" "nodeBuildInputs" ]) // { name = packageName; inherit version src; buildInputs = [ nodejs ]; configurePhase = args.configurePhase or "true"; # skip the build phase except when given as attribute dontBuild = !(args ? buildPhase); # TODO: maybe we can enable tests? doCheck = false; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir $out # a npm package is just the tarball extracted to $out cp -r . $out # the binaries should be executable (TODO: always on?) ${yarn2nix}/bin/node-package-tool \ set-bin-exec-flag \ --package $out # then a node_modules folder is created for all its dependencies ${if nodeBuildInputs != [] then '' rm -rf $out/node_modules ln -sT "${linkNodeDeps { name = packageName; dependencies = nodeBuildInputs; }}" $out/node_modules '' else ""} runHook postInstall ''; dontStrip = true; # stolen from npm2nix })