{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} -- | Widgets combine HTML with JS and CSS dependencies with a unique identifier -- generator, allowing you to create truly modular HTML components. module Yesod.Widget ( -- * Datatype GWidget , Widget -- * Unwrapping , widgetToPageContent , applyLayoutW -- * Creating , newIdent , setTitle , addStyle , addStylesheet , addStylesheetRemote , addScript , addScriptRemote , addHead , addBody , addJavaScript -- * Manipulating , wrapWidget , extractBody -- * Default library URLs , urlJqueryJs , urlJqueryUiJs , urlJqueryUiCss ) where import Data.List (nub) import Data.Monoid import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Yesod.Hamlet (Hamlet, hamlet, PageContent (..), Html) import Yesod.Handler (Route, GHandler) import Yesod.Yesod (Yesod, defaultLayout) import Yesod.Content (RepHtml (..)) import Control.Applicative (Applicative) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import "MonadCatchIO-transformers" Control.Monad.CatchIO (MonadCatchIO) data Location url = Local url | Remote String deriving (Show, Eq) locationToHamlet :: Location url -> Hamlet url locationToHamlet (Local url) = [$hamlet|@url@|] locationToHamlet (Remote s) = [$hamlet|$s$|] newtype UniqueList x = UniqueList ([x] -> [x]) instance Monoid (UniqueList x) where mempty = UniqueList id UniqueList x `mappend` UniqueList y = UniqueList $ x . y runUniqueList :: Eq x => UniqueList x -> [x] runUniqueList (UniqueList x) = nub $ x [] toUnique :: x -> UniqueList x toUnique = UniqueList . (:) newtype Script url = Script { unScript :: Location url } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype Stylesheet url = Stylesheet { unStylesheet :: Location url } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype Title = Title { unTitle :: Html () } newtype Style url = Style (Maybe (Hamlet url)) deriving Monoid newtype Head url = Head (Hamlet url) deriving Monoid newtype Body url = Body (Hamlet url) deriving Monoid newtype JavaScript url = JavaScript (Maybe (Hamlet url)) deriving Monoid -- | A generic widget, allowing specification of both the subsite and master -- site datatypes. This is basically a large 'WriterT' stack keeping track of -- dependencies along with a 'StateT' to track unique identifiers. newtype GWidget sub master a = GWidget ( WriterT (Body (Route master)) ( WriterT (Last Title) ( WriterT (UniqueList (Script (Route master))) ( WriterT (UniqueList (Stylesheet (Route master))) ( WriterT (Style (Route master)) ( WriterT (JavaScript (Route master)) ( WriterT (Head (Route master)) ( StateT Int ( GHandler sub master )))))))) a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadCatchIO) instance Monoid (GWidget sub master ()) where mempty = return () mappend x y = x >> y -- | A 'GWidget' specialized to when the subsite and master site are the same. type Widget y = GWidget y y -- | Set the page title. Calling 'setTitle' multiple times overrides previously -- set values. setTitle :: Html () -> GWidget sub master () setTitle = GWidget . lift . tell . Last . Just . Title -- | Add some raw HTML to the head tag. addHead :: Hamlet (Route master) -> GWidget sub master () addHead = GWidget . lift . lift . lift . lift . lift . lift . tell . Head -- | Add some raw HTML to the body tag. addBody :: Hamlet (Route master) -> GWidget sub master () addBody = GWidget . tell . Body -- | Get a unique identifier. newIdent :: GWidget sub master String newIdent = GWidget $ lift $ lift $ lift $ lift $ lift $ lift $ lift $ do i <- get let i' = i + 1 put i' return $ "w" ++ show i' -- | Add some raw CSS to the style tag. addStyle :: Hamlet (Route master) -> GWidget sub master () addStyle = GWidget . lift . lift . lift . lift . tell . Style . Just -- | Link to the specified local stylesheet. addStylesheet :: Route master -> GWidget sub master () addStylesheet = GWidget . lift . lift . lift . tell . toUnique . Stylesheet . Local -- | Link to the specified remote stylesheet. addStylesheetRemote :: String -> GWidget sub master () addStylesheetRemote = GWidget . lift . lift . lift . tell . toUnique . Stylesheet . Remote -- | Link to the specified local script. addScript :: Route master -> GWidget sub master () addScript = GWidget . lift . lift . tell . toUnique . Script . Local -- | Link to the specified remote script. addScriptRemote :: String -> GWidget sub master () addScriptRemote = GWidget . lift . lift . tell . toUnique . Script . Remote -- | Include raw Javascript in the page's script tag. addJavaScript :: Hamlet (Route master) -> GWidget sub master () addJavaScript = GWidget . lift . lift . lift . lift . lift. tell . JavaScript . Just -- | Apply the default layout to the given widget. applyLayoutW :: (Eq (Route m), Yesod m) => GWidget sub m () -> GHandler sub m RepHtml applyLayoutW w = widgetToPageContent w >>= fmap RepHtml . defaultLayout -- | Convert a widget to a 'PageContent'. widgetToPageContent :: Eq (Route master) => GWidget sub master () -> GHandler sub master (PageContent (Route master)) widgetToPageContent (GWidget w) = do w' <- flip evalStateT 0 $ runWriterT $ runWriterT $ runWriterT $ runWriterT $ runWriterT $ runWriterT $ runWriterT w let ((((((((), Body body), Last mTitle), scripts'), stylesheets'), Style style), JavaScript jscript), Head head') = w' let title = maybe mempty unTitle mTitle let scripts = map (locationToHamlet . unScript) $ runUniqueList scripts' let stylesheets = map (locationToHamlet . unStylesheet) $ runUniqueList stylesheets' let head'' = [$hamlet| $forall scripts s %script!src=^s^ $forall stylesheets s %link!rel=stylesheet!href=^s^ $maybe style s %style ^s^ $maybe jscript j %script ^j^ ^head'^ |] return $ PageContent title head'' body -- | Modify the given 'GWidget' by wrapping the body tag HTML code with the -- given function. You might also consider using 'extractBody'. wrapWidget :: GWidget s m a -> (Hamlet (Route m) -> Hamlet (Route m)) -> GWidget s m a wrapWidget (GWidget w) wrap = GWidget $ mapWriterT (fmap go) w where go (a, Body h) = (a, Body $ wrap h) -- | Pull out the HTML tag contents and return it. Useful for performing some -- manipulations. It can be easier to use this sometimes than 'wrapWidget'. extractBody :: GWidget s m () -> GWidget s m (Hamlet (Route m)) extractBody (GWidget w) = GWidget $ mapWriterT (fmap go) w where go ((), Body h) = (h, Body mempty) -- | The Google-hosted jQuery 1.4.2 file. urlJqueryJs :: String urlJqueryJs = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js" -- | The Google-hosted jQuery UI 1.8.1 javascript file. urlJqueryUiJs :: String urlJqueryUiJs = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.1/jquery-ui.min.js" -- | The Google-hosted jQuery UI 1.8.1 CSS file with cupertino theme. urlJqueryUiCss :: String urlJqueryUiCss = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.1/themes/cupertino/jquery-ui.css"