{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Yesod.Auth.Rpxnow
    ( authRpxnow
    ) where

#include "qq.h"

import Yesod.Auth
import qualified Web.Authenticate.Rpxnow as Rpxnow
import Control.Monad (mplus)

import Yesod.Handler
import Yesod.Widget
import Yesod.Request
import Text.Hamlet (hamlet)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import Control.Arrow ((***))

authRpxnow :: YesodAuth m
           => String -- ^ app name
           -> String -- ^ key
           -> AuthPlugin m
authRpxnow app apiKey =
    AuthPlugin "rpxnow" dispatch login
    login tm = do
        let url = {- FIXME urlEncode $ -} tm $ PluginR "rpxnow" []
<iframe src="http://#{app}.rpxnow.com/openid/embed?token_url=@{url}" scrolling="no" frameBorder="no" allowtransparency="true" style="width:400px;height:240px">
    dispatch _ [] = do
        token1 <- lookupGetParams "token"
        token2 <- lookupPostParams "token"
        token <- case token1 ++ token2 of
                        [] -> invalidArgs ["token: Value not supplied"]
                        x:_ -> return $ unpack x
        Rpxnow.Identifier ident extra <- liftIO $ Rpxnow.authenticate apiKey token
        let creds =
                Creds "rpxnow" ident
                $ maybe id (\x -> (:) ("verifiedEmail", x))
                    (lookup "verifiedEmail" extra)
                $ maybe id (\x -> (:) ("displayName", x))
                    (fmap pack $ getDisplayName $ map (unpack *** unpack) extra)
        setCreds True creds
    dispatch _ _ = notFound

-- | Get some form of a display name.
getDisplayName :: [(String, String)] -> Maybe String
getDisplayName extra =
    foldr (\x -> mplus (lookup x extra)) Nothing choices
    choices = ["verifiedEmail", "email", "displayName", "preferredUsername"]